  Mon Mar 21 18:56:15 2022 -0700
Changing aaChange to lstring since it can be over 256 char limit. No RM

diff --git src/hg/lib/evaSnp.as src/hg/lib/evaSnp.as
index c7c0987..1222127 100644
--- src/hg/lib/evaSnp.as
+++ src/hg/lib/evaSnp.as
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
     string   chrom;      "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold"
     uint     chromStart; "Start position in chrom"
     uint     chromEnd;   "End position in chrom"
     string   name;       "Reference SNP identifier"
     uint     score;      "Not used"
     char[1]  strand;     "Which DNA strand contains the observed alleles"
     uint     thickStart; "Same as chromStart"
     uint     thickEnd;   "Same as chromEnd"
     uint     itemRgb;    "RGB value for color of item"
     lstring  ref;        "The sequence of the reference allele"
     lstring  alt;        "The sequences of the alternate alleles"
     string   varClass;   "The variant class (VC) from EVA Sequence Ontology term"
     lstring  submitters; "Submitter ID (SID) reporting a variant"
     string   ucscClass;  "Functional class per UCSC Variant Annotation Integrator"
-    string   aaChange;   "Change in amino acid"
+    lstring   aaChange;   "Change in amino acid"