4898794edd81be5285ea6e544acbedeaeb31bf78 max Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800 Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614 diff --git src/hg/txGraph/txBedToGraph/txBedToGraph.c src/hg/txGraph/txBedToGraph/txBedToGraph.c index 0500697..59d779e 100644 --- src/hg/txGraph/txBedToGraph/txBedToGraph.c +++ src/hg/txGraph/txBedToGraph/txBedToGraph.c @@ -1,385 +1,385 @@ /* txBedToGraph - Cluster together beds from txPslToBed. Make transcript graphs out of clusters. * The overall flow of the algorithm is: * Read in input, and separate it groups by strand and chromosome. * For each chromosome strand: * Cluster input that overlaps at the exon level. * Turn each cluster into a graph. * This module handles i/o and clustering. The makeGraph module * handles the graph building. */ /* Copyright (C) 2008 The Regents of the University of California - * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" #include "ggTypes.h" #include "bed.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "rangeTree.h" #include "binRange.h" #include "txGraph.h" #include "nibTwo.h" #include "txBedToGraph.h" int maxJoinSize = 70000; /* This excludes most of the chr14 IG mess */ boolean forceRefSeqJoin = TRUE; int maxBleedOver = 6; int maxUncheckedBleed = 3; struct nibTwoCache *seqCache = NULL; char *prefix = "a"; double singleExonMaxOverlap = 0.60; boolean trustedSource(char *sourceType) /* Return TRUE source type is trusted (refSeq or something similar). */ { return sameString(sourceType, "refSeq") || sameString(sourceType, "ccds"); } boolean noCutSource(char *sourceType) /* Return TRUE if source is not to be truncated during snap to operation. */ { return sameString(sourceType, "ccds"); } void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "txBedToGraph - Cluster together beds from txPslToBed. Make transcript graphs out of clusters.\n" " txBedToGraph in1.bed in1Type [in2.bed in2type ...] out.txg\n" "options:\n" " -maxJoinSize=N - Maximum size of gap to join for introns with\n" " noisy ends. Default %d.\n" " -noForceRefSeqJoin - If set don't force joins above maxJoinSize\n" " on refSeq type\n" " -maxBleedOver=N - Maximum amount of exon that can be lost when snapping\n" " soft to hard edges. Default %d\n" " -maxUncheckedBleed=N - Maximum amount of exon that can be lost when\n" " snapping soft to hard edges without checking nucleotide\n" " match. Only used checkSeq is set. Default %d\n" " -checkSeq=file.2bit - If true check sequence when snapping off ends. Can use nib\n" " dir or two bit file.\n" " -prefix=xyz - Use the given prefix for the graph names, default %s\n" " -singleExonMaxOverlap=0.N - Maximum ratio of single exon that can overlap\n" " a multi-exon gene. Default %g\n" , maxJoinSize, maxBleedOver, maxUncheckedBleed, prefix, singleExonMaxOverlap ); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { {"maxJoinSize", OPTION_INT}, {"noForceRefSeqJoin", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"maxBleedOver", OPTION_INT}, {"maxUncheckedBleed", OPTION_INT}, {"checkSeq", OPTION_STRING}, {"prefix", OPTION_STRING}, {"singleExonMaxOverlap", OPTION_FLOAT}, {NULL, 0}, }; int linkedBedsCmpChromAndStrand(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort based on chrom,strand,chromStart. */ { const struct linkedBeds *a = *((struct linkedBeds **)va); const struct linkedBeds *b = *((struct linkedBeds **)vb); struct bed *aBed = a->bedList, *bBed = b->bedList; int dif; dif = strcmp(aBed->chrom, bBed->chrom); if (dif == 0) dif = strcmp(aBed->strand, bBed->strand); if (dif == 0) dif = a->chromStart - b->chromStart; return dif; } struct linkedBeds *linkedBedsLoad(char *fileName, char *sourceType) /* Read a bed file and turn it into a list of linked beds. */ { struct bed *bedList = bedLoadNAll(fileName, 12); struct bed *startBed, *bed, *endBed; struct linkedBeds *lb, *lbList = NULL; boolean bigGapOk = (sameString(sourceType, "refSeq") && forceRefSeqJoin); for (startBed = bedList; startBed != NULL; startBed = endBed) { /* Figure out first bed with different name, or that otherwise can't be * a continuation of previous bed. */ struct bed *lastBed = startBed; for (bed = startBed->next; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { if ( lastBed->chromEnd > bed->chromStart || !sameString(lastBed->name, bed->name) || bed->strand[0] != lastBed->strand[0] || !sameString(bed->chrom, lastBed->chrom) ) { break; } if (!bigGapOk) { break; } lastBed = bed; } lastBed->next = NULL; endBed = bed; /* Create linkedBed and hang it on list. */ AllocVar(lb); lb->bedList = startBed; lb->sourceType = sourceType; lb->chromStart = startBed->chromStart; lb->chromEnd = lastBed->chromEnd; slAddHead(&lbList, lb); } slReverse(&lbList); return lbList; } struct lbCluster /* A cluster of overlapping (at the block level on the same strand) * linkedBeds. */ { struct lbCluster *next; int chromStart,chromEnd; /* Bounds of cluster. */ struct linkedBeds *lbList; /* Contents of cluster. */ struct rbTree *exonTree; /* Tree just used during creation. */ }; void lbClusterFree(struct lbCluster **pCluster) /* Free up memory associated with cluster. */ { /* Note this doesn't free up the linkedBeds. The program * has to have all the linkedBeds in memory at one point * anyway, and I'm a little lazy right now. */ struct lbCluster *cluster = *pCluster; if (cluster != NULL) { freeMem(cluster->exonTree); freez(pCluster); } } struct lbCluster *lbClusterNew(struct linkedBeds *lb, struct lm *lm, struct rbTreeNode *rbStack[128]) /* Create cluster around a single alignment. */ { /* Allocate and fill in basic fields. */ struct lbCluster *cluster; AllocVar(cluster); cluster->chromStart = lb->chromStart; cluster->chromEnd = lb->chromEnd; cluster->lbList = lb; lb->next = NULL; /* Fill in range tree with exons. */ cluster->exonTree = rangeTreeNewDetailed(lm, rbStack); struct bed *bed; for (bed = lb->bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { int block, blockCount = bed->blockCount; for (block = 0; block < blockCount; ++block) { int start = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[block]; int end = start + bed->blockSizes[block]; rangeTreeAdd(cluster->exonTree, start, end); } } return cluster; } void lbClusterMerge(struct lbCluster *a, struct lbCluster **pB) /* Merge b into a. Destroys b. */ { struct lbCluster *b = *pB; a->lbList = slCat(a->lbList, b->lbList); b->lbList = NULL; a->chromStart = min(a->chromStart, b->chromStart); a->chromEnd = max(a->chromEnd, b->chromEnd); struct range *range; for (range = rangeTreeList(b->exonTree); range != NULL; range = range->next) rangeTreeAdd(a->exonTree, range->start, range->end); lbClusterFree(pB); } boolean lbIntersectsCluster(struct lbCluster *cluster, struct linkedBeds *lb) /* Return TRUE if any block in psl intersects with cluster. */ { struct bed *bed; for (bed = lb->bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { int block, blockCount = bed->blockCount; for (block = 0; block < blockCount; ++block) { struct range tempR; int start = bed->chromStarts[block] + bed->chromStart; int end = start + bed->blockSizes[block]; tempR.start = start; tempR.end = end; if (rbTreeFind(cluster->exonTree, &tempR)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void lbIntoBinsOfClusters(struct linkedBeds *lb, struct binKeeper *bins, struct lm *lm, struct rbTreeNode *rbStack[128]) /* Add lb into a binKeeper full of lbClusters. This will create and merge * clusters as need be. */ { /* Create new cluster around lb. */ struct lbCluster *newCluster = lbClusterNew(lb, lm, rbStack); /* Merge in any existing overlapping clusters.. */ struct binElement *bel, *belList = binKeeperFind(bins, lb->chromStart, lb->chromEnd); for (bel = belList; bel != NULL; bel = bel->next) { struct lbCluster *oldCluster = bel->val; if (lbIntersectsCluster(oldCluster, lb)) { binKeeperRemove(bins, oldCluster->chromStart, oldCluster->chromEnd, oldCluster); lbClusterMerge(oldCluster, &newCluster); newCluster = oldCluster; } } slFreeList(&belList); /* Add to binKeeper. */ binKeeperAdd(bins, newCluster->chromStart, newCluster->chromEnd, newCluster); } struct lbCluster *clusterOneStrand(struct linkedBeds *lbList, int strandSizeLimit) /* Make clusters of overlapping beds on a single chromosome. * Return a list of such clusters. */ { /* Set up local memory pool and stack for all the rangeTrees we'll be using. */ struct lm *lm = lmInit(0); struct rbTreeNode *rbStack[128]; /* Create binKeeper full of clusters. */ struct binKeeper *bins = binKeeperNew(0, strandSizeLimit); struct linkedBeds *lb, *nextLb; for (lb = lbList; lb != NULL; lb = nextLb) { nextLb = lb->next; lbIntoBinsOfClusters(lb, bins, lm, rbStack); } /* Convert from binKeeper of clusters to simple list of clusters. */ struct lbCluster *clusterList = NULL; struct binElement *binList, *bin; binList = binKeeperFindAll(bins); for (bin = binList; bin != NULL; bin = bin->next) { struct lbCluster *cluster = bin->val; slAddHead(&clusterList, cluster); } slReverse(&clusterList); /* Clean up and go home. */ struct lbCluster *cluster; for (cluster = clusterList; cluster != NULL; cluster = cluster->next) freez(&cluster->exonTree); lmCleanup(&lm); binKeeperFree(&bins); return clusterList; } struct txGraph *graphOneStrand(struct linkedBeds *lbList, int strandSizeLimit) /* Create a list of graphs based on lbList, which is already * sorted and restricted to a single strand of a single chromosome. * The interval 0 to strandSizeLimit needs to encompass all the * exons. */ { struct lbCluster *clusterList = clusterOneStrand(lbList, strandSizeLimit); struct lbCluster *cluster, *nextCluster; struct txGraph *graphList = NULL; for (cluster = clusterList; cluster != NULL; cluster = nextCluster) { char name[128]; static int id=0; nextCluster = cluster->next; safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s%d", prefix, ++id); verbose(2, "Got cluster of %d called %s.\n", slCount(cluster->lbList), name); struct txGraph *graph = makeGraph(cluster->lbList, maxBleedOver, maxUncheckedBleed, seqCache, singleExonMaxOverlap, name); if (graph != NULL) slAddHead(&graphList, graph); lbClusterFree(&cluster); } slReverse(&graphList); return graphList; } void txBedToGraph(char *outGraph, char **inPairs, int inCount) /* txBedToGraph - Cluster together beds from txPslToBed. Make transcript graphs out of clusters.. */ { /* Load all bed files and wrap them in sourcedBeds. */ struct linkedBeds *lbList = NULL; int i; for (i=0; ibedList->chrom; char strand = strandStart->bedList->strand[0]; struct linkedBeds *lb, *dummy, **endAddress = &dummy; int strandSizeLimit = 0; for (lb = strandStart; lb != NULL; lb = lb->next) { if (!sameString(lb->bedList->chrom, chromName)) break; if (lb->bedList->strand[0] != strand) break; endAddress = &lb->next; strandSizeLimit = max(strandSizeLimit, lb->chromEnd); } strandEnd = lb; /* Terminate list before next chromosome */ *endAddress = NULL; /* Create and write and free graphs. */ verbose(2, "creating graphs on %s %s\n", strandStart->bedList->chrom, strandStart->bedList->strand); struct txGraph *graph, *graphList = graphOneStrand(strandStart, strandSizeLimit); for (graph = graphList; graph != NULL; graph = graph->next) txGraphTabOut(graph, f); txGraphFreeList(&graphList); } carefulClose(&f); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { // pushCarefulMemHandler(500000000); dnaUtilOpen(); optionInit(&argc, argv, options); maxJoinSize = optionInt("maxJoinSize", maxJoinSize); forceRefSeqJoin = !optionExists("noForceRefSeqJoin"); maxBleedOver = optionInt("maxBleedOver", maxBleedOver); singleExonMaxOverlap = optionDouble("singleExonMaxOverlap", singleExonMaxOverlap); maxUncheckedBleed = optionInt("maxUncheckedBleed", maxUncheckedBleed); if (optionExists("checkSeq")) seqCache = nibTwoCacheNew(optionVal("checkSeq", NULL)); prefix = optionVal("prefix", prefix); if (argc < 4 || argc%2 != 0) usage(); txBedToGraph(argv[argc-1], argv+1, argc/2-1); return 0; }