ec726ffa6050e6b7b65f5ed885789c850ce87e60 galt Wed Jan 26 03:20:35 2022 -0800 Tweaking the dobBigDbSnp step fixHg19ChrM since NC_012920 is now just called chrMT in dbsnp data. diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/ src/hg/utils/automation/ index 447dda5..6b55025 100755 --- src/hg/utils/automation/ +++ src/hg/utils/automation/ @@ -1,709 +1,709 @@ #!/usr/bin/env perl # DO NOT EDIT the /cluster/bin/scripts copy of this file -- # edit ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/ instead. # Copyright (C) 2019 The Regents of the University of California use Getopt::Long; use warnings; use strict; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin"; use HgAutomate; use HgRemoteScript; use HgStepManager; # Option variable names, both common and peculiar to this script: use vars @HgAutomate::commonOptionVars; use vars @HgStepManager::optionVars; use vars qw/ $opt_assemblyList $opt_buildDir /; # Specify the steps supported with -continue / -stop: my $stepper = new HgStepManager( [ { name => 'split', func => \&doSplit }, { name => 'convert', func => \&doConvert }, { name => 'mergeToChrom', func => \&doMergeToChrom }, { name => 'mergeChroms', func => \&doMergeChroms }, { name => 'fixHg19ChrM', func => \&doFixHg19ChrM }, { name => 'check', func => \&doCheck }, { name => 'bigBed', func => \&doBigBed }, { name => 'install', func => \&doInstall }, { name => 'cleanup', func => \&doCleanup }, ] ); # Files that must exist in $topDir: my $refSeqToUcsc = ''; my $equivRegions = ''; # Option defaults: my $assemblyList = 'GRCh37.p13,GRCh38.p13'; my $dbHost = 'hgwdev'; my $bigClusterHub = 'ku'; my $smallClusterHub = 'hgwdev'; my $workhorse = 'hgwdev'; my $outRoot = 'dbSnp'; my $base = $0; $base =~ s/^(.*\/)?//; sub usage { # Usage / help / self-documentation: my ($status, $detailed) = @_; # Basic help (for incorrect usage): print STDERR " usage: $base topDir buildId freqSourceOrder options: "; print STDERR $stepper->getOptionHelp(); print STDERR <<_EOF_ -assemblyList list Comma-separated list of assemblies used by dbSNP default: $assemblyList -buildDir dir Use dir instead of default topDir/bigDbSnp.\$date (necessary when continuing at a later date). _EOF_ ; print STDERR &HgAutomate::getCommonOptionHelp('dbHost' => $dbHost, 'workhorse' => $workhorse, 'fileServer' => '', 'bigClusterHub' => $bigClusterHub, 'smallClusterHub' => $smallClusterHub); print STDERR " Convert dbSNP JSON into bigDbSnp and associated track files. topDir is usually /hive/data/outside/dbSNP/NNN where NNN is 152 or greater. topDir is expected to have a subdirectory json in which refsnp-*.json.bz2 files have already been downloaded, as well as files $refSeqToUcsc and $equivRegions (see usage statement for dbSnpJsonToTab). buildId is usually NNN where NNN is 152 or greater, same as topDir; it can also have a suffix to distinguish it, e.g. 152Test. The names of all result files contain $outRoot\$buildId. freqSourceOrder is a comma-separated list of projects that submit frequency data to dbSNP (see usage statement for dbSnpJsonToTab). Steps: split: splits refsnp-*.json.bz2 files into chunks of 100,000 lines. convert: runs dbSnpJsonToTab on chunks. mergeToChrom: merges chunk result files into per-chrom results files. mergeChroms: merges per-chrom results files. - fixHg19ChrM: if annotations on hg19 are included, then liftOver NC_012920 to hg19 chrM. + fixHg19ChrM: if annotations on hg19 are included, then liftOver chrMT (NC_012920) to hg19 chrM. check: runs checkBigDbSnp to add ucscNotes about overlapping items and clustering anomalies. bigBed: Converts BED4+ .bigDbSnp files into bigBed. install: installs links to files in /gbdb. cleanup: Removes or compresses intermediate files. All operations are performed in the build directory which is topDir/bigDbSnp.\$date unless -buildDir is given. "; # Detailed help (-help): print STDERR " Assumptions: 1. $HgAutomate::clusterData/\$db/\$db.2bit contains sequence for \$db. 2. topDir/json/ contains downloaded files refsnp-*.json.bz2 3. topDir/ contains files and - see dbSnpJsonToTab usage " if ($detailed); print "\n"; exit $status; } # Globals: # Command line args: db my ($topDir, $buildId, $freqSourceOrder); # Other: my ($buildDir, $jsonDir, @dbList, $secondsStart, $secondsEnd); sub checkOptions { # Make sure command line options are valid/supported. my $ok = GetOptions(@HgStepManager::optionSpec, 'assemblyList=s', 'buildDir=s', 'buildId=s', 'freqSourceOrder=s', @HgAutomate::commonOptionSpec, ); usage(1) if (!$ok); usage(0, 1) if ($opt_help); if ($opt_assemblyList) { $assemblyList= $opt_assemblyList; } # buildDir default depends on topDir (undetermined at this point) and is handled in main HgAutomate::processCommonOptions(); my $err = $stepper->processOptions(); usage(1) if ($err); $dbHost = $opt_dbHost if ($opt_dbHost); } sub grcToDb($) { # dbSNP is only ever going to produce JSON for various patch levels of GRCh38 and 37. my ($grc) = @_; my $db; if ($grc =~ /^GRCh38/) { $db = 'hg38'; } elsif ($grc =~ /^GRCh37/) { $db = 'hg19'; } else { die "Expected GRC assembly to start with 'GRCh37' or 'GRCh38' but got '$grc'"; } return $db; } ######################################################################### # * step: split [smallCluster] sub doSplit { my $runDir = "$buildDir/run.split"; HgAutomate::mustMkdir($runDir); my $outDir = "$buildDir/split"; HgAutomate::mustMkdir($outDir); my $splitScript = "$runDir/"; my $fh = HgAutomate::mustOpen(">$splitScript"); print $fh <<EOF #!/bin/bash set -beEu -o pipefail jsonIn=\$1 N=100000 prefix=$outDir/\$(basename \$jsonIn .json.bz2) bzcat \$jsonIn | split -l \$N --filter='bzip2 > \$FILE.bz2' - \$prefix EOF ; close($fh); system("chmod a+x $splitScript") == 0 || die "Unable to chmod $splitScript"; HgAutomate::makeGsub($runDir, "$splitScript {check in exists+ \$(path1)}"); my $whatItDoes = "It splits per-chrom JSON files into 100,000 line chunks."; my $bossScript = new HgRemoteScript("$runDir/doSplit.csh", $smallClusterHub, $runDir, $whatItDoes); my $paraRun = HgAutomate::paraRun(); my $gensub2 = HgAutomate::gensub2(); $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ ls -1S $jsonDir/refsnp-{chr*,other}.json.bz2 > jsonList $gensub2 jsonList single gsub jobList $paraRun _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute(); } # doSplit ######################################################################### # * step: convert [bigClusterHub] sub doConvert { my $runDir = "$buildDir/run.convert"; HgAutomate::mustMkdir($runDir); my $outDir = "$buildDir/splitProcessed"; HgAutomate::mustMkdir($outDir); my $convertScript = "$runDir/"; my $fh = HgAutomate::mustOpen(">$convertScript"); print $fh <<EOF #!/bin/bash set -beEu -o pipefail # jsonIn needs to be absolute path jsonIn=\$1 tmpDir=\$(mktemp -d /dev/shm/dbSnpJsonToTab.XXXXXXXX) pushd \$tmpDir outRoot=\$(basename \$jsonIn .bz2) chromOutDir=$outDir/\$(echo \$outRoot | sed -e 's/..\$//;') bzcat \$jsonIn \\ | dbSnpJsonToTab -freqSourceOrder=$freqSourceOrder \\ -equivRegions=$topDir/$equivRegions \\ $assemblyList $topDir/$refSeqToUcsc stdin \$outRoot # For sorting. I expected that this would be set already from my shell, but apparently not: export LC_COLLATE=C # Discard the last two bigDbSnp columns -- they only have 0s. The real values will be added # later by bedJoinTabOffset. EOF ; foreach my $grc (split(',', $assemblyList)) { my $db = grcToDb($grc); print $fh <<EOF cut -f1-15 \$outRoot.$grc.bigDbSnp \\ | sort -k1,1 -k2n,2n \\ | bzip2 \\ > \$outRoot.$db.sorted.bigDbSnp.bz2 sort -k1,1 -k2n,2n \$outRoot.$grc.badCoords.bed \\ | bzip2 \\ > \$outRoot.$db.sorted.badCoords.bed.bz2 EOF ; } print $fh <<EOF sort \${outRoot} | bzip2 > \${outRoot} sort \${outRoot} | bzip2 > \${outRoot} sort \${outRoot} | bzip2 > \${outRoot} sort \${outRoot} | bzip2 > \${outRoot} popd mkdir -p \$chromOutDir cp -p \$tmpDir/\$outRoot*.bz2 \$chromOutDir/ rm -rf \$tmpDir EOF ; close($fh); system("chmod a+x $convertScript") == 0 || die "Unable to chmod $convertScript"; my $whatItDoes = "It converts dbSNP JSON to bigDbSnp, dbSnpDetails and other files."; my $bossScript = new HgRemoteScript("$runDir/doConvert.csh", $bigClusterHub, $runDir, $whatItDoes); HgAutomate::makeGsub($runDir, "$convertScript {check in exists+ \$(path1)}"); my $paraRun = HgAutomate::paraRun(); my $gensub2 = HgAutomate::gensub2(); $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ ls -1S $buildDir/split/ref*.bz2 > splitList $gensub2 splitList single gsub jobList $paraRun _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute(); } # doConvert ######################################################################### # * step: mergeToChrom [smallClusterHub] sub doMergeToChrom { my $runDir = "$buildDir/run.mergeToChrom"; HgAutomate::mustMkdir($runDir); my $outDir = "$buildDir/mergedToChrom"; HgAutomate::mustMkdir($outDir); my $sortMergeBzBedScript = "$runDir/"; my $fh = HgAutomate::mustOpen(">$sortMergeBzBedScript"); print $fh <<EOF #!/bin/bash set -beEu -o pipefail bzBedList=\$1 outFile=\$2 tmpDir=\$(mktemp -d /dev/shm/dbSnpMergeSortBed.XXXXXXXX) pushd \$tmpDir cp /dev/null bedList for bz in \$(cat \$bzBedList); do bed=\$(basename \$bz .bz2) bzcat \$bz > \$bed echo \$bed >> bedList done export LC_COLLATE=C sort --merge -k1,1 -k2n,2n \$(cat bedList) > \$outFile popd rm -rf \$tmpDir EOF ; close($fh); system("chmod a+x $sortMergeBzBedScript") == 0 || die "Unable to chmod $sortMergeBzBedScript"; my $sortMergeBzScript = "$runDir/"; $fh = HgAutomate::mustOpen(">$sortMergeBzScript"); print $fh <<EOF #!/bin/bash set -beEu -o pipefail bzList=\$1 outFile=\$2 tmpDir=\$(mktemp -d /dev/shm/dbSnpMergeSort.XXXXXXXX) pushd \$tmpDir cp /dev/null txtList for bz in \$(cat \$bzList); do txt=\$(basename \$bz .bz2) bzcat \$bz > \$txt echo \$txt >> txtList done export LC_COLLATE=C sort --merge -u \$(cat txtList) > \$outFile popd rm -rf \$tmpDir EOF ; close($fh); system("chmod a+x $sortMergeBzScript") == 0 || die "Unable to chmod $sortMergeBzScript"; my $whatItDoes = "It merge-sorts the results from split-up JSON files into per-chromosome files."; my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/", $smallClusterHub, $runDir, $whatItDoes); my $paraRun = HgAutomate::paraRun(); $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ # One merge per "chrom" per type of dbSnpJsonToTab output for jsonFile in \$(ls -1S $jsonDir/refsnp-{chr*,other}.json.bz2); do prefix=\$(basename \$jsonFile .json.bz2) echo \$prefix _EOF_ ); foreach my $db (@dbList) { $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ ls -1S $buildDir/splitProcessed/\$prefix/\$prefix??.$db.*bigDbSnp* > \$prefix.$db.bigDbSnp.list ls -1S $buildDir/splitProcessed/\$prefix/\$prefix??.$db.*badCoords* > \$prefix.$db.badCoords.list _EOF_ ); } my $dbListStr = join(',', @dbList); $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ ls -1S $buildDir/splitProcessed/\$prefix/\$prefix??Details.* > \$prefix.details.list ls -1S $buildDir/splitProcessed/\$prefix/\$prefix??Errors.* > \$prefix.errors.list ls -1S $buildDir/splitProcessed/\$prefix/\$prefix??Merged.* > \$prefix.merged.list ls -1S $buildDir/splitProcessed/\$prefix/\$prefix??Warnings.* > \$prefix.warnings.list done cp /dev/null jobList for list in *.{$dbListStr}.bigDbSnp.list; do prefix=\$(basename \$list .bigDbSnp.list) echo "./ {check in line+ \$PWD/\$list} {check out line+ $outDir/\$prefix.bigDbSnp}" >> jobList done for list in *.details.list; do prefix=\$(basename \$list .list) echo "./ {check in line+ \$PWD/\$list} {check out line+ $outDir/\$}" >> jobList done # OK for these to be empty (check out line instead of line+): for list in *.{$dbListStr}.badCoords.list; do prefix=\$(basename \$list .badCoords.list) echo "./ {check in line+ \$PWD/\$list} {check out line $outDir/\$prefix.badCoords.bed}" >> jobList done for list in *.errors.list *.merged.list *.warnings.list; do prefix=\$(basename \$list .list) echo "./ {check in line+ \$PWD/\$list} {check out line $outDir/\$}" >> jobList done $paraRun; _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute(); } # doMergeToChrom ######################################################################### # * step: mergeChroms [workhorse] sub doMergeChroms { my $runDir = $buildDir; my $inDir = "mergedToChrom"; HgAutomate::mustMkdir("$runDir/joined"); my $whatItDoes = "It merges chrom-level result files."; my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/", $workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes); $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ # Merge all chroms' * to the final file in background, # likewise for errors, warnings, and badCoords which should all be relatively small and quick. pids="" time sort --merge -u $inDir/* > ${outRoot} & pids+=" \$!" time sort --merge -u $inDir/* > ${outRoot} & pids+=" \$!" time sort --merge -u $inDir/* > ${outRoot} & pids+=" \$!" _EOF_ ); foreach my $db (@dbList) { $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ (time sort --merge -k1,1 -k2n,2n $inDir/*.$db.badCoords.bed | uniq > $db.$outRoot.badCoords.bed) & pids+=" \$!" _EOF_ ); } $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ # Merge all chroms' * to the final file time sort --merge -u $inDir/* > ${outRoot} for pid in \$pids; do if wait \$pid; then echo pid \$pid done else echo pid \$pid FAILED exit 1 fi done # Compress & index with bgzip in background. Leave original file uncompressed for # bedJoinTabOffset. time bgzip -iI ${outRoot} -c ${outRoot} > ${outRoot} & pids=\$! # parallel job of bedJoinTabOffset on each chrom's .bigDbSnp and ${outRoot} # bedJoinTabOffset builds a massive hash in memory (file offsets of >650M lines of Details), # so limit the number of concurrent processes to 10. time (ls -1S $inDir/refsnp-*.*.bigDbSnp | parallel --max-procs 10 --ungroup \\ bedJoinTabOffset -verbose=2 ${outRoot} {} joined/{/}) # Now mergeSort all chrom's data together. Don't use sort -u because with -k it only # compares keys, not the whole line. _EOF_ ); foreach my $db (@dbList) { $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ (time sort --merge -k1,1 -k2n,2n joined/*.$db.bigDbSnp | uniq > $db.$outRoot.bigDbSnp) & pids+=" \$!" _EOF_ ); } $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ for pid in \$pids; do if wait \$pid; then echo pid \$pid done else echo pid \$pid FAILED exit 1 fi done _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute(); } # doMergeChroms ######################################################################### # * step: fixHg19ChrM [workhorse] sub doFixHg19ChrM { my $runDir = $buildDir; if (grep(/hg19/, @dbList)) { - my $whatItDoes = "It does a liftOver from NC_012920.1 to hg19 chrM."; + my $whatItDoes = "It does a liftOver from chrMT (old name NC_012920) to hg19 chrM."; my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/", $workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes); $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ -# For hg19, liftOver NC_012920.1 annotations to hg19 chrM. -sed -e 's/NC_012920 /NC_012920.1 /' \\ +# For hg19, liftOver chrMT annotations to hg19 chrM. +sed -e 's/NC_012920 /chrMT /' \\ /hive/data/outside/dbSNP/131/human/NC_012920ToChrM.over.chain \\ > hg19.mitoLiftover.chain # For liftOver, convert 0-base fully-closed to 0-based half-open because liftOver # doesn't deal with 0-base items. mv hg19.$outRoot.bigDbSnp hg19.preChrMFix.$outRoot.bigDbSnp -time (grep ^NC_012920 hg19.preChrMFix.$outRoot.bigDbSnp \\ +time (grep ^chrMT hg19.preChrMFix.$outRoot.bigDbSnp \\ | awk -F"\t" 'BEGIN{OFS="\t";} {\$3 += 1; print;}' \\ | liftOver -tab -bedPlus=3 stdin \\ hg19.mitoLiftover.chain stdout chrM.unmapped \\ | awk -F"\t" 'BEGIN{OFS="\t";} {\$3 -= 1; print;}' \\ | sort -k2n,2n \\ > hg19.chrM.$outRoot.bigDbSnp) wc -l hg19.chrM.$outRoot.bigDbSnp chrM.unmapped -time grep -v ^NC_012920 hg19.preChrMFix.$outRoot.bigDbSnp \\ +time grep -v ^chrMT hg19.preChrMFix.$outRoot.bigDbSnp \\ | sort --merge -k1,1 -k2n,2n - hg19.chrM.$outRoot.bigDbSnp \\ > hg19.$outRoot.bigDbSnp _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute() }; } # doFixHg19ChrM ######################################################################### # * step: check [workhorse] sub doCheck { my $runDir = $buildDir; my $whatItDoes = "It runs checkBigDbSnp on merged bigDbSnp files."; my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/", $workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes); foreach my $db (@dbList) { $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ cut -f 4 $db.$outRoot.badCoords.bed | sort -u > $db.badCoords.ids.txt _EOF_ ); } $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ pids="" _EOF_ ); foreach my $db (@dbList) { $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ time checkBigDbSnp -mapErrIds=$db.badCoords.ids.txt \\ $db.$outRoot.bigDbSnp $HgAutomate::clusterData/$db/$db.2bit $db.$outRoot.checked.bigDbSnp & echo \$! pids+=" \$!" _EOF_ ); } $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ for pid in \$pids; do if wait \$pid; then echo pid \$pid done else echo pid \$pid FAILED exit 1 fi done _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute(); } # doCheck ######################################################################### # * step: bigBed [workhorse] sub doBigBed { my $runDir = $buildDir; # Helper script to make Mult, Common and ClinVar subsets and convert to bigBed for one db. my $makeSubsetsScript = "$runDir/"; my $fh = HgAutomate::mustOpen(">$makeSubsetsScript"); print $fh <<_EOF_ #!/bin/bash set -beEu -o pipefail db=\$1 time $Bin/ \$db \$db.$outRoot.checked.bigDbSnp pids="" for subset in Mult Common ClinVar; do time bedToBigBed -tab -as=\$HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/ -type=bed4+ -extraIndex=name \\ \$db.\$subset.bigDbSnp /hive/data/genomes/\$db/chrom.sizes \$db.$outRoot.\$ & pids+=" \$!"; done for pid in \$pids; do if wait \$pid; then echo pid \$pid done else echo pid \$pid FAILED exit 1 fi done _EOF_ ; close($fh); system("chmod a+x $makeSubsetsScript") == 0 || die "Unable to chmod $makeSubsetsScript"; my $whatItDoes = "It runs bedToBigBed on merged & checked bigDbSnp files and makes ". "Mult, Common and ClinVar subsets."; my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/", $workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes); $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ pids="" _EOF_ ); # Increase max memory allocation from default (on 64-bit machines) of 16GB (exceeded b154): my $maxAlloc = 64 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; foreach my $db (@dbList) { $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ time bedToBigBed -tab -as=\$HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/ -type=bed4+ -extraIndex=name \\ -maxAlloc=$maxAlloc \\ $db.$outRoot.checked.bigDbSnp /hive/data/genomes/$db/chrom.sizes $db.$ & pids+=" \$!" time bedToBigBed -tab -type=bed4 -extraIndex=name \\ $db.$outRoot.badCoords.bed /hive/data/genomes/$db/chrom.sizes $db.${outRoot} & pids+=" \$!" $makeSubsetsScript $db & pids+=" \$!" _EOF_ ); } $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ for pid in \$pids; do if wait \$pid; then echo pid \$pid done else echo pid \$pid FAILED exit 1 fi done _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute(); } # doBigBed ######################################################################### # * step: install [dbHost] sub doInstall { my $runDir = $buildDir; my $whatItDoes = "It installs files in /gbdb."; my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/", $workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes); foreach my $db (@dbList) { $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ ln -sf $buildDir/$db.$ /gbdb/$db/snp/$ for subset in Mult Common ClinVar; do ln -sf $buildDir/$db.$outRoot.\$ /gbdb/$db/snp/${outRoot}\$ done ln -sf $buildDir/$db.${outRoot} /gbdb/$db/snp/${outRoot} _EOF_ ); } $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ mkdir -p /gbdb/hgFixed/dbSnp ln -sf $buildDir/${outRoot}* /gbdb/hgFixed/dbSnp/ _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute(); } # doInstall ######################################################################### # * step: cleanup [workhorse] sub doCleanup { my $runDir = "$buildDir"; my $whatItDoes = "It cleans up or compresses intermediate files."; my $bossScript = new HgRemoteScript("$runDir/doCleanup.csh", $workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes); $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_ bzip2 *.bigDbSnp rm -rf merged splitProcessed joined _EOF_ ); $bossScript->execute(); } # doCleanup ######################################################################### # main # Prevent "Suspended (tty input)" hanging: HgAutomate::closeStdin(); # Make sure we have valid options and exactly 1 argument: checkOptions(); usage(1) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 3); $secondsStart = `date "+%s"`; chomp $secondsStart; ($topDir, $buildId, $freqSourceOrder) = @ARGV; # Establish what directory we will work in. my $date = `date +%Y-%m-%d`; chomp $date; $buildDir = $opt_buildDir ? $opt_buildDir : "$topDir/bigDbSnp.$date"; $outRoot .= $buildId; $jsonDir = "$topDir/json"; @dbList = map { grcToDb($_); } split(',', $assemblyList); # Do everything. $stepper->execute(); # Tell the user anything they should know. my $stopStep = $stepper->getStopStep(); my $upThrough = ($stopStep eq 'cleanup') ? "" : " (through the '$stopStep' step)"; $secondsEnd = `date "+%s"`; chomp $secondsEnd; my $elapsedSeconds = $secondsEnd - $secondsStart; my $elapsedMinutes = int($elapsedSeconds/60); $elapsedSeconds -= $elapsedMinutes * 60; HgAutomate::verbose(1, "\n *** All done !$upThrough Elapsed time: ${elapsedMinutes}m${elapsedSeconds}s\n"); HgAutomate::verbose(1, " *** Steps were performed in $buildDir\n"); HgAutomate::verbose(1, "\n");