  Sun Dec 12 08:02:13 2021 -0800
Implementing barChartMerge trackDb option for faceted bar charts.

diff --git src/hg/inc/facetedTable.h src/hg/inc/facetedTable.h
index 5c9fc18..705058f 100644
--- src/hg/inc/facetedTable.h
+++ src/hg/inc/facetedTable.h
@@ -1,63 +1,67 @@
 /* facetedTable - routines to help produce a sortable table with facet selection fields.
  * This builds on top of things in tablesTables and facetField. */
 /* Typical usage of this module would be as so for interactive updates of facets and selection:
  * struct facetedTable *facTab = facetedTableFromTable(myTable, varPrefix, "organ,cell,stage");
  * facetedTableUpdateOnClick(facTab, cart); 
- * struct fieldedTable *selected = facetedTableSelect(facTab, cart);
- * facetedTableWriteHtml(facTab, cart, selected, "shortLabel,expressionValue",
+ * struct facetField *selectedFf;
+ * struct fieldedTable *selected = facetedTableSelect(facTab, cart, &selectedFf);
+ * facetedTableWriteHtml(facTab, cart, selected, selectedFf, "shortLabel,expressionValue",
  *                       "../cgi-bin/hgSomething?hgsid=123_ABC",  32,
  *                       NULL, NULL, 7);
  * For just getting a list of selected rows (by row index)
  * struct facetedTable *facTab = facetedTableFromTable(myTable, varPrefix, "organ,cell,stage");
  * struct slInt *selList = facetedTableSelectOffsets(facTab, cart);
 struct facetedTable
 /* Help manage a faceted table */
     struct facetedTable *next;
     char *name;		/* Name of file or database table */
     char *varPrefix;	/* Prefix used on CGI variables */
     char *facets;   /* Comma separated list of facets */
     struct fieldedTable *table;	/* Associated table-in-memory */
     struct facetField **ffArray; /* Additional info on each field of table for faceter */
+    boolean mergeFacetsOk;	/* If set can merge facets */
 void facetedTableFree(struct facetedTable **pFt);
 /* Free up resources associated with faceted table */
 struct facetedTable *facetedTableFromTable(struct fieldedTable *table, 
     char *varPrefix, char *facets);
 /* Construct a facetedTable around a fieldedTable */
 boolean facetedTableUpdateOnClick(struct facetedTable *facTab, struct cart *cart);
 /* If we got called by a click on a facet deal with that and return TRUE, else do
  * nothing and return false */
-struct fieldedTable *facetedTableSelect(struct facetedTable *facTab, struct cart *cart);
-/* Return table containing rows of table that have passed facet selection */
+struct fieldedTable *facetedTableSelect(struct facetedTable *facTab, struct cart *cart,
+    struct facetField ***retFfArray);
+/* Return table containing rows of facTab->table that have passed facet selection */
 void facetedTableWriteHtml(struct facetedTable *facTab, 
     struct cart *cart,		    /* User settingss and stuff */
     struct fieldedTable *selected,  /* Table that just contains rows that survive selection */
+    struct facetField **selectedFf, /* Fields that survive selection */
     char *displayList,		    /* Comma separated list of fields to display in table */
     char *returnUrl,		    /* Url that takes us back to page we are writing next click */
     int maxFieldWidth,		    /* How big do we let fields get in characters */
     struct hash *tagOutWrappers,    /* A hash full of callbacks, keyed by field name */
     void *wrapperContext,	    /* Gets passed to callbacks in tagOutWrappers */
     int facetUsualSize);	    /* Ho many items in a facet before opening */
 /* Write out the main HTML associated with facet selection and table. */
 struct slInt *facetedTableSelectOffsets(struct facetedTable *facTab, struct cart *cart);
 /* Return a list of row positions that pass faceting */
 #endif /* FACETEDTABLE_H */