5b376b2547f4a5018823202b0379aad6a5d06c69 angie Wed Dec 15 19:27:39 2021 -0800 The latest nextclade adds quotes around names with spaces; strip those out. diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/getCogUk.sh src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/getCogUk.sh index 3481bbd..da24f0b 100755 --- src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/getCogUk.sh +++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/getCogUk.sh @@ -1,72 +1,72 @@ #!/bin/bash set -beEux -o pipefail # Download latest COG-UK fasta and metadata; update $ottoDir/cogUk.latest link. scriptDir=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") source $scriptDir/util.sh today=$(date +%F) ottoDir=/hive/data/outside/otto/sarscov2phylo cogUrlBase=https://cog-uk.s3.climb.ac.uk/phylogenetics/latest mkdir -p $ottoDir/cogUk.$today cd $ottoDir/cogUk.$today # Sometimes the curl fails with a DNS error, regardless of whether my previous cron job with # curl -I succeeded. Do multiple retries for the first URL; once it's working, it should # continue to work for the other URLs (she said hopefully). attempt=0 maxAttempts=5 retryDelay=60 while [[ $((++attempt)) -le $maxAttempts ]]; do echo "curl attempt $attempt" if curl -S -s $cogUrlBase/cog_all.fasta | xz -T 8 > cog_all.fasta.xz; then break else echo "FAILED; will try again after $retryDelay seconds" rm -f cog_all.fasta.xz sleep $retryDelay fi done if [[ ! -f cog_all.fasta.xz ]]; then echo "curl failed $maxAttempts times; quitting." exit 1 fi curl -S -s $cogUrlBase/cog_metadata.csv > cog_metadata.csv curl -S -s $cogUrlBase/cog_global_tree.newick > cog_global_tree.newick tail -n +2 cog_metadata.csv \ | awk -F, '{print $1 "\t" $5;}' | sort > cogUkToDate # Reuse nextclade assignments for older sequences; compute nextclade assignments for new seqs. cp $ottoDir/cogUk.latest/nextclade.tsv . comm -13 <(cut -f 1 nextclade.tsv | sort) <(fastaNames cog_all.fasta.xz | sort) \ > seqsForNextclade if [ -s seqsForNextclade ]; then faSomeRecords <(xzcat cog_all.fasta.xz) seqsForNextclade seqsForNextclade.fa splitDir=splitForNextclade rm -rf $splitDir mkdir $splitDir faSplit about seqsForNextclade.fa 30000000 $splitDir/chunk nDataDir=~angie/github/nextclade/data/sars-cov-2 outDir=$(mktemp -d) outTsv=$(mktemp) for chunkFa in $splitDir/chunk*.fa; do nextclade -j 50 -i $chunkFa \ --input-root-seq $nDataDir/reference.fasta \ --input-tree $nDataDir/tree.json \ --input-qc-config $nDataDir/qc.json \ --output-dir $outDir \ --output-tsv $outTsv >& nextclade.log - cut -f 1,2 $outTsv | tail -n+2 >> nextclade.tsv + cut -f 1,2 $outTsv | tail -n+2 | sed -re 's/"//g;' >> nextclade.tsv rm $outTsv done rm -rf $outDir rm -rf $splitDir fi rm -f $ottoDir/cogUk.latest ln -s cogUk.$today $ottoDir/cogUk.latest