  Thu Nov 18 06:05:43 2021 -0800
More fixes to the license files, refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/license/index.html src/hg/htdocs/license/index.html
index 7ffa5f0f..f44852f 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/license/index.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/license/index.html
@@ -39,61 +39,69 @@
 <h1 id="free">Software: Most command-line tools and directories are freely available for all uses</h1>
 The majority of the Genome Browser source code is available under the
 MIT license, see 
 <a href="https://github.com/ucscGenomeBrowser/kent/blob/master/LICENSE" target=_blank>the file LICENSE in our
 source code repository</a>. As such, the Unix command line utilities needed to build tracks and track hub
 files, or that can be part of computational pipelines except BLAT/liftOver, and our
 hundreds of tools to filter , sort, rearrange, join and process genome
 annotation files, can be used by anyone freely and they can be redistributed
 via package managers and installation tools, even for commercial use.  
 Notable examples are bedToBigBed, wigToBigWig, overlapSelect, featureBits,
 pslMap, pslFilter and pslCDnaFilter.  </p>
-The exception are kent/src/blat, kent/src/jkOwnLib and the
-the programs that produce the graphical images and the graphical user interface
-for the UCSC Genome Browser, the following subdirectories under kent/src/hg:
+The exception are source code directories with special LICENSE files in them. 
+These are kent/src/blat, kent/src/jkOwnLib and the programs that produce 
+the graphical images and the graphical user interface
+for the UCSC Genome Browser, so the following subdirectories under kent/src/hg:
 <pre>cgilib das encode hgApi hgCollection hgFileSearch hgFileUi hgGateway hgGene hgGenome hgIntegrator hgPal hgPcr hgPhyloPlace hgPublicSessions hgSession hgSuggest hgTables hgTrackUi hgTracks hgVai hgc hubApi near visiGene liftOver</pre>
-See the LICENSE file in the top level of our source code for a listing of licenses and directories that they apply to: 
+See the LICENSE file in the top level of our source code for a listing of
+licenses and directories that they apply to: 
 <a href="https://github.com/ucscGenomeBrowser/kent/blob/master/LICENSE">https://github.com/ucscGenomeBrowser/kent/blob/master/LICENSE</a>.
+Directories under non-commercial licenses have LICENSE files in them that start
+with the "LicenseRef-proprietary" SPDX tag.  </p>
 <p>When you use the UCSC Genome Browser in your work, please cite one of 
 our <a href="../goldenPath/pubs.html">publications</a>.</p>
 <h1>Software: download and local installation of the graphical Genome Browser software 
 and access to the source code is free for non-commercial uses but not commercial usage</h1>
 <p>Non-commercial usage for the Genome Browser graphical interface (primarily the "hgTracks" program),
 including download and local installation, aka setting up a 
 <a href="../goldenPath/help/mirror.html">"mirror"</a>, is free. When you use the UCSC
 Genome Browser in your work, please cite one of our <a
 For commercial use, a license is required for download and local installation of
-certain Genome Browser webserver CGI binaries and source code.
-As specified above, this applies to the following subdirectories and programs under kent/src/hg, these are the
-programs that produce the graphical images and the graphical user interface for the UCSC Genome Browser:
+certain Genome Browser webserver CGI binaries and source code. In the source
+code repository, the respective directories are marked by special LICENSE
+files in them.
+As specified above, this applies to kent/src/blat, kent/src/jkOwnLib and the
+following subdirectories and programs under kent/src/hg, the majority are the programs
+that produce the graphical images and the graphical user interface for the UCSC
+Genome Browser:
 <pre>cgilib das encode hgApi hgCollection hgFileSearch hgFileUi hgGateway hgGene hgGenome hgIntegrator hgPal hgPcr hgPhyloPlace hgPublicSessions hgSession hgSuggest hgTables hgTrackUi hgTracks hgVai hgc hubApi near visiGene liftOver</pre>
 Also, BLAT and isPCR, if needed, are covered by a separate license (see below). This concerns the source code directories
 src/blat and src/jkOwnLib.
 To purchase a commercial license for Genome Browser source code, LiftOver, GBiB, or GBiC, please 
 visit the <a href="https://genome-store.ucsc.edu">Genome Browser store</a>. </p>