  Mon Jan 24 17:01:53 2022 -0800
more chromAlias work:  some name changes and support for the new genark
chromAlias format

diff --git src/hg/inc/trackHub.h src/hg/inc/trackHub.h
index cfe79ae..2d64fe0 100644
--- src/hg/inc/trackHub.h
+++ src/hg/inc/trackHub.h
@@ -134,33 +134,30 @@
 /* Return number of chromosomes in a assembly data hub. */
 struct slName *trackHubAllChromNames(char *database);
 /* Return a list of all the chrom names in this assembly hub database. */
 char *trackHubChromSizes(char *database);
 /* see if this assembly hub has a chrom.sizes file, return url if present
  * returns NULL when not present
 char *trackHubAliasFile(char *database);
 /* see if this assembly hub has an alias file, return url if present
  * returns NULL when not present
-struct hash *trackHubAllChromAlias(char *database);
-/* Return a hash of chroms with alias names from alias file if present */
 struct chromInfo *trackHubAllChromInfo(char *database);
 /* Return a chromInfo structure for all the chroms in this database. */
 struct chromInfo *trackHubMaybeChromInfo(char *database, char *chrom);
 /* Return a chromInfo structure for just this chrom in this database. 
  * Return NULL if chrom doesn't exist. */
 struct chromInfo *trackHubChromInfo(char *database, char *chrom);
 /* Return a chromInfo structure for just this chrom in this database. 
  * errAbort if chrom doesn't exist. */
 char *trackHubGenomeNameToDb(char *genome);
 /* Return assembly name given a genome name if one exists, otherwise NULL. */
 struct dbDb *trackHubGetDbDbs(char *clade);