  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/mouseStuff/chainInfo/chainInfo.c src/hg/mouseStuff/chainInfo/chainInfo.c
index 7133b09..4ca70a7 100644
--- src/hg/mouseStuff/chainInfo/chainInfo.c
+++ src/hg/mouseStuff/chainInfo/chainInfo.c
@@ -1,595 +1,595 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2005 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 //#include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "chain.h"
 #include "chainNet.h"
 #include "axt.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "axtInfo.h"
 #include "rmskOut.h"
 #include "binRange.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 int minGap = 60; /* minimum intron size */
 float minOverlap = 0.60;
 int bigChain = 1000000; /* max chain size  to consider */
 static struct hash *chainHash = NULL; /* hash of all chains indexed by chainId*/
 struct intronChain {
     /* scoring of aligned introns in a chain */ 
     struct intronChain *next;	/* Next in list. */
     struct chain *chain;        /* scored chain */
     int qIntron ;               /* count of introns on query side */ 
     int tIntron ;               /* count of introns on target side */ 
     int tGap ;                  /* count of bases in gaps on target */
     int qGap ;                  /* count of bases in gaps on query */
     int tReps;              /* total number of repeats in target */
     int qReps;              /* total number of repeats in target */
     int total;                  /* total size of chain */
     float score1;               /* score2 * ratio of bases in target/query gaps */
     float score2;               /* ratio of introns target/query , negative if query has more */
     int overlap1;               /* bases that overlap with gene */
     int overlap2;
     char strand;                /* strand where putative pseudogene is */
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "chainInfo - parse chains to determine number of introns on query and target\n"
   "   chainInfo query_db target_chrom chainFile syntenicNet.bed target.lst query.lst target_repeatMasker.out query_repeatDir output refGene.tab genePred2.tab genePred3.tab\n"
     "    -minGap=N minimum size to be considered a gap (intron).  Default is 60.\n"
     "    -minOverlap=0.N threshold for repeat overlap with gap to be considered a repeat instead of intron.  Default is 0.60.\n"
   "db is query database to match genes to pseudogene\n"
   "chrom is target chromosome to match genes to pseudogene\n"
   "syntenicNet.bed is a filter net file using netFilter -syn converted to bed format\n"
   "query_repeatDir is the dirctory containing repeatMasker out files chrXX.fa.out\n"
   "target.lst, query.lst is a list of chromosome names followed by size of each chromosome\n"
   "refGene.tab, genePred2,3 are bed12 files of genes in query database\n"
 int qStart(struct chain *chain)
     /* convert coordinates */
     return (chain->qStrand == '+') ? chain->qStart : chain->qSize-chain->qEnd;
 int qEnd(struct chain *chain)
     /* convert coordinates */
     return (chain->qStrand == '+') ? chain->qEnd : chain->qSize-chain->qStart ;
 int qStartBlk(struct chain *chain, int start, int end)
     /* convert coordinates */
     return (chain->qStrand == '+') ? start : chain->qSize-end;
 int qEndBlk(struct chain *chain, int start, int end)
     /* convert coordinates */
     return (chain->qStrand == '+') ? end : (chain->qSize)-start ;
 struct hash *readSizes(char *fileName)
 /* Read tab-separated file into hash with
  * name key size value. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
 char *row[2];
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     char *name = row[0];
     int size = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
     if (hashLookup(hash, name) != NULL)
         warn("Duplicate %s, ignoring all but first\n", name);
 	hashAdd(hash, name, intToPt(size));
 return hash;
 struct intronChain *scoreNextAlignedIntron(struct chain *chain, FILE *f, struct binKeeper *bk, struct hash *bkHash)
 /* get next chain from sorted list.  Return NULL at end of list.  attempt to chain chains together if possible
  * count introns on query and target side , blocks with < minGap bases between will be combined. 
  * Note that chain block scores are not filled in by this . 
  * repeats are filtered out and are passed in the bk structure 
  * score 2 = ratio of intron target/query;  score1 = score2 * ratio bases in target/query gaps */
 char *row[13];
 int wordCount;
 int q = qStart(chain),t = chain->tStart;
 static int id = 0;
 struct binElement *el;
 struct rmskOut *rmsk ;
 struct intronChain *iChain;
 struct cBlock *b, *nextB;
 int tGapStart = 0;
 int qGapStart = 0;
 int tGapEnd = 0;
 int qGapEnd = 0, tg,qg;
 int tReps, qReps;
 float percentOverlap, percentQOverlap;
 struct binKeeper *bkQ;
 iChain->chain = chain;
 iChain->qIntron = 0;         iChain->tIntron = 0;          
 iChain->tGap = 0;              iChain->qGap = 0;               
 iChain->tReps = 0;             iChain->qReps = 0;             iChain->total = 0;                  
 iChain->strand = ' ';
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = nextB)
     nextB = b->next;
     if (nextB == NULL)
     tGapStart = b->tEnd;
     tGapEnd = nextB->tStart;
     if (chain->qStrand == '+')
         qGapStart = b->qEnd;
         qGapEnd = nextB->qStart; 
         qGapStart = chain->qSize-nextB->qStart;
         qGapEnd = chain->qSize-b->qEnd; 
     tg = tGapEnd - tGapStart;
     qg = qGapEnd - qGapStart;
     t += tg;
     q += qg;
     /* remove repeasts so we don't call them 'introns' on target*/
     tReps = 0;
     for (el = binKeeperFindSorted(bk, tGapStart, tGapEnd); el != NULL; el = el->next)
         rmsk = el->val;
         tReps += positiveRangeIntersection(tGapStart, tGapEnd, rmsk->genoStart, rmsk->genoEnd);
     percentOverlap = (float)tReps / (float)(tGapEnd - tGapStart);
     if (((tGapEnd - tGapStart) > 0) && percentOverlap > minOverlap)
         if (tReps > tg) tReps=tg;
         tg -= tReps;
         if (tg < 0)
             assert(tg >=0);
         iChain->tReps += tReps;
     /* remove repeasts so we don't call them 'introns' on query */
     /* get bk for query */
     qReps = 0;
     if (bkHash != NULL)
         bkQ = hashFindVal(bkHash, chain->qName);
         for (el = binKeeperFindSorted(bkQ, qGapStart, qGapEnd); el != NULL; el = el->next)
             rmsk = el->val;
             qReps += positiveRangeIntersection(qGapStart, qGapEnd, rmsk->genoStart, rmsk->genoEnd);
     percentQOverlap = (float)qReps / (float)(qGapEnd - qGapStart);
     if (((qGapEnd - qGapStart) > 0) && percentQOverlap > minOverlap)
         if (qReps > qg) qReps=qg;
         qg -= qReps;
         if (qg < 0)
             assert(qg >= 0);
         iChain->qReps += qReps;
 /*    if (chain->qStrand == '+')
  *      printf("\n---%d %d %3.2f %d gap=%s:%d-%d q=%s:%d-%d %d",tg, tReps , percentOverlap, tGapEnd - tGapStart,  chain->tName, 
  *              tGapStart, tGapEnd, chain->qName, b->qStart, b->qEnd , chain->id);
  *  else
  *      printf("\n---%d %d %3.2f %d gap=%s:%d-%d q=%s:%d-%d %d",tg, tReps , percentOverlap, tGapEnd - tGapStart,  chain->tName, 
  *              tGapStart, tGapEnd, chain->qName, chain->qSize-b->qEnd, chain->qSize-b->qStart , chain->id);
     iChain->tGap += tg;
     if(iChain->tGap <0)
         assert(iChain->tGap >= 0);
     iChain->qGap += qg;
     if(iChain->qGap <0)
         assert(iChain->qGap >= 0);
     if (tg >= minGap)
     if (qg >= minGap)
 if (q != chain->qEnd)
     errAbort("q end mismatch %d vs %d in chain %d \n", 
     	q, chain->qEnd, chain->id);
 if (t != chain->tEnd)
     errAbort("t end mismatch %d vs %d in chain %d \n", 
     	t, chain->tEnd,chain->id );
 iChain->score2 = iChain->qIntron > iChain->tIntron ? (iChain->qIntron+1.0)/(iChain->tIntron+1.0) : -(iChain->tIntron+1.0)/(iChain->qIntron+1.0) ;
 iChain->score1 = (iChain->qIntron > iChain->tIntron) ? ((iChain->qGap+1)/(iChain->tGap+1)) : -(iChain->tGap+1)/(iChain->qGap+1);
 return iChain;
 #ifdef DUPE
 struct binKeeper *readRepeats(char *chrom, char *rmskFileName, struct hash *tSizeHash)
 /* read all repeats for a chromosome of size size, returns results in binKeeper structure for fast query*/
     boolean rmskRet;
     struct lineFile *rmskF = NULL;
     struct rmskOut *rmsk;
     struct binKeeper *bk; 
     int size;
     size = hashIntVal(tSizeHash, chrom);
     bk = binKeeperNew(0, size);
     assert(size > 1);
     rmskOutOpenVerify(rmskFileName ,&rmskF , &rmskRet);
     while ((rmsk = rmskOutReadNext(rmskF)) != NULL)
         binKeeperAdd(bk, rmsk->genoStart, rmsk->genoEnd, rmsk);
     return bk;
 struct hash *oldreadRepeatsAll(char *chrom, char *sizeFileName, char *rmskDir)
 /* read all repeats for a all chromosome of size size, returns results in hash of binKeeper structure for fast query*/
 boolean rmskRet;
 struct binKeeper *bk; 
 int size;
 struct lineFile *rmskF = NULL;
 struct rmskOut *rmsk;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(sizeFileName, TRUE);
 struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
 char *row[2];
 char rmskFileName[256];
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     char *name = row[0];
     int size = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
 //    char *repSubDir = cloneString(skipChr(name));
 //    chopSuffixAt(repSubDir,'_');
     if (hashLookup(hash, name) != NULL)
         warn("Duplicate %s, ignoring all but first\n", name);
         bk = binKeeperNew(0, size);
         assert(size > 1);
         sprintf(rmskFileName, "%s/%s.fa.out",rmskDir,name);
         rmskOutOpenVerify(rmskFileName ,&rmskF , &rmskRet);
         while ((rmsk = rmskOutReadNext(rmskF)) != NULL)
             binKeeperAdd(bk, rmsk->genoStart, rmsk->genoEnd, rmsk);
 	hashAdd(hash, name, bk);
 return hash;
 struct chain *readSortChains(char *fileName)
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 struct chain *chainList = NULL, *chain;
 char chainId[128];
 chainHash = newHash(0);
 while ((chain = chainRead(lf)) != NULL)
     slAddHead(&chainList, chain);
     safef(chainId, sizeof(chainId), "%d", chain->id);
     hashAddUnique(chainHash, chainId, chain);
 /* Sort. */
 printf("Sorting Chains\n");
 slSort(&chainList, chainCmpQuery);
 return chainList;
 struct chain *chainFromId(int id)
 /** Return a chain given the id. */
 char key[128];
 struct chain *chain = NULL;
 if(chainHash == NULL)
     errAbort("chainFromId() - no chains found");
 safef(key, sizeof(key), "%d", id);
 chain =  hashFindVal(chainHash, key);
 if(chain == NULL)
     warn("Chain not found for id: %d", id);
 return chain;
 boolean checkChain(struct chain *chain, int start, int end)
 /* Return true if chain covers start, end, false otherwise. */
 struct chain *subChain=NULL, *toFree=NULL;
 boolean good = FALSE;
 if (chain == NULL) return good;
 chainSubsetOnT(chain, start, end, &subChain, &toFree);    
 if(subChain != NULL)
     good = TRUE;
 return good;
 struct chain *lookForChain(struct cnFill *list, int start, int end)
 /* Recursively look for a chain in this list containing the coordinates 
    desired. */
 struct cnFill *fill=NULL;
 struct cnFill *gap=NULL;
 struct chain *chain = NULL;
 for(fill = list; fill != NULL; fill = fill->next)
     if (positiveRangeIntersection(fill->tStart, fill->tStart+fill->tSize, start, end))
         chain = chainFromId(fill->chainId);
         if(checkChain(chain, start,end))
             return chain;
         for(gap = fill->children; gap != NULL; gap = gap->next)
             chain = chainFromId(fill->chainId);
             if(checkChain(chain, start,end))
                 return chain;
                 chain = lookForChain(gap->children, start, end);
                 if(checkChain(chain, start,end))
                     return chain;
 return chain;
 struct cnFill *getNetList(struct chain *chain, struct chainNet *netList)
 /* return all cnFills from a netList that overlap a particular chain  by at least 100 bases*/
 struct cnFill *fillList = NULL, *fill, *fillClone;
 struct chainNet *net;
 for (net = netList; net != NULL; net = net->next)
     for (fill = net->fillList; fill != NULL; fill = fill->next)
     if (positiveRangeIntersection(fill->tStart,fill->tStart+fill->tSize,  chain->tStart, chain->tEnd) > 10)
         fillClone = cnFillNew();
         fillClone->next = NULL ;
         fillClone->children = fill->children ;
         fillClone->tStart = fill->tStart ;
         fillClone->tSize = fill->tSize ;
         fillClone->qName = cloneString(fill->qName) ;
         fillClone->type = cloneString(fill->type) ;
         fillClone->qStrand = fill->qStrand ;
         fillClone->qStart = fill->qStart ;
         fillClone->qSize = fill->qSize ;
         fillClone->chainId = fill->chainId ;
         fillClone->ali = fill->ali = fill->ali ;
         fillClone->tN = fill->tN = fill->tN ;
         fillClone->qN = fill->qN = fill->qN ;
         fillClone->tR = fill->tR ;
         fillClone->qR = fill->qR ;
         fillClone->tNewR = fill->tNewR ;
         fillClone->qNewR = fill->qNewR ;
         fillClone->tOldR = fill->tOldR ;
         fillClone->qOldR = fill->qOldR ;
         fillClone->tTrf = fill->tTrf ;
         fillClone->qTrf = fill->qTrf ;
         fillClone->qOver = fill->qOver ;
         fillClone->qFar = fill->qFar ;
         fillClone->qDup = fill->qDup ;
         slAddHead(&fillList, fillClone);
         printf(" %s %d-%d ", fill->type, fill->tStart, fill->tStart+fill->tSize);
     //else printf(" %d-%d ", fill->tStart, fill->tStart+fill->tSize);
 if (fillList == NULL)
     printf("return null for %d %s %s:%d-%d\n",chain->id, chain->qName, chain->tName, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd);
 return fillList;
 void scoreChains(struct chain *chainList, struct bed *bedList, char *db, FILE *f, struct binKeeper *bk, struct hash *bkHash, struct genePred *gpList1, struct genePred *gpList2, struct genePred *gpList3, struct genePred *gpList4)
 /* score all chains in a chain file based on ration of introns and gaps  , mask repeats first */
 /* reduce score for chains that are on the main syntenic net */
 /* return best overlapping gene in the target sequence */
 struct chain *chain, *retSubChain,*retChainToFree, *netChain;
 struct cnFill *fillList, *fill;
 struct intronChain *iChain=NULL, *iChainList = NULL;
 struct genePred *gp = NULL, *vg;
 struct bed *bed;
 int overlap1, overlapVega;
 boolean onDiagonal;
 int overlapDiagonal;
 for (chain = chainList; chain != NULL; chain = chain->next)
     /* skip long chains - they are not pseudogenes */
     if ((chain->tEnd-chain->tStart)> bigChain) 
     overlapDiagonal = 0; overlap1 = 0; overlapVega = 0;
     for (bed = bedList ; bed != NULL ; bed = bed->next)
         if( positiveRangeIntersection(bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd) > overlapDiagonal )
             overlapDiagonal = positiveRangeIntersection(bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd);
     /* look for gene on query side */
     gp = getOverlappingGene(&gpList1, "refGene",chain->qName, qStart(chain), qEnd(chain) , &overlap1);
     if (gp == NULL)
         gp = getOverlappingGene(&gpList2, "softberryGene",chain->qName, qStart(chain), qEnd(chain) , &overlap1);
         if (gp == NULL)
             gp = getOverlappingGene(&gpList4, "all_mrna",chain->qName, qStart(chain), qEnd(chain) , &overlap1);
     /* check for annontated pseudogene */
     vg = getOverlappingGene(&gpList3, "vegaPseudoGene",chain->tName, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd, &overlapVega );
     /* if we found something , score it and output record */
 //    if (gp != NULL || vg != NULL)
         assert (chain->tEnd > 0);
         retSubChain = NULL;
         if (gp != NULL)
             if (chain->qStrand =='+')
                 chainSubsetOnQ(chain, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd, &retSubChain,  &retChainToFree);
                 chainSubsetOnQ(chain, chain->qSize - gp->txEnd, chain->qSize - gp->txStart, &retSubChain,  &retChainToFree);
         if (retSubChain != NULL)
             iChain = scoreNextAlignedIntron(retSubChain,f, bk, bkHash);
             iChain->overlap1 = overlap1;
             iChain->overlap1 = overlapVega;
             if (gp != NULL)
                 iChain->strand = gp->strand[0] == retSubChain->qStrand ? '+' : '-';
                 iChain->strand = '0';
             slAddHead(&iChainList, iChain);
             if (gp != NULL) 
                 fprintf(f," %7.1f %7.1f %6d %2d %2d %5d %5d %4d %4d %s %d %d %c %s %d %d %c %d %d" ,
                         iChain->score1, iChain->score2, retSubChain->tEnd-retSubChain->tStart, iChain->tIntron, iChain->qIntron, 
                         iChain->tGap, iChain->qGap, iChain->tReps, iChain->qReps, chain->tName, 
                         retSubChain->tStart, retSubChain->tEnd, iChain->strand , 
                         retSubChain->qName, qStart(retSubChain), qEnd(retSubChain), retSubChain->qStrand, 
                         chain->id, overlapDiagonal);
                 fprintf(f," %7.1f %7.1f %6d %2d %2d %5d %5d %4d %4d %s %d %d %c %s %d %d %c %d %d",
                         iChain->score1, iChain->score2, retSubChain->tEnd-retSubChain->tStart, iChain->tIntron, iChain->qIntron, 
                         iChain->tGap, iChain->qGap, iChain->tReps, iChain->qReps, chain->tName, 
                         retSubChain->tStart, retSubChain->tEnd, iChain->strand , 
                         retSubChain->qName, qStart(retSubChain), qEnd(retSubChain), retSubChain->qStrand, 
                         chain->id, overlapDiagonal);
             if (gp != NULL && genePredBases(gp) != 0)
                 fprintf(f," %s %s %d %d %d %2.2f %c",
                         gp->name, gp->chrom, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd, iChain->overlap1, 
                         (float)iChain->overlap1/(float)genePredBases(gp), gp->strand[0]);
                 fprintf(f," NO gene 0 0 0 0.0 0");
             if (vg != NULL && genePredBases(vg) != 0 && gp != NULL)
                 fprintf(f," %s %s %d %d %d %2.2f %c",
                         vg->name, vg->chrom, vg->txStart, vg->txEnd, iChain->overlap2, 
                         (float)iChain->overlap2/(float)genePredBases(vg), vg->strand[0]);
                 fprintf(f," 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %s %d %d + %s %d %d %c %d %d NO gene 0 0 0 0.0 0\n",
                     chain->tName, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd,  
                     chain->qName, qStart(chain), qEnd(chain), chain->qStrand, 
                     chain->id, overlapDiagonal);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 struct hash *chainHash;
 FILE *outFile, *f; 
 struct binKeeper *tBk = NULL;
 struct hash *bkHash = NULL;
 struct hash *tSizeHash;
 struct chain *chainList;
 struct genePred *genePred1;
 struct genePred *genePred2;
 struct genePred *genePred3;
 struct genePred *genePred4 = NULL, *gp;
 struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
 struct chainNet *netList = NULL, *net;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed;
 char  *row[3];
 int overlap;
 optionHash(&argc, argv);
 if (argc < 13)
 outFile = mustOpen(argv[9], "w");
 db = hGetDb();
 db2 = hGetDb2();*/
 minGap = optionInt("minGap", minGap);
 minOverlap = optionFloat("minOverlap", minOverlap);
 tSizeHash = readSizes(argv[5]);
 printf("Loading Syntenic Bed\n");
 lf = lineFileOpen(argv[4], TRUE);
 while (lineFileRow(lf,row))
     bed = bedLoad3(row);
     slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
 printf("Loading %s\n",argv[10]);
 genePred1 = genePredLoadAll(argv[10]);
 printf("Loading %s\n",argv[11]);
 genePred2 = genePredLoadAll(argv[11]);
 printf("Loading %s\n",argv[12]);
 genePred3 = genePredLoadAll(argv[12]);
 if (argc > 13)
     printf("Loading %s\n",argv[13]);
     genePred4 = genePredLoadAll(argv[13]);
 printf("Loading Chains\n");
 chainList = readSortChains(argv[3]);
 printf("Loading Target Repeats\n");
 tBk = readRepeats(argv[2], argv[7], tSizeHash);
 printf("Loading Query Repeats\n");
 bkHash = readRepeatsAll(argv[6], argv[8]);
 printf("Scoring Chains\n");
 if (genePred4 == NULL)
     gp = getOverlappingGene(&genePred4, "all_mrna","chr1", 1, 100 , &overlap);
     f = mustOpen("mrna.tab", "w");
     for (gp = genePred4; gp != NULL; gp = gp->next)
         genePredTabOut(gp, f);
 scoreChains(chainList, bedList, argv[1], outFile, tBk, bkHash, genePred1, genePred2, genePred3, genePred4);
 return 0;