  Tue Apr 19 13:32:41 2022 -0700
adding gar to the build system refs #29237

diff --git src/hg/makefile src/hg/makefile
index c6b90ec..2e76ec5 100644
--- src/hg/makefile
+++ src/hg/makefile
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 # Build all directories in utils
 kentSrc = ..
 include ${kentSrc}/inc/localEnvironment.mk
 BROWSER_BINS=cartReset das hgBlat makeDb/hgCgiData hgCollection hgConvert \
 	hgHubConnect hgGateway hgGene hgGenome hgIntegrator hgLogin hgPcr \
 	hgSession hgSuggest hgTables hgTracks hgTrackUi hgUserSuggestion \
 	hgc hgApi cartDump near/hgNear hgLiftOver hgLinkIn hgVai \
 	visiGene/hgVisiGene hgMenubar hgPublicSessions \
 	encode/hgEncodeDataVersions encode/hgEncodeVocab encode/hgEncodeApi \
 	phyloPng hgCustom hgPal hgFileUi hgFileSearch makeDb/hgCgiData \
 	js htdocs/style hgMirror hgBeacon hgGtexTrackSettings pyLib \
-	hgGeneGraph hgs hubApi hgPhyloPlace
+	hgGeneGraph hgs hubApi hgPhyloPlace gar
 ifdef LOWELAB
     BROWSER_BINS += $(HOME)/lowelab/src/browser/tooltip $(HOME)/lowelab/src/browser/chooseorg
 BROWSER_LOADERS = makeDb/hgLoadBed makeDb/hgLoadWiggle makeDb/hgLoadMaf utils/pslToBigPsl utils/hubCheck
 ifneq ($(findstring $(shell hostname),hgwdev hgwbeta),)
     ENCODE_FILES = encode3/encodeDataWarehouse
 TEST_DIRS = lib cgilib autoDtd autoSql blastToPsl checkTableCoords embossToPsl \
             genePredSingleCover genePredHisto genePredToBed genePredToGtf \
 	    genePredToMafFrames gbGetEntries hgGetAnn liftAcross liftOver \