  Tue Jan 4 13:20:24 2022 -0800
Making it show 7 items per facet before unfolding rather than 6, so as to be consistent with hgTrackUi.

diff --git src/hg/hgc/facetedBar.c src/hg/hgc/facetedBar.c
index 12d6bda..9fa05c5 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/facetedBar.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/facetedBar.c
@@ -1,148 +1,148 @@
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "hvGfx.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "asParse.h"
 #include "hgc.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "hgColors.h"
 #include "fieldedTable.h"
 #include "tablesTables.h"
 #include "facetField.h"
 #include "barChartBed.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "facetedTable.h"
 #include "facetedBar.h"
 struct wrapContext
 /* Context used by various wrappers. */
     int colorIx;    /* Index of color in row */
     int valIx;	    /* Where value lives */
     double maxVal;/* Maximum of any total value */
 void wrapVal(struct fieldedTable *table, struct fieldedRow *row,
     char *field, char *val, char *shortVal, void *context)
 /* Write out wrapper draws a SVG bar*/
 struct wrapContext *wc = context;
 char *color = "#000000";    // Black is default color if no color column
 int colorIx = wc->colorIx;
 if (colorIx >= 0)
     color = row->row[colorIx];
 double x = sqlDouble(val);
 int width = 500, height = 13;  // These are units of ~2010 pixels or something
 double barWidth = (double)width*x/wc->maxVal;
 printf("<svg width=\"%g\" height=\"%d\">", barWidth, height);
 printf("<rect width=\"%g\" height=\"%d\" style=\"fill:%s\">", 
     barWidth, height, color);
 printf(" %6.2f", x);
 struct fieldedTable *addChartVals(struct fieldedTable *table, struct barChartBed *chart)
 /* All a new column with chart values */
 if (chart->expCount != table->rowCount)
     errAbort("Mismatch in field counts between %s (%d) and barChartBed (%d)",
 	table->name, table->rowCount, chart->expCount);
 int oldFieldCount = table->fieldCount;
 int newFieldCount = oldFieldCount+1;
 char *newRow[newFieldCount];
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<oldFieldCount; ++i)
     newRow[i] = table->fields[i];
 newRow[oldFieldCount] = "val";
 struct fieldedTable *newTable = fieldedTableNew(table->name, newRow, newFieldCount);
 struct fieldedRow *fr;
 int rowIx = 0;
 for (fr = table->rowList; fr != NULL; fr = fr->next, ++rowIx)
     for (i=0; i<oldFieldCount; ++i)
 	newRow[i] = fr->row[i];
     char buf[16];
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%g", chart->expScores[rowIx]);
     newRow[oldFieldCount] = lmCloneString(newTable->lm, buf);
     fieldedTableAdd(newTable, newRow, newFieldCount, fr->id);
 return newTable;
 void facetedBarChart(char *item, struct barChartBed *chart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
     double maxVal, char *statsFile, char *facets, char *metric)
 char *trackName = tdb->track;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
 struct hash *wrapperHash = hashNew(0);
 /* Load up table from tsv file */
 char *requiredStatsFields[] = {"count",};
 struct fieldedTable *statsTable = fieldedTableFromTabFile(statsFile, statsFile, 
     requiredStatsFields, ArraySize(requiredStatsFields));
 struct fieldedTable *table = addChartVals(statsTable, chart);
 /* Update facet selections from users input if any and get selected part of table */
 struct facetedTable *facTab = facetedTableFromTable(table, trackName, facets);
 facTab->mergeFacetsOk = trackDbSettingOn(tdb, "barChartMerge");
 boolean trackDbSettingOn(struct trackDb *tdb, char *name);
 /* Return true if a tdb setting is "on" "true" or "enabled". */
 facetedTableUpdateOnClick(facTab, cart);
 struct facetField **selectedFf = NULL;
 struct fieldedTable *selected = facetedTableSelect(facTab, cart, &selectedFf);
 /* Write html to make white background */
 /* Add a few extra status bits  and a way back home before facets and table display */
 printf("&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>Bars selected:</B> %d of %d", selected->rowCount, table->rowCount);
 printf("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><a href=%s>Return to Genome Browser</href></a></b><p>\n", 
 /* Set up url that has enough context to get back to us.  */
 struct dyString *returnUrl = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(returnUrl, "../cgi-bin/hgc?g=%s", trackName);
 if (item != NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(returnUrl, "&i=%s", item);
 dyStringPrintf(returnUrl, "&%s", cartSidUrlString(cart));
 /* Working within a form we save context.  It'd be nice to work outside of form someday. */
 printf("<form action=\"../cgi-bin/hgc\" name=\"facetForm\" ");
 printf("<div style=\"background-color:white\">");
 /* Set up context for functions that wrap output fields */
 struct wrapContext context = {
 		              .valIx = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(selected, "val"),
 			      .colorIx = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(selected, "color"), 
 context.maxVal = fieldedTableMaxInCol(selected, context.valIx);
 /* Add wrapper function(s) */
 hashAdd(wrapperHash, "val", wrapVal);
 /* Pick which fields to display.  We'll take the first field whatever it is
  * named, and also count, and the "val" field we added and wrapped. */
 char displayList[256];
 safef(displayList, sizeof(displayList), "%s,count,val", selected->fields[0]);
 facetedTableWriteHtml(facTab, cart, selected, selectedFf, displayList,
-    returnUrl->string, 45, wrapperHash, &context, 6);
+    returnUrl->string, 45, wrapperHash, &context, 7);
 /* Clean up and go home. */