  Tue May 10 11:20:14 2022 -0700
Adding a link to trix doc in bigBed help, refs #28817

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/bigBed.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/bigBed.html
index 256cf07..5a9d6c7 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/bigBed.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/bigBed.html
@@ -279,31 +279,35 @@
   field for color, you must include the 
   <a href="../../FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1"><code>itemRgb</code></a> attribute in the track line. 
   It will look somewhat similar to this (note that you must insert the URL specific to your own 
   bigBed file):
   <pre><code>track type=bigBed name="bigBed Example Three" description="A bigBed File with Color and two Extra Fields" itemRgb="On" bigDataUrl=http://yourWebAddress/myBigBed2.bb</code></pre></li>
   Create the custom track on the human assembly hg18 (Mar. 2006), and view it in the Genome Browser 
   (<em>step 8</em>, above). Note that the original BED file contains data on chromosome 7 only.</li>
   If you are using the bigBed file in a track hub, you can use the additional indices for track
   item searches. See the setting &quot;searchIndex&quot; in the 
   <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#searchIndex">Track Database Definition Document</a> for more 
   information. For example, if you run the <code>bedToBigBed</code> utility with the option 
   <code>-extraIndex=name</code>, you will be able to search on the &quot;name&quot; field by adding 
   the line <code>searchIndex name</code> to the stanza about your bigBed in the hub's 
-  <em>trackDb.txt</em> file.</li>
+  <em>trackDb.txt</em> file. While searchIndex expects a search string with an exact match in the
+  index, another setting for Track Hubs, <a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#searchTrix">searchTrix</a>
+  allows for a fast look-up of free text associated with a list of identifiers, when a
+  <code>searchIndex</code> has also been created. See a <a href="hubQuickStartSearch.html">Searchable
+  Track Hub Quick Start Guide</a> here.</li>
   Extra fields can contain text for labels or for display with mouseover (if the BED
   &quot;name&quot; field is needed for something that is not the label). See the trackDb settings 
   &quot;<a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#mouseOverField">mouseOverField</a>&quot; and 
   &quot;<a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#labelField">labelField</a>&quot; for more information.</li>
   When you click on features, the contents of all extra fields are shown as a table. You can modify 
   the layout of the resulting page with the trackDb settings 
   &quot;<a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#skipFields">skipFields</a>&quot;, 
   &quot;<a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#sepFields">sepFields</a>&quot; 
   and &quot;<a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#skipEmptyFields">skipEmptyFields</a>&quot;, and 
   transform text fields into links with the 
   &quot;<a href="trackDb/trackDbHub.html#urls">urls</a>&quot; trackDb setting.</li>
   Extra fields that start with the character &quot;_&quot; are reserved for internal use (special