  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/txGraph/txPslToBed/txPslToBed.c src/hg/txGraph/txPslToBed/txPslToBed.c
index 1d6145f..d23f50e 100644
--- src/hg/txGraph/txPslToBed/txPslToBed.c
+++ src/hg/txGraph/txPslToBed/txPslToBed.c
@@ -1,595 +1,595 @@
 /* txPsltoBed - Convert a psl to a bed file by projecting it onto it's target 
  * sequence. Optionally merge adjacent blocks and trim to splice sites. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2007 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "nibTwo.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "genbank.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "rangeTree.h"
 /* Variables set from command line. */
 int mergeMax = 5;	
 boolean fixIntrons = TRUE;
 boolean fixStrand = TRUE;
 int minSize = 18;
 int minIntronSize=16;
 FILE *unusualFile = NULL;
 struct hash *cdsHash = NULL;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "txPsltoBed - Convert a psl to a bed file by projecting it onto its target\n"
   "sequence. Optionally merge adjacent blocks and trim to splice sites.\n"
   "   txPsltoBed input.psl dnaPath output.bed\n"
   "where dnaPath is either a two bit file or a dir of nib files containing the DNA\n"
   "referenced on the target side of input.psl.\n"
   "   -cds=fileName - A three column file: qName,cdsStart,cdsEnd that describes\n"
   "                   The coding region. Will be used to set thickStart/thickEnd.\n"
   "   -mergeMax=N - merge small blocks separated by no more than N on either\n"
   "                 target or query. Default value is %d.\n"
   "   -minSize=N - suppress output of beds of less than this size (in exons)\n"
   "                Default value is %d.\n"
   "   -noFixIntrons - don't slide large gaps 1 base to seek for splice sites.\n"
   "   -noFixStrand - don't flip to opposite strand for better splice sites.\n"
   "   -minIntronSize - minimum size of an intron, default %d.\n"
   "   -unusual=fileName - put info about unusual splice sites etc. here\n"
   , mergeMax, minSize, minIntronSize
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"cds", OPTION_STRING},
    {"mergeMax", OPTION_INT},
    {"minSize", OPTION_INT},
    {"noFixIntrons", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"noFixStrand", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"minIntronSize", OPTION_INT},
    {"unusual", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct psl *curPsl;	/* Currently processed PSL */
 boolean anyUnusual;	/* Set if have any unusual things for this one. */
 void unusualPrint(char *type, int start, int end, char *format, ...)
 /* Print out info to unusual file if it exists. */
 if (unusualFile != NULL)
     va_list args;
     va_start(args, format);
     fprintf(unusualFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s/%s\t%s\t%s\t", 
 	curPsl->tName, start, end, curPsl->qName, type, type, curPsl->qName);
     vfprintf(unusualFile, format, args);
     fprintf(unusualFile, "\n");
 anyUnusual = TRUE;
 struct hash *hashCdsFile(char *fileName)
 /* Read in a CDS file and return hash of genbankCds keyed by accession */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *row[2];
 struct hash *hash = hashNew(17);
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     struct genbankCds *cds;
     char *cdsString = row[1];
     if (!stringIn("join", cdsString))
 	lmAllocVar(hash->lm, cds);
 	if (genbankCdsParse(cdsString, cds))
 	    hashAdd(hash, row[0], cds);
 	    verbose(2, "Couldn't parse cds string %s\n", cdsString);
 return hash;
 struct genbankCds *getCds(char *acc)
 /* Get associated cdsInfo if any */
 if (cdsHash != NULL)
     return hashFindVal(cdsHash, acc);
 return NULL;
 boolean fixOrientation(struct psl *psl, struct dnaSeq *chrom)
 /* If the transcript is spliced, use this to override the
  * input orientation.  Also write info about unusual splice
  * sites to unusual file.  Return TRUE if fix required. */
 int inputOrientation = (psl->strand[0] == '-' ? -1 : 1);
 int totalOrientation = 0;
 int outputOrientation;
 int i;
 int lastBlock = psl->blockCount-1;
 for (i=0; i<lastBlock; ++i)
     int blockSize = psl->blockSizes[i];
     int tStart = psl->tStarts[i] + blockSize;
     int qStart = psl->qStarts[i] + blockSize;
     int tEnd = psl->tStarts[i+1];
     int qEnd = psl->qStarts[i+1];
     if (qStart == qEnd && tEnd-tStart >= minIntronSize)
 	char *intronStart = chrom->dna + tStart;
 	char *intronEnd = chrom->dna + tEnd;
 	int orientation = intronOrientationMinSize(intronStart, intronEnd, minIntronSize);
 	totalOrientation += orientation;
 if (totalOrientation > 0)
     outputOrientation = 1;
 else if (totalOrientation < 0)
     outputOrientation = -1;
     outputOrientation = inputOrientation;
 if (outputOrientation != inputOrientation)
     unusualPrint("flip", psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, "flip based on %d splice sites", 
     if (psl->strand[0] == '+')
         psl->strand[0] = '-';
         psl->strand[0] = '+';
     return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 boolean fixPslIntrons(struct psl *psl, struct dnaSeq *chrom)
 /* Go through gaps in psl.  For ones the right size to be introns,
  * see if ends are introns.  If not see if adding or subtracting
  * a base could turn them into intron ends.  Return TRUE if
  * it did a fix. */
 boolean anyFix = FALSE;
 int start = psl->tStarts[0];
 int size = psl->blockSizes[0];
 int i;
 char *dna = chrom->dna;
 int orientation = (psl->strand[0] == '-' ? -1 : 1);
 for (i=1; i<psl->blockCount; ++i)
     int end = start+size;
     size = psl->blockSizes[i];
     start = psl->tStarts[i];
     char *intronStart = dna+end;
     char *intronEnd = dna+start;
     boolean didFix = FALSE;
     if (intronOrientationMinSize(intronStart, intronEnd, minIntronSize) != orientation)
 	if (orientation > 0)
 	    if (memcmp(intronStart, "gt", 2) != 0)
 		if (memcmp(intronStart-1, "gt", 2) == 0)
 		    psl->blockSizes[i-1] -= 1;
 		    didFix = TRUE;
 		    unusualPrint("nudge-gt", end, start, 
 		    	"nudge + strand intron start back one to get gt");
 		else if (memcmp(intronStart+1, "gt", 2) == 0)
 		    psl->blockSizes[i-1] += 1;
 		    didFix = TRUE;
 		    unusualPrint("nudge+gt", end, start, 
 		    	"nudge + strand intron start forward one to get gt");
 	    if (memcmp(intronEnd-2, "ag", 2) != 0)
 		if (memcmp(intronEnd-2-1, "ag", 2) == 0)
 		    psl->blockSizes[i] += 1;
 		    psl->tStarts[i] -= 1;
 		    psl->qStarts[i] -= 1;
 		    didFix = TRUE;
 		    unusualPrint("nudge-ag", end, start, 
 		    	"nudge + strand intron end back one to get ag");
 		else if (memcmp(intronEnd-2+1, "ag", 2) == 0)
 		    psl->blockSizes[i] -= 1;
 		    psl->tStarts[i] += 1;
 		    psl->qStarts[i] += 1;
 		    didFix = TRUE;
 		    unusualPrint("nudge+ag", end, start, 
 		    	"nudge + strand intron end forward one to get ag");
 	    if (memcmp(intronStart, "ct", 2) != 0)
 		if (memcmp(intronStart-1, "ct", 2) == 0)
 		    psl->blockSizes[i-1] -= 1;
 		    didFix = TRUE;
 		    unusualPrint("nudge-ct", end, start, 
 		    	"nudge - strand intron end back one to get ct (ag)");
 		else if (memcmp(intronStart+1, "ct", 2) == 0)
 		    psl->blockSizes[i-1] += 1;
 		    didFix = TRUE;
 		    unusualPrint("nudge+ct", end, start, 
 		    	"nudge - strand intron end forward one to get ct (ag)");
 	    if (memcmp(intronEnd-2, "ac", 2) != 0)
 		if (memcmp(intronEnd-2-1, "ac", 2) == 0)
 		    psl->blockSizes[i] += 1;
 		    psl->tStarts[i] -= 1;
 		    psl->qStarts[i] -= 1;
 		    didFix = TRUE;
 		    unusualPrint("nudge-ac", end, start, 
 		    	"nudge - strand intron start back one to get ac (gt)");
 		else if (memcmp(intronEnd-2+1, "ac", 2) == 0)
 		    psl->blockSizes[i] -= 1;
 		    psl->tStarts[i] += 1;
 		    psl->qStarts[i] += 1;
 		    didFix = TRUE;
 		    unusualPrint("nudge+ac", end, start, 
 		    	"nudge - strand intron start forward one to get ac (gt)");
     anyFix |= didFix;
 if (anyFix)
     verbose(3, "Did little intron fix on %s\n", psl->qName);
 return anyFix;
 struct bed *rangeListToBed(struct range *rangeList, struct psl *psl, 
 	struct genbankCds *cds, int score)
 /* Convert a list of ranges to a bed12. */
 if (rangeList == NULL)
     return NULL;
 /* Figure out number of blocks and overall bounds. */
 int blockCount = 0;
 int totalSize = 0;
 struct range *range = NULL, *lastRange = NULL;
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     if (range->end > range->start)
 	totalSize += range->end - range->start;
 	lastRange = range;
 if (totalSize < minSize)
     return NULL;
 int chromStart = rangeList->start;
 int chromEnd = lastRange->end;
 /* Allocate bed and fill in most of it. */
 struct bed *bed;
 bed->chrom = cloneString(psl->tName);
 bed->chromStart = chromStart;
 bed->chromEnd = chromEnd;
 bed->name = cloneString(psl->qName);
 bed->score = score;
 bed->strand[0] = psl->strand[0];
 bed->blockCount = blockCount;
 /* Fill in sizes and starts arrays */
 int *sizes = AllocArray(bed->blockSizes, blockCount);
 int *starts = AllocArray(bed->chromStarts, blockCount);
 int i = 0;
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     if (range->end > range->start)
 	sizes[i] = range->end - range->start;
 	starts[i] = range->start - chromStart;
 /* If there's a cds to map, try to map it via genePred code. */
 if (cds != NULL)
     struct genePred gp;
     struct genbankCds lcds = *cds;  // genePredAddGenbank might eat, so make copy
     gp.name = bed->name;
     gp.chrom = bed->chrom;
     gp.strand[0] = bed->strand[0];
     gp.txStart = bed->chromStart;
     gp.txEnd = bed->chromEnd;
     gp.optFields = genePredCdsStatFld;
     genePredAddGenbankCds(psl, &lcds, &gp);
     if (gp.cdsStartStat == cdsComplete && gp.cdsEndStat == cdsComplete)
 	if (bed->chromStart <= gp.cdsStart && bed->chromEnd >= gp.cdsEnd)
 	    bed->thickStart = gp.cdsStart;
 	    bed->thickEnd = gp.cdsEnd;
 	    if (rangeIntersection(bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, gp.cdsStart, gp.cdsEnd) > 0)
 		unusualPrint("splitCds", bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, "fragment of CDS output");
 	unusualPrint("shortAli", psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, "alignment doesn't cover entire CDS.");
 return bed;
 struct bed *pslToBedList(struct psl *psl, struct dnaSeq *chrom, int mergeMax, boolean fixedOrientation)
 /* Convert a psl to a list of beds, breaking up at gaps that are bigger than mergeMax,
  * and not introns. */
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed;
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct range *list = NULL, *el;
 char strand = psl->strand[0];
 /* Try and find genbank cds (unless we already had to flipped sequence, in which
  * case the CDS is pretty suspect!) */
 struct genbankCds *cds = getCds(psl->qName);
 if (cds != NULL)
     if (!(cds->startComplete && cds->endComplete && !cds->complement))
 	unusualPrint("incCdsIn", psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, "incomplete CDS in input");
 	cds = NULL;
     unusualPrint("noCdsIn", psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, "missing CDS from input");
 if (fixedOrientation) 
     cds = NULL;
 /* Create first range from first block, and put it on list. */
 int tStart = psl->tStarts[0];
 int qStart = psl->qStarts[0];
 int blockSize = psl->blockSizes[0];
 lmAllocVar(lm, list);
 list->start = tStart;
 list->end = tStart + blockSize;
 int i;
 for (i=1; i<psl->blockCount; ++i)
     /* Loop through.  At each position have three choices:
      *   1) Normal - add new range to existing list
      *   2) Merge - merge in block with current range
      *   3) Break - output range list so far and start new one with 
      *      this block. */
     int tEnd = tStart + blockSize;
     int qEnd = qStart + blockSize;
     tStart = psl->tStarts[i];
     qStart = psl->qStarts[i];
     int qGapStart = qEnd, qGapEnd = qStart;
     int tGapStart = tEnd, tGapEnd = tStart;
     int qGapSize = qGapEnd - qGapStart;
     int tGapSize = tGapEnd - tGapStart;
     char *iStart = chrom->dna + tEnd;
     char *iEnd = chrom->dna + tStart - 2;
     blockSize = psl->blockSizes[i];
     if (psl->strand[0] == '-')
 	reverseIntRange(&qGapStart, &qGapEnd, psl->qSize);
     if (tGapSize <= mergeMax && qGapSize <= mergeMax)	
 	/* merge case - just extend previous block. */
 	list->end = tStart + blockSize;
 	unusualPrint("gapMerge", tGapStart, tGapEnd, "merging small gap t=%d q=%d",
 		tGapSize, qGapSize);
 	/* If we're in the CDS region we might need to invalidate CDS. */
 	if (cds != NULL && rangeIntersection(cds->start, cds->end, qGapStart, qGapEnd)>0)
 	    /* If the actual CDS start/end is in a gap, then invalidate CDS. */
 	    if ((qGapStart <= cds->start && cds->start < qGapEnd)
 		|| (qGapStart <= cds->end && cds->end < qGapEnd))
 		cds = NULL;
 		unusualPrint("scbIndel", tGapStart,tGapEnd, "small CDS boundary indel.");
 		verbose(3, "cds start/end in short gap for %s\n", psl->qName);
 		/* If number of bases inserted/deleted relative in genome relative
 		 * to RNA is not multiple of 3, invalidate CDS. */
 		int sizeDiff = qGapSize - tGapSize;
 		if (sizeDiff < 0) 
 			sizeDiff = -sizeDiff;
 		if (sizeDiff % 3 != 0)
 		    unusualPrint("cdsIndel", tGapStart,tGapEnd, 
 		    	"small indel breaks reading frame. qSize %d, tSize %d",
 			qGapSize, tGapSize);
 		    verbose(3, "small gap in %s introduces frame shift\n", psl->qName);
 		    cds = NULL;
     else if (qGapSize > 1 || qGapSize < -1 || tGapSize < minIntronSize ||
         (strand == '+' && (iStart[0] != 'g' || (iStart[1] != 'c' && iStart[1] != 't') 
 		|| iEnd[0] != 'a' || iEnd[1] != 'g' )) ||
         (strand == '-' && (iStart[0] != 'c' || iStart[1] != 't' 
 		|| (iEnd[0] != 'a' && iEnd[0] != 'g') || iEnd[1] != 'c' )))
 	 unusualPrint("notIntron", tGapStart, tGapEnd, 
 	    "split at noncannonical intron. strand %c. ends %c%c/%c%c. qGap %d, tGap %d",
 	    strand, iStart[0], iStart[1], iEnd[0], iEnd[1], qGapSize, tGapSize);
 	 /* Break case. Not a short break or a gt/ag or gc/ag intron on either strand */
 	 /* We might need to invalidate CDS. */
 	 if (cds != NULL)
 	    if (rangeIntersection(cds->start, cds->end, qGapStart, qGapEnd)>0)
 		/* Invalidate CDS if that's where break occurs and query gap not a multiple of 3. */
 		if ((qGapStart <= cds->start && cds->start < qGapEnd)
 		    || (qGapStart <= cds->end && cds->end < qGapEnd))
 		    cds = NULL;
 		    verbose(3, "cds start/end in long gap for %s\n", psl->qName);
 		    unusualPrint("lcbIndel", tGapStart, tGapEnd, "boundary of CDS falls through non-intron");
 		else if (qGapSize%3 != 0)
 		    cds = NULL;
 		    verbose(3, "large gap in %s introduces frame shift\n", psl->qName);
 		    unusualPrint("bigIndel", tGapStart, tGapEnd, 
 		    	"large gap introduces frame shift. qGap %d", qGapSize);
 	 bed = rangeListToBed(list, psl, cds, 0);
 	 if (bed)
 	     slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
 	 lmAllocVar(lm, list);
 	 list->start = tStart;
 	 list->end = tStart + blockSize;
 	 if (cds != NULL && qGapSize != 0)
 	    /* Here we probably "fixed" an intron at expense of CDS. */
 	    if (rangeIntersection(cds->start, cds->end, qGapStart-1, qGapStart+1)>0)
 		cds = NULL;
 		unusualPrint("cdsNudge", tGapStart, tGapEnd, "nudged intron but broke CDS");
 		verbose(3, "fixed intron but broke CDS in %s\n", psl->qName);
 	 /* Normal case. */
 	 lmAllocVar(lm, el);
 	 el->start = tStart;
 	 el->end = tStart + blockSize;
 	 slAddHead(&list, el);
 bed = rangeListToBed(list, psl, cds, 0);
 if (bed)
     slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
 return bedList;
 void txPsltoBed(char *inPsl, char *dnaPath, char *outBed)
 /* txPsltoBed - Convert a psl to a bed file by projecting it onto it's target 
  * sequence. Optionally merge adjacent blocks and trim to splice sites. */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(outBed, "w");
 struct psl *pslList  = pslLoadAll(inPsl);
 char *chromName = "";
 struct nibTwoCache *ntc = nibTwoCacheNew(dnaPath);
 struct dnaSeq *chrom = NULL;
 verbose(2, "Loaded %d psls\n", slCount(pslList));
 slSort(&pslList, pslCmpTarget);
 for (curPsl = pslList; curPsl != NULL; curPsl = curPsl->next)
     verbose(3, "Processing %s\n", curPsl->qName);
     /* Start recording our decision making here. */
     anyUnusual = FALSE;
     if (!sameString(chromName, curPsl->tName))
 	chrom = nibTwoCacheSeq(ntc, curPsl->tName);
 	toLowerN(chrom->dna, chrom->size);
 	chromName = curPsl->tName;
 	verbose(2, "Loaded %d bases in %s\n", chrom->size, chromName);
     if (curPsl->tSize != chrom->size)
 	errAbort("DNA and PSL out of sync. %s thinks %s is %d bases, but %s thinks it's %d.",
 		 inPsl, chromName, curPsl->tSize, dnaPath, chrom->size);
     boolean fixedOrientation = FALSE;
     if (fixStrand)
 	fixOrientation(curPsl, chrom);
     if (fixIntrons)
 	fixPslIntrons(curPsl, chrom);
     struct bed *bedList = pslToBedList(curPsl, chrom, mergeMax, fixedOrientation);
     struct bed *bed;
     for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
 	bedTabOutN(bed, 12, f);
     if (!anyUnusual)
         unusualPrint("perfect", curPsl->tStart, curPsl->tEnd, "");
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 mergeMax = optionInt("mergeMax", mergeMax);
 minSize = optionInt("minSize", minSize);
 fixIntrons = !optionExists("noFixIntrons");
 fixStrand = !optionExists("noFixStrand");
 minIntronSize = optionInt("minIntronSize", minIntronSize);
 if (optionExists("unusual"))
     unusualFile = mustOpen(optionVal("unusual", NULL), "w");
 if (argc != 4)
 char *cdsFile = optionVal("cds", NULL);
 if (cdsFile != NULL)
     cdsHash = hashCdsFile(cdsFile);
 txPsltoBed(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
 return 0;