  Fri Nov 19 14:42:03 2021 -0800
Adding log setting to httpsCertCheck and making it the new default. This makes it even softer on users, gives us more time to prepare, only logs certs to stderr and only if run as a CGI so that SCRIPT_NAME env var is set. The user does not see anything diffent in behavior and output for log level, but we see cert issues in the log.

diff --git src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
index ca85837..60f0da0 100644
--- src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
+++ src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
@@ -1,1210 +1,1214 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
 #include "axt.h"
 #include "common.h"
 #include "bigWig.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "hgBam.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "htmlPage.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 #include "bedTabix.h"
 #include "knetUdc.h"
 #ifdef USE_HAL
 #include "halBlockViz.h"
 static int cacheTime = 1;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "hubCheck - Check a track data hub for integrity.\n"
   "   hubCheck http://yourHost/yourDir/hub.txt\n"
   "   -noTracks             - don't check remote files for tracks, just trackDb (faster)\n"
   "   -checkSettings        - check trackDb settings to spec\n"
   "   -version=[v?|url]     - version to validate settings against\n"
   "                                     (defaults to version in hub.txt, or current standard)\n"
   "   -extra=[file|url]     - accept settings in this file (or url)\n"
   "   -level=base|required  - reject settings below this support level\n"
   "   -settings             - just list settings with support level\n"
   "   -genome=genome        - only check this genome\n"
   "   -udcDir=/dir/to/cache - place to put cache for remote bigBed/bigWigs.\n"
   "                                     Will create this directory if not existing\n"
   "   -httpsCertCheck=[abort,warn,none] - set the ssl certificate verification mode.\n"  
   "   -printMeta            - print the metadata for each track\n"
   "   -cacheTime=N          - set cache refresh time in seconds, default %d\n"
   "   -verbose=2            - output verbosely\n"
   , cacheTime
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"version", OPTION_STRING},
    {"level", OPTION_STRING},
    {"extra", OPTION_STRING},
    {"noTracks", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"settings", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"checkSettings", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"genome", OPTION_STRING},
    {"test", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"printMeta", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"udcDir", OPTION_STRING},
    {"httpsCertCheck", OPTION_STRING},
    {"specHost", OPTION_STRING},
    {"cacheTime", OPTION_INT},
    // intentionally undocumented option for hgHubConnect
    {"htmlOut", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct trackHubCheckOptions
 /* How to check track hub */
     boolean checkFiles;         /* check remote files exist and are correct type */
     boolean checkSettings;      /* check trackDb settings to spec */
     boolean printMeta;          /* print out the metadata for each track */
     char *version;              /* hub spec version to check */
     char *specHost;             /* server hosting hub spec */
     char *level;                /* check hub is valid to this support level */
     char *extraFile;            /* name of extra file/url with additional settings to accept */
     char *genome;               /* only check this genome */
     /* intermediate data */
     struct hash *settings;      /* supported settings for this version */
     struct hash *extra;         /* additional trackDb settings to accept */
     struct slName *suggest;     /* list of supported settings for suggesting */
     /* hgHubConnect only */
     boolean htmlOut;            /* put special formatted text into the errors dyString */
 struct trackHubSettingSpec
 /* Setting name and support level, from trackDbHub.html (the spec) */
     struct trackHubSettingSpec *next;
     char *name;                 /* setting name */
     char *level;                /* support level (required, base, full, new, deprecated) */
 /* Mini English spell-check using axt sequence alignment code!  From JK
  * Works in this context when thresholded high.  */
 static struct axtScoreScheme *scoreSchemeEnglish()
 /* Return something that will match just English words more or less. */
 struct axtScoreScheme *ss;
 ss->gapOpen = 4;
 ss->gapExtend = 2;
 /* Set up diagonal to match */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<256; ++i)
     ss->matrix[i][i] = 2;
 /* Set up upper and lower case to match mostly */
 int caseDiff = 'A' - 'a';
 for (i='a'; i<='z'; ++i)
     ss->matrix[i][i+caseDiff] = 1;
     ss->matrix[i+caseDiff][i] = 1;
 return ss;
 static int scoreWordMatch(char *a, char *b, struct axtScoreScheme *ss)
 /* Return alignment score of two words */
 struct dnaSeq aSeq = { .name = "a", .dna = a, .size = strlen(a)};
 struct dnaSeq bSeq = { .name = "b", .dna = b, .size = strlen(b)};
 struct axt *axt = axtAffine(&aSeq, &bSeq, ss);
 int result = 0;
 if (axt != NULL)
     result = axt->score;
 return result;
 static char *suggestSetting(char *setting, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options)
 /* Suggest a similar word from settings lists.  Suggest only if there is a single good match */
 char *best = NULL;
 int bestScore = 0;
 int bestCount = 0;
 struct slName *suggest;
 struct axtScoreScheme *ss = scoreSchemeEnglish();
 for (suggest = options->suggest; suggest != NULL; suggest = suggest->next)
     int score = scoreWordMatch(setting, suggest->name, ss);
     if (score < bestScore)
     if (score > bestScore)
         best = suggest->name;
         bestScore = score;
         bestCount = 1;
         // same score
 if (bestCount == 1 && bestScore > 15)
     verbose(3, "suggest %s score: %d\n", best, bestScore);
     return best;
 return NULL;
 struct htmlPage *trackHubVersionSpecMustGet(char *specHost, char *version)
 /* Open the trackDbHub.html file and attach html reader. Use default version if NULL */
 char *specUrl;
 char buf[256];
 if (version != NULL && startsWith("http", version))
     specUrl = version;
     safef(buf, sizeof buf, "http://%s/goldenPath/help/trackDb/trackDbHub%s%s.html", 
                         specHost, version ? "." : "", version ? version: "");
     specUrl = buf;
 verbose(2, "Using spec at %s\n", specUrl);
 struct htmlPage *page = htmlPageGet(specUrl);
 if (page == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't open hub settings spec %s", specUrl);
 //TODO: apply page validator
 //htmlPageValidateOrAbort(page);  // would like to use this, but current page doesn't validate
 // Would need to replace empty table (replaced by JS) with div, and assure htmlPageValidateOrAbort
 // is run on any page change.
 /* TODO: validate this is a trackDbHub spec */
 /* (e.g. scan tags for the hub version, perhaps limiting to first N tags) */
 return page;
 char *trackHubVersionDefault(char *specHost, struct htmlPage **pageRet)
 /* Return default version of hub spec by parsing for version id in the page */
 struct htmlPage *page = trackHubVersionSpecMustGet(specHost, NULL);
 struct htmlTag *tag;
 /* Find version tag (span id=) */
 char buf[256];
 verbose(6, "Found %d tags\n", slCount(page->tags));
 for (tag = page->tags; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
     if (sameString(strLower(tag->name), "span") &&
         tag->attributes != NULL &&
         sameString(strLower(tag->attributes->name), "id") &&
         sameString(tag->attributes->val, "trackDbHub_version"))
             int len = min(tag->next->start - tag->end, sizeof buf - 1);
             memcpy(buf, tag->end, len);
             buf[len] = 0;
             verbose(6, "Found version: %s\n", buf);
             return cloneString(buf);
 return NULL;
 int trackHubSettingLevel(struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec)
 /* Get integer for level  (required > base > full > new > deprecated). -1 for unknown */
 if (sameString(spec->level, "required"))
     return 5;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "base"))
     return 4;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "full"))
     return 3;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "new"))
     return 2;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "deprecated"))
     return 1;
 if (sameString(spec->level, "all"))     //used only as check option
     return 0;
 return -1; // unknown
 boolean trackHubSettingLevelCmp(struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec1, struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec2)
 /* Compare setting levels */
 return trackHubSettingLevel(spec1) - trackHubSettingLevel(spec2);
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *trackHubSettingsForVersion(char *specHost, char *version)
 /* Return list of settings with support level. Version can be version string or spec url */
 struct htmlPage *page = NULL;
 if (version == NULL)
     version = trackHubVersionDefault(specHost, &page);
     if (version == NULL)
         errAbort("Can't get default spec from host %s", specHost);
 /* Retrieve specs from file url. 
  * Settings are the first text word within any <code> tag having class="level-" attribute.
  * The level represents the level of support for the setting (e.g. base, full, deprecated)
  * The support level ('level-*') is the class value of the * <code> tag.
  * E.g.  <code class="level-full">boxedConfig on</code> produces:
  *      setting=boxedConfig, class=full */
 if (page == NULL)
     page = trackHubVersionSpecMustGet(specHost, version);
 if (page == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't get settings spec for version %s from host %s", version, specHost);
 verbose(5, "Found %d tags\n", slCount(page->tags));
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec, *savedSpec;
 struct hash *specHash = hashNew(0);
 struct htmlTag *tag;
 struct htmlAttribute *attr;
 char buf[256];
 for (tag = page->tags; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
     if (differentWord(tag->name, "code"))
     attr = tag->attributes;
     if (attr == NULL || differentString(attr->name, "class") || !startsWith("level-", attr->val))
     int len = min(tag->next->start - tag->end, sizeof buf - 1);
     memcpy(buf, tag->end, len);
     buf[len] = 0;
     verbose(6, "Found spec: %s\n", buf);
     spec->name = cloneString(firstWordInLine(buf));
     if (spec->name == NULL || strlen(spec->name) == 0)
         warn("ERROR: format problem with trackDbHub.html -- contact UCSC.");
     spec->level = cloneString(chopPrefixAt(attr->val, '-'));
     verbose(6, "spec: name=%s, level=%s\n", spec->name, spec->level);
     savedSpec = (struct trackHubSettingSpec *)hashFindVal(specHash, spec->name);
     if (savedSpec != NULL)
         verbose(6, "found spec %s level %s in hash\n", savedSpec->name, savedSpec->level);
     if (savedSpec == NULL)
         hashAdd(specHash, spec->name, spec);
         verbose(6, "added spec %s at level %s\n", spec->name, spec->level);
     else if (trackHubSettingLevelCmp(spec, savedSpec) > 0)
         hashReplace(specHash, spec->name, spec);
         verbose(6, "replaced spec %s at level %s, was %s\n", 
             spec->name, spec->level, savedSpec->level);
 struct hashEl *el, *list = hashElListHash(specHash);
 int settingsCt = slCount(list);
 verbose(5, "Found %d settings's\n", slCount(list));
 if (settingsCt == 0)
     errAbort("Can't find hub setting info for version %s (host %s)."
               " Use -version to indicate a different version number or url.", version, specHost);
 slSort(&list, hashElCmp);
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *specs = NULL;
 int baseCt = 0;
 int requiredCt = 0;
 int deprecatedCt = 0;
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "base"))
     else if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "required"))
     else if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "deprecated"))
     slAddHead(&specs, el->val);
         "Found %d supported settings for this version (%d required, %d base, %d deprecated)\n",
                 slCount(specs), requiredCt, baseCt, deprecatedCt);
 return specs;
 int hubSettingsCheckInit(struct trackHub *hub,  struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, 
                         struct dyString *errors)
 int retVal = 0;
 if (hub->version != NULL && options->version == NULL)
     options->version = hub->version;
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *hubLevel = NULL;
 int level = 0;
 if (hub->version != NULL)
     if ((level = trackHubSettingLevel(hubLevel)) < 0)
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "Unknown hub support level: %s. Defaulting to 'all'.\n",
         retVal = 1;
         options->level = hub->level;
 verbose(2, "Checking hub '%s'", hub->longLabel);
 if (options->level)
     verbose(2, " for compliance to level '%s' (use -settings to view)", options->level);
 verbose(2, "\n");
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     /* make hash of settings for this version, saving in options */
     struct trackHubSettingSpec *setting, *settings = 
                 trackHubSettingsForVersion(options->specHost, options->version);
     options->settings = newHash(0);
     options->suggest = NULL;
     for (setting = settings; setting != NULL; setting = setting->next)
         hashAdd(options->settings, setting->name, setting);
         slNameAddHead(&options->suggest, setting->name);
     /* TODO: ? also need to check settings not in this list (other tdb fields) */
     // TODO: move extra file handling here (out of hubCheck)
     if (options->extra != NULL)
         struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(options->extra);
         struct hashEl *hel;
         while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
             slNameAddHead(&options->suggest, hel->name);
     verbose(3, "Suggest list has %d settings\n", slCount(options->suggest));
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     retVal = 1;
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string);
 return retVal;
 int hubCheckTrackSetting(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackDb *tdb, char *setting, 
                                 struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check trackDb setting to spec (by version and level). Returns non-zero if error, msg in errors */
 int retVal = 0;
 verbose(4, "    Check setting '%s'\n", setting);
 /* skip internally added/used settings */
 if (sameString(setting, "polished") || sameString(setting, "group"))
     return 0;
 /* check setting is in extra file of supported settings */
 if (options->extra && hashLookup(options->extra, setting))
         return 0;
 /* check setting is supported in this version */
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *hubSetting = hashFindVal(options->settings, setting);
 if (hubSetting == NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is unknown/unsupported", setting);
     char *suggest = suggestSetting(setting, options);
     if (suggest != NULL)
         dyStringPrintf(errors, " (did you mean '%s' ?)", suggest);
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "\n");
     retVal = 1;
 else if (sameString(hubSetting->level, "deprecated"))
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is deprecated\n", setting);
     retVal = 1;
     /*  check level */
     struct trackHubSettingSpec *checkLevel = NULL;
     checkLevel->level = options->level;
     if (trackHubSettingLevel(hubSetting) < trackHubSettingLevel(checkLevel))
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "Setting '%s' is level '%s'\n", setting, hubSetting->level);
         retVal = 1;
 return retVal;
 boolean extFileExists(char *path)
 /* Check that a remote URL actually exists, path may be a URL or a local path relative to hub.txt */
 // if the file is local check that it exists:
 if (!hasProtocol(path) && udcExists(path))
     return TRUE;
     // netLineFileSilentOpen will handle 301 redirects and the like
     if (netLineFileSilentOpen(path) != NULL)
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 char *makeFolderObjectString(char *id, char *text, char *parent, char *title, boolean children, boolean openFolder)
 /* Construct a folder item for one of the jstree arrays */
 struct dyString *folderString = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(folderString, "{icon: '../../images/folderC.png', id: '%s', "
     "text:'%s', parent:'%s',"
     "li_attr:{title:'%s'}, children:%s, state: {opened: %s}}",
     htmlEncode(id), htmlEncode(text), htmlEncode(parent), title, children ? "true" : "false", openFolder ? "true" : "false");
 return dyStringCannibalize(&folderString);
 char *makeChildObjectString(char *id, char *title, char *shortLabel, char *longLabel,
     char *color, char *name, char *text, char *parent)
 /* Construct a single child item for one of the jstree arrays */
 struct dyString *item = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(item, "{icon: 'fa fa-plus', id:'%s', li_attr:{class: 'hubError', title: '%s', "
         "shortLabel: '%s', longLabel: '%s', color: '%s', name:'%s'}, "
         "text:'%s', parent: '%s', state: {opened: true}}",
         htmlEncode(id), title, htmlEncode(shortLabel), htmlEncode(longLabel), color, name, htmlEncode(text), htmlEncode(parent));
 return dyStringCannibalize(&item);
 void hubErr(struct dyString *errors, char *message, struct trackHub *hub, boolean doHtml)
 /* Construct the right javascript for the jstree for a top level hub.txt error. */
 if (!doHtml)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", message);
     char *sl;
     char *strippedMessage = NULL;
     static int count = 0; // force a unique id for the jstree object
     char id[512];
     //TODO: Choose better default labels
     if (hub && hub->shortLabel != NULL)
         sl = hub->shortLabel;
         sl = "Hub Error";
     if (message)
         strippedMessage = cloneString(message);
     stripChar(strippedMessage, '\n');
     safef(id, sizeof(id), "%s%d", sl, count);
     // make the error message
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['%s'] = [%s];\n", htmlEncode(sl),
         makeChildObjectString(id, "Hub Error", htmlEncode(sl), htmlEncode(sl), "#550073", htmlEncode(sl), strippedMessage, sl));
 void genomeErr(struct dyString *errors, char *message, struct trackHub *hub,
     struct trackHubGenome *genome, boolean doHtml)
 /* Construct the right javascript for the jstree for a top-level genomes.txt error or
  * error opening a trackDb.txt file */
 if (!doHtml)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", message);
     static int count = 0; // forces unique ID's which the jstree object needs
     char id[512];
     char *errorMessages[16];
     char *strippedMessage = NULL;
     char *genomeName = trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name);
     if (message)
         strippedMessage = cloneString(message);
     // multiple errors may be in a single message, chop by newline and make a node in the tree for each message
     int numMessages = chopByChar(strippedMessage, '\n', errorMessages, sizeof(errorMessages));
     int i = 0;
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['%s'] = [", genomeName);
     for (; i < numMessages && isNotEmpty(errorMessages[i]); i++)
         safef(id, sizeof(id), "%s%d", genomeName, count);
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s,", makeChildObjectString(id, "Genome Error", genomeName, genomeName, "#550073", genomeName, errorMessages[i], genomeName));
 void trackDbErr(struct dyString *errors, char *message, struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb, boolean doHtml)
 /* Adds the right object for a jstree object of trackDb configuration errors.  */
 if (!doHtml)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", message);
     char *strippedMessage = NULL;
     char *splitMessages[16]; // SUBGROUP_MAX=9 but add a few extra just in case
     char parentOrTrackString[512];
     char id[512];
     static int count = 0; // forces unique ID's which the jstree object needs
     int numMessages = 0;
     int i = 0;
     // if a subtrack is missing multiple subgroups, then message will contain
     // at least two newline separated errors, both should be printed separately:
     if (message)
         strippedMessage = cloneString(message);
         while (lastChar(strippedMessage) == '\n')
         numMessages = chopByChar(strippedMessage, '\n', splitMessages, sizeof(splitMessages));
     for (; i < numMessages; i++)
         if (isNotEmpty(splitMessages[i]))
             safef(id, sizeof(id), "%s%d", trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track), count);
             safef(parentOrTrackString, sizeof(parentOrTrackString), "%s_%s", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s,",
                     makeChildObjectString(id, "TrackDb Error", tdb->shortLabel, tdb->longLabel,
                     "#550073", trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track), splitMessages[i], parentOrTrackString));
 boolean checkEmptyMembersForAll(membersForAll_t *membersForAll, struct trackDb *parentTdb)
 /* membersForAll may be allocated and exist but not have any actual members defined. */
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(membersForAll->members); i++)
     if (membersForAll->members[i] != NULL)
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 int hubCheckSubtrackSettings(struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb, struct dyString *errors, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options)
 /* Check that 'subgroups' are consistent with what is defined at the parent level */
 int retVal = 0;
 if (!tdbIsSubtrack(tdb))
     return retVal;
 int i;
 char *subtrackName = trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track);
 sortOrder_t *sortOrder = NULL;
 membership_t *membership = NULL;
 membersForAll_t *membersForAll = NULL;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     membersForAll = membersForAllSubGroupsGet(tdb->parent, NULL);
     // membersForAllSubGroupsGet() warns about the parent stanza, turn it into an errAbort
     if (errCatch->gotWarning)
         errAbort("%s", errCatch->message->string);
     if (membersForAll && checkEmptyMembersForAll(membersForAll, tdb->parent))
         membership = subgroupMembershipGet(tdb);
         sortOrder = sortOrderGet(NULL, tdb->parent);
         if (membership == NULL)
             errAbort("missing 'subgroups' setting for subtrack %s", subtrackName);
         // if a sortOrder is defined, make sure every subtrack has that membership
         if (sortOrder)
             for (i = 0; i < sortOrder->count; i++)
                 char *col = sortOrder->column[i];
                 if ( (!sameString(col, SUBTRACK_COLOR_SUBGROUP)) && (membership == NULL || stringArrayIx(col, membership->subgroups, membership->count) == -1))
                     errAbort("%s not a member of sortOrder subgroup %s", subtrackName, col);
         // now check that this subtrack is a member of every defined subgroup
         for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(membersForAll->members); i++)
             if (membersForAll->members[i] != NULL)
                 char *subgroupName = membersForAll->members[i]->groupTag;
                 if (stringArrayIx(subgroupName, membership->subgroups, membership->count) == -1)
                     errAbort("subtrack %s not a member of subgroup %s", subtrackName, subgroupName);
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     retVal = 1;
     trackDbErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, genome, tdb, options->htmlOut);
 return retVal;
 int hubCheckCompositeSettings(struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb, struct dyString *errors, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options)
 /* Check composite level settings like subgroups, dimensions, sortOrder, etc.
  * Note that this function returns an int because we want to warn about all errors in a single
  * composite stanza rather than errAbort on the first error */
 int retVal = 0;
 // for now all the combination style stanzas can get checked here, but
 // in the future they might need their own routines
 if (! (tdbIsComposite(tdb) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb) || tdbIsContainer(tdb)) )
     return retVal;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     // check that subgroup lines are syntactically correct:
     // "subGroup name Title tag1=value1 ..."
     (void)membersForAllSubGroupsGet(tdb, NULL);
     // check that multiWigs have > 1 track
     char *multiWigSetting = trackDbLocalSetting(tdb, "container");
     if (multiWigSetting && slCount(tdb->subtracks) < 2)
         errAbort("container multiWig %s has only one subtrack. multiWigs must have more than one subtrack", tdb->track);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     // don't add a new line because one will already be inserted by the errCatch->message
     trackDbErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, genome, tdb, options->htmlOut);
     retVal = 1;
 return retVal;
 void hubCheckParentsAndChildren(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Check that a single trackDb stanza has the correct parent and subtrack pointers */
 if (tdbIsSuper(tdb) || tdbIsComposite(tdb) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb) || tdbIsContainer(tdb))
     if (tdb->subtracks == NULL)
         errAbort("Track \"%s\" is declared superTrack, compositeTrack, view or "
             "container, but has no subtracks", tdb->track);
     // Containers should not have a bigDataUrl setting
     if (trackDbLocalSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl"))
         errAbort("Track \"%s\" is declared superTrack, compositeTrack, view or "
             "container, and also has a bigDataUrl", tdb->track);
     // multiWigs cannot be the child of a composite
     if (tdbIsContainer(tdb) &&
             (tdb->parent != NULL &&
             (tdbIsComposite(tdb->parent) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb->parent))))
         errAbort("Track \"%s\" is declared container multiWig and has parent \"%s\"."
             " Container multiWig tracks cannot be children of composites or views",
             tdb->track, tdb->parent->track);
 else if (tdb->subtracks != NULL)
     errAbort("Track \"%s\" has children tracks (e.g: \"%s\"), but is not a "
         "compositeTrack, container, view or superTrack", tdb->track, tdb->subtracks->track);
 int hubCheckTrack(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb,
                         struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check track settings and optionally, files */
 int retVal = 0;
 int trackDbErrorCount = 0;
 if (options->checkSettings && options->settings)
     //verbose(3, "Found %d settings to check to spec\n", slCount(settings));
     verbose(3, "Checking track: %s\n", tdb->shortLabel);
     verbose(3, "Found %d settings to check to spec\n", hashNumEntries(tdb->settingsHash));
     struct hashEl *hel;
     struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tdb->settingsHash);
     while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
         retVal |= hubCheckTrackSetting(hub, tdb, hel->name, options, errors);
     /* TODO: ? also need to check settings not in this list (other tdb fields) */
 if (options->printMeta)
     struct slPair *metaPairs = trackDbMetaPairs(tdb);
     if (metaPairs != NULL)
         printf("%s\n", trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
         struct slPair *pair;
         for(pair = metaPairs; pair; pair = pair->next)
             printf("\t%s : %s\n", pair->name, (char *)pair->val);
 struct trackDb *tempTdb = NULL;
 char *textName = NULL;
 char idName[512];
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 boolean trackIsContainer = (tdbIsComposite(tdb) || tdbIsCompositeView(tdb) || tdbIsContainer(tdb));
 // first get down into the subtracks
 if (tdb->subtracks != NULL)
     for (tempTdb = tdb->subtracks; tempTdb != NULL; tempTdb = tempTdb->next)
         retVal |= hubCheckTrack(hub, genome, tempTdb, options, errors);
 // for when assembly hubs have tracks with the same name, prepend assembly name to id
 safef(idName, sizeof(idName), "%s_%s", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
 if (options->htmlOut)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['%s'] = [", idName);
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     if (trackIsContainer)
         retVal |= hubCheckCompositeSettings(genome, tdb, errors, options);
     if (tdbIsSubtrack(tdb))
         retVal |= hubCheckSubtrackSettings(genome, tdb, errors, options);
     if (options->checkFiles)
         hubCheckBigDataUrl(hub, genome, tdb);
     if (!sameString(tdb->track, "cytoBandIdeo"))
         trackHubAddDescription(genome->trackDbFile, tdb);
         if (!tdb->html)
             warn("warning: missing description page for track: '%s'", tdb->track);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     retVal = 1;
     trackDbErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, genome, tdb, options->htmlOut);
     if (errCatch->gotError)
         trackDbErrorCount += 1;
 if (options->htmlOut)
     if (trackIsContainer)
         for (tempTdb = tdb->subtracks; tempTdb != NULL; tempTdb = tempTdb->next)
             char subtrackName[512];
             safef(subtrackName, sizeof(subtrackName), "%s_%s", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), trackHubSkipHubName(tempTdb->track));
             textName = trackHubSkipHubName(tempTdb->longLabel);
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s,", makeFolderObjectString(subtrackName, textName, idName, "TRACK", TRUE, retVal));
     else if (!retVal)
         // add "Error" to the trackname to force uniqueness for the jstree
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "{icon: 'fa fa-plus', "
             "id:'%sError', text:'No trackDb configuration errors', parent:'%s'}", idName, idName);
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "];\n");
 return retVal;
 int hubCheckGenome(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome,
                 struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check out genome within hub. */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 struct trackDb *tdbList = NULL;
 int genomeErrorCount = 0;
 boolean openedGenome = FALSE;
 verbose(3, "checking genome %s\n", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name));
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     if (genome->twoBitPath != NULL)
         // check that twoBitPath is a valid file, warn instead of errAbort so we can continue checking
         // the genome stanza
         char *twoBit = genome->twoBitPath;
         if (!extFileExists(twoBit))
             warn("Error: '%s' twoBitPath does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, twoBit);
         // groups and htmlPath are optional settings, again only warn if they are malformed
         char *groupsFile = genome->groups;
         if (groupsFile != NULL && !extFileExists(groupsFile))
             warn("warning: '%s' groups file does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, groupsFile);
         char *htmlPath = hashFindVal(genome->settingsHash, "htmlPath");
         if (htmlPath == NULL)
             warn("warning: missing htmlPath setting for assembly hub '%s'", genome->name);
         else if (!extFileExists(htmlPath))
             warn("warning: '%s' htmlPath file does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, htmlPath);
     tdbList = trackHubTracksForGenome(hub, genome, NULL);
     tdbList = trackDbLinkUpGenerations(tdbList);
     tdbList = trackDbPolishAfterLinkup(tdbList, genome->name);
     trackHubPolishTrackNames(hub, tdbList);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     openedGenome = TRUE;
     genomeErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, hub, genome, options->htmlOut);
     if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
         genomeErrorCount += 1;
 verbose(2, "%d tracks in %s\n", slCount(tdbList), genome->name);
 struct trackDb *tdb;
 int tdbCheckVal;
 static struct dyString *tdbDyString = NULL;
 if (!tdbDyString)
     tdbDyString = dyStringNew(0);
 // build up the track results list, keep track of number of errors, then
 // open up genomes folder
 char *genomeName = trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name);
 for (tdb = tdbList; tdb != NULL; tdb = tdb->next)
     if (options->htmlOut)
         // if we haven't already found an error then open up the array
         if (!openedGenome)
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['%s']  = [", genomeName);
             openedGenome = TRUE;
     // use different dyString for the actual errors generated by each track
     tdbCheckVal = hubCheckTrack(hub, genome, tdb, options, tdbDyString);
     genomeErrorCount += tdbCheckVal;
     if (options->htmlOut)
         // when assembly hubs have tracks with the same name, prepend assembly name to id
         char name[512];
         safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s_%s", trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", makeFolderObjectString(name, tdb->longLabel, genomeName, "TRACK", TRUE, tdbCheckVal ? TRUE : FALSE));
         if (tdb->next != NULL)
             dyStringPrintf(errors, ",");
 if (options->htmlOut)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "];\n");
 dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", tdbDyString->string);
 return genomeErrorCount;
 void checkGenomeRestriction(struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct trackHub *hub)
 /* check the a genome restriction from the command line is a valid genome */
 if (options->genome == NULL)
     return;  // OK
 for (struct trackHubGenome *genome = hub->genomeList; genome != NULL; genome = genome->next)
     if (sameString(trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), options->genome))
         return;  // OK
 errAbort("Genome %s not found in hub", options->genome);
 boolean shouldCheckGenomes(struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct trackHubGenome *genome)
 /* should this genome be check based on command line restrictions */
 return (options->genome == NULL) ||
     sameString(trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name), options->genome);
 int trackHubCheck(char *hubUrl, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
 /* Check a track data hub for integrity. Put errors in dyString.
  *      return 0 if hub has no errors, 1 otherwise
  *      if options->checkTracks is TRUE, check remote files of individual tracks
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 struct trackHub *hub = NULL;
 struct dyString *hubErrors = dyStringNew(0);
 int retVal = 0;
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     hub = trackHubOpen(hubUrl, "");
     char *descUrl = hub->descriptionUrl;
     if (descUrl == NULL)
         warn("warning: missing hub overview description page (descriptionUrl setting)");
     else if (!extFileExists(descUrl))
         warn("warning: %s descriptionUrl setting does not exist", hub->descriptionUrl);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     retVal = 1;
     hubErr(hubErrors, errCatch->message->string, hub, options->htmlOut);
     if (options->htmlOut)
         if (hub && hub->shortLabel)
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['#'] = [%s,",
                 makeFolderObjectString(hub->shortLabel, "Hub Errors", "#",
                     "Click to open node", TRUE, TRUE));
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['#'] = [%s,",
                 makeFolderObjectString("Hub Error", "Hub Errors", "#",
                     "Click to open node", TRUE, TRUE));
 if (hub == NULL)
     // the reason we couldn't close the array in the previous block is because
     // there may be non-fatal errors and we still want to keep trying to check
     // the genomes settings, which need to be children of the root '#' node.
     // Here we are at a fatal error so we can close the array and return
     if (options->htmlOut)
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "];\n%s", dyStringCannibalize(&hubErrors));
         dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", dyStringCannibalize(&hubErrors));
     return 1;
 if (options->htmlOut && retVal != 1)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "trackData['#'] = [");
 if (options->checkSettings)
     retVal |= hubSettingsCheckInit(hub, options, errors);
 struct trackHubGenome *genome;
 checkGenomeRestriction(options, hub);
 char genomeTitleString[128];
 struct dyString *genomeErrors = dyStringNew(0);
 for (genome = hub->genomeList; genome != NULL; genome = genome->next)
     if (shouldCheckGenomes(options, genome))
         int numGenomeErrors = hubCheckGenome(hub, genome, options, genomeErrors);
         if (options->htmlOut)
             char *genomeName = trackHubSkipHubName(genome->name);
             safef(genomeTitleString, sizeof(genomeTitleString),
                   "%s (%d configuration error%s)", genomeName, numGenomeErrors,
                   numGenomeErrors == 1 ? "" : "s");
             dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s,", makeFolderObjectString(genomeName, genomeTitleString, "#",
                            "Click to open node", TRUE, numGenomeErrors > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE));
         retVal |= numGenomeErrors;
 if (options->htmlOut)
     dyStringPrintf(errors, "];\n");
 dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", dyStringCannibalize(&hubErrors));
 dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", dyStringCannibalize(&genomeErrors));
 return retVal;
 static void addExtras(char *extraFile, struct trackHubCheckOptions *checkOptions)
 /* Add settings from extra file (e.g. for specific hub display site) */
 verbose(2, "Accepting extra settings in '%s'\n", extraFile);
 checkOptions->extraFile = extraFile;
 checkOptions->extra = hashNew(0);
 struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
 if (startsWith("http", extraFile))
     struct dyString *ds = netSlurpUrl(extraFile);
     char *s = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
     lf = lineFileOnString(extraFile, TRUE, s);
     lf = lineFileOpen(extraFile, TRUE);
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     hashAdd(checkOptions->extra, line, NULL);
 verbose(3, "Found %d extra settings\n", hashNumEntries(checkOptions->extra));
 static void showSettings(struct trackHubCheckOptions *checkOptions)
 /* Print settings and levels for the indicated version */
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *settings = 
             trackHubSettingsForVersion(checkOptions->specHost, checkOptions->version);
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *setting = NULL;
 setting->level = checkOptions->level;
 int checkLevel = trackHubSettingLevel(setting);
 verbose(3, "Showing level %d (%s) and higher\n", checkLevel, setting->level);
 for (setting = settings; setting != NULL; setting = setting->next)
     if (trackHubSettingLevel(setting) >= checkLevel)
         printf("%s\t%s\n", setting->name, setting->level);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 2 && !optionExists("settings"))
 struct trackHubCheckOptions *checkOptions = NULL;
 checkOptions->specHost = (optionExists("test") ? "genome-test.soe.ucsc.edu" : "genome.ucsc.edu");
 checkOptions->specHost = optionVal("specHost", checkOptions->specHost);
 checkOptions->printMeta = optionExists("printMeta");
 checkOptions->checkFiles = !optionExists("noTracks");
 checkOptions->checkSettings = optionExists("checkSettings");
 checkOptions->genome = optionVal("genome", NULL);
 struct trackHubSettingSpec *setting = NULL;
 setting->level = optionVal("level", "all");
 if (trackHubSettingLevel(setting) < 0)
     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unrecognized support level %s\n\n", setting->level);
 checkOptions->level = setting->level;
 char *version = NULL;
 if (optionExists("version"))
     version = optionVal("version", NULL);
 checkOptions->version = version;
 char *extraFile = optionVal("extra", NULL);
 if (extraFile != NULL)
     addExtras(extraFile, checkOptions);
 cacheTime = optionInt("cacheTime", cacheTime);
 // UDC cache dir: first check for hg.conf setting, then override with command line option if given.
 udcSetDefaultDir(optionVal("udcDir", udcDefaultDir()));
 char *httpsCertCheck = optionVal("httpsCertCheck", NULL);
 if (httpsCertCheck)
-    if (sameString(httpsCertCheck, "abort") || sameString(httpsCertCheck, "warn") || sameString(httpsCertCheck, "none"))
+    // secretly accept level log for testing, but you only see something if SCRIPT_NAME env variable is set like CGIs have.
+    if (sameString(httpsCertCheck, "abort") || sameString(httpsCertCheck, "warn") || sameString(httpsCertCheck, "log") || sameString(httpsCertCheck, "none"))
 	setenv("https_cert_check", httpsCertCheck, 1);
-	verbose(1, "The value of -httpsCertCheck should be either abort to avoid Man-in-middle attack, warn to warn about failed certs, or none indicating the verify is skipped.");
+	// log level is not very useful, but included it for completeness.
+	verbose(1, "The value of -httpsCertCheck should be either abort to avoid Man-in-middle attack,\n"
+		"warn to warn about failed certs,\n"
+		"none indicating the verify is skipped entirely.");
 knetUdcInstall();  // make the htslib library use udc
 if (optionExists("settings"))
     return 0;
 // hgHubConnect specific option for generating a jstree of the hub errors
 checkOptions->htmlOut = optionExists("htmlOut");
 struct dyString *errors = newDyString(1024);
 if (trackHubCheck(argv[1], checkOptions, errors) || checkOptions->htmlOut)
     if (checkOptions->htmlOut) // just dump errors string to stdout
         printf("%s", errors->string);
         return 1;
         // uniquify and count errors
         struct slName *errs = slNameListFromString(errors->string, '\n');
         slUniqify(&errs, slNameCmp, slNameFree);
         int errCount = slCount(errs);
         printf("Found %d problem%s:\n", errCount, errCount == 1 ? "" : "s");
         printf("%s\n", slNameListToString(errs, '\n'));
         return 1;
 return 0;