  Fri Apr 22 15:16:09 2022 -0700
Announcing EVA tracks and minor change to settings refs #29031

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/evaSnp.html src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/evaSnp.html
index 5f384b5..200ce66 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/evaSnp.html
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/evaSnp.html
@@ -4,33 +4,33 @@
 and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple
 Nucleotide Variants (SNVs) — from the European Variation Archive
 (<a href="https://www.ebi.ac.uk/eva/" target="_blank">EVA</A>)
 Release 3 for the $organism $db genome. The dbSNP database at NCBI no longer
 hosts non-human variants.
 <h2>Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display</h2>
   Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels.
   When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed
   width of the SNP variant corresponds to the width of the variant in the
   reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed
   between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the
   width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a
-  block that spans two or more bases. The display is set to collapse to dense visability
-  when there are more than 100k variants in the window. When the window size is more than 1M bp, 
-  the display is switched to density graph mode.
+  block that spans two or more bases. The display is set to automatically collapse to 
+  dense visability when there are more than 100k variants in the window. 
+  When the window size is more than 250k bp, the display is switched to density graph mode.
 <h3>Searching, details, and filtering</h3>
 Navigation to an individual variant can be accomplished by typing or copying
 the variant identifier (rsID) or the genomic coordinates into the Position/Search box on the                                                       
   A click on an item in the graphical display displays a page with data about
   that variant.  Data fields include the Reference and Alternate Alleles, the
   class of the variant as reported by EVA, the source of the data, the amino acid
   change, if any, and the functional class as determined by UCSC's Variant Annotation