2be851c8acf32ce69189a0d0bae0d81d9523ac5f kent Thu Dec 9 16:06:58 2021 -0800 Adding new symbol_id() builtin function. diff --git src/tabFile/tabToTabDir/tests/input/spec.txt src/tabFile/tabToTabDir/tests/input/spec.txt index 2b52cb9..3d6a626 100644 --- src/tabFile/tabToTabDir/tests/input/spec.txt +++ src/tabFile/tabToTabDir/tests/input/spec.txt @@ -1,140 +1,141 @@ define messy "big messy string messy very messy with many messy parts" tidy "tidy string" complex word(messy,4) table var_test id notmess not messy not0 not 0 not1 not 1 notEmpty not "" mess3 word_range(messy,0,3) mess3a chop_range(messy,' ',0,3) mess2end word_range(messy,-2,99999) mess_mid word_range(messy, 3, -3) letMes letter_range(messy, 4, 7) x complex + " complex" id tidy less_messy tidy("messy ", messy, " very") mangled_date symbol("DATE_", submission_date) messy messy table cmp_test biosample_source_id biosample_source_id biosample_source_age_value over50 biosample_source_age_value > 50 under50 biosample_source_age_value < 50 overeq50 biosample_source_age_value >= 50 undereq50 biosample_source_age_value <= 50 middle biosample_source_age_value >= 30 and biosample_source_age_value < 60 senior biosample_source_age_value <= 50 ? "junior" : "senior" is50 biosample_source_age_value = 50 not50 biosample_source_age_value != 50 isOne biosample_source_id = "AB_S11" unroll unroll_test id id "1,2,3" summary GEO_Series_summary table a_strex_test id tooLoud warn("this is a test of the warning system") untidy "big messy string with messy parts" tidyStart tidy("messy ", "big messy string with messy parts", "") tidyEnd tidy("", "big messy string with messy parts", " messy") tidyBoth tidy("messy ", "big messy string with messy parts", " messy") yes ( same("a", "a") ? "yes" : "no") no ( same("a", "b") ? "yes" : "no") cond ( ends_with("abc", "d") ? "D is cond" : ends_with("abc", "b") ? "B is cond" : ends_with("abc", "c") ? "C is cond" : "unmatched") id "constant ID" symboled symbol("ID_", "constant ID") pickedNum pick( 0? 0:"zero", 1:"one") pickedString pick("a"? "b": "beta", "a": "alpha") lowered lower("NotMixedCase") uppered upper("NotMixedCase") stripped strip("constant ID", " aeiou") sub_day_of_month chop(submission_date, '-', 2) neg_day_of_month chop(submission_date, '-', -1) last_word word("constant ID", -1) penultimate_word word("constant ID", -2) replaceSomething replace("something", "", "default value") replaceNothing replace("", "", "default value") #assay long-RNA-seq dashed assay[4:-3] long assay[:4] q assay[-1] RNA assay[5:8] seq assay[-3:] se assay[-3:-2] mm chop(submission_date, '-', 1) dd chop(submission_date, '-', 2) yyyy chop(submission_date, '-', 0) usaDate chop(submission_date, '-', 1) + '/' + chop(submission_date, '-', 2) + '/' + chop(submission_date, '-', 0) company word(fluidics_chip, 0) md5.sum md5(GEO_Series_summary) organ trim(between('human', title, 'transcriptome')) untrimmed_organ "'" + between('human', title, 'transcriptome') + "'" alphabet3 "abcdefg"[3] decade submission_date[2] crasho 1[1] abc "abcdefg" def "abcdefg"[3:6] abcd "abcdefg"[:4] efg "abcdefg"[4:] atoG "abcdefg"[:] fg "abcdefg"[-2:] array1 uncsv(GEO_Series_summary,1) cutMid replace("abcdefg", "cde", "") subSub replace("abcdefg", "abcdefg", "subSub") table project id id data_set_id title lab lab submitter table donor biosample_source_id biosample_source_id +id symbol_id("d", biosample_source_id) species biosample_source_gender biosample_source_age biosample_source_age_value biosample_source_age_unit # GEO_Sample_age looks like: prenatal 16-18 W geo_age word(GEO_Sample_age, 1) geo_age_unit word(GEO_Sample_age, 2) geo_life_stage word(GEO_Sample_age, 0) project @project table specimen id id biosample_source_id + ' ' + word(sample_label, 0) + ' ' + word(sample_label, 1) + ' ' + word(sample_label, 2) donor @donor organ "brain" tissue word(sample_label, 0) + ' ' + word(sample_label, 1) + ' ' + word(sample_label, 2) table fluidics_chip id id lab_quake_fluidics_chip specimen @specimen table sample id fluidics_chip @fluidics_chip specimen @specimen donor @donor id ncbi_bio_sample biosample_cell_type lab_quake_cell table lab_submitters lab lab submitters $list submitter fluidics_chip age $list GEO_Sample_age age_stats $stats GEO_Sample_age table donor_organ_cells id id biosample_source_id age GEO_Sample_age organ organ_anatomical_name cell_count $count cell_types $list biosample_cell_type