4898794edd81be5285ea6e544acbedeaeb31bf78 max Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800 Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614 diff --git src/hg/near/hgZfishEnsXRef/hgEnsGeneXRef.c src/hg/near/hgZfishEnsXRef/hgEnsGeneXRef.c index 74b1567..00729ba 100644 --- src/hg/near/hgZfishEnsXRef/hgEnsGeneXRef.c +++ src/hg/near/hgZfishEnsXRef/hgEnsGeneXRef.c @@ -1,329 +1,329 @@ /* hgEnsGeneXRef - Create table that links Ensembl Transcript ID to IDs */ /* from other databases and a gene description. */ /* Copyright (C) 2011 The Regents of the University of California - * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "ensXRefZfish.h" #include "sqlNum.h" #include "hdb.h" void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "hgEnsGeneXRef - Create table that links zebrafish Ensembl Transcript ID\n" "to ZFIN ID, UniProt ID, Gene Symbol, RefSeq accession, RefSeq protein\n" "accession and a gene description.\n" "Input is from two files of database dumps from Ensembl's BioMart,\n" "and RefSeq gene_info and gene2refseq files from NCBI.\n" "usage:\n" " hgEnsGeneXRef file1 file2 gene_info gene2refseq output.tab\n" "options:\n" " -xxx=XXX\n" ); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { {NULL, 0} }; struct ncbiGene /* Entrez Gene information */ { char *geneId; /* Entrez Gene ID */ char *geneSymbol; /* Entrez Gene Symbol */ char *description; /* Gene Description */ char *mrnaRefSeq; /* mRNA RefSeq accession */ char *protRefSeq; /* protein RefSeq accession */ }; void createDescription(char *interProId, char *interProDesc, char **desc) /* Creates a gene description using the InterPro domain. */ { char descPrefix[32] = "Ensembl Predicted Gene:"; char newDesc[256], *descPtr, *fullDesc; struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(256); descPtr = *desc; /* if there is no description already, add the prefix */ if (descPtr == NULL) dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s", descPrefix); else dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s", descPtr); /* Append the InterPro description and ID. */ if (!sameString(interProId, "")) { safef(newDesc, sizeof(newDesc), " %s (InterPro ID: %s),", interProDesc, interProId); dyStringAppend(dy, newDesc); } *desc = dyStringCannibalize(&dy); return; } void getGeneSymbolAndId(struct ensXRefZfish **xRef, struct hash *idHash, struct hash *mrnaHash) /* Retrieves Gene Symbol from the hashes of NCBI RefSeq information */ /* for a given Entrez ID */ { struct ensXRefZfish *gXRef = *xRef; struct ncbiGene *gene; char *geneSymbol = NULL; /* First, if geneId is not NULL then check if it exists in the idHash */ /* If the Gene ID is NULL or it can not be found in the hash and also */ /* the refSeqAcc is not NULL then check the hash keyed by RefSeq accessions. */ if ((gXRef->geneId != NULL) && ((gene = hashFindVal(idHash, gXRef->geneId)) != NULL)) gXRef->geneSymbol = cloneString(gene->geneSymbol); else if ((gXRef->refSeq != NULL) && ((gene = hashFindVal(mrnaHash, gXRef->refSeq)) != NULL)) { /* find entry by accession and get Gene Symbol and Gene ID */ gXRef->geneSymbol = cloneString(gene->geneSymbol); gXRef->geneId = cloneString(gene->geneId); } else fprintf(stderr, "There is no Gene Symbol for Entrez Gene ID, %s, or for mRNA RefSeq: %s in the Entrez Gene files.\n", gXRef->geneId, gXRef->refSeq); } struct hash *readIdAndDescFile(char *fileName) /* Reads a file with IDs and description for Ensembl transcripts. Stores */ /* this information in a hash which is returned. */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *words[5], *tId, *desc, *uniProtId, *zfinId; char *interProId = NULL, *interProDesc = NULL, *xRefDesc = NULL; struct ensXRefZfish *xRef = NULL; struct hash *hash = newHash(16); while (lineFileChopNextTab(lf, words, 6)) { /* skip over header line */ if (!startsWith("Ensembl", words[0])) { tId = cloneString(words[0]); desc = cloneString(words[1]); uniProtId = cloneString(words[2]); zfinId = cloneString(words[3]); interProId = cloneString(words[4]); interProDesc = cloneString(words[5]); /* check if this exists in the hash already */ if ((xRef = hashFindVal(hash, tId)) == NULL) { /* allocate memory for xRef structure */ AllocVar(xRef); /* add database IDs and description to the xRef structure */ xRef->next = NULL; xRef->ensGeneId = cloneString(tId); xRef->zfinId = cloneString(zfinId); xRef->uniProtId = cloneString(uniProtId); xRef->geneId = NULL; xRef->geneSymbol = NULL; xRef->refSeq = NULL; xRef->protAcc = NULL; xRefDesc = NULL; /* Add structure to hash keyed by the transcript ID */ hashAdd(hash, cloneString(xRef->ensGeneId), xRef); } else { /* entry in hash exists for this transcript */ xRefDesc = xRef->description; } /* If there is no description field, then one must be created */ /* using the InterPro ID and InterPro domain description. */ /* Additional InterPro descriptions are appended to existing ones */ if (sameString(desc, "")) { desc = cloneString(xRefDesc); createDescription(interProId, interProDesc, &desc); } xRef->description = cloneString(desc); } } lineFileClose(&lf); return hash; } void readEntrezGeneFiles(char *geneFile, char *refSeqFile, struct hash **hash1, struct hash **hash2) /* Read in Entrez Gene files and store contents. */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(geneFile, TRUE); struct lineFile *rf = lineFileOpen(refSeqFile, TRUE); char *words[10], *geneId, *symbol, *mrnaAcc, *protAcc, *desc; struct ncbiGene *g, *g2; struct hash *idHash = *hash1; struct hash *refSeqHash = *hash2; while (lineFileChopNextTab(lf, words, 9)) { geneId = cloneString(words[1]); symbol = cloneString(words[2]); desc = cloneString(words[8]); /* key is locusLink ID - must be a string */ /* check if this exists in the hash already */ if ((g = hashFindVal(idHash, geneId)) == NULL) { /* allocate memory for xRef structure */ AllocVar(g); g->geneId = cloneString(geneId); g->geneSymbol = cloneString(symbol); g->description = cloneString(desc); g->mrnaRefSeq = NULL; g->protRefSeq = NULL; hashAdd(idHash, geneId, g); } else /* entry in hash exists for this transcript */ fprintf(stderr, "There is already an entry for this gene ID, %s.\n", geneId); } lineFileClose(&lf); geneId = NULL; while (lineFileChopNextTab(rf, words, 6)) { geneId = cloneString(words[1]); chopSuffix(words[3]); mrnaAcc = cloneString(words[3]); protAcc = cloneString(words[5]); /* key is locusLink ID - must be a string */ /* check if this exists in the hash already and new information to */ /* the structure stored in the hash */ if ((g = hashFindVal(idHash, geneId)) != NULL) { AllocVar(g2); g->mrnaRefSeq = cloneString(mrnaAcc); g->protRefSeq = cloneString(protAcc); g2->geneId = cloneString(g->geneId); g2->geneSymbol = cloneString(g->geneSymbol); g2->description = cloneString(g->description); g2->mrnaRefSeq = cloneString(mrnaAcc); g2->protRefSeq = cloneString(protAcc); /* Add the duplicated struct to a hash keyed by RefSeq accession. */ hashAdd(refSeqHash, mrnaAcc, g2); } else fprintf(stderr, "This locusLinkID, %s, has not been stored already\n", geneId); } lineFileClose(&rf); } void readNcbiFile(char *ncbiFile, struct hash **hash, struct hash *geneByIdHash, struct hash *geneByRefSeqHash) /* Read file from Ensembl containing Entrez Gene ID, and RefSeq nucleotide */ /* and peptide accessions and add to the hash keyed by the appropriate ID. */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(ncbiFile, TRUE); char *words[4], *tId, *geneId, *refSeqId, *refSeqPepId, *geneSymbol, *lLinkId; struct hash *geneHash = *hash; struct ensXRefZfish *xRef; while (lineFileChopNextTab(lf, words, 5)) { /* skip over header line */ if (!startsWith("Ensembl", words[0])) { tId = cloneString(words[0]); geneId = cloneString(words[1]); refSeqId = cloneString(words[2]); refSeqPepId = cloneString(words[3]); /* retrieve the appropriate record from the hash using transcript ID */ if ((xRef = hashFindVal(geneHash, tId)) != NULL) { if (!sameString(refSeqId, "")) xRef->refSeq = cloneString(refSeqId); xRef->protAcc = cloneString(refSeqPepId); /* Retrieve Gene Symbol from Entrez Gene files information.*/ /* If geneId is not empty, add it to the hash element. */ if (!sameString(geneId, "")) xRef->geneId = cloneString(geneId); getGeneSymbolAndId(&xRef, geneByIdHash, geneByRefSeqHash); } else fprintf(stderr, "Found transcript ID, %s, in ncbiFile but it was not stored from the description file.\n", tId); } } lineFileClose(&lf); return; } void printXRefTab(FILE *out, struct hash *hash) /* Print the contents of the hash as tabbed output to output file. */ { struct hashEl *geneHashList = NULL, *geneEl = NULL; struct ensXRefZfish *x; /* get contents of hash as a linked list */ geneHashList = hashElListHash(hash); if (geneHashList != NULL) { /* walk through list of hash elements */ for (geneEl = geneHashList; geneEl != NULL; geneEl = geneEl->next) { x = (struct ensXRefZfish *)geneEl->val; /* Print out cross-reference information in a tabbed file */ fprintf(out, "%s", x->ensGeneId); if (x->zfinId == NULL) fprintf(out,"\t"); else fprintf(out, "\t%s", x->zfinId); if (x->uniProtId == NULL) fprintf(out,"\t"); else fprintf(out, "\t%s", x->uniProtId); if (x->geneId == NULL) fprintf(out,"\t"); else fprintf(out, "\t%s", x->geneId); if (x->geneSymbol == NULL) fprintf(out,"\t"); else fprintf(out, "\t%s", x->geneSymbol); if (x->refSeq == NULL) fprintf(out,"\t"); else fprintf(out, "\t%s", x->refSeq); if (x->protAcc == NULL) fprintf(out,"\t"); else fprintf(out, "\t%s", x->protAcc); fprintf(out, "\t%s\n", x->description); fflush(out); } } else { errAbort("Unable to retrieve the stored gene information\n"); } hashElFreeList(&geneHashList); } void hgEnsGeneXRef(char *idAndDescFile, char *ncbiFile, char *geneFile, char *refSeqFile, char *outFile) /* Parse out the correct columns from the file to simple column format. */ { struct hash *geneInfoHash = readIdAndDescFile(idAndDescFile); struct hash *geneByIdHash = newHash(16); struct hash *geneByRefSeqHash = newHash(16); readEntrezGeneFiles(geneFile, refSeqFile, &geneByIdHash, &geneByRefSeqHash); FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w"); readNcbiFile(ncbiFile, &geneInfoHash, geneByIdHash, geneByRefSeqHash); printXRefTab(f, geneInfoHash); freeHashAndVals(&geneInfoHash); freeHashAndVals(&geneByIdHash); freeHashAndVals(&geneByRefSeqHash); carefulClose(&f); return; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (argc != 6) usage(); hgEnsGeneXRef(argv[1],argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]); return 0; }