  Fri Dec 10 12:55:02 2021 -0800
fix #28619 with an error message

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
index 66aea13..410f3c5 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/cds.c
@@ -1,2033 +1,2035 @@
 /* cds.c - code for coloring of bases, codons, or alignment differences. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "memalloc.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "memgfx.h"
 #include "hvGfx.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "cds.h"
 #include "genbank.h"
 #include "twoBit.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "cdsSpec.h"
 #include "axt.h"
 #include "lrg.h"
  * WARNING: this code is incomprehensible:
  *     - variables named codon often contain amino acids, not condons
  *     - it does two passes, one undocumented function encodes both a
  *       color and an amino acid into the struct simpleFeature grayIx
  *       field and this is decoded in the second pass.
  *     - baseColorDrawItem doesn't draw a item, it draws a single codon,
  *       or a maybe even a single base.
  *     - there are many assumptions and state shared between this module
  *       and the simpleTracks.c.
  * may The Force be with you..
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 #include "pcrResult.h"
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
 Color lighterShade(struct hvGfx *hvg, Color color, double percentLess);
 /* Find a color which is a percentless 'lighter' shade of color */
 /* Forward declaration */
 /* Array of colors used in drawing codons/bases/differences: */
 Color cdsColor[CDS_NUM_COLORS];
 boolean cdsColorsMade = FALSE;
 Color getCdsColor(int index)
 assert(index < CDS_NUM_COLORS);
 return cdsColor[index];
 static void drawScaledBoxWithText(struct hvGfx *hvg, 
                                         int chromStart, int chromEnd,
                                         double scale, int xOff, int y,
                                         int height, Color color, int score,
                                         MgFont *font, char *text, bool zoomed,
                                         int winStart, int maxPixels, boolean isCoding, boolean justifyString)
 /* Draw a box scaled from chromosome to window coordinates with
    a codon or set of 3 or less bases drawn in the box. */
 /*first draw the box itself*/
 drawScaledBox(hvg, chromStart, chromEnd, scale, xOff, y, height, 
 /*draw text in box if space, and align properly for codons or DNA*/
 if (zoomed)
     int i;
     Color textColor = hvGfxContrastingColor(hvg, color);
     int x1, x2, w;
     x1 = round((double)(chromStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     x2 = round((double)(chromEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     if (x2 >= maxPixels)
         x2 = maxPixels - 1;
     w = x2-x1;
     if (w < 1)
         w = 1;
     if (chromEnd - chromStart == 3 && isCoding)
         if (justifyString)
             spreadBasesString(hvg, x1, y, w, height, textColor,  font, text, strlen(text),  TRUE);
             hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, x1, y, w, height, textColor, font, text);
     else if (chromEnd - chromStart < 3 && isCoding)
         if (justifyString)
             spreadBasesString(hvg, x1, y, w, height, cdsColor[CDS_PARTIAL_CODON], font, text, strlen(text), TRUE);
             hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, x1, y, w, height, cdsColor[CDS_PARTIAL_CODON], font, text);
         int thisX,thisX2;
         char c[2];
 	c[1] = '\0';
 	int iMin = max(0, (winStart-chromStart));
 	int iMax = min((chromEnd-chromStart), (winEnd-chromStart));
         for (i=iMin; i<iMax; i++)
 	    if (text[i] == ' ')
             c[0] = text[i];
             thisX = round((double)(chromStart+i-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
             thisX2 = round((double)(chromStart+1+i-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
             hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, thisX, y, thisX2-thisX, height,
 static int convertCoordUsingPsl( int s, struct psl *psl )
 /*return query position corresponding to target position in one 
  * of the coding blocks of a psl file, or return -1 if target position
  * is not in an exon of this psl entry*/
 int i;
 int idx = -1;
 unsigned *qStarts = psl->qStarts;
 unsigned tStart = 0;
 unsigned thisQStart = 0;
 if (psl == NULL)
     errAbort("NULL passed to convertCoordUsingPsl<br>\n");
 if (s < psl->tStart || s >= psl->tEnd)
     warn("Position %d is outside of this psl entry q(%s:%d-%d), t(%s:%d-%d)."
 	 s, psl->qName, psl->qStart, psl->qEnd,
 	 psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd);
 for ( i=0; i<psl->blockCount; i++ )
     unsigned tEnd;
     tStart = psl->tStarts[i];
     tEnd = tStart + psl->blockSizes[i];
     if (psl->strand[1] == '-') 
          reverseUnsignedRange(&tStart, &tEnd, psl->tSize);
     if (s >= tStart && s < tEnd)
 	idx = i;
 if (idx < 0)
 if(psl->strand[1] == '-')
     thisQStart = psl->qSize - (qStarts[idx]+psl->blockSizes[idx]);
     thisQStart = qStarts[idx];
 return(thisQStart + (s - tStart));
 /* Calls to hDnaFromSeq are rather expensive for 2bit, so cache genomic sequence */
 struct genoCacheWindow
 struct genoCacheWindow *next;
 struct window *window;
 char *initedTrack;
 struct dnaSeq *cachedGenoDna;
 int cachedGenoStart;
 int cachedGenoEnd;
 static struct genoCacheWindow *gcWindows = NULL;
 static struct genoCacheWindow *gcWindow = NULL;
 static struct genoCacheWindow *gcWindowOld = NULL;
 static bool setGcWindow()
 /* scan genoCache windows. create new one if not found */
 if (gcWindow && gcWindow->window == currentWindow)
     return FALSE;
 gcWindowOld = gcWindow;
 for (gcWindow = gcWindows; gcWindow; gcWindow =  gcWindow->next)
     if (gcWindow->window == currentWindow)
 	return TRUE;
 gcWindow->window = currentWindow;
 slAddTail(&gcWindows, gcWindow);
 return TRUE;
 static char *initedTrack = NULL;
 static struct dnaSeq *cachedGenoDna = NULL;
 static int cachedGenoStart = 0;
 static int cachedGenoEnd = 0;
 static void setGc()
 /* set up globals for the current window */
 if (setGcWindow())
     if (gcWindowOld)
 	gcWindowOld->initedTrack     = initedTrack;
     	gcWindowOld->cachedGenoDna   = cachedGenoDna;
 	gcWindowOld->cachedGenoStart = cachedGenoStart;
     	gcWindowOld->cachedGenoEnd   = cachedGenoEnd;
     initedTrack     = gcWindow->initedTrack;
     cachedGenoDna   = gcWindow->cachedGenoDna;
     cachedGenoStart = gcWindow->cachedGenoStart;
     cachedGenoEnd   = gcWindow->cachedGenoEnd;
 static void getLinkedFeaturesSpan(struct linkedFeatures *lfList, int *retStart, int *retEnd,
 				  boolean isSeries)
 /* Find the overall lowest and highest coords in lfList.  If any items hang off the
  * edge of the window, we will end up with coords <winStart and/or >winEnd which is
  * what we want. */
 int start = winStart, end = winEnd;
 if (isSeries)
     struct linkedFeaturesSeries *lfs, *lfsList = (struct linkedFeaturesSeries *)lfList;
     for (lfs = lfsList;  lfs != NULL;  lfs = lfs->next)
 	if (lfs->start < start)
 	    start = lfs->start;
 	if (lfs->end > end)
 	    end = lfs->end;
     struct linkedFeatures *lf;
     for (lf = lfList;  lf != NULL;  lf = lf->next)
 	if (lf->start < start)
 	    start = lf->start;
 	if (lf->end > end)
 	    end = lf->end;
 if (retStart)
     *retStart = start;
 if (retEnd)
     *retEnd = end;
 static char *getCachedDna(int chromStart, int chromEnd)
 /* Return a pointer into our cached genomic dna.  chromEnd is just for
  * bounds-checking (honor system).  Do not change or free the return value! */
 if (!initedTrack || !cachedGenoDna)
     errAbort("getCachedDnaAt called before baseColorInitTrack?!");
 if (chromStart < cachedGenoStart || chromEnd > cachedGenoEnd)
     errAbort("getCachedDnaAt: coords %d,%d are out of cached range %d,%d",
 	     chromStart, chromEnd, cachedGenoStart, cachedGenoEnd);
 return &(cachedGenoDna->dna[chromStart - cachedGenoStart]);
 static void getNextCodonDna(char *retStr, int n, struct genePred *gp, int startI,
 			    boolean posStrand)
 /* Get at most n bases from coding exons following exon startI. */
 int i, j, thisN;
 int cdsExonStart, cdsExonEnd;
 char *codonDna;
 for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
     retStr[i] = 'N';
 retStr[n] = '\0';
 if (posStrand)
     for (thisN = 0, i = startI+1;  thisN < n && i < gp->exonCount;  i++)
         // get dna for exon to the right
         codonDna = getCachedDna(gp->exonStarts[i], gp->exonEnds[i]);
 	cdsExonStart = gp->exonStarts[i];
 	cdsExonEnd = gp->exonEnds[i];
 	if (gp->cdsStart < gp->txEnd && cdsExonStart < gp->cdsStart)
 	    cdsExonStart = gp->cdsStart;
 	if (gp->cdsEnd > gp->txStart  && cdsExonEnd > gp->cdsEnd)
 	    cdsExonEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
 	for (j=0; j < (cdsExonEnd - cdsExonStart); j++)
 	    retStr[thisN] = codonDna[j+cdsExonStart-gp->exonStarts[i]];
 	    if (thisN >= n) 
     for (thisN = n-1, i = startI-1;  thisN >= 0 && i >= 0;  i--)
         // get dna for exon to the left
         codonDna = getCachedDna(gp->exonStarts[i], gp->exonEnds[i]);
 	cdsExonStart = gp->exonStarts[i];
 	cdsExonEnd = gp->exonEnds[i];
 	if (gp->cdsStart < gp->txEnd && cdsExonStart < gp->cdsStart)
 	    cdsExonStart = gp->cdsStart;
 	if (gp->cdsEnd > gp->txStart && cdsExonEnd > gp->cdsEnd)
 	    cdsExonEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
 	for (j=0; j < (cdsExonEnd - cdsExonStart); j++)
 	    retStr[thisN] = codonDna[cdsExonEnd-j-1-gp->exonStarts[i]];
 	    if (thisN < 0) 
 static void drawVertLine(struct linkedFeatures *lf, struct hvGfx *hvg,
                          int chromStart, int xOff, int y,
 			 int height, double scale, Color color)
 /* Draw a 1-pixel wide vertical line at the given chromosomal coord.
  * The line is 0 bases wide (chromStart==chromEnd) but that doesn't
  * matter if we're zoomed out to >1base/pixel, so this is OK for diffs
  * when zoomed way out and for insertion points at any scale. */
 int thisX = round((double)(chromStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 int thisY = y;
 int thisHeight = height;
 if ((chromStart < lf->tallStart) || (chromStart > lf->tallEnd))
     /* adjust for UTR. WARNING: this duplicates shortOff & shortHeight
      * calculations in linkedFeaturesDrawAt */
     thisY += height/4;
     thisHeight = height - height/2;
 hvGfxLine(hvg, thisX, thisY, thisX, thisY+thisHeight, color);
 static void drawCdsDiffBaseTickmarksOnly(struct track *tg,
 	struct linkedFeatures *lf,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff,
 	int y, double scale, int heightPer,
 	struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq, struct psl *psl,
 	int winStart)
 /* Draw 1-pixel wide red lines only where mRNA bases differ from genomic.  
  * This assumes that lf has been drawn already, we're zoomed out past 
  * zoomedToBaseLevel, we're not in dense mode etc. */
 struct simpleFeature *sf = NULL;
 char *winDna = getCachedDna(winStart, winEnd);
 Color c = cdsColor[CDS_STOP];
 // check if we need a contrasting color instead of default 'red' (CDS_STOP)
 char *tickColor = NULL;
 if ( tg->itemColor && (tickColor = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "baseColorTickColor")))
     Color ci = tg->itemColor(tg, lf, hvg);
     if (sameString(tickColor, "contrastingColor"))
 	c = hvGfxContrastingColor(hvg, ci);
     else if (sameString(tickColor, "lighterShade"))
 	c = lighterShade(hvg, ci, 1.5);
 for (sf = lf->components; sf != NULL; sf = sf->next)
     int s = max(winStart, sf->start);
     int e = min(winEnd, sf->end);
     if (s > winEnd || e < winStart)
     if (e > s)
 	int mrnaS = -1;
 	if (psl)
 	    mrnaS = convertCoordUsingPsl(s, psl);
 	    mrnaS = sf->qStart + (s - sf->start);
 	if(mrnaS >= 0)
 	    int i;
 	    for (i=0; i < (e - s); i++)
 		if (mrnaSeq->dna[mrnaS+i] != winDna[s-winStart+i])
 		    drawVertLine(lf, hvg, s+i, xOff, y+1, heightPer-2, scale, c);
 static void maskDiffString( char *retStr, char *s1, char *s2, char mask )
 /*copies s1, masking off similar characters, and returns result into retStr.
  *if strings are of different size it stops after s1 is done.*/
 int s1Len = strlen(s1);
 memset(retStr, mask, s1Len);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i < s1Len; i++)
     if (s1[i] != s2[i])
 	retStr[i] = s1[i];
 retStr[i] = '\0';
 Color lighterShade(struct hvGfx *hvg, Color color, double percentLess)
     /* Get lighter shade of a color, with a variable level */ 
     struct rgbColor rgbColor =  hvGfxColorIxToRgb(hvg, color); 
     rgbColor.r = (int)((rgbColor.r+127)/percentLess);
     rgbColor.g = (int)((rgbColor.g+127)/percentLess);
     rgbColor.b = (int)((rgbColor.b+127)/percentLess);
     return hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, rgbColor.r, rgbColor.g, rgbColor.b);
 // We need an uppercase alpha character to represent the stop codon in
 // the alpha-offset grayIx scheme.  J is in neither dnautil.c's
 // codonTable nor axt.c's blosum62 peptide scoring matrix.  X was
 // formerly used to represent stop codon, but unfortunately it also is
 // the error return from dnautil.c's lookupCodon (and it is in
 // blosum62, so maybe it is a valid peptide in some contexts?).
 // In addition to the alpha-offset encoding of peptide and alternating
 // shade, grayIx can take on several negative values to represent colors
 // for special cases:
 #define GRAYIX_CDS_START -1
 #define GRAYIX_CDS_ERROR -2
 #define GRAYIX_CDS_STOP  -3
 static Color colorAndCodonFromGrayIx(struct hvGfx *hvg, char *codon, int grayIx, 
 			      Color ixColor)
 /*convert grayIx value to color and codon which
  * are both encoded in the grayIx*/
 Color color;
 if (grayIx == GRAYIX_CDS_ERROR)
     color = cdsColor[CDS_ERROR];
 else if (grayIx == GRAYIX_CDS_START)
     color = cdsColor[CDS_START];
 else if (grayIx == GRAYIX_CDS_STOP)
       color = cdsColor[CDS_STOP];
 else if (grayIx == GRAYIX_CDS_SYN_PROT)
     color = cdsColor[CDS_SYN_PROT];
 #ifdef LOWELAB
 else if(grayIx == - 'V')
    color = cdsColor[CDS_ALT_START];
 else if(grayIx == - 'L')
    color = cdsColor[CDS_ALT_START];
 else if (grayIx <= 26)
     color = ixColor;
     sprintf(codon,"%c",grayIx + 'A' - 1);
     if (codon[0] == GRAYIX_STOP_CODON_ALPHA)
 	codon[0] = '*';
 else if (grayIx > 78)  // ribosomal slip begin
     color = cdsColor[CDS_RIBO_SLIP1];
     sprintf(codon,"%c",grayIx - 78 + 'A' - 1);
 else if (grayIx > 52)  // ribosomal slip end
     color = cdsColor[CDS_RIBO_SLIP2];
     sprintf(codon,"%c",grayIx - 52 + 'A' - 1);
 else if (grayIx > 26)
     color = lighterShade(hvg, ixColor,1.5);
     sprintf(codon,"%c",grayIx - 26 + 'A' - 1);
     if (codon[0] == GRAYIX_STOP_CODON_ALPHA)
 	codon[0] = '*';
     errAbort("colorAndCodonFromGrayIx: invalid grayIx %d", grayIx);
     color = cdsColor[CDS_ERROR];
 return color;
 static char baseColorLookupCodon(DNA *dna)
 /* Call dnautil's lookupCodon, but translate stop codon '\0' to '*' for display. */
 char peptide;
 if (isMito(chromName))
     peptide = lookupMitoCodon(dna);
     peptide = lookupCodon(dna);
 if (peptide == '\0')
     peptide = '*';
 return peptide;
 static int peptideToGrayIx(char peptide, boolean codonFirstColor)
 /* Encode peptide (a letter or '*') and alternating gray shade into our alpha-offset scheme. */
 if (peptide == '*')
 if (codonFirstColor)
     return(peptide - 'A' + 1);
     return(peptide - 'A' + 1 + 26);
 static int codonToGrayIx(DNA *dna, bool codonFirstColor, boolean *foundStart, 
 			 boolean reverse, boolean colorStopStart)
 /* Return grayIx encoding the codon and color (or alternating shades). */
 if (reverse)
 char codonChar = baseColorLookupCodon(dna);
 if (codonChar == 'M' && foundStart != NULL && !(*foundStart))
     *foundStart = TRUE;
 #ifdef LOWELAB
      return -'V';
      return -'L';
 if (codonChar == '*')
     if (colorStopStart)
 	return peptideToGrayIx(codonChar, codonFirstColor);
 else if (codonChar == 'X')
     return(GRAYIX_CDS_ERROR);     // bad input to lookupCodon, e.g. 'n' base
 else if (colorStopStart && codonChar == 'M')
     return peptideToGrayIx(codonChar, codonFirstColor);
 static boolean protEquivalent(int aa1, int aa2)
 /* returns TRUE if amino acids have a positive blosum62 score
    i.e. I, V or R, K
    else FALSE
    Note: X is a valid code in the default scheme (blosum62), so don't pass in
    dnautil.c's X which is an error return...
 static struct axtScoreScheme *ss = NULL;
 if (ss == NULL)
     ss = axtScoreSchemeProteinDefault();
 if ((ss->matrix[aa1][aa2]) > 0)
     return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 static int mrnaCodonToGrayIx(DNA *rna, char genomicCodon, bool codonFirstColor)
 /* Difference ==> red, otherwise keep the alternating shades. */
 char rnaCodon = baseColorLookupCodon(rna);
 if (genomicCodon != rnaCodon)
     if (genomicCodon != 'X' && rnaCodon != 'X' && protEquivalent(genomicCodon, rnaCodon))
         return(GRAYIX_CDS_SYN_PROT);     // yellow, "synonymous" protein 
     return peptideToGrayIx(genomicCodon, codonFirstColor);
 static void getGenbankCds(char *acc, struct genbankCds* cds)
 /* Get cds start and stop from genbank tables, if available. Otherwise it
  * does nothing */
 static boolean first = TRUE, haveGbCdnaInfo = FALSE;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 if (first)
     haveGbCdnaInfo = sqlTableExists(conn, gbCdnaInfoTable);
     first = FALSE;
 if (haveGbCdnaInfo)
     char query[4096], buf[4096], *cdsStr;
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select from %s g,%s c where (acc = '%s') and (g.cds =", gbCdnaInfoTable, cdsTable, acc);
     cdsStr = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, buf, sizeof(buf));
     if (cdsStr != NULL)
         genbankCdsParse(cdsStr, cds);
 static void getCdsFromTbl(char *acc, char *baseColorSetting, struct genbankCds* cds)
 /* Get CDS from a specified table, doing nothing if not found */
 char *p = skipToSpaces(baseColorSetting);
 char *cdsSpecTbl = skipLeadingSpaces(p);
 if (*cdsSpecTbl == '\0')
     errAbort("%s table requires a table name as an argument", BASE_COLOR_USE_CDS);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnDbTbl(cdsSpecTbl, &cdsSpecTbl, database);
 // allow multiple, but only use the first, since transMapGene table might have
 // multiple entries for same gene from different source dbs.
 struct cdsSpec *cdsSpec
     = sqlQueryObjs(conn, (sqlLoadFunc)cdsSpecLoad, sqlQueryMulti,
                    "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=\"%s\"", cdsSpecTbl, acc);
 if (cdsSpec != NULL)
     genbankCdsParse(cdsSpec->cds, cds);
 if (cds != NULL)
 static void getPslCds(struct psl *psl, struct track *tg, struct linkedFeatures *lf,
                       struct genbankCds *cds)
 /* get CDS defintion for a PSL */
 if (pslIsProtein(psl))
     cds->startComplete = TRUE;
     cds->endComplete = TRUE; 
 else if (startsWith("bigPsl", tg->tdb->type))
     if (lf->cds)
         genbankCdsParse(lf->cds, cds);
     char *setting = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, BASE_COLOR_USE_CDS);
     char *dataName = getItemDataName(tg, psl->qName);
     if ((setting != NULL) && startsWith("table", setting))
         getCdsFromTbl(dataName, setting, cds);
         getGenbankCds(dataName, cds);
 static void getHiddenGaps(struct psl *psl, unsigned *gaps)
 /*return the insertions in the query sequence of a psl that are 'hidden' 
   in the browser. This lets these insertions be indicated with the
   color orange.*/
 int i;
 gaps[0] = psl->qStarts[0] - psl->qStart;
 for (i=1; i<psl->blockCount; i++)
     gaps[i] = psl->qStarts[i] - 
 	(psl->qStarts[i-1] + psl->blockSizes[i-1]);
 gaps[psl->blockCount] = psl->qSize - 
     (psl->qStarts[psl->blockCount-1] + psl->blockSizes[psl->blockCount-1]);
 static struct simpleFeature *splitPslByCodon(char *chrom, 
 					     struct linkedFeatures *lf, struct 
                                              psl *psl, int sizeMul, boolean 
                                              isXeno, int maxShade, 
                                              enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt,
 					     boolean colorStopStart,
                                              struct track *tg)
 struct simpleFeature *sfList = NULL;
 /* if cds not in genbank or not parsable - revert to normal*/
 /* if showing bases we don't want to have thin bars ala genePred format */
 if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawItemBases ||
     drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffBases)
     int grayIx = pslGrayIx(psl, isXeno, maxShade);
     sfList = sfFromPslX(psl, grayIx, sizeMul);
     /* Previous code didn't use exon frames for baseColorDrawGenomicCodons.
      * This meant simply counting off aligned bases to define frames.  It
      * didn't work very well for TransMap alignments and not clear that its
      * the right thing to do for any alignment.  By using exonFrames for
      * genomic codons, this is letting the query sequence define the frame.
     struct genbankCds cds;
     getPslCds(psl, tg, lf, &cds);
     int insertMergeSize = -1;
     unsigned opts = genePredCdsStatFld|genePredExonFramesFld;
     struct genePred *gp = genePredFromPsl2(psl, opts, &cds, insertMergeSize);
     lf->start = gp->txStart;
     lf->end = gp->txEnd;
     lf->tallStart = gp->cdsStart;
     lf->tallEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
     sfList = baseColorCodonsFromGenePred(lf, gp, colorStopStart, FALSE);
 struct simpleFeature *baseColorCodonsFromPsl(struct linkedFeatures *lf, 
         struct psl *psl, int sizeMul, boolean isXeno, int maxShade,
         enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt, struct track *tg)
 /* Given an lf and the psl from which the lf was constructed, 
  * return a list of simpleFeature elements, one per codon (or partial 
  * codon if the codon falls on a gap boundary.  sizeMul, isXeno and maxShade
  * are for defaulting to one-simpleFeature-per-exon if cds is not found. */
 boolean colorStopStart = (drawOpt != baseColorDrawDiffCodons);
 struct simpleFeature *sfList = splitPslByCodon(psl->tName, lf, psl, sizeMul,
                                                isXeno, maxShade, drawOpt,
 					       colorStopStart, tg);
 return sfList;
 enum baseColorDrawOpt baseColorGetDrawOpt(struct track *tg)
 /* Determine what base/codon coloring option (if any) has been selected 
  * in trackDb/cart, and gate with zoom level. */
 // N.B. the way the option is chosen has become insanely complex
 enum baseColorDrawOpt ret = baseColorDrawOff;
 if (cart == NULL || tg == NULL || tg->tdb == NULL)
     return ret ;
 ret = baseColorDrawOptEnabled(cart, tg->tdb);
 boolean showDiffBasesAllScales =
     (trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "showDiffBasesAllScales") != NULL);
 float showDiffBasesMaxZoom =
     trackDbFloatSettingOrDefault(tg->tdb, "showDiffBasesMaxZoom", -1.0);
 if ((showDiffBasesMaxZoom >= 0)
     && ((basesPerPixel > showDiffBasesMaxZoom) || (showDiffBasesMaxZoom == 0.0)))
     showDiffBasesAllScales = FALSE;
 enum baseColorDrawOpt zoomOutDefault = baseColorDrawOff;
 if (trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "showCdsAllScales") != NULL)
     float showCdsMaxZoom = trackDbFloatSettingOrDefault(tg->tdb, "showCdsMaxZoom", -1.0);
     if ((showCdsMaxZoom < 0.0)
         || ((basesPerPixel <= showCdsMaxZoom) && (showCdsMaxZoom != 0.0)))
         zoomOutDefault = baseColorDrawCds;
 #if 0
     /* FIXME: this doesn't actually work, it enables maxItems, but then
      * doesn't does into dense at all. need to figure this out, but in the
      * mean time, just usine showCdsMaxZoom to keep performance sane */
     // don't show CDS if in dense or squish
     if (zoomOutDefault == baseColorDrawCds)
         enum trackVisibility vis = limitVisibility(tg);
         if ((vis == tvDense) || (vis == tvSquish))
             zoomOutDefault = baseColorDrawOff;
 /* Gate with zooming constraints: */
 if (!zoomedToCdsColorLevel && (ret == baseColorDrawGenomicCodons ||
                                ret == baseColorDrawItemCodons))
     ret = zoomOutDefault;
 if (!zoomedToBaseLevel && (ret == baseColorDrawItemBases))
     ret = zoomOutDefault;
 if (!(zoomedToCdsColorLevel || showDiffBasesAllScales) &&
     ret == baseColorDrawDiffCodons)
     ret = zoomOutDefault;
 if (!(zoomedToBaseLevel || showDiffBasesAllScales) &&
     ret == baseColorDrawDiffBases)
     ret = zoomOutDefault;
 return ret;
 static struct dnaSeq *maybeGetUserSeq(char *qName)
 /* Look in user's blat sequence file for qName. */
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 static struct hash *userSeqHash = NULL;
 struct dnaSeq *userSeq = NULL;
 char *ss = cartOptionalString(cart, "ss");
 if (ss == NULL || !ssFilesExist(ss))
     return NULL;
 if (userSeqHash == NULL)
     struct dnaSeq *seqList = NULL, *seq;
     char *faFileName, *pslFileName;
     parseSs(ss, &pslFileName, &faFileName);
     seqList = faReadAllMixed(faFileName);
     userSeqHash = hashNew(0);
     for (seq = seqList;  seq != NULL;  seq = seq->next)
 	hashAdd(userSeqHash, seq->name, seq);
 userSeq = hashFindVal(userSeqHash, qName);
 if (userSeq == NULL)
     return NULL;
     return cloneDnaSeq(userSeq);
 return NULL;
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 static struct dnaSeq *maybeGetPcrResultSeq(struct linkedFeatures *lf)
 /* Return (if possible) the primer sequences concatenated with the 
  * target sequence between where they match. */
 struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
 char *pslFileName, *primerFileName;
 struct targetDb *target;
 if (! pcrResultParseCart(database, cart, &pslFileName, &primerFileName, &target))
     return NULL;
 char *fPrimer, *rPrimer;
 pcrResultGetPrimers(primerFileName, &fPrimer, &rPrimer);
 int fPrimerSize = strlen(fPrimer);
 int rPrimerSize = strlen(rPrimer);
 reverseComplement(rPrimer, rPrimerSize);
 if (target != NULL)
     struct psl *tpsl;
     char *words[3];
     int wordCount = chopByChar(cloneString(lf->extra), '|', words, ArraySize(words));
     if (wordCount != 3)
 	errAbort("maybeGetPcrResultSeq: expected 3 |-sep'd words but got '%s'",
 		 (char *)lf->extra);
     char *displayName = words[0];
     int ampStart = atoi(words[1]), ampEnd = atoi(words[2]);
     char *realName = pcrResultItemAccName(lf->name, displayName);
     /* isPcr results are so sparse that I think the performance impact 
      * of re-reading the psl file in the draw function is negligible. */
     pcrResultGetPsl(pslFileName, target, realName, chromName, ampStart, ampEnd, &tpsl, NULL);
     /* Use seq+extFile if specified; otherwise just retrieve from seqFile. */
     if (isNotEmpty(target->seqTable) && isNotEmpty(target->extFileTable))
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 	seq = hDnaSeqGet(database, tpsl->tName, target->seqTable,
 	struct twoBitFile *tbf = twoBitOpen(target->seqFile);
 	seq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(tbf, tpsl->tName, 0, 0);
     int start, end;
     if (tpsl->strand[0] == '-')
 	reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
 	start = seq->size - tpsl->tEnd;
 	end = seq->size - tpsl->tStart;
 	start = tpsl->tStart;
 	end = tpsl->tEnd;
     CopyArray(fPrimer, (seq->dna + start), fPrimerSize);
     CopyArray(rPrimer, (seq->dna + end - rPrimerSize), rPrimerSize);
     if (tpsl->strand[0] == '-')
 	reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
     seq = hChromSeq(database, chromName, lf->start, lf->end);
     if (lf->orientation < 0)
 	reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
     CopyArray(fPrimer, seq->dna, fPrimerSize);
     CopyArray(rPrimer, (seq->dna + seq->size - rPrimerSize), rPrimerSize);
 return seq;
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
 static struct dnaSeq *maybeGetExtFileSeq(char *seqSource, char *name)
 /* look up sequence name in seq and extFile tables specified in seqSource */
 /* seqSource is: extFile seqTbl extFileTbl */
 static struct dyString *buf = NULL;
 if (buf == NULL)
     buf = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringAppend(buf, seqSource);
 char *words[3];
 int nwords = chopByWhite(buf->string, words, ArraySize(words));
 if ((nwords != ArraySize(words)) || !sameString(words[0], "extFile"))
     errAbort("invalid %s track setting: %s", BASE_COLOR_USE_SEQUENCE,
 return hDnaSeqGet(database, name, words[1], words[2]);
 static struct dnaSeq *maybeGetSeqUpper(struct linkedFeatures *lf,
 				       char *tableName, struct track *tg)
 /* Look up the sequence in genbank tables (hGenBankGetMrna also searches 
  * seq if it can't find it in GB tables) or user's blat sequence, 
  * uppercase and return it if we find it, return NULL if we don't find it. */
 struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq = NULL;
 char *name = getItemDataName(tg, lf->name);
 char *seqSource = trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, BASE_COLOR_USE_SEQUENCE);
 if (sameString(tableName,"refGene") || sameString(tableName,"refSeqAli"))
     mrnaSeq = hGenBankGetMrna(database, name, "refMrna");
 else if (sameString(seqSource, "ss"))
     mrnaSeq = maybeGetUserSeq(name);
 #ifndef GBROWSE
 else if (sameString(seqSource, PCR_RESULT_TRACK_NAME))
     mrnaSeq = maybeGetPcrResultSeq(lf);
 #endif /* GBROWSE */
 else if (startsWith("extFile", seqSource))
     mrnaSeq = maybeGetExtFileSeq(seqSource, name);
 else if (endsWith("ExtFile", seqSource))
     mrnaSeq = maybeGetExtFileSeq(seqSource, name);
 else if (sameString("nameIsSequence", seqSource))
     mrnaSeq = newDnaSeq(cloneString(name), strlen(name), name);
     if (lf->orientation == -1)
 	reverseComplement(mrnaSeq->dna, mrnaSeq->size);
 else if (sameString("seq1Seq2", seqSource))
     mrnaSeq = lf->extra;
     if (lf->orientation == -1)
 	reverseComplement(mrnaSeq->dna, mrnaSeq->size);
 else if (sameString("lfExtra", seqSource))
     mrnaSeq = newDnaSeq(cloneString(lf->extra), strlen(lf->extra), lf->extra);
     if (lf->orientation == -1)
 	reverseComplement(mrnaSeq->dna, mrnaSeq->size);
 else if (sameString("lrg", seqSource))
     struct lrg *lrg = lf->original;
     mrnaSeq = lrgReconstructSequence(lrg, database);
 else if (startsWith("table ", seqSource))
     char *table = seqSource;
     mrnaSeq = hGenBankGetMrna(database, name, table);
 else if (startsWithWord("db", seqSource))
     char *sourceDb = seqSource;
     if (isEmpty(sourceDb))
         sourceDb = database;
     mrnaSeq = hChromSeq(sourceDb, name, 0, 0);
     mrnaSeq = hGenBankGetMrna(database, name, NULL);
 if (mrnaSeq != NULL)
 return mrnaSeq;
 static void makeCdsShades(struct hvGfx *hvg, Color *cdsColor)
 /* setup CDS colors */
 cdsColor[CDS_ERROR] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,0,0,0); 
 cdsColor[CDS_ODD] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_ODD_R,CDS_ODD_G,CDS_ODD_B);
 cdsColor[CDS_EVEN] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_EVEN_R,CDS_EVEN_G,CDS_EVEN_B);
 cdsColor[CDS_START] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_START_R,CDS_START_G,CDS_START_B);
 cdsColor[CDS_STOP] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_STOP_R,CDS_STOP_G,CDS_STOP_B);
 cdsColor[CDS_SPLICE] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_SPLICE_R,CDS_SPLICE_G,
 cdsColor[CDS_PARTIAL_CODON] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_PARTIAL_CODON_R,
 cdsColor[CDS_POLY_A] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_POLY_A_R,
 cdsColor[CDS_ALT_START] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_ALT_START_R,
 cdsColor[CDS_SYN_PROT] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_SYN_PROT_R,
 cdsColor[CDS_SYN_BLEND] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_SYN_BLEND_R,
 cdsColor[CDS_RIBO_SLIP1] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_RIBO_SLIP1_R,
 cdsColor[CDS_RIBO_SLIP2] = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg,CDS_RIBO_SLIP2_R,
 static void updatePartialCodon(char *retStr, int exonStart, int exonEnd, boolean posStrand)
 /* Add bases to the appropriate end of retStr, from exonStart until we have 3 bases or
  * run into exonEnd*/
 char tmpStr[4];
 char tmpDna[4];
 char *codonDna = getCachedDna(exonStart, exonEnd);
 int baseCount = min(3-strlen(retStr), abs(exonEnd-exonStart));
 memcpy(tmpDna, codonDna, baseCount);
 tmpDna[baseCount] = '\0';
 if (posStrand)
     safef(tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr), "%s%s", retStr, tmpDna);
     safef(tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr), "%s%s", tmpDna, retStr);
 memcpy(retStr, tmpStr, 3);
 retStr[3] = '\0';
 struct simpleFeature *baseColorCodonsFromDna(int frame, int chromStart,
 	int chromEnd, struct dnaSeq *seq, bool reverse)
 /* Create list of codons from a DNA sequence.
    The DNA sequence passed in must include 3 bases extra at the
    start and the end to allow for creating partial codons */
 struct simpleFeature *sfList = NULL, *sf = NULL;
 char codon[4];
 int chromPos = chromStart+1;
 int i;
 DNA *start;
 int seqOffset;
 if (frame < 0 || frame > 2 || seq == NULL)
     return NULL;
 /* pick up bases for partial codon */
 seqOffset = frame;
 chromPos = chromPos - 3 + frame;
 zeroBytes(codon, 4);
 for (i = 0, start = seq->dna + seqOffset; i < seq->size; i++, chromPos++)
     int offset = i % 3;
     codon[offset] = *start++;
     if (offset != 2)
     /* new codon */
     sf->start = chromPos - 3;
     sf->end = sf->start + 3;
     if (reverse)
         sf->start = winEnd - sf->start + winStart - 3;
         sf->end = sf->start + 3;
     // Base offsets mod 6 for alternating colors: 0,1,2 --> first codon, 3,4,5 --> second codon.
     bool codonFirstColor = (sf->start % 6 < 3);
     sf->grayIx = codonToGrayIx(codon, codonFirstColor, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
     zeroBytes(codon, 4);
     slAddHead(&sfList, sf);
 return sfList;
 struct simpleFeature *baseColorCodonsFromGenePred(struct linkedFeatures *lf, 
         struct genePred *gp, boolean colorStopStart, boolean codonNumbering)
 /* Given an lf and the genePred from which the lf was constructed, 
  * return a list of simpleFeature elements, one per codon (or partial 
  * codon if the codon falls on a gap boundary. */
 unsigned *starts = gp->exonStarts;
 unsigned *ends = gp->exonEnds;
 int blockCount = gp->exonCount;
 unsigned cdsStart = gp->cdsStart;
 unsigned cdsEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
 int *exonFrames = gp->exonFrames;
 boolean useExonFrames = (gp->optFields >= genePredExonFramesFld);
     int frame = 0;
     int currentStart = 0, currentEnd = 0;
     char partialCodonSeq[4];
     int currentSize;
     int i;
     boolean foundStart = FALSE;
     struct simpleFeature *sfList = NULL, *sf = NULL;
     int i0, iN, iInc;
     boolean posStrand;
     partialCodonSeq[0] = '\0';
     if (lf->orientation > 0) //positive strand
         i0 = 0; iN = blockCount; iInc = 1;
         posStrand = TRUE;
         i0 = blockCount-1; iN=-1; iInc = -1;
         posStrand = FALSE;
     bool altColor = FALSE;
     unsigned cds5Prime = posStrand ? cdsStart : cdsEnd;
     int codonIndex = !codonNumbering || !zoomedToCodonNumberLevel ? 0 : 1;
     for (i=i0; (iInc*i)<(iInc*iN); i=i+iInc)
         int exonStart = starts[i];
         int exonEnd = ends[i];
         if (useExonFrames)
             if(exonFrames[i] > 0)
                 frame = 3 - exonFrames[i];
                 frame = 0;
         if(frame == 0)
         // 3' or 5' UTR exon
         if ((exonStart < cdsStart && exonEnd <= cdsStart) ||
                 (exonStart >= cdsEnd && exonEnd > cdsEnd))
 	    if (exonEnd > winStart && exonStart < winEnd)
 		sf->start = exonStart;
 		sf->end = exonEnd; 
 		slAddHead(&sfList, sf);
         // UTR + coding exon
         else if (exonEnd > cds5Prime && exonStart < cds5Prime)
 	    int utrStart, utrEnd;
             if (posStrand)
                 utrStart = exonStart;
                 utrEnd = cdsStart;
                 currentStart = cdsStart;
                 utrStart = cdsEnd;
                 utrEnd = exonEnd;
                 currentEnd = cdsEnd;
 	    if (utrEnd > winStart && utrStart < winEnd)
 		sf->start = utrStart;
 		sf->end = utrEnd; 
 		slAddHead(&sfList, sf);
                 currentStart = exonStart;
                 currentEnd = exonEnd;
 	// If UTR + coding, trim to coding portion:
 	if (exonStart < cdsStart) exonStart = cdsStart;
 	if (exonEnd > cdsEnd) exonEnd = cdsEnd;
         // break each exon into codons and assign alternating shades.
         while (TRUE)
             int lastEnd = currentEnd;
             int codonInc = frame;
             if (frame == 0)  
                 altColor = altColor ? FALSE : TRUE;
 		codonInc = 3;
                 currentEnd = currentStart + codonInc;
                 currentStart = currentEnd - codonInc; 
             //we've gone off the end of the current exon
             if ((posStrand && currentEnd > exonEnd) ||
 		(!posStrand && currentStart < exonStart ))
                 if (posStrand)
                     frame = currentEnd - exonEnd;
                     currentEnd = exonEnd;
                     frame = exonStart - currentStart;
                     currentStart = exonStart;
                 if(frame == 3) 
                     // end of one block and the next block starts less than three bases away
                     frame = 0;
                     if (posStrand && ((iInc*(i + iInc))<(iInc*iN) && (currentEnd + 3 > starts[i+1])))
                         int letter = sfList->grayIx;
                         if (sfList->grayIx > 52)
                             letter -= 52;
                         else if (sfList->grayIx > 26)
                             letter -= 52;
                         sfList->grayIx = 78 + letter;
 		/* accumulate partial codon in case of one base exon, or start a new one. */
 		updatePartialCodon(partialCodonSeq, currentStart, currentEnd, posStrand);
 		if (currentStart < winEnd && currentEnd > winStart)
 		    // get next 'frame' nt's to see what codon will be (skipping intron sequence)
 		    char theRestOfCodon[4];
 		    getNextCodonDna(theRestOfCodon, frame, gp, i, posStrand);
 		    /* This code doesn't really work right in all cases of a
 		     * one-base blocks. It broke with some TransMap alignments
 		     * with indels around the one base.  This code is fragile, so
 		     * just work around it by truncating the sequence.
 		    char tempCodonSeq[8];
 			safef(tempCodonSeq, sizeof(tempCodonSeq), "%s%s", partialCodonSeq, 
 			safef(tempCodonSeq, sizeof(tempCodonSeq), "%s%s", theRestOfCodon, 
 			      partialCodonSeq );
 		    tempCodonSeq[4] = '\0';  // no more than 3 bases
 		    sf->start = currentStart;
 		    sf->end = currentEnd;
 		    sf->grayIx = ((posStrand && currentEnd <= cdsEnd) || 
 				  (!posStrand && currentStart >= cdsStart)) ?
 			codonToGrayIx(tempCodonSeq, altColor, &foundStart, 
 				      !posStrand, colorStopStart) :
                     sf->codonIndex = codonIndex;
 		    slAddHead(&sfList, sf);
 		} // end if we've gone off the end of the current exon
             currentSize = currentEnd - currentStart;
             /*inside a coding block (with 3 bases)*/
             if (currentSize == 3)
 		sf->start = currentStart;
 		sf->end = currentEnd;
 		if ((posStrand && currentEnd <= cdsEnd) ||
 		    (!posStrand && currentStart >= cdsStart))
 		    char currentCodon[4];
 		    char *thisDna = getCachedDna(currentStart, currentEnd);
 		    memcpy(currentCodon, thisDna, 3);
 		    currentCodon[3] = '\0';
 		    sf->grayIx = codonToGrayIx(currentCodon, altColor, &foundStart, 
 					       !posStrand, colorStopStart);
                     // is this block less than 3 bases away from the previous block (ribo slip)
                     if (posStrand && (lastEnd + 3 > currentEnd))
                         sf->grayIx = - 'A' + 1 + 52 + baseColorLookupCodon(currentCodon);
 		    sf->grayIx = GRAYIX_CDS_ERROR;
             /*start of a coding block with less than 3 bases*/
             else if (currentSize < 3)
                 updatePartialCodon(partialCodonSeq, currentStart, currentEnd, posStrand);
 		sf->start = currentStart;
 		sf->end = currentEnd;
                 if (strlen(partialCodonSeq) == 3) 
                     sf->grayIx = codonToGrayIx(partialCodonSeq, altColor,
                             &foundStart, !posStrand, colorStopStart);
                     sf->grayIx = GRAYIX_CDS_ERROR;
                 strcpy(partialCodonSeq,"" );
                 /*update frame based on bases appended*/
                 frame -= currentSize;
                 errAbort("%s: Too much dna (%d - %d = %d)<br>\n", lf->name, 
 			 currentEnd, currentStart, currentSize);
             if (codonIndex)
                 sf->codonIndex = codonIndex++;
             slAddHead(&sfList, sf);
                 currentStart = currentEnd;
                 currentEnd = currentStart;
 	    } // end loop on codons within exon
 	/* coding + UTR exon */
 	if (posStrand && (exonEnd < ends[i]) &&
 	    exonEnd < winEnd && ends[i] > winStart)
             sf->start = exonEnd;
             sf->end = ends[i];
             slAddHead(&sfList, sf);
 	else if (!posStrand && (exonStart > starts[i]) &&
 		 starts[i] < winEnd && exonStart > winStart)
             sf->start = starts[i];
             sf->end = exonStart;
             slAddHead(&sfList, sf);
 	} // end loop on exons
 static void getMrnaBases(struct psl *psl, struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq,
 			 int mrnaS, int s, int e, boolean isRc,
 			 char retMrnaBases[4], boolean *retQueryInsertion)
 /* Get mRNA bases for the current mRNA codon triplet.  If this is a split
  * codon, retrieve the adjacent mRNA bases to make a full triplet. */
 int size = e - s;
 if(size < 3)
     if (mrnaSeq != NULL && mrnaS-(3-size) > 0)
 	int i=0;
 	int idx = -1;
 	int newIdx = -1;
 	unsigned *gaps = NULL;
 	boolean appendAtStart = FALSE;
 	AllocArray(gaps, psl->blockCount+2);
 	for(i=0; i<psl->blockCount; i++)
 	    unsigned tStart = psl->tStarts[i];
 	    unsigned tEnd = tStart + psl->blockSizes[i];
 	    if (psl->strand[1] == '-') 
 		reverseUnsignedRange(&tStart, &tEnd, psl->tSize);
 	    if (s == tStart)
 		idx = i;
 		appendAtStart = TRUE;
 	    else if (e == tEnd)
 		idx = i+1;
 		appendAtStart = FALSE;
 	getHiddenGaps(psl, gaps);
 	if(idx >= 0 && gaps[idx] > 0 && retQueryInsertion != NULL)
 	    *retQueryInsertion = TRUE;
 	if (!appendAtStart)
 	    newIdx = mrnaS + size;
 	    memcpy(retMrnaBases, &mrnaSeq->dna[mrnaS], size);
 	    memcpy(retMrnaBases+size, &mrnaSeq->dna[newIdx], 3-size);
 	    newIdx = mrnaS - (3 - size);
 	    memcpy(retMrnaBases, &mrnaSeq->dna[newIdx], 3);
 	memcpy(retMrnaBases, "NNN", 3);
     memcpy(retMrnaBases, &mrnaSeq->dna[mrnaS], 3);
 retMrnaBases[3] = '\0';
 if (isRc)
     reverseComplement(retMrnaBases, strlen(retMrnaBases));
 static void drawDiffTextBox(struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int y, 
         double scale, int heightPer, MgFont *font, Color color, 
         char *chrom, unsigned s, unsigned e, struct simpleFeature *sf, struct psl *psl, 
         struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq, struct linkedFeatures *lf,
         int grayIx, enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt,
         int maxPixels, Color *trackColors, Color ixColor)
 int mrnaS = -1;
 if (psl)
     mrnaS = convertCoordUsingPsl( s, psl ); 
 else if (sf)
     mrnaS = sf->qStart;
 if(mrnaS >= 0)
     struct dyString *dyMrnaSeq = newDyString(256);
     char mrnaBases[4];
     char genomicCodon[2];
     char mrnaCodon[2]; 
     boolean queryInsertion = FALSE;
     boolean isCoding = (drawOpt == baseColorDrawItemCodons || drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffCodons);
     mrnaBases[0] = '\0';
     if (psl && isCoding)
 	getMrnaBases(psl, mrnaSeq, mrnaS, s, e, (lf->orientation == -1),
 		    mrnaBases, &queryInsertion);
     if (queryInsertion && isCoding)
 	color = cdsColor[CDS_QUERY_INSERTION];
     dyStringAppendN(dyMrnaSeq, (char*)&mrnaSeq->dna[mrnaS], e-s);
     if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawItemBases)
 	if (cartUsualBooleanDb(cart, database, COMPLEMENT_BASES_VAR, FALSE))
 	    complement(dyMrnaSeq->string, dyMrnaSeq->stringSize);
 	drawScaledBoxWithText(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 				    color, lf->score, font, dyMrnaSeq->string,
 				    zoomedToBaseLevel, winStart, maxPixels, isCoding, TRUE);
     else if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawItemCodons)
 	if (e <= lf->tallEnd)
 	    boolean startColor = FALSE;
 	    /* re-set color of this block based on mrna codons rather than
 	     * genomic, but keep the odd/even cycle of dark/light shades. */
 	    int mrnaGrayIx = codonToGrayIx(mrnaBases, (grayIx > 26), NULL,
 					   FALSE, TRUE);
 	    if (color == cdsColor[CDS_START])
                 startColor = TRUE;
 	    color = colorAndCodonFromGrayIx(hvg, mrnaCodon, mrnaGrayIx,
 	    if (startColor && sameString(mrnaCodon,"M"))
                 color = cdsColor[CDS_START];
 	    drawScaledBoxWithText(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 					color, lf->score, font, mrnaCodon,
 					zoomedToCodonLevel, winStart,
 					maxPixels, isCoding, TRUE);
 	    drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, color);
     else if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffBases)
 	char *diffStr = NULL;
 	char *genoDna = getCachedDna(s, e);
 	diffStr = needMem(sizeof(char) * (e - s + 1));
 	maskDiffString(diffStr, dyMrnaSeq->string, genoDna, ' ');
 	if (cartUsualBooleanDb(cart, database, COMPLEMENT_BASES_VAR, FALSE))
 	    complement(diffStr, strlen(diffStr));
 	drawScaledBoxWithText(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 				    color, lf->score, font, diffStr, 
 				    zoomedToBaseLevel, winStart, maxPixels, isCoding, TRUE);
     else if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffCodons)
 	if (e <= lf->tallEnd)
 	    /* Color codons red wherever mrna differs from genomic;
 	     * keep the odd/even cycle of dark/light shades. */
 	    colorAndCodonFromGrayIx(hvg, genomicCodon, grayIx, ixColor);
 	    int mrnaGrayIx = mrnaCodonToGrayIx(mrnaBases, genomicCodon[0],
 					       (grayIx > 26));
 	    color = colorAndCodonFromGrayIx(hvg, mrnaCodon, mrnaGrayIx,
 	    // Look up mrnaCodon again because if mrnaGrayIx is GRAYIX_SYN_PROT,
 	    // codon value is lost:
 	    safef(mrnaCodon, sizeof(mrnaCodon), "%c", baseColorLookupCodon(mrnaBases));
 	    if (mrnaCodon[0] != genomicCodon[0])
 		drawScaledBoxWithText(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, 
 					    heightPer, color, lf->score, font,
 					    mrnaCodon, zoomedToCodonLevel,
 					    winStart, maxPixels, isCoding, TRUE);
 		drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, color);
 	    drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, color);
     else if (drawOpt != baseColorDrawCds)
         errAbort("Unknown drawOpt: %d<br>\n", drawOpt);
     /*show we have an error by coloring entire exon block yellow*/
     drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, MG_YELLOW);
     // FIXME: this shouldn't ever happen, should be an errAbort
     warn("Bug: drawDiffTextBox: convertCoordUsingPsl failed<br>\n");
 void baseColorDrawItem(struct track *tg,  struct linkedFeatures *lf, 
 		       int grayIx, struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, 
                        int y, double scale, MgFont *font, int s, int e, 
                        int heightPer, boolean zoomedToCodonLevel, 
                        struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq, struct simpleFeature *sf, struct psl *psl, 
 		       enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt,
                        int maxPixels, int winStart, 
                        Color originalColor)
 /* Draw codon/base-colored item. */
 char codon[64] = " ";
 Color color = colorAndCodonFromGrayIx(hvg, codon, grayIx, originalColor);
 if (sf->codonIndex && ( e - s >= 3))  // don't put exon numbers on split codons because there isn't space.
     safef(codon, sizeof(codon), "%c %d", codon[0], sf->codonIndex);
 /* When we are zoomed out far enough so that multiple bases/codons share the 
  * same pixel, we have to draw differences in a separate pass (baseColorOverdrawDiff)
  * so don't waste time drawing the differences here: */
 boolean zoomedOutToPostProcessing =
     ((drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffBases && !zoomedToBaseLevel) ||
      (drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffCodons && !zoomedToCdsColorLevel));
 if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawGenomicCodons && (e-s <= 3))
     if (lf->highlightColor)
 	drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 	drawScaledBoxWithText(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y+1, heightPer-2, 
 				    color, lf->score, font, codon, 
 				    zoomedToCodonLevel, winStart, maxPixels, TRUE, !sf->codonIndex);
 	drawScaledBoxWithText(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 				    color, lf->score, font, codon, 
 				    zoomedToCodonLevel, winStart, maxPixels, TRUE, !sf->codonIndex);
 else if (mrnaSeq != NULL && (psl != NULL || sf != NULL) && !zoomedOutToPostProcessing &&
 	 drawOpt != baseColorDrawGenomicCodons && drawOpt != baseColorDrawOff)
     if (lf->highlightColor)
 	drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 	drawDiffTextBox(hvg, xOff+1, y+1, scale, heightPer-2, font, 
 			color, chromName, s, e, sf, psl, mrnaSeq, lf,
 			grayIx, drawOpt, maxPixels,
 			tg->colorShades, originalColor);
 	drawDiffTextBox(hvg, xOff, y, scale, heightPer, font, 
 			color, chromName, s, e, sf, psl, mrnaSeq, lf,
 			grayIx, drawOpt, maxPixels,
 			tg->colorShades, originalColor);
     /* revert to normal coloring */
     if (lf->highlightColor)
 	drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 	drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff+1, y+1, heightPer -2, 
 	drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 static void drawCdsDiffCodonsOnly(struct track *tg,  struct linkedFeatures *lf,
 			   struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff,
 			   int y, double scale, int heightPer,
 			   struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq, struct psl *psl,
 			   int winStart)
 /* Draw red boxes only where mRNA codons differ from genomic.  This assumes
  * that lf has been drawn already, we're zoomed out past zoomedToCdsColorLevel,
  * we're not in dense mode etc. */
 struct simpleFeature *sf = NULL;
 Color dummyColor = 0;
 if (lf->codons == NULL)
     errAbort("drawCdsDiffCodonsOnly: lf->codons is NULL");
 for (sf = lf->codons; sf != NULL; sf = sf->next)
     int s = sf->start;
     int e = sf->end;
     if (s < lf->tallStart)
 	s = lf->tallStart;
     if (e > lf->tallEnd)
 	e = lf->tallEnd;
     if (s > winEnd || e < winStart)
     if (e > s)
 	int mrnaS = convertCoordUsingPsl( s, psl ); 
 	if (mrnaS >= 0)
 	    char mrnaBases[4];
 	    char genomicCodon[2], mrnaCodon;
 	    boolean queryInsertion = FALSE;
 	    Color color = cdsColor[CDS_STOP];
 	    getMrnaBases(psl, mrnaSeq, mrnaS, s, e, (lf->orientation == -1),
 			 mrnaBases, &queryInsertion);
 	    if (queryInsertion)
 		color = cdsColor[CDS_QUERY_INSERTION];
 	    mrnaCodon = baseColorLookupCodon(mrnaBases);
 	    colorAndCodonFromGrayIx(hvg, genomicCodon, sf->grayIx, dummyColor);
 	    if (queryInsertion)
 		drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, color);
             if (mrnaCodon != genomicCodon[0])
                 if (mrnaCodon != genomicCodon[0] && protEquivalent(genomicCodon[0], mrnaCodon))
                     color = cdsColor[CDS_SYN_PROT];
                 /* this was a call to drawScaledBoxBlend, but this breaks under
                  * 32-bit color, so for the moment we're going to depend 
                  * on the painter's algorithm */
 		drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, color);
 	    /*show we have an error by coloring entire exon block yellow*/
 	    drawScaledBox(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, MG_YELLOW);
             // FIXME: this shouldn't ever happen, should be an errAbort
             warn("Bug: drawCdsDiffCodonsOnly: convertCoordUsingPsl failed<br>\n");
 void baseColorOverdrawDiff(struct track *tg,  struct linkedFeatures *lf,
 			   struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff,
 			   int y, double scale, int heightPer,
 			   struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq, struct psl *psl,
 			   int winStart, enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt)
 /* If we're drawing different bases/codons, and zoomed out past base/codon 
  * level, draw 1-pixel wide red lines only where bases/codons differ from 
  * genomic.  This tests drawing mode and zoom level but assumes that lf itself 
  * has been drawn already and we're not in dense mode etc. */
 boolean enabled = TRUE;
 // check max zoom
 float showDiffBasesMaxZoom = trackDbFloatSettingOrDefault(tg->tdb, "showDiffBasesMaxZoom", -1.0);
 if ((showDiffBasesMaxZoom >= 0.0)
     && ((basesPerPixel > showDiffBasesMaxZoom) || (showDiffBasesMaxZoom == 0.0)))
     enabled = FALSE;
 if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffCodons && !zoomedToCdsColorLevel && lf->codons && enabled)
     drawCdsDiffCodonsOnly(tg, lf, hvg, xOff, y, scale,
 			  heightPer, mrnaSeq, psl, winStart);
 if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffBases && !zoomedToBaseLevel && enabled)
     drawCdsDiffBaseTickmarksOnly(tg, lf, hvg, xOff, y, scale,
 				 heightPer, mrnaSeq, psl, winStart);
 void baseColorOverdrawQInsert(struct track *tg,  struct linkedFeatures *lf,
 			      struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff,
 			      int y, double scale, int heightPer,
 			      struct dnaSeq *mrnaSeq, struct psl *psl,
 			      int winStart, enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt,
 			      boolean indelShowQInsert, boolean indelShowPolyA)
 /* If applicable, draw 1-pixel wide orange lines for query insertions in the
  * middle of the query, 1-pixel wide blue lines for query insertions at the 
  * end of the query, and 1-pixel wide green (instead of blue) when a query 
  * insertion at the end is a valid poly-A tail. */
 int i;
 int s;
 int lastBlk = psl->blockCount - 1;
 boolean gotPolyAStart=FALSE, gotPolyAEnd=FALSE;
 if (indelShowPolyA && mrnaSeq)
     /* Draw green lines for polyA first, so if the entire transcript is 
      * jammed into one pixel and the other end has a blue line, blue is 
      * what the user sees. */
     if (psl->qStarts[0] != 0 && psl->strand[0] == '-')
 	/* Query is -.  We reverse-complemented in baseColorDrawSetup,
 	 * so test for polyT head: */
 	int polyTSize = headPolyTSizeLoose(mrnaSeq->dna, mrnaSeq->size);
 	if (polyTSize > 0 && (polyTSize + 3) >= psl->qStarts[0])
 	    if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
 		s = psl->tSize - psl->tStarts[0] - 1;
 		s = psl->tStarts[0];
 	    drawVertLine(lf, hvg, s, xOff, y, heightPer-1, scale,
 	    gotPolyAStart = TRUE;
     if ((psl->qStarts[lastBlk] + psl->blockSizes[lastBlk] != psl->qSize) &&
 	psl->strand[0] == '+')
 	if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
 	    /* Query is + but target is -.  We reverse-complemented in
 	     * baseColorDrawSetup, so test for polyT head: */
 	    int polyTSize = headPolyTSizeLoose(mrnaSeq->dna, mrnaSeq->size);
 	    int rcQStart = (psl->qSize -
 			(psl->qStarts[lastBlk] + psl->blockSizes[lastBlk]));
 	    if (polyTSize > 0 && (polyTSize + 3) >= rcQStart)
 		s = psl->tStart;
 		drawVertLine(lf, hvg, s, xOff, y, heightPer-1, scale,
 		gotPolyAEnd = TRUE;
 	    /* Both are +.  We didn't reverse-complement in
 	     * baseColorDrawSetup, so test for polyA tail: */
 	    int polyASize = tailPolyASizeLoose(mrnaSeq->dna, mrnaSeq->size);
 	    if (polyASize > 0 &&
 		((polyASize + 3) >= 
 		 (psl->qSize -
 		  (psl->qStarts[lastBlk] + psl->blockSizes[lastBlk]))))
 		s = psl->tStarts[lastBlk] + psl->blockSizes[lastBlk];
 		drawVertLine(lf, hvg, s, xOff, y, heightPer-1, scale,
 		gotPolyAEnd = TRUE;
 if (indelShowQInsert)
     if (psl->qStarts[0] != 0 && !gotPolyAStart)
 	/* Insert at beginning of query -- draw vertical blue line 
 	 * unless it's polyA. */
 	s = (psl->strand[1] == '-') ? (psl->tSize - psl->tStarts[0] - 1) :
 	drawVertLine(lf, hvg, s, xOff, y, heightPer-1, scale,
     for (i = 1;  i < psl->blockCount;  i++)
 	int qBlkStart = psl->qStarts[i];
 	int qPrevBlkEnd = (psl->qStarts[i-1] + psl->blockSizes[i-1]);
 	if (qBlkStart > qPrevBlkEnd)
 	    int tBlkStart = psl->tStarts[i];
 	    int tPrevBlkEnd = (psl->tStarts[i-1] + psl->blockSizes[i-1]);
 	    /* Note: if tBlkStart < tPrevBlkEnd, then we have overlap on 
 	     * target, possibly indicating a bug in the aligner. */
 	    if (tBlkStart <= tPrevBlkEnd)
 		/* Insert in query only -- draw vertical orange line. */
 		s = (psl->strand[1] == '-') ? (psl->tSize - psl->tStarts[i] - 1) :
 		drawVertLine(lf, hvg, s, xOff, y, heightPer-1, scale,
 	/* Note: if qBlkStart < qPrevBlkEnd, then we have overlap on query,
 	 * possibly indicating a bug in the aligner.  Most likely a gap 
 	 * should be drawn in that case (really a target insert) but I don't
 	 * think this is the place to do it.  Should be caught by 
 	 * pre-screening table data for block coords that overlap. */
     if (psl->qStarts[lastBlk] + psl->blockSizes[lastBlk] != psl->qSize &&
 	/* Insert at end of query -- draw vertical blue line unless it's 
 	 * all polyA. */
 	s = (psl->strand[1] == '-') ?
 	    (psl->tSize - (psl->tStarts[lastBlk] + psl->blockSizes[lastBlk])) :
 	    (psl->tStarts[lastBlk] + psl->blockSizes[lastBlk]);
 	drawVertLine(lf, hvg, s, xOff, y, heightPer-1, scale,
 void baseColorInitTrack(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg)
 /* Set up base coloring state (e.g. cache genomic sequence) for tg.
  * This must be called by tg->drawItems if baseColorDrawSetup is used 
  * in tg->drawItemAt.  Peeks at tg->drawItems method to determine whether
  * tg is linkedFeatures or linkedFeaturesSeries (currently the only
  * two supported track types -- bed, psl etc. are subclasses of these). */
 enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt = baseColorGetDrawOpt(tg);
 boolean indelShowDoubleInsert, indelShowQueryInsert, indelShowPolyA;
 indelEnabled(cart, (tg ? tg->tdb : NULL), basesPerPixel,
 	     &indelShowDoubleInsert, &indelShowQueryInsert, &indelShowPolyA);
 if (drawOpt <= baseColorDrawOff && !(indelShowQueryInsert || indelShowPolyA))
 if (initedTrack == NULL || differentString(tg->track, initedTrack))
     int overallStart, overallEnd;
     boolean isSeries = FALSE;
     if (tg->drawItems == linkedFeaturesSeriesDraw
         || tg->drawItems == bamLinkedFeaturesSeriesDraw)
 	isSeries = TRUE;
     else if (!baseColorCanDraw(tg))
 	errAbort("baseColorInitTrack: track %s has a type not recognized by baseColorCanDraw.",
     getLinkedFeaturesSpan((struct linkedFeatures *)tg->items, &overallStart, &overallEnd,
     if (overallStart < cachedGenoStart || overallEnd > cachedGenoEnd)
 	// leak mem to save time (don't bother freeing old cached dna)
 	cachedGenoStart = overallStart;
 	cachedGenoEnd = overallEnd;
 	cachedGenoDna = hDnaFromSeq(database, chromName, cachedGenoStart, cachedGenoEnd, dnaUpper);
     initedTrack = cloneString(tg->track);
 /* allocate colors for coding coloring */
 if (!cdsColorsMade)
     makeCdsShades(hvg, cdsColor);
     cdsColorsMade = TRUE;
 static void checkTrackInited(struct track *tg, char *what)
 /* Die if baseColorInitTrack has not been called (most recently) for this track. */
 if (initedTrack == NULL || differentString(tg->track, initedTrack))
     errAbort("Error: Track %s should have been baseColorInitTrack'd before %s.  "
 	     "(tg->drawItems may be unrecognized by baseColorCanDraw)",
 	     tg->track, what);
 enum baseColorDrawOpt baseColorDrawSetup(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg,
 			struct linkedFeatures *lf,
 			struct dnaSeq **retMrnaSeq, struct psl **retPsl)
 /* Returns the CDS coloring option, allocates colors if necessary, and 
  * returns the sequence and psl record for the given item if applicable. 
  * Note: even if base coloring is not enabled, this will return psl and 
  * mrna seq if query insert/polyA coloring is enabled.
  * baseColorInitTrack must be called before this (in tg->drawItems) --
  * this is meant to be called by tg->drawItemAt (i.e. linkedFeaturesDrawAt). */
 enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt = baseColorGetDrawOpt(tg);
 boolean indelShowDoubleInsert, indelShowQueryInsert, indelShowPolyA;
 indelEnabled(cart, (tg ? tg->tdb : NULL), basesPerPixel,
 	     &indelShowDoubleInsert, &indelShowQueryInsert, &indelShowPolyA);
 if (drawOpt <= baseColorDrawOff && !(indelShowQueryInsert || indelShowPolyA))
     return drawOpt;
 checkTrackInited(tg, "calling baseColorDrawSetup");
 /* If we are using item sequence, fetch alignment and sequence: */
 if ((drawOpt > baseColorDrawOff && (startsWith("psl", tg->tdb->type) ||
 				    sameString("bigPsl", tg->tdb->type) ||
 				    sameString("lrg", tg->tdb->track)))
     || indelShowQueryInsert || indelShowPolyA)
     if (sameString("lrg", tg->tdb->track))
 	*retPsl = lrgToPsl(lf->original, hChromSize(database, chromName));
 	*retPsl = (struct psl *)(lf->original);
     if (*retPsl == NULL)
 	return baseColorDrawOff;
 if (drawOpt == baseColorDrawItemBases ||
     drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffBases ||
     drawOpt == baseColorDrawItemCodons ||
     drawOpt == baseColorDrawDiffCodons ||
+    if (lf->extra == NULL)
+        errAbort("baseColorDrawSetup: sequence for track '%s' not loaded when sequence option is set in trackDb\n", tg->track);
     *retMrnaSeq = maybeGetSeqUpper(lf, tg->table, tg);
     if (*retMrnaSeq != NULL && *retPsl != NULL) // we have both sequence and PSL
         if ((*retMrnaSeq)->size != (*retPsl)->qSize)
             errAbort("baseColorDrawSetup: %s: mRNA size (%d) != psl qSize (%d)",
                      (*retPsl)->qName, (*retMrnaSeq)->size, (*retPsl)->qSize);
 	if ((*retPsl)->strand[0] == '-' || (*retPsl)->strand[1] == '-')
 	    reverseComplement((*retMrnaSeq)->dna, strlen((*retMrnaSeq)->dna));
     // if no sequence, no base color drawing
     // Note: we could have sequence but no PSL (eg, tagAlign format)
     else if (*retMrnaSeq == NULL) 
 	return baseColorDrawOff;
 return drawOpt;
 void baseColorDrawRulerCodons(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct simpleFeature *sfList,
                 double scale, int xOff, int y, int height, MgFont *font, 
                 int winStart, int maxPixels, bool zoomedToText)
 /* Draw amino acid translation of genomic sequence based on a list
    of codons. Used for browser ruler in full mode*/
 struct simpleFeature *sf;
 if (!cdsColorsMade)
     makeCdsShades(hvg, cdsColor);
     cdsColorsMade = TRUE;
 for (sf = sfList; sf != NULL; sf = sf->next)
     char codon[4];
     Color color = colorAndCodonFromGrayIx(hvg, codon, sf->grayIx, MG_GRAY);
     if (zoomedToText)
         drawScaledBoxWithText(hvg, sf->start, sf->end, scale, insideX, y,
 				    height, color, 1.0, font, codon, TRUE,
 				    winStart, maxPixels, TRUE, TRUE);
         /* zoomed in just enough to see colored boxes */
         drawScaledBox(hvg, sf->start, sf->end, scale, xOff, y, height, color);
 void baseColorDrawCleanup(struct linkedFeatures *lf, struct dnaSeq **pMrnaSeq,
 			  struct psl **pPsl)
 /* Free structures allocated just for base/cds coloring. */
 // We could free lf->original here (either genePredFree or pslFree, depending
 // on the type -- but save time by skipping that.  Maybe we should save time
 // by skipping this free too:
 if (pMrnaSeq != NULL)
 void baseColorSetCdsBounds(struct linkedFeatures *lf, struct psl *psl,
                            struct track *tg)
 /* set CDS bounds in linked features for a PSL.  Used when zoomed out too far
  * for codon or base coloring, but still want to render CDS bounds */
 struct genbankCds cds;
 getPslCds(psl, tg, lf, &cds);
 if (cds.start < cds.end)
     struct genbankCds genomeCds = genbankCdsToGenome(&cds, psl);
     if (genomeCds.start < genomeCds.end)
         lf->tallStart = genomeCds.start;
         lf->tallEnd = genomeCds.end;