  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/utils/cageSingleTrack/cageSingleTrack.c src/hg/utils/cageSingleTrack/cageSingleTrack.c
index 489080b..9ae07ba 100644
--- src/hg/utils/cageSingleTrack/cageSingleTrack.c
+++ src/hg/utils/cageSingleTrack/cageSingleTrack.c
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
 /* Reach in cage data files from Riken and process them into two top level tracks.
    One track for + strand and another for the - strand. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2009 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "dlist.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "verbose.h"
 #include "options.h"
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = 
 /* Our acceptable options to be called with. */
     {"help", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"input", OPTION_STRING},
     {"forward", OPTION_STRING},
     {"reverse", OPTION_STRING},
     {"stats-only", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"alpha", OPTION_FLOAT},
     {"xmax", OPTION_INT},
     {NULL, 0}
 static char *optionDescripts[] = 
 /* Description of our options for usage summary. */
     "Display this message.",
     "Bed file with read alignments on genome.",
     "Output file for bedgraph on forward (+) strand",
     "Output file for bedgraph on reverse (-) strand",
     "Just generate counts and output for pulling data into R and fitting alpha",
     "Alpha coefficient in power law for calculating posterior probability",
     "Maximum value of read counts that fits the power law",
 static char *chroms[] = {"chr1","chr2", "chr3","chr4","chr5","chr6","chr7","chr8","chr9",
 double alpha = 0;
 int xmax = 0;
 boolean statsOnly = FALSE;
 //static int * sample = NULL;
 //static int numSample = 0;
 //static double probCach[5] = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0};
 struct bedFloat
 /* Browser extensible data */
     struct bedFloat *next;  /* Next in singly linked list. */
     char *chrom;	/* Human chromosome or FPC contig */
     unsigned chromStart;	/* Start position in chromosome */
     unsigned chromEnd;	/* End position in chromosome */
     char *name;	/* Name of item */
     char strand;
     /* The following items are not loaded by   the bedLoad routines. */
     float score; /* Score - 0-1000 */
     int itemRgb;
 void printPointSummary(struct hash *hash, FILE *forward, FILE *reverse) 
 struct hashEl *hel, *helList = hashElListHash(hash);
 for (hel = helList; hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
     struct bed *bedList = hel->val;
     int max = 0; 
     struct bed *bed = NULL;
     for(bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) 
 	max = max(bed->score, max);
     double s = max;
     s = logBase2(s+1) * 10;
     bedList->score = round(s) - 9;
     bedList->score = max(0,bedList->score);
     if(bedList->strand[0] == '+') 
 	fprintf(forward, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", bedList->chrom, bedList->chromStart, bedList->chromEnd, bedList->score);
     else if(bedList->strand[0] == '-') 
 	fprintf(reverse, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", bedList->chrom, bedList->chromStart, bedList->chromEnd, bedList->score);
 	errAbort("*Error* - Don't recongize strand: %c\n", bed->strand[0]);
 /* static int intCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) */
 /* /\* Compare function to sort array of ints. *\/ */
 /* { */
 /* const int *a = va; */
 /* const int *b = vb; */
 /* int diff = *a - *b; */
 /* if (diff < 0) */
 /*     return -1; */
 /* else if (diff > 0) */
 /*     return 1; */
 /* else */
 /*     return 0; */
 /* } */
 /* void intSort(int count, int *array) */
 /* /\* Sort an array of ints. *\/ */
 /* { */
 /* if (count > 1) */
 /* qsort(array, count, sizeof(array[0]), intCmp); */
 /* } */
 /* void readDist(char *bedFile) { */
 /* struct bed *bedList = bedLoadAll(bedFile); */
 /* numSample = slCount(bedList); */
 /* sample = needMem(sizeof(int) * numSample); */
 /* struct bed *bed = NULL; */
 /* int count = 0; */
 /* for(bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)  */
 /*     { */
 /*     sample[count++] = bed->score; */
 /*     } */
 /* intSort(numSample, sample); */
 /* } */
 double probVal(int val) 
 if(val> xmax) 
     val = xmax;
 double p = pow((val*1.0)/xmax, alpha);
 return p;
 /* double probVal(int val) { */
 /* int startIx = numSample/2; */
 /* double maxIterations = 1000000; */
 /* double prob = -1.0; */
 /* int lastStart = 0; */
 /* if(val < 5 && probCach[val] >= 0)  */
 /*     return probCach[val]; */
 /* while(1)  */
 /*     { */
 /*     if(val == sample[startIx] || startIx == 0 || startIx == numSample - 1 || (val > sample[startIx] && val < sample[lastStart]))  */
 /* 	{ */
 /* 	while(startIx > 0 && sample[startIx] >= val)  */
 /* 	    startIx--; */
 /* 	prob = startIx * 1.0 / numSample; */
 /* 	break; */
 /* 	} */
 /*     else if(val < sample[startIx] && startIx > 0)  */
 /* 	{ */
 /* 	int newStart = startIx / 2; */
 /* 	if(maxIterations-- < 0)  */
 /* 	    { */
 /* 	    warn("Shouldn't get 0 iterations!"); */
 /* 	    } */
 /* 	lastStart = startIx; */
 /* 	startIx = newStart; */
 /* 	} */
 /*     else if(val > sample[startIx] && startIx < numSample - 1) */
 /* 	{ */
 /* 	int newStart = (numSample - startIx) / 2 + startIx; */
 /* 	if(maxIterations-- < 0)  */
 /* 	    { */
 /* 	    warn("Shouldn't get 0 iterations!"); */
 /* 	    } */
 /* 	lastStart = startIx; */
 /* 	startIx = newStart; */
 /* 	} */
 /*     else  */
 /* 	{ */
 /* 	errAbort("Shouldn't have gotten here...."); */
 /* 	} */
 /*     } */
 /* if(val < 5)  */
 /*     probCach[val] = prob; */
 /* return prob; */
 /* } */
 void doChromosome(char *bedFile, char *chrom, FILE *forward, FILE *reverse) 
 struct hash *hash = newHash(12);
 char keyBuf[256];
 char *line = NULL;
 /* Load the hashes from the bed file */
 struct lineFile *bedLf = lineFileOpen(bedFile, TRUE);
 while(lineFileNextReal(bedLf, &line)) 
     char *row[12];
     int numCols = chopByWhite(line, row, ArraySize(row));
     if (numCols < 4)
 	errAbort("bed must have at least 4 columns");
     struct bed *bed = bedLoadN(row, numCols);
     safef(keyBuf, ArraySize(keyBuf), "%s:%c:%d-%d", bed->chrom, bed->strand[0], bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
     struct hashEl *element = hashLookup(hash, keyBuf);
     if(element == NULL) 
 	hashAdd(hash, keyBuf, bed);
 	slSafeAddHead(&element->val, bed);        
 printPointSummary(hash, forward, reverse);
 hashFreeWithVals(&hash, bedFreeList);
 boolean differentCoord(struct bed *b1, struct bed *b2) 
 if((b1 == NULL || b2 == NULL) && (b1 != b2))
     return FALSE;
 boolean same = sameString(b1->chrom, b2->chrom);
 same &= b1->chromStart == b2->chromStart;
 same &= b1->chromEnd == b2->chromEnd;
 same &= b1->strand[0] == b2->strand[0];
 return !same;
 struct bed *readBedList(char *bedFile, char *chrom) 
 char *line = NULL;
 /* Load the hashes from the bed file */
 struct lineFile *bedLf = lineFileOpen(bedFile, TRUE);
 struct bed *bedList = NULL;
 while(lineFileNextReal(bedLf, &line)) 
     char *row[12];
     int numCols = chopByWhite(line, row, ArraySize(row));
     if (numCols < 4)
 	errAbort("bed must have at least 4 columns");
     struct bed *bed = bedLoadN(row, numCols);
     slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
 slSort(&bedList, bedCmpChromStrandStart);
 return bedList;
 struct dlList *makeDlList(struct bed *bedList) 
 struct dlList *dlList = newDlList();
 struct slRef * currentList = NULL;
 struct dlNode *currentNode = NULL;
 struct bed *head = bedList;
 while(head != NULL) 
     if(currentList == NULL || differentCoord(head, currentList->val)) 
 	struct dlNode *node = needMem(sizeof(struct dlNode));
 	// Save our node and list
 	if(currentNode != NULL) 
 	    currentNode->val = currentList;
 	    dlAddTail(dlList, currentNode);
 	currentList = needMem(sizeof(struct slRef));
 	currentList->val = head;
 	currentNode = node;
 	struct slRef *newRef = needMem(sizeof(struct slRef));
 	newRef->val = head;
 	slAddHead(&currentList, newRef);
     head = head->next;
 currentNode->val = currentList;
 dlAddTail(dlList, currentNode);
 return dlList;
 void sumListCount(struct slRef *refList, double *sum, int *count) 
 struct slRef *ref = NULL;
 double localSum = 0;
 int localCount = 0;
 for(ref = refList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) 
     struct bed *b = ref->val;
     localSum += b->score;
 //localSum = localSum / localCount;
 (*sum) += localSum;
 (*count) += localCount;
 void sumAveList(struct slRef *refList, double *sum, int *count) 
 struct slRef *ref = NULL;
 double localSum = 0;
 int localCount = 0;
 for(ref = refList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) 
     struct bed *b = ref->val;
     localSum += b->score;
 localSum = localSum / localCount;
 (*sum) += localSum;
 struct bedFloat *calculateWindow(struct dlList *headList, int window) 
 struct bedFloat *bfList = NULL;
 struct dlNode *current = NULL;
 for(current = headList->head; !dlEnd(current); current= current->next) 
     double sum = 0;
     int count = 0;
     sumAveList((struct slRef*)current->val, &sum, &count);
     struct bed *targetBed = ((struct bed *)((struct slRef *)current->val)->val);
     int targetStart = targetBed->chromStart;
     int targetEnd = targetBed->chromEnd;
     struct dlNode *prev = current->prev;
     int nonZero = 0;
     while(prev != NULL && !dlStart(prev)) 
 	struct bed *bList = ((struct bed *)((struct slRef *)prev->val)->val);
 	if(abs(bList->chromStart - targetStart) > window)
 	sumAveList(prev->val, &sum, &count);
 	prev = prev->prev;
     struct dlNode *next = current->next;
     while(next != NULL && !dlEnd(next)) 
 	struct bed *bList = ((struct bed *)((struct slRef *)next->val)->val);
 	if(abs(bList->chromEnd - targetEnd) > window)
 	sumAveList(next->val, &sum, &count);
 	next = next->next;
     int expected = 2*window+1;
     count += expected - nonZero;
     struct bedFloat *bf = needMem(sizeof(struct bedFloat));
     bf->chrom = cloneString(targetBed->chrom);
     bf->chromStart = targetBed->chromStart;
     bf->chromEnd = targetBed->chromEnd;
     bf->strand = targetBed->strand[0];
     bf->score = sum/count;
     bf->name = cloneString(targetBed->name);
     slAddHead(&bfList, bf);
 return bfList;
 struct bedFloat *calculateWindowCounts(struct dlList *headList, int window) 
 struct bedFloat *bfList = NULL;
 struct dlNode *current = NULL;
 for(current = headList->head; !dlEnd(current); current= current->next) 
     double sum = 0;
     int count = 0;
     sumListCount((struct slRef*)current->val, &sum, &count);
     struct bed *targetBed = ((struct bed *)((struct slRef *)current->val)->val);
     int targetStart = targetBed->chromStart;
     int targetEnd = targetBed->chromEnd;
     struct dlNode *prev = current->prev;
     int nonZero = 0;
     while(prev != NULL && !dlStart(prev)) 
 	struct bed *bList = ((struct bed *)((struct slRef *)prev->val)->val);
 	if(abs(bList->chromStart - targetStart) > window)
 	sumListCount(prev->val, &sum, &count);
 	prev = prev->prev;
     struct dlNode *next = current->next;
     while(next != NULL && !dlEnd(next)) 
 	struct bed *bList = ((struct bed *)((struct slRef *)next->val)->val);
 	if(abs(bList->chromEnd - targetEnd) > window)
 	sumListCount(next->val, &sum, &count);
 	next = next->next;
     struct bedFloat *bf = needMem(sizeof(struct bedFloat));
     bf->chrom = cloneString(targetBed->chrom);
     bf->chromStart = targetBed->chromStart;
     bf->chromEnd = targetBed->chromEnd;
     bf->strand = targetBed->strand[0];
     bf->score = round(sum);
     char buff[256];
     bf->itemRgb = count;
     safef(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", count);
     bf->name = cloneString(buff);
     slAddHead(&bfList, bf);
 return bfList;
 void doChromosomeWindow(char *bedFile, char *chrom, FILE *forward, FILE *reverse) 
 struct bed *bedList = readBedList(bedFile, chrom);
 struct dlList *dlList = makeDlList(bedList);
 struct bedFloat *bFloatList = calculateWindowCounts(dlList, 10);
 struct bedFloat *bFloat = NULL;
 for(bFloat = bFloatList; bFloat != NULL; bFloat= bFloat->next) 
     double d = bFloat->score;
 	d = probVal(bFloat->score);
     if(bFloat->strand == '+') 
 	fprintf(forward, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%.6f\n", bFloat->chrom, bFloat->chromStart, bFloat->chromEnd, d);
 //	fprintf(forward, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%d\t%.6f\n", bFloat->chrom, bFloat->chromStart, bFloat->chromEnd, bFloat->itemRgb, bFloat->score,round(d*1000), d);
     else if(bFloat->strand == '-') 
 	fprintf(reverse, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%.6f\n", bFloat->chrom, bFloat->chromStart, bFloat->chromEnd,  d);
 //	fprintf(reverse, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%d\t%.6f\n", bFloat->chrom, bFloat->chromStart, bFloat->chromEnd, bFloat->itemRgb, bFloat->score,round(d*1000), d);
 //	fprintf(reverse, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", bFloat->chrom, bFloat->chromStart, bFloat->chromEnd, round(d*1000));
 //	fprintf(reverse, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", bFloat->chrom, bFloat->chromStart, bFloat->chromEnd, round(bFloat->score), round(d*100));
 	errAbort("Don't recognize strand for bed: %s:%d-%d\n", bFloat->chrom, bFloat->chromStart, bFloat->chromEnd);
 void cageToSingleTrack(char *infile, char *forwardOut, char *reverseOut) 
 FILE *forward = mustOpen(forwardOut, "w");
 FILE *reverse = mustOpen(reverseOut, "w");
 int chrIx = 0;
 for(chrIx = 0; chrIx < ArraySize(chroms); chrIx++) 
     verbose(1, "Doing chromosome: %s\n", chroms[chrIx]);
     doChromosomeWindow(infile, chroms[chrIx], forward, reverse);
 verbose(1, "Finished\n");
 void usage()
 /* Introduce ourselves. */
 int i = 0;
 warn("cageSingleTrack - Generate bedgraph statistics and posterior probability\n"
      "under an assumption of power law distribution."
      "   cageSingleTrack --input all.bed --forward forward.bgraph --reverse reverse.bgraph --alpha 1.067001 --xmax 198\n"
 for(i=0; i<ArraySize(optionSpecs) -1; i++)
     fprintf(stderr, "   -%s -- %s\n", optionSpecs[i].name, optionDescripts[i]);
 errAbort(" ");
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
 if (optionExists("help"))
     alpha = optionFloat("alpha", 1.067001) + 1.0;
     xmax = optionInt("xmax",198);
     statsOnly = TRUE;
 char * input = optionVal("input", "");
 char * forward = optionVal("forward","");
 char * reverse = optionVal("reverse","");
 verbose(1,"Alpha is: %.6f Xmax is: %d\n", alpha, xmax);
 cageToSingleTrack(input, forward, reverse);
 return 0;