  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/mouseStuff/chainNet/chainNet.c src/hg/mouseStuff/chainNet/chainNet.c
index 329149f..8b56906 100644
--- src/hg/mouseStuff/chainNet/chainNet.c
+++ src/hg/mouseStuff/chainNet/chainNet.c
@@ -1,845 +1,845 @@
 /* chainNet - Make alignment nets out of chains. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "rbTree.h"
 #include "chainBlock.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 int minSpace = 25;	/* Minimum gap size to fill. */
 int minFill;		/* Minimum fill to record. */
 double minScore = 2000;	/* Minimum chain score to look at. */
 boolean inclHap = FALSE; /* include haplotype pseudochromosome queries */
 /* command line option specifications */
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = {
     {"minSpace", OPTION_INT},
     {"minFill", OPTION_INT},
     {"minScore", OPTION_DOUBLE},
     {"inclHap", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {NULL, 0}
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "chainNet - Make alignment nets out of chains\n"
   "   chainNet in.chain target.sizes query.sizes target.net query.net\n"
   "   in.chain is the chain file sorted by score\n"
   "   target.sizes contains the size of the target sequences\n"
   "   query.sizes contains the size of the query sequences\n"
   "   target.net is the output over the target genome\n"
   "   query.net is the output over the query genome\n"
   "   -minSpace=N - minimum gap size to fill, default %d\n"
   "   -minFill=N  - default half of minSpace\n"
   "   -minScore=N - minimum chain score to consider, default %.1lf\n"
   "   -verbose=N - Alter verbosity (default 1)\n"
   "   -inclHap - include query sequences name in the form *_hap*|*_alt*.\n"
   "              Normally these are excluded from nets as being haplotype\n"
   "              pseudochromosomes\n"
   , minSpace, minScore);
 struct gap
 /* A gap in sequence alignments. */
     struct gap *next;	    /* Next gap in list. */
     int start,end;	    /* Range covered in chromosome. */
     int oStart, oEnd;	    /* Range covered in other chromosome. */
     struct fill *fillList;  /* List of gap fillers. */
 struct fill
 /* Some alignments that hopefully fill some gaps. */
     struct fill *next;	   /* Next fill in list. */
     int start,end;	   /* Range covered, always plus strand. */
     int oStart,oEnd;	   /* Range covered in other coordinate, always plus. */
     struct gap *gapList;   /* List of internal gaps. */
     struct chain *chain;   /* Alignment chain (not all is necessarily used) */
 struct space
 /* A part of a gap. */
     int start, end;	/* Portion of gap covered, always plus strand. */
                         /* The start of this structure has to be identical
 			 * with struct range above. */
     struct gap *gap;    /* The actual gap. */
 struct chrom
 /* A chromosome. */
     struct chrom *next;	    /* Next in list. */
     char *name;		    /* Name - allocated in hash */
     int size;		    /* Size of chromosome. */
     struct gap *root;	    /* Root of the gap/chain tree */
     struct rbTree *spaces;  /* Store gaps here for fast lookup. Items are spaces. */
 static boolean inclQuery(struct chain *chain)
 /* should this query be included? */
 return inclHap || ! haplotype(chain->qName);
 int gapCmpStart(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on start. */
 const struct gap *a = *((struct gap **)va);
 const struct gap *b = *((struct gap **)vb);
 return a->start - b->start;
 int fillCmpStart(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on start. */
 const struct fill *a = *((struct fill **)va);
 const struct fill *b = *((struct fill **)vb);
 return a->start - b->start;
 int spaceCmp(void *va, void *vb)
 /* Return -1 if a before b,  0 if a and b overlap,
  * and 1 if a after b. */
 struct space *a = va;
 struct space *b = vb;
 if (a->end <= b->start)
     return -1;
 else if (b->end <= a->start)
     return 1;
     return 0;
 void dumpSpace(void *item, FILE *f)
 /* Print out range info. */
 struct space *space = item;
 fprintf(f, "%d,%d", space->start, space->end);
 void addSpaceForGap(struct chrom *chrom, struct gap *gap)
 /* Given a gap, create corresponding space in chromosome's
  * space rbTree. */
 struct space *space;
 space->gap = gap;
 space->start = gap->start;
 space->end = gap->end;
 rbTreeAdd(chrom->spaces, space);
 struct gap *gapNew(int start, int end, int oStart, int oEnd)
 /* Create a new gap. */
 struct gap *gap;
 gap->start = start;
 gap->end = end;
 gap->oStart = oStart;
 gap->oEnd = oEnd;
 return gap;
 boolean strictlyInside(int minStart, int maxEnd, int start, int end)
 /* Return TRUE if minStart < start <= end < maxEnd 
  * and end - start >= minSpace */
 return (minStart < start && start + minSpace <= end && end < maxEnd);
 void makeChroms(char *fileName, struct lm *lm, struct rbTreeNode **stack,
 	struct hash **retHash, struct chrom **retList)
 /* Read size file and make chromosome structure for each  element. */
 char *row[2];
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
 struct chrom *chrom, *chromList = NULL;
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     char *name = row[0];
     if (hashLookup(hash, name) != NULL)
         errAbort("Duplicate %s in %s", name, fileName);
     slAddHead(&chromList, chrom);
     hashAddSaveName(hash, name, chrom, &chrom->name);
     chrom->size = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
     chrom->spaces = rbTreeNewDetailed(spaceCmp, lm, stack);
     chrom->root = gapNew(0, chrom->size, 0, 0);
     addSpaceForGap(chrom, chrom->root);
 *retHash = hash;
 *retList = chromList;
 boolean innerBounds(struct cBlock *startBlock,
 	boolean isQ, int inStart, int inEnd, int *retStart, int *retEnd)
 /* Return the portion of chain which is between inStart and
  * inEnd.  Only considers blocks inbetween inStart and inEnd.  
  * Return NULL if chain has no blocks between these. */
 struct cBlock *b;
 int start = BIGNUM, end = -BIGNUM;
 for (b = startBlock; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     int s, e;
     if (isQ)
        s = b->qStart;
        e = b->qEnd;
        s = b->tStart;
        e = b->tEnd;
     if (e <= inStart)
     if (s >= inEnd)
     if (s < inStart) s = inStart;
     if (e > inEnd) e = inEnd;
     if (start > s) start = s;
     if (end < e) end = e;
 if ((end < 0) || ((end - start) < minFill))
     return FALSE;
 *retStart = start;
 *retEnd = end;
 return TRUE;
 static void qFillOtherRange(struct fill *fill)
 /* Given bounds of fill in q coordinates, calculate
  * oStart/oEnd in t coordinates, and refine 
  * start/end to reflect parts of chain actually used. */
 struct chain *chain = fill->chain;
 int clipStart = fill->start;
 int clipEnd = fill->end;
 boolean isRev = (chain->qStrand == '-');
 int tMin = BIGNUM, tMax = -BIGNUM;
 int qMin = BIGNUM, qMax = -BIGNUM;
 struct cBlock *b;
 if (isRev)
     reverseIntRange(&clipStart, &clipEnd, chain->qSize);
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     int qs, qe, ts, te;	/* Clipped bounds of block */
     if ((qe = b->qEnd) <= clipStart)
     if ((qs = b->qStart) >= clipEnd)
     ts = b->tStart;
     te = b->tEnd;
     if (qs < clipStart)
 	ts += (clipStart - qs);
 	qs = clipStart;
     if (qe > clipEnd)
 	te  -= (qe - clipEnd);
 	qe = clipEnd;
     if (qMin > qs) qMin = qs;
     if (qMax < qe) qMax = qe;
     if (tMin > ts) tMin = ts;
     if (tMax < te) tMax = te;
 if (isRev)
     reverseIntRange(&qMin, &qMax, chain->qSize);
 fill->start = qMin;
 fill->end = qMax;
 fill->oStart = tMin;
 fill->oEnd = tMax;
 assert(tMin < tMax);
 static void tFillOtherRange(struct fill *fill)
 /* Given bounds of fill in t coordinates, calculate
  * oStart/oEnd in q coordinates, and refine 
  * start/end to reflect parts of chain actually used. */
 struct chain *chain = fill->chain;
 int clipStart = fill->start;
 int clipEnd = fill->end;
 boolean isRev = (chain->qStrand == '-');
 int tMin = BIGNUM, tMax = -BIGNUM;
 int qMin = BIGNUM, qMax = -BIGNUM;
 struct cBlock *b;
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     int qs, qe, ts, te;	/* Clipped bounds of block */
     if ((te = b->tEnd) <= clipStart)
     if ((ts = b->tStart) >= clipEnd)
     qs = b->qStart;
     qe = b->qEnd;
     if (ts < clipStart)
 	qs += (clipStart - ts);
 	ts = clipStart;
     if (te > clipEnd)
 	qe  -= (te - clipEnd);
 	te = clipEnd;
     if (qMin > qs) qMin = qs;
     if (qMax < qe) qMax = qe;
     if (tMin > ts) tMin = ts;
     if (tMax < te) tMax = te;
 if (isRev)
     reverseIntRange(&qMin, &qMax, chain->qSize);
 fill->start = tMin;
 fill->end = tMax;
 fill->oStart = qMin;
 fill->oEnd = qMax;
 assert(qMin < qMax);
 struct fill *fillSpace(struct chrom *chrom, struct space *space, 
 	struct chain *chain, struct cBlock *startBlock, 
 	boolean isQ)
 /* Fill in space with chain, remove existing space from chrom,
  * and add smaller spaces on either side if big enough. */
 struct fill *fill;
 int s, e;
 struct space *lSpace, *rSpace;
 if (!innerBounds(startBlock, isQ, space->start, space->end, &s, &e))
     return NULL;
 assert(s < e);
 fill->start = s;
 fill->end = e;
 fill->chain = chain;
 rbTreeRemove(chrom->spaces, space);
 if (s - space->start >= minSpace)
     lSpace->gap = space->gap;
     lSpace->start = space->start;
     lSpace->end = s;
     rbTreeAdd(chrom->spaces, lSpace);
 if (space->end - e >= minSpace)
     rSpace->gap = space->gap;
     rSpace->start = e;
     rSpace->end = space->end;
     rbTreeAdd(chrom->spaces, rSpace);
 slAddHead(&space->gap->fillList, fill);
 return fill;
 static struct slRef *fsList;
 void fsAdd(void *item)
 /* Add item to fsList. */
 refAdd(&fsList, item);
 struct slRef *findSpaces(struct rbTree *tree, int start, int end)
 /* Return a list of spaces that intersect interval between start
  * and end. */
 static struct space space;
 space.start = start;
 space.end = end;
 fsList = NULL;
 rbTreeTraverseRange(tree, &space, &space, fsAdd);
 return fsList;
 void reverseBlocksQ(struct cBlock **pList, int qSize)
 /* Reverse qside of blocks. */
 struct cBlock *b;
 for (b = *pList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     reverseIntRange(&b->qStart, &b->qEnd, qSize);
 void addChainT(struct chrom *chrom, struct chrom *otherChrom, struct chain *chain)
 /* Add T side of chain to fill/gap tree of chromosome. 
  * This is the easier case since there are no strand
  * issues to worry about. */
 struct slRef *spaceList;
 struct slRef *ref;
 struct cBlock *startBlock, *block, *nextBlock;
 struct gap *gap;
 spaceList = findSpaces(chrom->spaces,chain->tStart,chain->tEnd);
 startBlock = chain->blockList;
 for (ref = spaceList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
     struct space *space = ref->val;
     struct fill *fill;
     int gapStart, gapEnd;
     for (;;)
 	nextBlock = startBlock->next;
 	if (nextBlock == NULL)
 	gapEnd = nextBlock->tStart;
 	if (gapEnd > space->start)
 	startBlock = nextBlock;
     if ((fill = fillSpace(chrom, space, chain, startBlock, FALSE)) != NULL)
 	for (block = startBlock; ; block = nextBlock)
 	    nextBlock = block->next;
 	    if (nextBlock == NULL)
 	    gapStart = block->tEnd;
 	    gapEnd = nextBlock->tStart;
 	    if (strictlyInside(space->start, space->end, gapStart, gapEnd))
 		int qs = block->qEnd;
 		int qe = nextBlock->qStart;
 		if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 		    reverseIntRange(&qs, &qe, chain->qSize);
 		gap = gapNew(gapStart, gapEnd, qs, qe);
 		addSpaceForGap(chrom, gap);
 		slAddHead(&fill->gapList, gap);
 	freez(&ref->val);	/* aka space */
 void addChainQ(struct chrom *chrom, struct chrom *otherChrom, struct chain *chain)
 /* Add Q side of chain to fill/gap tree of chromosome. 
  * For this side we have to cope with reverse strand
  * issues. */
 struct slRef *spaceList;
 struct slRef *ref;
 struct cBlock *startBlock, *block, *nextBlock;
 int gapStart, gapEnd;
 struct gap *gap;
 boolean isRev = (chain->qStrand == '-'); 
 int qStart = chain->qStart, qEnd = chain->qEnd;
 if (isRev)
     reverseIntRange(&qStart, &qEnd, chain->qSize);
     reverseBlocksQ(&chain->blockList, chain->qSize);
 spaceList = findSpaces(chrom->spaces,qStart,qEnd);
 startBlock = chain->blockList;
 for (ref = spaceList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
     struct space *space = ref->val;
     struct fill *fill;
     for (;;)
 	nextBlock = startBlock->next;
 	if (nextBlock == NULL)
 	gapEnd = nextBlock->qStart;
 	if (gapEnd > space->start)
 	startBlock = nextBlock;
     if ((fill = fillSpace(chrom, space, chain, startBlock, TRUE)) 
     	!= NULL)
 	for (block = startBlock; ; block = nextBlock)
 	    nextBlock = block->next;
 	    if (nextBlock == NULL)
 	    gapStart = block->qEnd;
 	    gapEnd = nextBlock->qStart;
 	    if (strictlyInside(space->start, space->end, gapStart, gapEnd))
 		int ts, te;
 		if (chain->qStrand == '+')
 		    ts = block->tEnd;
 		    te = nextBlock->tStart;
 		    ts = nextBlock->tStart;
 		    te = block->tEnd;
 		gap = gapNew(gapStart, gapEnd, ts, te);
 		addSpaceForGap(chrom, gap);
 		slAddHead(&fill->gapList, gap);
 	freez(&ref->val);	/* aka space */
 if (isRev)
     reverseBlocksQ(&chain->blockList, chain->qSize);
 void addChain(struct chrom *qChrom, struct chrom *tChrom, struct chain *chain)
 /* Add as much of chain as possible to chromosomes. */
 addChainQ(qChrom, tChrom, chain);
 addChainT(tChrom, qChrom, chain);
 boolean chromHasData(struct chrom *chrom)
 /* Return TRUE if chrom is non-empty */
 return chrom != NULL && chrom->root != NULL && chrom->root->fillList != NULL;
 void sortNet(struct gap *gap)
 /* Recursively sort lists. */
 struct fill *fill;
 slSort(&gap->fillList, fillCmpStart);
 for (fill = gap->fillList; fill != NULL; fill = fill->next)
     slSort(&fill->gapList, gapCmpStart);
     for (gap = fill->gapList; gap != NULL; gap = gap->next)
 void rCalcOtherFill(struct gap *gap, boolean isQ)
 /* Recursively fill in oStart/oEnd fields of fill
  * structures. */
 struct fill *fill;
 for (fill = gap->fillList; fill != NULL; fill = fill->next)
     struct gap *g;
     if (isQ)
     for (g = fill->gapList; g != NULL; g = g->next)
         rCalcOtherFill(g, isQ);
 void finishNet(struct chrom *chromList, boolean isQ)
 /* Fill in oStart/oEnd fields of fill structures attatched
  * to chromosomes, sort, and generally spiff up net. */
 struct chrom *chrom;
 for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
     if (chromHasData(chrom))
 	rCalcOtherFill(chrom->root, isQ);
 int rOutDepth = 0;
 boolean rOutQ = FALSE;
 static void rOutputGap(struct fill *parent, struct gap *gap, FILE *f);
 static void rOutputFill(struct fill *fill, FILE *f);
 static void rOutputGap(struct fill *parent, struct gap *gap, FILE *f)
 /* Recursively output gap and it's fillers. */
 struct fill *fill;
 struct chain *chain = parent->chain;
 char *oChrom = (rOutQ ? chain->tName : chain->qName);
 spaceOut(f, rOutDepth);
 fprintf(f, "gap %d %d %s %c %d %d\n", 
 	gap->start, gap->end - gap->start,
 	oChrom, chain->qStrand, gap->oStart, gap->oEnd - gap->oStart);
 for (fill = gap->fillList; fill != NULL; fill = fill->next)
     rOutputFill(fill, f);
 int chainBaseCount(struct chain *chain)
 /* Return number of bases in gap free alignments in chain. */
 struct cBlock *b;
 int total = 0;
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     total += b->qEnd - b->qStart;
 return total;
 int chainBaseCountSubT(struct chain *chain, int tMin, int tMax)
 /* Return number of bases in gap free alignments in chain between 
  * tMin and tMax. */
 struct cBlock *b;
 int total = 0;
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     total += positiveRangeIntersection(b->tStart, b->tEnd, tMin, tMax);
 return total;
 int chainBaseCountSubQ(struct chain *chain, int qMin, int qMax)
 /* Return number of bases in gap free alignments in chain between 
  * tMin and tMax. */
 struct cBlock *b;
 int total = 0;
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     total += positiveRangeIntersection(b->qStart, b->qEnd, qMin, qMax);
 return total;
 void subchainInfo(struct chain *chain, int start, int end, boolean isQ,
 	int *retSize, double *retScore)
 /* Return score of subchain. */
 int fullSize = chainBaseCount(chain);
 if (isQ)
     if (chain->qStrand == '-')
         reverseIntRange(&start, &end, chain->qSize);
     if (start <= chain->qStart && end >= chain->qEnd)
 	*retScore = chain->score;
 	*retSize = fullSize;
 	int subSize = chainBaseCountSubQ(chain, start, end);
 	*retScore = chain->score * subSize / fullSize;
 	*retSize = subSize;
 	// uglyf("subchainInfo Q%c %d,%d %d,%d ali %d, subSize %d, score %f, subScore %f\n", chain->qStrand, start, end, chain->qStart, chain->qEnd, fullSize, subSize, chain->score, *retScore);
     if (start <= chain->tStart && end >= chain->tEnd)
 	*retScore = chain->score;
 	*retSize = fullSize;
 	int subSize = chainBaseCountSubT(chain, start, end);
 	*retScore = chain->score * subSize / fullSize;
 	*retSize = subSize;
 void fillOut(FILE *f, struct fill *fill, char *oChrom, int depth,
 	int subSize, double subScore)
 /* Output fill. */
 struct chain *chain = fill->chain;
 spaceOut(f, depth);
 fprintf(f, "fill %d %d %s %c %d %d id %d score %1.0f ali %d\n", 
 	fill->start, fill->end - fill->start,
 	oChrom, chain->qStrand, 
 	fill->oStart, fill->oEnd - fill->oStart, chain->id,
 	subScore, subSize);
 static void rOutputFill(struct fill *fill, FILE *f)
 /* Recursively output fill and it's gaps. */
 struct gap *gap;
 struct chain *chain = fill->chain;
 int subSize;
 double subScore;
 subchainInfo(chain, fill->start, fill->end, rOutQ, &subSize, &subScore);
 if (subScore >= minScore && subSize >= minFill)
     if (rOutQ)
 	fillOut(f, fill, fill->chain->tName, rOutDepth, subSize, subScore);
 	fillOut(f, fill, fill->chain->qName, rOutDepth, subSize, subScore);
     for (gap = fill->gapList; gap != NULL; gap = gap->next)
 	rOutputGap(fill, gap, f);
 void outputNetSide(struct chrom *chromList, FILE *f, boolean isQ)
 /* Output one side of net */
 struct chrom *chrom;
 for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
     rOutDepth = 0;
     rOutQ = isQ;
     if (chromHasData(chrom))
 	struct fill *fill;
 	fprintf(f, "net %s %d\n", chrom->name, chrom->size);
 	for (fill = chrom->root->fillList; fill != NULL; fill = fill->next)
 	    rOutputFill(fill, f);
 void printMem(FILE *f)
 /* Print out memory used and other stuff from linux. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileMayOpen("/proc/self/stat", TRUE);
 if (lf != NULL)
     char *line, *words[50];
     int wordCount;
     if (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
 	wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
 	if (wordCount >= 23)
 	    fprintf(f, "memory usage %s, utime %s s/100, stime %s\n", 
 		    words[22], words[13], words[14]);
 void chainNet(char *chainFile, char *tSizes, char *qSizes, 
 	char *tNet, char *qNet)
 /* chainNet - Make alignment nets out of chains. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(chainFile, TRUE);
 struct hash *qHash, *tHash;
 struct chrom *qChromList, *tChromList, *tChrom, *qChrom;
 struct chain *chain;
 double lastScore = -1;
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct rbTreeNode **rbStack;
 FILE *tNetFile = mustOpen(tNet, "w");
 FILE *qNetFile = mustOpen(qNet, "w");
 lmAllocArray(lm, rbStack, 256);
 makeChroms(qSizes, lm, rbStack, &qHash, &qChromList);
 makeChroms(tSizes, lm, rbStack, &tHash, &tChromList);
 verbose(1, "Got %d chroms in %s, %d in %s\n", slCount(tChromList), tSizes,
        slCount(qChromList), qSizes);
 lineFileSetMetaDataOutput(lf, tNetFile);
 lineFileSetMetaDataOutput(lf, qNetFile);
 /* Loop through chain file building up net. */
 while ((chain = chainRead(lf)) != NULL)
     /* Make sure that input is really sorted. */
     if (lastScore >= 0 && chain->score > lastScore)
         errAbort("%s must be sorted in order of score", chainFile);
     lastScore = chain->score;
     if (chain->score < minScore) 
     verbose(2, "chain %f (%d els) %s %d-%d %c %s %d-%d\n", 
 	    chain->score, slCount(chain->blockList), 
 	    chain->tName, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd, 
 	    chain->qStrand, chain->qName, chain->qStart, chain->qEnd);
     qChrom = hashMustFindVal(qHash, chain->qName);
     if (qChrom->size != chain->qSize)
         errAbort("%s is %d in %s but %d in %s", chain->qName, 
 		chain->qSize, chainFile,
 		qChrom->size, qSizes);
     tChrom = hashMustFindVal(tHash, chain->tName);
     if (tChrom->size != chain->tSize)
         errAbort("%s is %d in %s but %d in %s", chain->tName, 
 		chain->tSize, chainFile,
 		tChrom->size, tSizes);
     if (!inclQuery(chain))
         verbose(2, "skipping chain on query %s\n", chain->qName);
         addChain(qChrom, tChrom, chain);
         verbose(2, "%s has %d inserts, %s has %d\n", tChrom->name, 
                 tChrom->spaces->n, qChrom->name, qChrom->spaces->n);
 /* Build up other side of fills.  It's just for historical 
  * reasons this is not done during the main build up.   
  * It's a little less efficient this way, but to change it
  * some hard reverse strand issues would have to be juggled. */
 verbose(1, "Finishing nets\n");
 finishNet(qChromList, TRUE);
 finishNet(tChromList, FALSE);
 /* Write out basic net files. */
 verbose(1, "writing %s\n", tNet);
 outputNetSide(tChromList, tNetFile, FALSE);
 verbose(1, "writing %s\n", qNet);
 outputNetSide(qChromList, qNetFile, TRUE);
 /* prevent SIGPIPE in preceding process if input is a pipe, consume remainder
  * of input file since we stop before EOF. */
 if (isPipe(lf->fd))
     char *line;
     while(lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
 if (verboseLevel() > 1)
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
 if (argc != 6)
 minSpace = optionInt("minSpace", minSpace);
 minFill = optionInt("minFill", minSpace/2);
 minScore = optionInt("minScore", minScore);
 inclHap = optionExists("inclHap");
 chainNet(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
 return 0;