  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/utils/bedMergeExpData/bedMergeExpData.c src/hg/utils/bedMergeExpData/bedMergeExpData.c
index 042c117..e65c469 100644
--- src/hg/utils/bedMergeExpData/bedMergeExpData.c
+++ src/hg/utils/bedMergeExpData/bedMergeExpData.c
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
 /* bedMergeExpData - Merge probe position information (bed table) with */
 /* an expData table and make a new bed file from that. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "expData.h"
 void usage()
 /* Explain how to run the program. */
 errAbort("bedMergeExpData - Merge probe position information (bed table) with\n"
 	 "an expData table and make a new bed file from that.\n"
 	 "   bedMergeExpData database.expDataTable database.bedTable merged.bed");
 struct hash *getExpHash(char *dbDotTable)
 /* Get the expData table from the database and put it into a hash. */
 char *table = chopPrefix(dbDotTable);
 char *db = dbDotTable;
 char query[200];
 char **row;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);
 struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
 struct hash *hash = NULL;
 sqlSafef(query, ArraySize(query), "select * from %s", table);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 hash = newHash(15);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct expData *data = expDataLoad(row);
     hashAdd(hash, data->name, data);
 return hash;
 void freeExpHash(struct hash **pHash)
 /* Free up the hash of expDatas. */
 struct hashEl *list = hashElListHash(*pHash);
 struct hashEl *cur;
 for (cur = list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
     struct expData *thing = cur->val;
 struct slName *idealizedBed12()
 /* Make up the typical bed 12 for future comparison. */
 struct slName *list = NULL;
 slNameAddHead(&list, "chrom");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "chromStart");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "chromEnd");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "name");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "score");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "strand");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "thickStart");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "thickEnd");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "reserved");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "blockCount");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "blockSizes");
 slNameAddHead(&list, "blockStarts");
 return list;
 int countBedFields(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, int *binOffset)
 /* Count the fields in a table contributing to a bed.  This makes this */
 /* function compatible with bed+ data. */
 struct slName *bedFields = sqlListFields(conn, table);
 struct slName *awesome12 = idealizedBed12();
 struct slName *field = bedFields;
 struct slName *bed;
 int numFields = 0;
 *binOffset = 0;
 if (!bedFields)
     return 0;
 if (sameString(bedFields->name, "bin"))
     *binOffset = 1;
     field = bedFields->next;
 for (bed = awesome12; (field != NULL && bed != NULL); field = field->next, bed = bed->next)
 /* Loop through 2 lists at the same time, and skip the bin field if */ 
 /* it's there. */
     if (!sameString(field->name, bed->name) && !(sameString(field->name, "itemRgb") && (sameString(bed->name, "reserved"))))
 	/* the name at the current place in both lists should be the same.  Make an exception */
 	/* for "itemRgb" and "reserved", which are both at column 9. */
 return numFields;
 void fillInBedALittle(struct bed **pList, int numFields)
 /* If it's less than bed 12, make it bed 12. */
 int i = 1;
 struct bed *cur;
 for (cur = *pList; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
     /* it better be bigger than bed 3. */
     if (numFields < 4)
 	char name[50];
 	safef(name, ArraySize(name), "item.%d", i+1);
 	cur->name = cloneString(name);
     if (numFields < 5)
 	cur->score = 1000;
     if (numFields < 6)
 	cur->strand[0] = '?';
 	cur->strand[1] = '\0';
     if (numFields < 8)
 	cur->thickStart = cur->chromStart;
 	cur->thickEnd = cur->chromEnd;
     if (numFields < 9)
 	cur->itemRgb = 0;
     if (numFields < 12)
 	cur->blockSizes = needMem(sizeof(int));
 	cur->chromStarts = needMem(sizeof(int));
 	cur->blockCount = 1;
 	cur->chromStarts[0] = 0;
 	cur->blockSizes[0] = cur->chromEnd - cur->chromStart;
 struct bed *bed12DbLoad(char *db, char *table)
 /* Load a bed table, and no matter how big it was in the DB, make it bed 12. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);
 struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL;
 char query[200];
 char **row;
 int binOffset = 0;
 int numFields = countBedFields(conn, table, &binOffset);
 sqlSafef(query, ArraySize(query), "select * from %s", table);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct bed *onebed = bedLoadN(row + binOffset, numFields);
     slAddHead(&bedList, onebed);
 fillInBedALittle(&bedList, numFields);
 return bedList;
 int *ascendingIntArray(int size)
 /* return an array of ints like 0,1,2, ... , size-1. */
 int *nums = needMem(size * sizeof(int));
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
     nums[i] = i;
 return nums;
 void bedInAndOut(struct hash *expHash, char *dbDotBed, char *outBedName)
 /* The crux of the program.  Read in the bed table from the DB and merge it */
 /* with the expression hash.  Then output the new bed. */
 char *table = chopPrefix(dbDotBed);
 char *db = dbDotBed;
 struct bed *bedList = bed12DbLoad(db, table);
 struct bed *onebed;
 FILE *output = mustOpen(outBedName, "w");
 for (onebed = bedList; onebed != NULL; onebed = onebed->next)
     /* For each probe, fetch the experimental data and add it to the bed */
     /* 12 to make a bed 15. */
     struct expData *exps = hashFindVal(expHash, onebed->name);
     /* skip it if there's no experimental data. */
     /* eventually this part could be changed so that it fills in with "missing */
     /* data" values (typically a large, bogus-looking constant) optionally.    */
     if (!exps)
     onebed->expCount = exps->expCount;
     onebed->expIds = ascendingIntArray(onebed->expCount);
     onebed->expScores = cloneMem(exps->expScores, sizeof(float) * onebed->expCount);
     bedTabOutN(onebed, 15, output);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Check command integrity and run the program. */
 struct hash *expHash = NULL;
 /* struct bed *bedList; */
 if (argc != 4)
 expHash = getExpHash(argv[1]);
 bedInAndOut(expHash, argv[2], argv[3]);
 return 0;