  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/protein/spLoadRankProp/spLoadRankProp.c src/hg/protein/spLoadRankProp/spLoadRankProp.c
index e291e9b..7c672cb 100644
--- src/hg/protein/spLoadRankProp/spLoadRankProp.c
+++ src/hg/protein/spLoadRankProp/spLoadRankProp.c
@@ -1,190 +1,190 @@
 /* spLoadRankProp - load rankProp table */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "spMapper.h"
 #include "rankProp.h"
 #include "rankPropProt.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hgRelate.h"
 #include "verbose.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 /* command line option specifications */
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = {
     {"append", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"keep", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"noLoad", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"noMapFile", OPTION_STRING},
     {"unirefFile", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0}
 boolean gAppend = FALSE;  /* append to table? */
 boolean gKeep = FALSE;    /* keep tab file */
 boolean gLoad = TRUE;     /* load databases */
 char *gNoMapFile = NULL; /* output dropped sp ids to this file */
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "spLoadRankProp - load swissprot rankProp table.\n"
   "   spLoadRankProp database table rankPropFile\n"
   "  -unirefFile=tab - tab-separated file containing uniref information.\n"
   "   If specified, used to map accessions to known genes associated with\n"
   "   all proteins in a uniref entry.\n"
   "  -append - append to the table instead of recreating it\n"
   "  -keep - keep tab file used to load database\n"
   "  -noLoad - don't load database, implies -keep\n"
   "  -noMapFile=file - write list of swissprots or uniref ids that couldn't\n"
   "   be mapped.  First column is id, second column is R if it wasn't found\n"
   "   in uniref, or K if it couldn't be associated with a known gene\n"
   "  -verbose=n - n >= 3 lists mappings\n"
   "Load a file in the format:\n"
   "   prot1Acc prot2Acc ranking eVal12 eVal21\n"
   "these will be converted to known gene ids\n"
 char createString[] =
     "CREATE TABLE %s (\n"
     "    query varchar(255) not null,	# known genes id of query protein\n"
     "    target varchar(255) not null,	# known genes id of target protein\n"
     "    score float not null,	# rankp score\n"
     "              #Indices\n"
     "    INDEX(query(12))\n"
 void processRow(char **row, struct spMapper *mapper, int *zeroScoreCntPtr)
 /* Parse and process on row of a rankProp file, converting ids to known gene
  * ids. Only save if score is greater than zero */
 struct rankPropProt rpRec;
 rankPropProtStaticLoad(row, &rpRec);
 if (rpRec.score == 0.0)
     verbose(2, "zero score for %s <=> %s\n", rpRec.qSpId, rpRec.tSpId);
     spMapperMapPair(mapper, rpRec.qSpId, rpRec.tSpId, rpRec.score);
 void outputHit(FILE *tabFh, struct kgPair *kgPair)
 /* output rankProp record for a kg query/target pair */
 /* output both directions */
 struct rankProp outRec;
 outRec.score = kgPair->score;
 outRec.query = kgPair->kg1Entry->id;
 outRec.target = kgPair->kg2Entry->id;
 rankPropTabOut(&outRec, tabFh);
 if (!sameString(kgPair->kg1Entry->id, kgPair->kg2Entry->id))
     outRec.query = kgPair->kg2Entry->id;
     outRec.target = kgPair->kg1Entry->id;
     rankPropTabOut(&outRec, tabFh);
 void outputHits(FILE *tabFh, struct spMapper *mapper)
 /* output save pairs and scores */
 struct kgPair *kgPair;
 for (kgPair = mapper->kgPairList; kgPair != NULL; kgPair = kgPair->next)
     outputHit(tabFh, kgPair);
 void processRankProp(struct spMapper *mapper, char *rankPropFile, char *unirefFile)
 /* process rankProp file, loading into mapper */
 struct lineFile *inLf = lineFileOpen(rankPropFile, TRUE);
 int zeroScoreCnt = 0;
 /* copy file, converting ids */
 while (lineFileNextRowTab(inLf, row, RANKPROPPROT_NUM_COLS))
     processRow(row, mapper, &zeroScoreCnt);
 if (mapper->qtNoUnirefMapCnt > 0)
     verbose(1, "%d pairs dropped due to missing uniref entries\n", mapper->qtNoUnirefMapCnt);
 if (mapper->noUnirefMapCnt)
     verbose(1, "%d missing uniref entries\n", mapper->noUnirefMapCnt);
 if (mapper->qtMapCnt > 0)
     verbose(1, "%d pairs dropped due to no swissprot to known genes mapping\n", mapper->qtMapCnt);
 if (mapper->noSpIdMapCnt > 0)
     verbose(1, "%d swissprot ids not mapped known genes\n", mapper->noSpIdMapCnt);
 if (zeroScoreCnt > 0)
     verbose(1, "%d entries dropped due to zero score\n", zeroScoreCnt);
 verbose(1, "%d pairs mapped\n", mapper->qtMapCnt);
 if (gNoMapFile != NULL)
     spMapperPrintNoMapInfo(mapper, gNoMapFile);
 /* output rankProp record for a kg query/target pair */
 void spLoadRankProp(char *database, char *table, char *rankPropFile,
                     char *unirefFile)
 /* load a rankProp table */
 char query[1024];
 struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
 char *organism = hScientificName(database);
 struct spMapper *mapper = spMapperNew(conn, 1, unirefFile, organism);
 FILE *tabFh;
 processRankProp(mapper, rankPropFile, unirefFile);
 tabFh = hgCreateTabFile(".", table);
 outputHits(tabFh, mapper);
 if (gLoad)
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), createString, table);
     if (gAppend)
         sqlMaybeMakeTable(conn, table, query);
         sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, query);
 if (gLoad)
     hgLoadTabFileOpts(conn, ".", table, SQL_TAB_FILE_ON_SERVER, &tabFh);
 if (!gKeep)
     hgRemoveTabFile(".", table);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
 if (argc != 4)
     usage("wrong # args");
 gAppend = optionExists("append");
 gKeep = optionExists("keep");
 gLoad = !optionExists("noLoad");
 gNoMapFile = optionVal("noMapFile", NULL);
 if (!gLoad)
     gKeep = TRUE;
 spLoadRankProp(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], optionVal("unirefFile", NULL));
 return 0;