  Mon Jan 24 17:01:53 2022 -0800
more chromAlias work:  some name changes and support for the new genark
chromAlias format

diff --git src/hg/lib/trackHub.c src/hg/lib/trackHub.c
index b19ab51..279d04f 100644
--- src/hg/lib/trackHub.c
+++ src/hg/lib/trackHub.c
@@ -370,101 +370,30 @@
 return ci;
 struct chromInfo *trackHubChromInfo(char *database, char *chrom)
 /* Return a chromInfo structure for just this chrom in this database. 
  * errAbort if chrom doesn't exist. */
 struct chromInfo *ci = trackHubMaybeChromInfo(database, chrom);
 if (ci == NULL)
     errAbort("%s is not in %s", chrom, database);
 return ci;
-static struct hash *readAliasFile(char *url)
-/* given the URL (might be a file) read and process into chromAlias hash
- * file structure:  lines of white space separated words
- * first word is the sequence name in the assembly, words following are
- * alias names for that sequences name.  Same format as use by IGV
- * returned hash is key: sequence chrom name, hash value struct chromAlias *
- */
-struct hash *aliasHash = NULL;
-struct dyString *ds = NULL;
-/* adding error trapping because various net.c functions can errAbort */
-struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
-if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
-    {
-    int sd = netUrlOpen(url);
-    if (sd >= 0)
-        {
-        char *newUrl = NULL;
-        int newSd = 0;
-        if (netSkipHttpHeaderLinesHandlingRedirect(sd, url, &newSd, &newUrl))
-            {
-            if (newUrl)	/* redirect can modify the url */
-                {
-                freeMem(newUrl);
-                sd = newSd;
-                }
-            ds = netSlurpFile(sd);
-            close(sd);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-if (errCatch->gotError)
-    warn("%s", errCatch->message->string);
-/* if the read worked, process it */
-if (ds)
-    {
-    char *words[1024];	/* process lines, no more than 1,024 words on a line */
-    char *line;
-    int size;
-    aliasHash = hashNew(0);
-    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOnString("chromAlias", TRUE,
-                                            dyStringCannibalize(&ds));
-    while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &size))
-    {
-    int wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
-    if (wordCount > 1)
-	{
-	int i = 1;
-        for ( ; i < wordCount; ++i )
-	    {
-	    if (isNotEmpty(words[i]))
-		{
-		struct chromAlias *ali;
-		AllocVar(ali);
-		ali->alias = cloneString(words[i]);
-		ali->chrom = cloneString(words[0]);
-		ali->source = cloneString("asmHub");
-		hashAdd(aliasHash, words[0], ali);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    lineFileClose(&lf);  /* frees cannibalized ds string */
-    }
-return aliasHash;
-}	/*	static struct hash *readAliasFile(char *url)	*/
 static char *assemblyHubGenomeSetting(char *database, char *tagName)
 /* see if this assembly hub has specified tagName, return url if present
  * returns NULL when not present
 struct trackHubGenome *genome = trackHubGetGenome(database);
 if (genome == NULL)
     return NULL;
 char *fileName = hashFindVal(genome->settingsHash, tagName);
 char *absFileName  = NULL;
 if (fileName)
     absFileName  = trackHubRelativeUrl((genome->trackHub)->url, fileName);
 if  (absFileName)
     hashReplace(genome->settingsHash, tagName, absFileName);
@@ -477,40 +406,30 @@
 /* see if this assembly hub has a chrom.sizes file, return url if present
  * returns NULL when not present
 return assemblyHubGenomeSetting(database, "chromSizes");
 char *trackHubAliasFile(char *database)
 /* see if this assembly hub has an alias file, return url if present
  * returns NULL when not present
 return assemblyHubGenomeSetting(database, "chromAlias");
-struct hash *trackHubAllChromAlias(char *database)
-/* Return a hash of chroms with alias names from alias file if present */
-char *aliasFile = trackHubAliasFile(database);
-if (aliasFile == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-return readAliasFile(aliasFile);
-}	/*	struct hash *trackHubAllChromAlias(char *database)	*/
 struct chromInfo *trackHubAllChromInfo(char *database)
 /* Return a chromInfo structure for all the chroms in this database. */
 struct trackHubGenome *genome = trackHubGetGenome(database);
 if (genome == NULL)
     return NULL;
 if (genome->tbf == NULL)
     genome->tbf = twoBitOpen(genome->twoBitPath);
 struct chromInfo *ci, *ciList = NULL;
 struct slName *chromList = twoBitSeqNames(genome->twoBitPath);
 for(; chromList; chromList = chromList->next)