4898794edd81be5285ea6e544acbedeaeb31bf78 max Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800 Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614 diff --git src/hg/protein/kgAttachKegg/kgAttachKegg.c src/hg/protein/kgAttachKegg/kgAttachKegg.c index 93d5160..8ed540f 100644 --- src/hg/protein/kgAttachKegg/kgAttachKegg.c +++ src/hg/protein/kgAttachKegg/kgAttachKegg.c @@ -1,85 +1,85 @@ /* kgAttachKegg - Attach UCSC genes to KEGG pathways via locusLink IDs. */ /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California - * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "jksql.h" void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "kgAttachKegg - Attach UCSC genes to KEGG pathways via locusLink IDs\n" "usage:\n" " kgAttachKegg database locusLinkToPathway.tab knownToKegg.tab\n" "options:\n" " -xxx=XXX\n" ); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { {NULL, 0}, }; void kgAttachKegg(char *database, char *locusLinkToPathway, char *knownToKegg) /* kgAttachKegg - Attach UCSC genes to KEGG pathways via locusLink IDs. */ { /* Build up hash keyed by locus link ID with KEGG pathway id's as value. */ struct hash *llToKegg = hashTwoColumnFile(locusLinkToPathway); verbose(1, "Got %d items in %s\n", llToKegg->elCount, locusLinkToPathway); /* Build up hash keyed by refSeq accession (without version) with UCSC known gene values. */ struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database); struct hash *ucscToRef = hashNew(16); struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, NOSQLINJ "select * from knownToRefSeq"); char **row; while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) hashAdd(ucscToRef, row[0], cloneString(row[1])); verbose(1, "Got %d items in %s.knownToRefSeq\n", ucscToRef->elCount, database); sqlFreeResult(&sr); /* Build up hash keyed by refSeq accessions with locus link values. */ struct hash *refToLl = hashNew(16); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, NOSQLINJ "select mrnaAcc,locusLinkId from refLink"); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) hashAdd(refToLl, row[0], cloneString(row[1])); sqlFreeResult(&sr); verbose(1, "Got %d items in %s.refLink\n", refToLl->elCount, database); /* Stream through kgTxInfo table getting ones that are _primarily_ refSeq. */ sr = sqlGetResult(conn, NOSQLINJ "select name from kgTxInfo where isRefSeq=1"); FILE *f = mustOpen(knownToKegg, "w"); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *ucsc = row[0]; char *refSeq = hashFindVal(ucscToRef, ucsc); if (refSeq) { char *ll = hashFindVal(refToLl, refSeq); if (ll) { char *kegg = hashFindVal(llToKegg, ll); if (kegg) fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", ucsc, ll, kegg); } } } sqlFreeResult(&sr); carefulClose(&f); sqlDisconnect(&conn); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (argc != 4) usage(); kgAttachKegg(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); return 0; }