  Thu Mar 24 12:37:28 2022 -0700
adding gar.js to the build refs #28930

diff --git src/hg/js/gar.js src/hg/js/gar.js
index 6aafaa6..33910c9 100644
--- src/hg/js/gar.js
+++ src/hg/js/gar.js
@@ -1,702 +1,702 @@
     //// gar - genArkRequest 2022-02                                    ///
    ////     this 'var gar' is the 'namespace' for these functions      ///
   ////     everything can be referenced via gar.name for functions or ///
  ////    variables                                                   ///
 var gar = {
     modalWrapper: document.getElementById("modalWrapper"),
     modalWindow: document.getElementById("modalWindow"),
     modalForm: document.getElementById("modalFeedback"),
     queryString: '',
     // and a query object with keys arg name and value the paired tag
     urlParams: null,
     submitButton: document.getElementById("submitButton"),
 //    garStatus: document.getElementById("garStatus"),
     asmIdText: document.getElementById("formAsmId"),
     commonName: document.getElementById("commonName"),
     betterCommonName: document.getElementById("betterCommonName"),
     comment: document.getElementById("comment"),
     sciName: document.getElementById("formSciName"),
     onLoadTime: new Date(),
     garEndTime: new Date(),
     // recent improvement has reduced this to a single table, no longer
     // split up by clades
     cladeTableList: document.getElementsByClassName("cladeTable"),
     columnCheckBoxItems: document.getElementById('columnCheckBoxItems'),
     // text box that says: visible rows: 123,456
     counterDisplay: document.getElementById("counterDisplay"),
 //    perfDisplay: document.getElementById("perfDisplay"),
     completedAsmId: new Map(),
     columnNames: new Map(),	// key is name, value is column number [0..n)
     checkBoxNames: new Map(),	// key is name, value is the checkbox object
     // going to record the original button labels so they can be augmented
     // with count information here
     checkBoxLabels: new Map(),	// key is name, value is the original button label
     measureTiming: false,       // will turn on with URL argument measureTiming
     millis: function() {
       var d = new Date();
       return d.getTime();
     tableLegend: function(e) {
     // Given a table cell c, set it to visible/hidden based on 'tf'
     //   where tf is 'true' == turn on, or 'false' == turn off
     setCellVis: function(c,tf) {
       if (tf) {
         c.style.display = "table-cell";
       } else {
         c.style.display = "none";
     // given a 'false' or 'true' then 'hide' or 'show' all rows in the table
-    hideShowAllRows(hideShow) {
+    hideShowAllRows: function(hideShow) {
       var thisList = document.getElementsByClassName('gca');
       gar.resetListVis(thisList, hideShow);
       thisList = document.getElementsByClassName('gcf');
       gar.resetListVis(thisList, hideShow);
     // find out the names of the columns, and get all the checkBox
     //  hideShow button names so they can be managed later
     discoverColumnsCheckboxes: function() {
       var colGroup = document.getElementById('colDefinitions');
       var i = 0;
       for (i = 0; i < colGroup.children.length; i++) {
         gar.columnNames.set(colGroup.children[i].id, i);
       var hideShowList = document.getElementsByClassName('hideShow');
       for (i = 0; i < hideShowList.length; i++) {
         var checkBoxId = hideShowList[i].id;
         var cbId = checkBoxId.replace("CheckBox", "");
         gar.checkBoxNames.set(cbId, hideShowList[i]);
         var labelId = cbId + "Label";
         var labelText = document.getElementById(labelId).innerText;
         gar.checkBoxLabels.set(cbId, labelText);
 //      gar.columnNames.forEach(function(value, key) {
 //         alert(key + " : " + value);
 //      });
 //      for (var [key, value] of gar.columnNames.entries()) {
 //         alert(key + " : " + value);
 //      }
       gar.measureTiming = gar.urlParams.has('measureTiming');
       // If there are any URL arguments to the page see if any of them
       // are column names
       var hasAll = gar.urlParams.has('all');
       if (hasAll) {
         var columnList = document.getElementsByClassName('columnCheckBox');
         for ( i = 0; i < columnList.length; i++) {
            var id = columnList[i].value + "CheckBox";
            var checkBox = document.getElementById(id);
            if (checkBox) {
              checkBox.checked = true;
              var n = gar.columnNames.get(columnList[i].value);
              gar.setColumnNvis(n, true);
         // and unhide all rows, class gca and gcf covers all rows
       } else {
         var colsOn = 0;
         var iucnRequested = false;
         gar.urlParams.forEach(function(val, arg) {
           // beware, get('comName') returns zero, fails this if() statement
           if (gar.columnNames.has(arg)) {
             var checkBoxId = arg + "CheckBox";
             var checkBox = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
             if (checkBox) {
               checkBox.checked = true;
               var n = gar.columnNames.get(arg);
               gar.setColumnNvis(n, true);
               if ("IUCN" === arg) { iucnRequested = true; }
 /*  could look at val here when present to turn on/off
             if (val) {
               alert(checkBoxId + " yes val col: '" + arg + "' val: '" + val + "' n: '" + n + "'");
             } else {
               alert(checkBoxId + " no val col: '" + arg + "' val: '" + val + "' n: '" + n + "'");
 if ( (colsOn === 1) && iucnRequested ) {
   var thisList = document.getElementsByClassName("hasIucn");
   gar.resetListVis(thisList, true);
     },	//	discoverColumnsCheckboxes: function()
 /* column names:
 <col id='comName' span='1' class=colGComName>
 <col id='sciName' span='1' class=colGSciName>
 <col id='asmId' span='1' class=colGAsmId>
 <col id='asmSize' span='1' class=colGAsmSize>
 <col id='seqCount' span='1' class=colGAsmSeqCount>
 <col id='scafN50' span='1' class=colGScafN50>
 <col id='ctgN50' span='1' class=colGContigN50>
 <col id='IUCN' span='1' class=colGIUCN>
 <col id='taxId' span='1' class=colGTaxId>
 <col id='asmDate' span='1' class=colGAsmDate>
 <col id='bioSample' span='1' class=colGBioSample>
 <col id='bioProject' span='1' class=colGBioProject>
 <col id='submitter' span='1' class=colGSubmitter>
 <col id='clade' span='1' class=colGClade>
     // given a category and a counts Map, increment the count for that category
     incrementCount: function(category, counts) {
       if (counts.get(category)) {
         counts.set(category, counts.get(category) + 1);
       } else {
         counts.set(category, 1);
     // given a category and a counts Map, and some flags
     countVisHidden: function(category, counts, gca, gcf, canBeReq, ucscDb, hasIucn) {
        gar.incrementCount(category, counts);
        if (gca) { gar.incrementCount('gca', counts); }
        if (gcf) { gar.incrementCount('gcf', counts); }
        if (hasIucn) { gar.incrementCount('iucn', counts); }
        if (canBeReq) {
           gar.incrementCount('gar', counts);
        } else {
           gar.incrementCount('gak', counts);
     // foreach table, for each row in the table, count visible rows
     countVisibleRows: function(et) {
 //      var t0 = gar.millis();
       var viewReqCol = gar.columnNames.get('viewReq');
       var asmIdCol = gar.columnNames.get('asmId');
       var iucnCol = gar.columnNames.get('IUCN');
       var cladeCol = gar.columnNames.get('clade');
       var visRows = 0;
       var totalRows = 0;
       // key is category name, value is count visible
       var categoryVisible = new Map();
       // key is category name, value is count hidden
       var categoryHidden = new Map();
       var i = 0;
       for (i = 0; i < gar.cladeTableList.length; i++) {
         for (var j = 0; j < gar.cladeTableList[i].rows.length; j++) {
           var rowId = gar.cladeTableList[i].rows[j];
           var tagN = rowId.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
           // ignore thead and tfoot rows
           if (tagN === "thead" || tagN === "tfoot") { continue; }
           var thisClade = rowId.cells[cladeCol].innerHTML;
           var asmId = rowId.cells[asmIdCol].innerHTML;
           var isGCA = asmId.includes("GCA");
           var isGCF = asmId.includes("GCF");
           var viewReq = rowId.cells[viewReqCol].innerHTML;
           var canBeRequested = viewReq.includes("button");
           var ucscDb = viewReq.includes("cgi-bin/hgTracks");
           var iucnStatus = rowId.cells[iucnCol].innerHTML;
           var hasIucn = false;
           if (iucnStatus) {
              hasIucn = ! iucnStatus.includes("&nbsp;");
           if ( rowId.style.display !== "none") {
             gar.countVisHidden(thisClade, categoryVisible, isGCA, isGCF, canBeRequested, ucscDb, hasIucn);
           } else {
             gar.countVisHidden(thisClade, categoryHidden, isGCA, isGCF, canBeRequested, ucscDb, hasIucn);
       var notVis = totalRows - visRows;
       /* fixup the showAll checkbox status, fully on == checked box
        * partially on == indeterminate/minus sign in box, fully off == empty box
       /* reset the checked status on all the other show/hide check boxes */
       gar.checkBoxNames.forEach(function(checkBox, name) {
          // add the counts (visible/hidden) to the checkBox label text
          var visibleCount = 0;
          if (categoryVisible.get(name)) {
            checkBox.checked = true;
            visibleCount = categoryVisible.get(name);
          } else {
            checkBox.checked = false;
          var hiddenCount = 0;
          if ( categoryHidden.get(name) ) {
            hiddenCount = categoryHidden.get(name);
          if (hiddenCount > 0 && visibleCount > 0) {
            checkBox.indeterminate = true;
          } else {
            checkBox.indeterminate = false;
          var labelId = name + "Label";
          var labelEl = document.getElementById(labelId);
          var labelText = gar.checkBoxLabels.get(name);
          if (labelEl) {
             labelEl.innerText = labelText + " (" + visibleCount.toLocaleString() + "/" + hiddenCount.toLocaleString() + ")";
 //         } else {
 // alert("no element for label '" + labelId + "'");
       var showAllList = document.getElementsByClassName('showAll');
 //      var thisEt = gar.millis() - t0;
       var thisEt = et;
       if (visRows > 0) {
 //        var pageEt = gar.garEndTime.getTime() - window.garStartTime.getTime();
 //        perfDisplay.innerHTML = "countRows  " + gar.garEndTime.getTime() + " - " + window.garStartTime.getTime() + " = page load time " + pageEt + " millis : DOMContentLoaded: " + gar.onLoadTime.getTime();
         if (gar.measureTiming) {
           counterDisplay.innerHTML = "showing " + visRows.toLocaleString() + " assemblies, " + notVis.toLocaleString() + " hidden : process time: " + thisEt + " millis";
         } else {
           counterDisplay.innerHTML = "showing " + visRows.toLocaleString() + " assemblies, " + notVis.toLocaleString() + " hidden";
         for (i = 0; i < showAllList.length; i++) {
           if (notVis > 0) {
             showAllList[i].checked = false;	// they are not all on
             showAllList[i].indeterminate = true;
           } else {
             showAllList[i].indeterminate = false;
             showAllList[i].checked = true;	// all rows are on
         showAllLabelList = document.getElementsByClassName('showAllLabel');
         for (i = 0; i < showAllLabelList.length; i++) {
           showAllLabelList[i].innerHTML = " show all (" + visRows.toLocaleString() + "/" + notVis.toLocaleString() + ")";
       } else {	// visRows == 0
         if (gar.measureTiming) {
           counterDisplay.innerHTML = totalRows.toLocaleString() + " total ssemblies : use the selection menus to select subsets : process time: " + thisEt + " millis";
         } else {
           counterDisplay.innerHTML = totalRows.toLocaleString() + " total ssemblies : use the selection menus to select subsets";
         for (i = 0; i < showAllList.length; i++) {
           showAllList[i].checked = false;
           showAllList[i].indeterminate = false;
         showAllLabelList = document.getElementsByClassName('showAllLabel');
         for (i = 0; i < showAllLabelList.length; i++) {
           showAllLabelList[i].innerHTML = " show all (" + visRows.toLocaleString() + "/" + notVis.toLocaleString() + ")";
     // given a column number n, and true/false in tf
     // set that column visibility
     setColumnNvis: function(n, tf) {
       for (var i = 0; i < gar.cladeTableList.length; i++) {
         for (var j = 0; j < gar.cladeTableList[i].rows.length; j++) {
           var c = gar.cladeTableList[i].rows[j].cells[n];
           if (c) {
             gar.setCellVis(c, tf);
     // the 'e' is the event object from the checkbox
     // the 'e.value' is the column name.
     // can find the column number from columnNames Map object
     resetColumnVis: function(e) {
       var t0 = gar.millis();
       var n = gar.columnNames.get(e.value);
       var tf = e.checked;       // true - turn column on, false - turn off
       gar.setColumnNvis(n, tf);
       var et = gar.millis() - t0;
     hideTable: function(tableName) {
       tId = document.getElementById(tableName);
       var buttonName = tableName + "HideShow";
       bId = document.getElementById(buttonName);
       if ( tId.style.display === "none") {
         tId.style.display = "block";
         bId.innerHTML = "[hide]";
       } else {
         tId.style.display = "none";
         bId.innerHTML = "[show]";
     // foreach table, for each row in the table, show row
     showAll: function(offOn) {
       var t0 = gar.millis();
       for (var i = 0; i < gar.cladeTableList.length; i++) {
         for (var j = 0; j < gar.cladeTableList[i].rows.length; j++) {
           var rowId = gar.cladeTableList[i].rows[j];
           var tagN = rowId.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
           if (tagN === 'thead' || tagN === 'tfoot') {
           if (offOn) {   // true, turn *on* the row == this is 'showAll'
             rowId.style.display = "table-row";
           } else {	// false, turn *off* the row == this is ! 'showAll'
             rowId.style.display = "none";
       /* the countVisibleRows will take care of the status on all 'showAll'
        * checkboxes - AND the checkBox 'hideShow' check boxes depending upon
        * the counts for that category.
       var et = gar.millis() - t0;
     // given one of: garList gakList gcaList gcfList, work through
     //   all the elements to change vis
     // list can be any of the class lists for rows in the tables
     // offOn - false turn off, true turn on
     resetListVis: function(list, offOn) {
       var t0 = gar.millis();
       for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
          var rowId = list[i];
          if (offOn) {   // true, turn on the row
            rowId.style.display = "table-row";
          } else {	// false, turn off the row
            rowId.style.display = "none";
       var et = gar.millis() - t0;
     // a check box function is working, do not allow any of
     // them to be available for a second click while in progress
     //  tf is 'true' or 'false' to disable (true), or reenable (false)
     disableCheckBoxes: function(tf) {
       var showAllList = document.getElementsByClassName('showAll');
       var i = 0;
       for (i = 0; i < showAllList.length; i++) {
         showAllList[i].disabled = tf;
       var hideShowList = document.getElementsByClassName('hideShow');
       for (i = 0; i < hideShowList.length; i++) {
         hideShowList[i].disabled = tf;
     // checked is false when off, true when on
     // value comes from the value='string' in the <input value='string'> element
     visCheckBox: function(e) {
       var offOn = e.checked;    // false to turn off, true to turn on
       gar.disableCheckBoxes(true);  // disable while processing
       if (e.value === "all") {
       } else {
         var thisList = document.getElementsByClassName(e.value);
         gar.resetListVis(thisList, offOn);
         if (e.value === "gak") {	// implies also ucscDb list
           thisList = document.getElementsByClassName("ucscDb");
           gar.resetListVis(thisList, offOn);
       gar.disableCheckBoxes(false);  // re-enable as processing done
     columnPullDownClick: function(e) {
       if (gar.columnCheckBoxItems.classList.contains('visible')) {
         gar.columnCheckBoxItems.style.display = "none";
       } else {
         gar.columnCheckBoxItems.style.display = "block";
     columnPullDownOnblur: function(e) {
     failedRequest: function(url) {
       gar.submitButton.value = "request failed";
       gar.submitButton.disabled = true;
 //      garStatus.innerHTML = "FAILED: '" + url + "'";
     sendRequest: function(name, email, asmId, betterName, comment) {
     var urlComponents = encodeURIComponent(name) + "&email=" + encodeURIComponent(email) + "&asmId=" + encodeURIComponent(asmId) + "&betterName=" + encodeURIComponent(betterName) + "&comment=" + encodeURIComponent(comment);
     var url = "/cgi-bin/gar?name=" + urlComponents;
 // information about escaping characters:
 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10772066/escaping-special-character-in-a-url/10772079
 // encodeURI() will not encode: ~!@#$&*()=:/,;?+'
 // encodeURIComponent() will not encode: ~!*()'
 //    var encoded = encodeURIComponent(url);
 //    encoded = encoded.replace("'","&rsquo;");
 //    var encoded = encodeURI(cleaner);
     var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
     xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
          if (4 === this.readyState && 200 === this.status) {
             gar.submitButton.value = "request completed";
 //            gar.submitButton.disabled = true;
 //            garStatus.innerHTML = "OK: <a href='" + url + "' target=_blank>" + url + "</a>";
 //            alert("SUCCESS: '" + url + "'");
          } else {
             if (4 === this.readyState && 404 === this.status) {
     xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
 //    alert("SENT: '" + url + "'");
     },  //      sendRequest: function(name, email. asmId)
     // work up the chain to find the row this element is in
     whichRow: function (e) {
     while (e) {
       if (e.rowIndex) {
         return e.rowIndex;
       e = e.parentNode;
     return undefined;
 // obtain table name from
 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9066792/get-table-parent-of-an-element
     parentTable: function (e) {
     while (e) {
       e = e.parentNode;
       if (e.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'table') {
           return e;
     return undefined;
     // turn off the column 1 tool tip on mouse exit the table cell
     col1TipOff: function(evt) {
     // tooltip display for column one to indicate browser available or
     //  request can be done
     col1Tip: function(evt) {
       if (evt.currentTarget) {
         var cellRect = evt.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
         var cellLeft = Math.floor(cellRect.left);
         var cellTop = Math.floor(cellRect.top);
         var cellWidth = Math.floor(cellRect.width);
         var cellHeight = Math.floor(cellRect.height);
         var yOffset = Math.floor(window.pageYOffset);
         var tipTop = Math.floor(yOffset + cellTop + (cellHeight/3));
         var tipLeft = Math.floor(cellLeft+(cellWidth*0.8));
         // class 'gar' means it can be requested
         // NOT 'gar' means it exists (there are 'gak' and 'ucscDb' browsers)
         var browserExists = ! evt.currentTarget.parentNode.classList.contains('gar');
         if (browserExists) {
         } else {
         $('#col1ToolTip').css('top',tipTop + "px");
         $('#col1ToolTip').css('left',tipLeft + "px");
   // Original JavaScript code by Chirp Internet: chirpinternet.eu
   // Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
 //      const form = document.getElementById("modalFeedback");
     openModal: function(e) {
      if (e.name && e.name !== "specific") {
        var pTable = gar.parentTable(e);
        var thisRow = gar.whichRow(e);
        var comNameCol = gar.columnNames.get('comName');
        var sciNameCol = gar.columnNames.get('sciName');
 //       var thisCell = pTable.closest('td').cellIndex;
        var comName = pTable.rows[thisRow].cells[comNameCol].innerText;
        var sciName = pTable.rows[thisRow].cells[sciNameCol].innerText;
        gar.commonName.textContent = comName;
        gar.betterCommonName.value = comName;
        gar.sciName.textContent = sciName;
        gar.asmIdText.textContent = e.name;
        gar.comment.value = "";
 //       gar.modalForm.name.value = "some name";
 //       gar.modalForm.email.value = "some@email.com";
 //       garStatus.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
        // check if this asmId already submitted
        if (gar.completedAsmId.get(e.name)) {
           gar.submitButton.value = "request completed";
           gar.submitButton.disabled = false;
           gar.modalWrapper.className = "overlay";
        gar.completedAsmId.set(e.name, true);
      } else {
        gar.betterCommonName.value = "";
        gar.betterCommonName.innerHtml = "";
        gar.commonName.textContent = "enter information about desired assembly in the 'Other comments' field";
        gar.sciName.textContent = "include the scientific name";
        gar.asmIdText.textContent = "include the GenBank or RefSeq accession identifier";
        gar.comment.value = "";
      gar.submitButton.value = "Submit request";
      gar.submitButton.disabled = false;
      gar.modalWrapper.className = "overlay";
       var overflow = gar.modalWindow.offsetHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight;
       if(overflow > 0) {
         gar.modalWindow.style.maxHeight = (parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(gar.modalWindow).height) - overflow) + "px";
       gar.modalWindow.style.marginTop = (-gar.modalWindow.offsetHeight)/2 + "px";
       gar.modalWindow.style.marginLeft = (-gar.modalWindow.offsetWidth)/2 + "px";
       if (e.preventDefault) {
       } else {
         e.returnValue = false;
     closeModal: function(e)
       gar.modalWrapper.className = "";
       if (e.preventDefault) {
       } else {
         e.returnValue = false;
     clickHandler: function(e) {
       if(!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement;
       if(e.target.tagName === "DIV") {
         if(e.target.id != "modalWindow") gar.closeModal(e);
     keyHandler: function(e) {
       if(e.keyCode === 27) gar.closeModal(e);
   modalInit: function() {
     gar.onLoadTime = new Date();
 //    var pageEt = gar.garEndTime.getTime() - window.garStartTime.getTime();
     var domReady = gar.onLoadTime.getTime() - gar.garEndTime.getTime();
 //    perfDisplay.innerHTML = "modalInit " + gar.garEndTime.getTime() + " - " + window.garStartTime.getTime() + " = page load time " + pageEt + " millis : DOMContentLoaded: " + gar.onLoadTime.getTime() + " - " + gar.garEndTime.getTime() + " = " + domReady + " domReady millis";
     if(document.addEventListener) {
 //      document.getElementById("modalOpen").addEventListener("click", gar.openModal, false);
       document.getElementById("modalClose").addEventListener("click", gar.closeModal, false);
       document.addEventListener("click", gar.clickHandler, false);
       document.addEventListener("keydown", gar.keyHandler, false);
     } else {
 //      document.getElementById("modalOpen").attachEvent("onclick", gar.openModal);
       document.getElementById("modalClose").attachEvent("onclick", gar.closeModal);
       document.attachEvent("onclick", gar.clickHandler);
       document.attachEvent("onkeydown", gar.keyHandler);
   },    //      modalInit: function()
   // Original JavaScript code by Chirp Internet: chirpinternet.eu
   // Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
   checkForm: function(e) {
  // alert("button.value: '" + gar.submitButton.value + "'");
     if (gar.submitButton.value === "request completed") {
        if (e.preventDefault) {
        } else {
          e.returnValue = false;
     var form = (e.target) ? e.target : e.srcElement;
     if(form.name.value === "") {
       alert("Please enter your Name");
       if (e.preventDefault) {
       } else {
         e.returnValue = false;
     if(form.email.value === "") {
       alert("Please enter a valid Email address");
       if (e.preventDefault) {
       } else {
         e.returnValue = false;
 // validation regex from:
 //	https://www.w3resource.com/javascript/form/email-validation.php
 // another example from
 //	https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/javascript-tutorial/email-validation-in-javascript
 //   var validRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/;
 // another example from
 //	https://ui.dev/validate-email-address-javascript/
 //	return /\S+@\S+\.\S+/.test(email)
 //	return /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/.test(email)
 //	var re = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+$/;
 //  if (re.test(email)) { OK }
 //    var validEmail = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;
       var validEmail = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/;
     if(! validEmail.test(form.email.value)) {
       alert("You have entered an invalid email address!");
       if (e.preventDefault) {
       } else {
         e.returnValue = false;
     gar.sendRequest(form.name.value, form.email.value, gar.asmIdText.textContent, gar.betterCommonName.value, gar.comment.value);
     if (e.preventDefault) {
     } else {
       e.returnValue = false;
   },    //	checkForm: function(e)
   unhideTables: function() {
       // foreach table, set display to turn on the table
       for (var i = 0; i < gar.cladeTableList.length; i++) {
           gar.cladeTableList[i].style.display = "table";
       document.getElementById('counterDisplay').style.display = "block";
       document.getElementById('loadingStripes').style.display = "none";
   },	// unhide tables
 };      //      var gar
   if(document.addEventListener) {
     var t0 = gar.millis();
     // allow semi colon separators as well as ampersand
     var queryString = window.location.search.replaceAll(";", "&");
     gar.urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
     document.getElementById("modalFeedback").addEventListener("submit", gar.checkForm, false);
     document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", gar.modalInit, false);
     var et = gar.millis() - t0;
     gar.garEndTime = new Date();
   } else {
     var t0 = gar.millis();
     document.getElementById("modalFeedback").attachEvent("onsubmit", gar.checkForm);
     window.attachEvent("onload", gar.modalInit);
     var et = gar.millis() - t0;