  Thu Feb 17 14:53:22 2022 -0800
Adding a new announcement about the Track Sets paper by Ana and b0b

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     <div class="col-sm-3">
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 <!-- ============= 2022 archived news ============= -->
 <a name="2022"></a>
+<a name="022222"></a>
+<h2>Feb. 22, 2022 &nbsp;&nbsp; Recommended Track Sets paper</h2>
+We are pleased to announce a new paper about our Recommended Tracks Set feature, available
+on GRCh37/hg19, which collects related clinical tracks to help investigate variants.
+The <a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/humu.24335"
+target="_blank">Variant interpretation: UCSC Genome Browser Recommended Track Sets</a> paper
+covers how this new feature can facilitate the interpretation of variants for clinicians.</p>
+Track Sets quickly swap out the on-screen annotations a user may be looking at in current genomic
+position for a different dataset relevant to specific medical scenarios: investigating single
+nucleotide variants in coding regions (Clinical SNVs), structural copy number variants
+(Clinical CNVs), and functional aspects of non-coding variants (Non-coding SNVs).</p>
+<p class ="text-center">
+  <a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/humu.24335">
+    <img class="text-center" src="../images/newsArchImages/track_sets1.png" width="900px">
+  </a>
+To access Recommended Track Sets, only available currently on the hg19 assembly, go to the top blue bar
+and under the  &quot;Genome Browser&quot; menu click the &quot;Recommended Track Sets&quot;
+option. This will launch a dialog box offering pre-configured track sets, enabling swapping from
+one view to another view without changing the current position.  The displayed tracks can then
+be customized, where one can configure tracks in the browser by clicking the grey bar on the
+left of a track. Or to see more information about displayed items, one can mouseover for an
+informative pop-up summary, or click on the item to access a details page.</p>
+The new paper gives examples of using the experimental data in the Clinical SNV Track Set to examine a variant.</p>
+<p class ="text-center">
+  <a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/humu.24335">
+    <img class="text-center" src="../images/newsArchImages/track_sets2.png" width="900px">
+  </a>
+This image from the paper shows a vertical blue highlight for NM_172107.4(KCNQ2):c.635A>G (p.Asp212Gly).
+This variant is located in the KCNQ2 gene, in a codon for Aspartic acid (D212), and the mutation
+has been associated with early-onset epileptic encephalopathy, an autosomal dominant inherited
+disease. The ClinVar Short Variants and SNVs tracks show that all three possible single nucleotide
+substitutions have been described at this position with pathogenic or likely pathogenic
+classifications with red blocks (A>C, A>T, A>G). Each described variant leads to a missense
+change of the Asp residue. The SNV Track Set also includes computational and predictive components,
+such as the Rare Exome Variant Ensemble Learner (REVEL) and Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion
+(CADD) tracks, which calculate impacts of nucleotide changes, discussed in another figure in the paper.</p>
+The paper also discusses many of the other features developed with the release of Track Sets,
+including the ability to merge items that span a region to declutter the view of CNVs and the
+addition of multiple configuration filters to allow users to dynamically generate a subset
+view of dense data on categories of interest.  Lastly, a far more informative mouseover
+was created when viewing clinical data that could combine multiple fields. For instance,
+in the ClinVar track, it is now possible to view a variant's HGVS annotation, molecular
+consequence, clinical significance, population frequency, and associated phenotypes without
+having to click into an item's details page.</p>
+We would like to thank Ana Benet-Pag&#232;s and Robert Kuhn for their work publishing this new article.</p>
 <a name="021022"></a>
 <h2>Feb. 10, 2022 &nbsp;&nbsp; GENCODE Genes v39 for human (hg38)</h2>
 We are happy to announce the release of the
 <a href="/cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&g=knownGene&c=chrX">GENCODE Genes v39</a> track for the human
 (<a href="/cgi-bin/hgGateway?db=hg38">GRCh38/hg38</a>) genome assembly. The track includes
 protein-coding genes, non-coding RNA genes, and pseudo-genes, though pseudo-genes are not displayed
 by default. It contains annotations on the reference chromosomes as well as assembly patches and
 alternative loci (haplotypes).
 <table class="stdTbl">
     <tr><th COLSPAN=4 style="text-align:center">GENCODE v39 Release Stats</th></tr>
     <tr align=left>