  Fri Apr 8 11:18:29 2022 -0700
fixup ftp reference to be https for ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov refs #29203

diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubGatewayPage.pl src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubGatewayPage.pl
index f27e55d..40ff976 100755
--- src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubGatewayPage.pl
+++ src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubGatewayPage.pl
@@ -1,501 +1,501 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
 use lib "$Bin";
 use AsmHub;
 use File::Basename;
 ### XXX ### temporary hgdownload-test.gi
 ### my $sourceServer = "hgdownload-test.gi.ucsc.edu";
 my $sourceServer = "hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu";
 my $genomeSize = 0;	# will be set below
 my @months = qw( 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec );
 sub usage() {
   printf STDERR "usage: asmHubGatewayPage.pl <asmHubName> <pathTo>/*assembly_report.txt <pathTo>/asmId.chrom.sizes <pathTo>/image.jpg <pathTo>/photoCredits.txt\n";
   printf STDERR "output is to stdout, redirect to file: > description.html\n";
   printf STDERR "photoCredits.txt is a two line tag<tab>string file:\n";
   printf STDERR "tags: photoCreditURL and photoCreditName\n";
   printf STDERR "use string 'noPhoto' for image and credits when no photo\n";
   printf STDERR "stderr output is routed to a 'asmId.names.tab' file for use elsewhere\n";
   exit 255;
 sub chromSizes($) {
   my ($sizeFile) = @_;
   if ( -s $sizeFile ) {
     printf STDERR "# reading chrom.sizes file:\n#\t'%s\'\n", $sizeFile;
     my $ix = 0;
     my $contigCount = 0;
     my %sizes;	# key is contigName, value is size
     if ($sizeFile eq "stdin") {
 	while (my $line = <>) {
 	    next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/);
 	    chomp ($line);
 	    my ($name, $size, $rest) = split('\s+', $line, 3);
 	    my $key = sprintf("%s_X_%d", $name, $ix++);
 	    $sizes{$key} = $size;
     } else {
 	open (FH, "<$sizeFile") or die "can not read $sizeFile";
 	while (my $line = <FH>) {
 	    next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/);
 	    chomp ($line);
 	    my ($name, $size, $rest) = split('\s+', $line, 3);
 	    my $key = sprintf("%s_X_%d", $name, $ix++);
 	    $sizes{$key} = $size;
 	close (FH);
     my $totalSize = 0;
     foreach my $key (keys %sizes) {
 	$totalSize += $sizes{$key}
     my $n50Size = $totalSize / 2;
     $genomeSize = $totalSize;
     printf "<b>Total assembly nucleotides:</b> %s<br>\n", &AsmHub::commify($totalSize);
     printf "<b>Assembly contig count:</b> %s<br>\n", &AsmHub::commify($contigCount);
     my $prevContig = "";
     my $prevSize = 0;
     $totalSize = 0;
     # work through the sizes until reaching the N50 size
     foreach my $key (sort { $sizes{$b} <=> $sizes{$a} } keys %sizes) {
 	$totalSize += $sizes{$key};
 	if ($totalSize > $n50Size) {
 	    my $prevName = $prevContig;
 	    $prevName =~ s/_X_[0-9]+//;
 	    my $origName = $key;
 	    $origName =~ s/_X_[0-9]+//;
             printf "<b>N50 size:</b> %s<br>\n", &AsmHub::commify($sizes{$key});
 	$prevContig = $key;
 	$prevSize = $sizes{$key};
   } else {
     printf STDERR "# error: can not find chrom.sizes file:\n#\t'%s\'\n",
 # typical reference:
 #   ${inside}/scripts/gatewayPage.pl ${outside}/${asmReport} \
 #       > "${inside}/${D}/${B}.description.html" \
 #       2> "${inside}/${D}/${B}.names.tab"
 my $argc = scalar(@ARGV);
 if ($argc != 5) {
 my ($asmHubName, $asmReport, $chromSizes, $jpgImage, $photoCredits) = @ARGV;
 if ( ! -s $asmReport ) {
   printf STDERR "ERROR: can not find '$asmReport'\n";
 if ( ! -s $chromSizes ) {
   printf STDERR "ERROR: can not find '$chromSizes'\n";
 if ($jpgImage ne "noPhoto") {
   if ( ! -s $jpgImage ) {
     printf STDERR "ERROR: can not find '$jpgImage'\n";
   if ( ! -s $photoCredits ) {
     printf STDERR "ERROR: can not find '$photoCredits'\n";
 my $buildDir = dirname($chromSizes);
 my $genesDir = "$buildDir/genes";
 my $photoCreditURL = "";
 my $photoCreditName = "";
 my $imageSize = "";
 my $imageName = "";
 my $imageWidth = 0;
 my $imageHeight = 0;
 my $imageWidthBorder = 15;
 if ($jpgImage ne "noPhoto") {
   printf STDERR "# reading $photoCredits\n";
   open (FH, "<$photoCredits") or die "can not read $photoCredits";
   while (my $line = <FH>) {
     chomp $line;
     next if ($line =~ m/^#/);
     next if (length($line) < 2);
     my ($tag, $value) = split('\t', $line);
     if ($tag =~ m/photoCreditURL/) {
       $photoCreditURL = $value;
     } elsif ($tag =~ m/photoCreditName/) {
       $photoCreditName = $value;
   close (FH);
   if ( -s $jpgImage ) {
     $imageSize = `identify $jpgImage | awk '{print \$3}'`;
     chomp $imageSize;
     ($imageWidth, $imageHeight) = split('x', $imageSize);
     $imageName = basename($jpgImage);
 # transform this path name into a chrom.sizes reference
 my $thisDir = `pwd`;
 chomp $thisDir;
 my $ftpName = dirname($thisDir);
 my $asmId = basename($ftpName);;
 my ($gcXPrefix, $accession, $rest) = split('_', $asmId, 3);
 my $accessionId = sprintf("%s_%s", $gcXPrefix, $accession);
 my $accessionDir = substr($asmId, 0 ,3);
 $accessionDir .= "/" . substr($asmId, 4 ,3);
 $accessionDir .= "/" . substr($asmId, 7 ,3);
 $accessionDir .= "/" . substr($asmId, 10 ,3);
 $accessionDir .= "/" . $accessionId;
 my $newStyleUrl = sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", $gcXPrefix, substr($accession,0,3),
    substr($accession,3,3), substr($accession,6,3), $asmId);
 my $localDataUrl = sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", $gcXPrefix, substr($accession,0,3),
    substr($accession,3,3), substr($accession,6,3), $accessionId);
 $ftpName =~ s#/hive/data/outside/ncbi/##;
 $ftpName =~ s#/hive/data/inside/ncbi/##;
 $ftpName =~ s#/hive/data/genomes/asmHubs/##;
 # my $urlDirectory = `basename $ftpName`;
 # chomp $urlDirectory;
 my $speciesSubgroup = $ftpName;
 my $asmType = "genbank";
 $asmType = "refseq" if ( $gcXPrefix =~ m#GCF#);
 $speciesSubgroup =~ s#genomes/$asmType/##;;
 $speciesSubgroup =~ s#/.*##;;
 my %taxIdCommonName;  # key is taxId, value is common name
                       # from NCBI taxonomy database dump
 open (FH, "<$ENV{'HOME'}/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/genbank/taxId.comName.tab") or die "can not read taxId.comName.tab";
 while (my $line = <FH>) {
   chomp $line;
   my ($taxId, $comName) = split('\t', $line);
   $taxIdCommonName{$taxId} = $comName;
 close (FH);
 my $submitter = "(n/a)";
 my $asmName = "(n/a)";
 my $orgName = "(n/a)";
 my $taxId = "(n/a)";
 my $asmDate = "(n/a)";
 my $asmAccession = "(n/a)";
 my $commonName = "(n/a)";
 my $bioSample = "(n/a)";
 my $descrAsmType = "(n/a)";
 my $asmLevel = "(n/a)";
 open (FH, "<$asmReport") or die "can not read $asmReport";
 while (my $line = <FH>) {
   chomp $line;
   $line =~ s/
   if ($line =~ m/date:\s+/i) {
      next if ($asmDate !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*date:\s+//i;
      my ($year, $month, $day) = split('-',$line);
      $asmDate = sprintf("%02d %s %04d", $day, $months[$month], $year);
   if ($line =~ m/biosample:\s+/i) {
      next if ($bioSample !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*biosample:\s+//i;
      $bioSample = $line;
   if ($line =~ m/assembly\s+type:\s+/i) {
      next if ($descrAsmType !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*assembly\s+type:\s+//i;
      $descrAsmType = $line;
   if ($line =~ m/assembly\s+level:\s+/i) {
      next if ($asmLevel !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*assembly\s+level:\s+//i;
      $asmLevel = $line;
   if ($line =~ m/assembly\s+name:\s+/i) {
      next if ($asmName !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*assembly\s+name:\s+//i;
      $asmName = $line;
   if ($line =~ m/organism\s+name:\s+/i) {
      next if ($orgName !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*organism\s+name:\s+//i;
      $line =~ s/\s+$//;
      $orgName = $line;
   if ($line =~ m/submitter:\s+/i) {
      next if ($submitter !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*submitter:\s+//i;
      $submitter = $line;
   if ($line =~ m/$asmType\s+assembly\s+accession:\s+/i) {
      next if ($asmAccession !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*$asmType\s+assembly\s+accession:\s+//i;
      $asmAccession = $line;
      $asmAccession =~ s/ .*//;
   if ($line =~ m/taxid:\s+/i) {
      next if ($taxId !~ m#\(n/a#);
      $line =~ s/.*taxid:\s+//i;
      $taxId = $line;
      if (exists($taxIdCommonName{$taxId})) {
        $commonName = $taxIdCommonName{$taxId};
 close (FH);
 $commonName = $orgName if ($commonName =~ m#\(n/a#);
 if ($commonName =~ m/\(/) {
    $commonName =~ s/.*\(//;
    $commonName =~ s/\).*//;
 if ($orgName =~ m/\(/) {
    $orgName =~ s/\(.*//;
 $orgName =~ s/\s+$//;
 printf STDERR "#taxId\tcommonName\tsubmitter\tasmName\torgName\tbioSample\tasmType\tasmLevel\tasmDate\tasmAccession\n";
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $taxId;
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $commonName;
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $submitter;
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $asmName;
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $orgName;
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $bioSample;
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $descrAsmType;
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $asmLevel;
 printf STDERR "%s\t", $asmDate;
 printf STDERR "%s\n", $asmAccession;
 if (length($imageName)) {
 printf "<!-- Display image in righthand corner -->
 <table align=right border=0 width=%d height=%d>
   <tr><td align=RIGHT><a href=\"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/%s\"
     <img src=\"https://%s/hubs/%s/html/%s\" width=%d height=%d alt=\"%s\"></a>
   <tr><td align=right>
     <font size=-1> <em>%s</em><BR>
     <font size=-2> (Photo courtesy of
       <a href=\"%s\" target=_blank>%s</a>)
 \n", $imageWidth+$imageWidthBorder, $imageHeight, $asmAccession, $sourceServer, $accessionDir, $imageName, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, $commonName, $orgName, $photoCreditURL, $photoCreditName;
 my $sciNameUnderscore = $orgName;
 $sciNameUnderscore =~ s/ /_/g;
 $sciNameUnderscore = "Strigops_habroptilus" if ($orgName =~ m/Strigops habroptila/);
 printf "<p>
 <b>Common name:</b>&nbsp;%s<br>
 <b>Taxonomic name: %s, taxonomy ID:</b> <a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=%s' target='_blank'> %s</a><br>
 <b>Sequencing/Assembly provider ID:</b> %s<br>
 <b>Assembly date:</b> %s<br>
 <b>Assembly type:</b> %s<br>
 <b>Assembly level:</b> %s<br>
 <b>Biosample:</b> <a href=\"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/biosample/?term=%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a><br>
 <b>Assembly accession ID:</b> <a href=\"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a><br>
-<b>Assembly FTP location:</b> <a href='ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/%s' target='_blank'>%s</a><br>
+<b>Assembly FTP location:</b> <a href='https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/%s' target='_blank'>%s</a><br>
 \n", $commonName, $orgName, $taxId, $taxId, $submitter, $asmDate, $descrAsmType,
   $asmLevel, $bioSample, $bioSample, $asmAccession, $asmAccession, $newStyleUrl, $newStyleUrl;
 printf "</p>\n<hr>
 <h4>Data file downloads</h4>
 <li><a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/$asmAccession.fa.gz' target=_blank>$asmAccession.fa.gz</a> fasta sequence with NCBI GenBank sequence names</li>
 <li><a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/$asmAccession.2bit' target=_blank>$asmAccession.2bit</a> UCSC 2bit sequence file with NCBI GenBank sequence names</li>
 <li><a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/$asmAccession.chromAlias.txt' target=_blank>$asmAccession.chromAlias.txt</a> chromAlias file to relate chromosome names</li>
 if ( -s "$buildDir/$asmId.chrNames.fa.gz") {
 printf "<li><a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/$asmAccession.chrNames.fa.gz' target=_blank>$asmAccession.chrNames.fa.gz</a> fasta sequence with <b>chrN</b> sequence names</li>\n";
 if ( -s "$buildDir/$asmId.chrNames.2bit") {
 printf "<li><a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/$asmAccession.chrNames.2bit' target=_blank>$asmAccession.chrNames.2bit</a> UCSC 2bit sequence file with <b>chrN</b> sequence names</li>\n";
 if ( -d "$genesDir" ) {
  open (GD, "ls $genesDir/*.gtf.gz $genesDir/*.gff3.gz 2> /dev/null|") or die "can not ls $genesDir/*.gtf.gz";
  while (my $gtfFile = <GD>) {
     chomp $gtfFile;
     my $gtf = basename($gtfFile);
     if ($gtf =~ m/gff3.gz/) {
       printf "<li><a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/genes/$gtf' target=_blank>$gtf</a> gene GFF3 file</li>\n";
     } else {
       printf "<li><a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/genes/$gtf' target=_blank>$gtf</a> gene GTF file</li>\n";
  close (GD);
 if ( -d "${buildDir}/otherAligners" ) {
   printf "<li><a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/otherAligners/' target=_blank>pre-computed indices</a> for alignment programs: bowtie2, bwa-mem2, hisat2, minimap2</li>\n";
 printf "<li>explore the hub directory at: <a href='https://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/' target=_blank>$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/</a></li>
 printf "</p>\n<hr>
 <h4>Copy this entire assembly hub for local use</h4>
 This download is only for the purpose of using this assembly hub in
 your institution which may have firewall access restrictions to this
 To download this assembly data, use this <b>rsync</b> command:
   rsync -a -P \\
     rsync://$sourceServer/hubs/$localDataUrl/ \\
   which creates the local directory: <b>./$accessionId/</b><br>
 or this <b>wget</b> command:
   wget --timestamping -m -nH -x --cut-dirs=6 -e robots=off -np -k \\
     --reject \"index.html*\" -P \"$accessionId\" \\
   which creates a local directory: <b>./$accessionId/</b>
 There is an included <b>hub.txt</b> file in that download
 data directory to use for your local track hub instance.<br>
 Using the genome browser menus: <em><strong>My Data</strong> -&gt; <strong>Track Hubs</strong></em><br>
 select the <em><strong>My Hubs</strong></em> tab to enter a URL
 to this <b>hub.txt</b> file to attach this assembly hub to a genome browser.
 The <b>html/$asmId.description.html</b> page is information for your users to
 describe this assembly.<br>This web page with these instructions
 is an instance of the <b>html/$asmId.description.html</b> file.
 See also: <a href='/goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html' target=_blank>track hub help</a> documentation.<br>
 if ($genomeSize < 4294967297) {
   printf "<hr>
 <h4>blat service</h4>
 There is blat service available for this genome assembly.  When viewing this
 assembly in the genome browser, access the blat service via the
 <em><b>Tools -> Blat</b></em> blue navigation bar menu item.
 For local command line blat service, access
 the blat service via the <b>gfClient</b> command line operation.<br>
 See also: <a href='http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/' target=_blank>
 hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/</a> to download command line
 To operate this locally, you will need the <b>$accessionId.2bit</b> file from:
 Which can be obtained with rsync via:
   rsync -a -P \
     rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/$accessionDir/$accessionId.2bit ./
 With that <b>$accessionId.2bit</b> file in your working directory where you run
 this command, for example, a DNA query with your DNA sequence in
 the file: <b>someDna.fa</b>
 with result in the file: <b>$accessionId.someDna.psl</b>
 gfClient -t=dna -q=dna -genome=$accessionId -genomeDataDir=$accessionDir \
     dynablat-01.soe.ucsc.edu 4040 ./ someDna.fa $accessionId.someDna.psl
 For a protein fasta query with your protein sequence in the file: <b>someProtein.faa</b>
 with result in the file: <b>$accessionId.someProtein.psl</b>
 gfClient -t=dnax -q=prot  -genome=$accessionId -genomeDataDir=$accessionDir \
     dynablat-01.soe.ucsc.edu 4040 ./ someProtein.faa $accessionId.someProtein.psl
 } else {
   printf "<hr>
 At this time, this genome size: %s, is too large (greater than 4294967296),
 to function with the UCSC blat system.  We hope to have improvements to
 that system in the future to allow blat service for the larger genome sizes.
 </p>\n", commify($genomeSize);
 printf "<hr>
 <b>Search the assembly:</b>
 <b>By position or search term: </b> Use the &quot;position or search term&quot;
 box to find areas of the genome associated with many different attributes, such
 as a specific chromosomal coordinate range; mRNA, EST, or STS marker names; or
 keywords from the GenBank description of an mRNA.
 <a href=\"http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/query.html\">More information</a>, including sample queries.</li>
 <b>By gene name: </b> Type a gene name into the &quot;search term&quot; box,
 choose your gene from the drop-down list, then press &quot;submit&quot; to go
 directly to the assembly location associated with that gene.
 <a href=\"http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/geneSearchBox.html\">More information</a>.  To avoid case sensitivity issues, always use fully lower case gene names.</li>
 <b>By track type: </b> Click the &quot;track search&quot; button
 to find Genome Browser tracks that match specific selection criteria.
 <a href=\"http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/trackSearch.html\">More information</a>.</li>
 # Assembly Name:  GRCh38.p4
 # Description:    Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 38 patch release 4 (GRCh38.p4)
 # Organism name:  Homo sapiens (human)
 # Taxid:          9606
 # Submitter:      Genome Reference Consortium
 # Date:           2015-6-25
 # Assembly type:  haploid-with-alt-loci
 # Release type:   patch
 # Assembly level: Chromosome
 # Genome representation: full
 # GenBank Assembly Accession: GCA_000001405.19 (latest)
 # RefSeq Assembly Accession: GCF_000001405.30 (latest)
 # RefSeq Assembly and GenBank Assemblies Identical: yes
 ## Assembly-Units:
 ## GenBank Unit Accession       RefSeq Unit Accession   Assembly-Unit name
 ## GCA_000001305.2      GCF_000001305.14        Primary Assembly
 ## GCA_000005045.17     GCF_000005045.16        PATCHES
 ## GCA_000001315.2      GCF_000001315.2 ALT_REF_LOCI_1