  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/tfbsConsLoc/matt-maf.c src/hg/makeDb/tfbsConsLoc/matt-maf.c
index 5b95bd5..9d5648a 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/tfbsConsLoc/matt-maf.c
+++ src/hg/makeDb/tfbsConsLoc/matt-maf.c
@@ -1,227 +1,227 @@
 // matt-maf.c - Read/write maf format.  Stolen from Jim Kent & seriously abused
 //#include "multiz.h"
 //#include "mz_util.h"
 /* Copyright (C) 2004 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "matt-maf.h"
 #include "util.h"
 struct mafFile *mafOpen(char *fileName) {
 	struct mafFile *mf;
 	FILE *fp;
 	char buf[500], *s;
 	mf = ckalloc(sizeof(struct mafFile));
 	mf->next = NULL;
 	fp = mf->fp = ckopen(fileName, "r");
 	if (fgets(buf, 500, fp) == NULL)
 		fatalf("empty file %s", fileName);
 	if (sscanf(buf, "##maf version=%d", &(mf->version)) != 1)
 		fatalf("improper maf header line: %s", buf);
 	if ((s = strstr(buf, "scoring=")) != NULL)
 		mf->scoring = copy_string(s+8);
 		mf->scoring = NULL;
         if (fgets(buf, 500, fp) == NULL)
                 fatalf("almost empty file %s", fileName);
 //        if (sscanf(buf, "# humor") != 1)
 //                fatalf("improper humor header line: %s", buf);
 	mf->alignments = NULL;
 	mf->fileName = copy_string(fileName);
 	mf->line_nbr = 1;
 	return mf;
 static int need(unsigned long n, char **linep, unsigned long *np) {
 	char *p;
 	if (*np <= n) {
 		*np += (*np >> 5) + 16;
 		if ((p = realloc(*linep, *np)) == 0)
 			return -1;
 		*linep = p;
 	return 0;
 static unsigned long get_line(char **linep, unsigned long *np, FILE *fp) {
 	int ch;
 	unsigned long n = 0;
 	while ((ch = fgetc(fp)) != -1) {
 		if (need(n+1, linep, np))
 			return -1;
 		(*linep)[n++] = ch;
 		if (ch == '\n')
 	if (need(n+1, linep, np))
 		return -1;
 	(*linep)[n] = 0;
 	if (n == 0 && ch == -1)
 		return -1;
 	return n;
 struct mafAli *mafNext(struct mafFile *mf) {
 	FILE *fp = mf->fp;
 	struct mafAli *a = ckalloc(sizeof(struct mafAli));
 	struct mafComp *c, *last;
 	static char *line = NULL;
 	char buf[500];
 	unsigned long nb = 0;
 	int i, len;
 	if ((len = get_line(&line, &nb, fp)) == -1) {
 		mf->fp = NULL;
     		free (a);
 		a = NULL;
 		return NULL;
 	if (strncmp(line, "a score=", 8))
 		fatalf("Expecting 'a score=xxx' in file %s, line %d:\n%s",
 		  mf->fileName, mf->line_nbr, line);
         a->score = atof(line+8);
 	a->textSize = 0;
 	last = a->components = NULL;
 	a->next = NULL;
 	while ((len = get_line(&line, &nb, fp)) != -1 && line[0] != '\n') {
 		c = ckalloc(sizeof(struct mafComp));
 		c->text = ckalloc(len*sizeof(char));
 		if (sscanf(line, "s %s %d %d %c %d %s",
 		  buf, &(c->start), &(c->size), &(c->strand),
 		  &(c->srcSize), c->text) != 6)
 			fatalf("bad component in file %s, line %d:\n%s",
 			  mf->fileName, mf->line_nbr, buf);
 		c->src = copy_string(buf);
 		c->next = NULL;
 		if (a->components == NULL) {
 			a->textSize = strlen(c->text);
 			a->components = c;
 		} else {
 			if (a->textSize != (signed)strlen(c->text))
 				fatalf("line %d of %s: inconsistent row size",
 				  mf->line_nbr, mf->fileName);
 			last->next = c;
 		last = c;
 		/* Do some sanity checking. */
 		if (c->srcSize <= 0 || c->size <= 0)
 			fatalf("Size <= 0 at line %d of file %s:\n%s",
 			  mf->line_nbr, mf->fileName, line);
 		if (c->start < 0 || c->start + c->size > c->srcSize)
 			fatalf("Bad coordinates at line %d of file %s:\n%s",
 			  mf->line_nbr, mf->fileName, line);
 		for (i = len = 0; i < a->textSize; ++i)
 			if (c->text[i] != '-')
 		if (len != c->size)
 	    fatalf("Actual size %d, claimed size %d at line %d of file %s:\n%s",
 	      len, c->size, mf->line_nbr, mf->fileName, line);
 	return a;
 struct mafFile *mafReadAll(char *fileName) {
 	struct mafFile *mf = mafOpen(fileName);
 	struct mafAli *a, *last;
 	for (last = NULL; (a = mafNext(mf)) != NULL; last = a)
 		if (last == NULL)
 			mf->alignments = a;
 			last->next = a;
 	return mf;
 void mafWriteStart(FILE *f, char *scoring) {
 	fprintf(f, "##maf version=1 scoring=%s\n", scoring);
 static int digitsBaseTen(int x) {
 	int digCount;
 	if (x < 0)
 		fatalf("digitsBaseTen: negative argument %d", x);
 	for (digCount = 1; x >= 10; x /= 10, ++digCount)
 	return digCount;
 void mafWrite(FILE *f, struct mafAli *a) {
 	struct mafComp *c;
 	int srcChars = 0, startChars = 0, sizeChars = 0, srcSizeChars = 0;
 	fprintf(f, "a score=%3.1f\n", a->score);
 	//fprintf(f, "a score=%f\n", a->score);
 	/* Figure out length of each field. */
 	for (c = a->components; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
 		srcChars = MAX(srcChars, (signed int)strlen(c->src));
 		startChars = MAX(startChars, digitsBaseTen(c->start));
 		sizeChars = MAX(sizeChars,digitsBaseTen(c->size));
 		srcSizeChars = MAX(srcSizeChars, digitsBaseTen(c->srcSize));
 	for (c = a->components; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
             	fprintf(f, "s %-*s %*d %*d %c %*d %s\n", 
     		  srcChars, c->src, startChars, c->start, sizeChars, c->size,
 		  c->strand, srcSizeChars, c->srcSize, c->text);
 	fprintf(f, "\n");	// blank separator line
 void mafCompFree(struct mafComp **pComp) {
 	struct mafComp *c = *pComp;
 	if (c != NULL) {
 		*pComp = NULL;
 void mafAliFree(struct mafAli **pAli) {
 	struct mafAli *a = *pAli;
 	struct mafComp *c, *next;
 	for (c = a->components; c != NULL; c = next) {
 		next = c->next;
 	*pAli = NULL;
 void mafFileFree(struct mafFile **pmf) {
 	struct mafFile *mf = *pmf;
 	struct mafAli *a, *next;
 	if (mf->fp != NULL)
 	if (mf->scoring != NULL)
 	for (a = mf->alignments; a != NULL; a = next) {
 		next = a->next;
 	*pmf = NULL;
 //int main() {
 //  return 0;