  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/txGraph/txgAddEvidence/txgAddEvidence.c src/hg/txGraph/txgAddEvidence/txgAddEvidence.c
index af50cc8..a578619 100644
--- src/hg/txGraph/txgAddEvidence/txgAddEvidence.c
+++ src/hg/txGraph/txgAddEvidence/txgAddEvidence.c
@@ -1,329 +1,329 @@
 /* txgAddEvidence - Add evidence from a bed file to existing transcript graph.. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2009 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "geneGraph.h"
 #include "txGraph.h"
 #include "ggTypes.h"
 #include "binRange.h"
 #include "txEdgeBed.h"
 int maxBleedOver = 6;
 boolean bedIsIntron = FALSE;
 boolean bedIsHard = FALSE;
 char *specificChrom = NULL;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "txgAddEvidence - Add evidence from a bed file to existing transcript graph.\n"
   "   txgAddEvidence in.txg in.edges sourceType out.txg\n"
   "where in.txg is a tab-separated file in txGraph format\n"
   "      in.edges is a tab-separated file in txEdgeBed or txEdgeOrtho format\n"
   "      sourceType is a decriptive word like 'refSeq' 'est' etc.\n"
   "      out.txt is the output graph with additional info\n"
   "      -chrom=chrN - Set to only add edges for given chromosome.  Useful\n"
   "                    if in.txg is chromosome specific but in.edges is not.\n"
   "      -maxBleedOver=N - Maximum amount of exon that can be lost when snapping\n"
   "                    soft to hard edges. Default %d\n"
   , maxBleedOver
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"chrom", OPTION_STRING},
    {"maxBleedOver", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct minChromSize
 /* Associate chromosome and size. */
     char *chrom;	/* Chromosome name, Not alloced here */
     int minSize;		
 struct hash *txgChromMinSizeHash(struct txGraph *txgList)
 /* Hash full of lower bounds on chromosome sizes, taken
  * from tEnd's in txgList. */
 struct txGraph *txg;
 struct hash *sizeHash = hashNew(16);
 for (txg = txgList; txg != NULL; txg = txg->next)
     struct minChromSize *chrom = hashFindVal(sizeHash, txg->tName);
     if (chrom == NULL)
 	lmAllocVar(sizeHash->lm, chrom);
 	chrom->chrom = txg->tName;
 	chrom->minSize = txg->tEnd;
 	hashAdd(sizeHash, txg->tName, chrom);
 	chrom->minSize = max(chrom->minSize, txg->tEnd);
 return sizeHash;
 struct hash *txgIntoKeeperHash(struct txGraph *txgList)
 /* Create a hash full of bin keepers (one for each chromosome or contig.
  * The binKeepers are full of txGraphs. */
 struct hash *sizeHash = txgChromMinSizeHash(txgList);
 struct hash *bkHash = hashNew(16);
 struct txGraph *txg;
 for (txg = txgList; txg != NULL; txg = txg->next)
     struct binKeeper *bk = hashFindVal(bkHash, txg->tName);
     if (bk == NULL)
 	struct minChromSize *chrom = hashMustFindVal(sizeHash, txg->tName);
 	verbose(2, "New binKeeper for %s\n", txg->tName);
 	bk = binKeeperNew(0, chrom->minSize);
 	hashAdd(bkHash, txg->tName, bk);
     binKeeperAdd(bk, txg->tStart, txg->tEnd, txg);
 return bkHash;
 int getSourceIx(struct txGraph *txg, char *type, char *accession)
 /* Search support for type & accession */
 /* Start search where we got last result for better performance
  * when doing things again and again. */
 static int lastIx = 0;
 if (lastIx < txg->sourceCount)
     struct txSource *source = &txg->sources[lastIx];
     if (sameString(accession, source->accession) && sameString(type, source->type))
 	return lastIx;
 /* Search through whole list of sources. */
 int ix;
 for (ix=0; ix<txg->sourceCount; ++ix)
     if (ix != lastIx)
 	struct txSource *source = &txg->sources[ix];
 	if (sameString(accession, source->accession) && sameString(type, source->type))
 	    lastIx = ix;
 	    return ix;
 return -1;
 boolean evIsHard(char *type)
 /* Return TRUE if txEdgeBed start/end type is hard. */
 char c = type[0];
 return c == '[' || c == ']';
 boolean vertexIsHard(struct txVertex *vertex)
 /* Return true if a hard start or hard end. */
 unsigned char c = vertex->type;
 return c == ggHardStart || c == ggHardEnd;
 int evEdgeScore(struct txGraph *txg, struct txEdge *edge, 
 	struct txEdgeBed *ev)
 /* Return a score for edge/evidence match up. There's two main
  * factors in the score: the extent of the overlap, and the
  * agreement of the hardness/softness of the ends. */
 /* Check that introns go with introns and exons with exons. */
 if ((int)edge->type != (int)ev->type)
     return 0;
 /* Unpack some of the input data structures into local variables
  * and see if we even overlap. */
 struct txVertex *startVertex = &txg->vertices[edge->startIx];
 struct txVertex *endVertex = &txg->vertices[edge->endIx];
 int edgeStart = startVertex->position;
 int edgeEnd = endVertex->position;
 int evStart = ev->chromStart;
 int evEnd = ev->chromEnd;
 int overlapSize = rangeIntersection(edgeStart, edgeEnd, evStart, evEnd);
 if (overlapSize <= 0)
     return 0;
 /* Figure out hardness/softness of starts and ends of both evidence
  * and edge. */
 boolean edgeHardStart = vertexIsHard(startVertex);
 boolean edgeHardEnd = vertexIsHard(endVertex);
 boolean evHardStart = evIsHard(ev->startType);
 boolean evHardEnd = evIsHard(ev->endType);
 /* Go through 4 possible cases at start */
 int startBonus = 0;
 if (evHardStart && edgeHardStart)
     if (evStart != edgeStart)
         return 0;
     startBonus = 2000000;
 else if (evHardStart && !edgeHardStart)
     if (evStart - edgeStart > maxBleedOver)
         return 0;
 else if (!evHardStart && edgeHardStart)
     if (edgeStart - evStart > maxBleedOver)
         return 0;
 else if (!evHardStart && !edgeHardStart)
     /* Both soft, no real constraints */
 /* Go through 4 possible cases at end */
 int endBonus = 0;
 if (evHardEnd && edgeHardEnd)
     if (evEnd != edgeEnd)
         return 0;
     endBonus = 2000000;
 else if (evHardEnd && !edgeHardEnd)
     if (edgeEnd - evEnd > maxBleedOver)
         return 0;
 else if (!evHardEnd && edgeHardEnd)
     if (evEnd - edgeEnd > maxBleedOver)
         return 0;
 else if (!evHardEnd && !edgeHardEnd)
     /* Both soft, no real constraints */
 return startBonus + endBonus + overlapSize;
 void addEvidenceToGraph(struct txGraph *txg, struct txEdgeBed *ev, 
 	char *sourceType)
 /* Search through txg, and if can find an edge that agrees with 
  * ev, add ev to best agreeing edge. */
 struct txEdge *edge, *bestEdge = NULL;
 int score, bestScore = 0;
 for (edge = txg->edgeList; edge != NULL; edge = edge->next)
     score = evEdgeScore(txg, edge, ev);
     if (score > bestScore)
 	bestScore = score;
 	bestEdge = edge;
 if (bestEdge != NULL)
     verbose(2, "Adding evidence at %s:%d-%d to edge of %s\n", 
 	    txg->tName, ev->chromStart, ev->chromEnd, txg->name);
     char *accession = ev->name;
     int sourceIx = getSourceIx(txg, sourceType, accession);
     if (sourceIx < 0)
 	sourceIx = txg->sourceCount;
 	ExpandArray(txg->sources, sourceIx, txg->sourceCount+1);
 	struct txSource *source = &txg->sources[sourceIx];
 	source->type = cloneString(sourceType);
 	source->accession = cloneString(accession);
 	txg->sourceCount = sourceIx + 1;
     struct txEvidence *tev;
     tev->sourceId = sourceIx;
     tev->start = ev->chromStart;
     tev->end = ev->chromEnd;
     slAddTail(&bestEdge->evList, tev);
     bestEdge->evCount += 1;
 void addEvidence(struct txEdgeBed *evList, char *sourceType, struct hash *bkHash)
 /* Input is a list of additional evidence in evList, and a hash
  * full of binKeepers full of txGraphs. */
 struct txEdgeBed *ev;
 for (ev = evList; ev != NULL; ev = ev->next)
     if (specificChrom != NULL && !sameString(ev->chrom, specificChrom))
     verbose(2, "Processing %s %s:%d-%d\n", ev->name, ev->chrom, ev->chromStart, ev->chromEnd);
     struct binKeeper *bk = hashMustFindVal(bkHash, ev->chrom);
     struct binElement *bel, *belList = binKeeperFind(bk, ev->chromStart, ev->chromEnd);
     verbose(3, "%s hits %d txg\n", ev->name, slCount(belList));
     for (bel = belList; bel != NULL; bel = bel->next)
 	struct txGraph *txg = bel->val;
 	verbose(3, "  txg %s %s:%d-%d\n", txg->name, txg->tName, txg->tStart, txg->tEnd);
 	if (ev->strand[0] == 0 || ev->strand[0] == '.' 
 		||sameString(txg->strand, ev->strand))
 	    addEvidenceToGraph(txg, ev, sourceType);
 void txgAddEvidence(char *txgIn, char *bedIn, char *sourceType, char *txgOut)
 /* txgAddEvidence - Add evidence from a bed file to existing transcript graph.. */
 struct txGraph *txgList = txGraphLoadAll(txgIn);
 verbose(2, "%d elements in txgList\n", slCount(txgList));
 struct txEdgeBed *bedList = txEdgeBedLoadAll(bedIn);
 verbose(2, "%d elements in bedList\n", slCount(bedList));
 FILE *f = mustOpen(txgOut, "w");
 verbose(1, "Adding %s evidence from %s to %s. Result is in %s.\n",
 	sourceType, bedIn, txgIn, txgOut);
 struct hash *bkHash = txgIntoKeeperHash(txgList);
 verbose(2, "Loaded into keeper hash of %d elements\n", bkHash->elCount);
 addEvidence(bedList, sourceType, bkHash);
 verbose(2, "Added evidence.\n");
 struct txGraph *txg;
 for (txg = txgList; txg != NULL; txg = txg->next)
     txGraphTabOut(txg, f);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 specificChrom = optionVal("chrom", NULL);
 maxBleedOver = optionInt("maxBleedOver", maxBleedOver);
 if (argc != 5)
 txgAddEvidence(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
 return 0;