  Tue Apr 26 11:12:02 2022 -0700
SQL INJECTION Prevention Version 2 - this improves our methods by making subclauses of SQL that get passed around be both easy and correct to use. The way that was achieved was by getting rid of the obscure and not well used functions sqlSafefFrag and sqlDyStringPrintfFrag and replacing them with the plain versions of those functions, since these are not needed anymore. The new version checks for NOSQLINJ in unquoted %-s which is used to include SQL clauses, and will give an error the NOSQLINJ clause is not present, and this will automatically require the correct behavior by developers. sqlDyStringPrint is a very useful function, however because it was not enforced, users could use various other dyString functions and they operated without any awareness or checking for SQL correct use. Now those dyString functions are prohibited and it will produce an error if you try to use a dyString function on a SQL string, which is simply detected by the presence of the NOSQLINJ prefix.

diff --git src/hg/hgcentralTidy/hgcentralTidy.c src/hg/hgcentralTidy/hgcentralTidy.c
index eb188b5..407158c 100644
--- src/hg/hgcentralTidy/hgcentralTidy.c
+++ src/hg/hgcentralTidy/hgcentralTidy.c
@@ -1,574 +1,575 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 /* hgcentralTidy - Clean out old cart records from userDb and sessionDb tables 
  * in an hgcentral db by processing it in chunks so that it 
  * won't lock out other cgi processes that are running.
  * Also, check that maximum table size has not been exceeded,
  * and send warning to cluster-admin if it has.
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 char *database = NULL;
 char *host     = NULL;
 char *user     = NULL;
 char *password = NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL;
 int chunkSize = 1000;
 int chunkWait = 0;
 int squealSize = 20;  /* complain if table data_length is bigger than squealSize GB */
  // was 14 until 2018-06-02  
 int purgeStart = -1;  /* manual specify purge range in days ago */
 int purgeEnd = -1;
 char *purgeTable = NULL;  /* optionally specify one table to purge */
 char *sessionDbTableName = "sessionDb";
 char *userDbTableName = "userDb";
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "hgcentralTidy - Clean out old carts in hgcentral without blocking cart use\n"
   "   hgcentralTidy config\n"
   "   -chunkSize=N - number of rows to examine in one chunk, default %d\n"
   "   -chunkWait=N - sleep interval between chunks to allow other processing, default %d'\n"
   "   -squealSize=N - email warning to cluster-admin when this size in GB is exceeded, default %d'\n"
   "   -purgeStart=N - purge range starts N days ago'\n"
   "   -purgeEnd=N - purge range end N days ago'\n"
   "   -purgeTable=tableName - optional purge table must be userDb or sessionDb. If not specified, both tables are purged.'\n"
   "   -dryRun - option that causes it to skip the call to cleanTableSection.'\n"
   , chunkSize
   , chunkWait
   , squealSize
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"chunkSize", OPTION_INT},
    {"chunkWait", OPTION_INT},
    {"squealSize", OPTION_INT},
    {"purgeStart", OPTION_INT},
    {"purgeEnd", OPTION_INT},
    {"purgeTable", OPTION_STRING},
    {"dryRun", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 char *getCfgOption(char *config, char *setting)
 /* get setting for specified config */
 char temp[256];
 safef(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s.%s", config, setting);
 char *value = cfgOption(temp);
 if (!value)
     errAbort("setting %s not found!",temp);
 return value;
 boolean checkMaxTableSizeExceeded(char *table)
 /* check if max table size has been exceeded, send email warning if so */
 boolean squealed = FALSE;
 long long dataLength = 0;
 long long dataFree = 0;
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char query[256];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "show table status like '%s'", table );
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 row = sqlNextRow(sr);
 if (!row)
     errAbort("error fetching table status");
 int dlField = sqlFieldColumn(sr, "Data_length");
 if (dlField == -1)
     errAbort("error finding field 'Data_length' in show table status resultset");
 dataLength = sqlLongLong(row[dlField]);
 int dfField = sqlFieldColumn(sr, "Data_free");
 if (dfField == -1)
     errAbort("error finding field 'Data_free' in show table status resultset");
 dataFree = sqlLongLong(row[dfField]);
 verbose(1, "%s: Data_length=%lld Data_free=%lld\n\n", table, dataLength, dataFree);
 if ((dataLength / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) >= squealSize)
     char msg[256];
     char cmdLine[256];
     char *emailList = "cluster-admin@soe.ucsc.edu galt@soe.ucsc.edu kuhn@soe.ucsc.edu";
     safef(msg, sizeof(msg), "BIG HGCENTRAL TABLE %s data_length: %lld data_free: %lld\n"
 	, table, dataLength, dataFree);
     printf("%s", msg);
     safef(cmdLine, sizeof(cmdLine), 
 	"echo '%s'|mail -s 'WARNING hgcentral cleanup detected data_length max size %d GB exceeded' %s"
 	, msg
 	, squealSize
 	, emailList
     squealed = TRUE;
 return squealed;
 int toDaysAgo(char *useString, int id)
 /* Convert mysql datetime into days ago */
 struct tm tmUse;
 zeroBytes(&tmUse, sizeof(struct tm));
 if (!strptime(useString, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tmUse))
     errAbort("strptime failed for firstUse %s (id=%d)", useString, id);
 time_t use, now;
 now = time(NULL);
 use = mktime(&tmUse);
 return difftime(now, use) / (60*60*24); 
 void cleanTableSection(char *table, int startId, int endId)
 /* clean a specific table section */
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char query[256];
 int rc = 0;
 int dc = 0;
 int delCount = 0;
 int count = 0;
 int maxId = startId - 1;
 int useCount = 0;
 boolean	deleteThis = FALSE;
 int delRobotCount = 0;
 int oldRecCount = 0;
 struct slInt *delList = NULL;
 time_t cleanSectionStart = time(NULL);
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
     verbose(2, "maxId: %d   count=%d  delCount=%d   dc=%d\n", maxId, count, delCount, dc);
 	"select id, firstUse, lastUse, useCount from %s"
 	" where id > %d order by id limit %d"
 	, table
 	, maxId
         , chunkSize
     sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
     rc = 0;
     dc = 0;
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
         maxId = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
         useCount = sqlSigned(row[3]);
         int daysAgoFirstUse = toDaysAgo(row[1], maxId); 
         int daysAgoLastUse  = toDaysAgo(row[2], maxId); 
 	verbose(3, "id: %d, firstUse: [%s] [%d days ago], lastUse: [%s] [%d days ago], useCount: %d\n"
 	    , maxId
 	    , row[1], daysAgoFirstUse
 	    , row[2], daysAgoLastUse
 	    , useCount 
 	deleteThis = FALSE;
 	if (sameString(table, sessionDbTableName))
 	    if (daysAgoLastUse >= 14)
 		deleteThis = TRUE;
             else if ((daysAgoFirstUse >= 2) && useCount <= 1)  /* reasonable new addition */
                 deleteThis = TRUE;
 	if (sameString(table, userDbTableName))
             if ((daysAgoFirstUse >= 7) && useCount < 7)
                 deleteThis = TRUE;
             else if ((daysAgoFirstUse >= 2) && useCount <= 1)
                 deleteThis = TRUE;
             else if (daysAgoLastUse >= 365)  /* reasonable new addition */
 		deleteThis = TRUE;
 	if (deleteThis)
 	    verbose(3, "TO DELETE id: %d, "
     		"firstUse: [%s] [%d days ago], lastUse: [%s] [%d days ago], useCount: %d\n"
 		, maxId
     		, row[1], daysAgoFirstUse
     		, row[2], daysAgoLastUse
     		, useCount 
 	    slAddHead(&delList, slIntNew(maxId));
     if (rc < 1)
     if (dc > 0)
 	struct slInt *i;
 	for (i=delList;i;i=i->next)
 	    sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "delete from %s where id=%d", table, i->val);
     if (maxId >= endId)
 	break;  // we have done enough
     verbose(3, "sleeping %d seconds\n", chunkWait);fflush(stderr);
     verbose(3, "awake\n");fflush(stderr);
     verbose(1, "old recs deleted %d, robot recs deleted %d\n", oldRecCount, delRobotCount);fflush(stderr);
     time_t cleanEnd = time(NULL);
     int minutes = difftime(cleanEnd, cleanSectionStart) / 60; 
     verbose(1, "%s\n", ctime(&cleanEnd));
     verbose(1, "%d minutes\n\n", minutes);
 int binaryIdSearch(int *ids, int numIds, char *table, int daysAgo)
 /* Find the array index in ids which holds the id that contains
  * the oldest record satisfying the daysAgo criterion. 
  * If not found, return -1 */
 char query[256];
 int a = 0;
 int b = numIds - 1;
 int m = 0;
 //verbose(1, "\nDEBUG:\n");  // DEBUG REMOVE
 while (TRUE)
     if (a > b)
 	return a;   // is this right?
     m = (b + a) / 2;
     //verbose(1,"bin a=%d, b=%d, m=%d\n", a, b, m);
     while (TRUE)
 	sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select firstUse from %s where id=%d", table, ids[m]);
 	char *firstUse = sqlQuickString(conn,query);
 	if (firstUse)
 	    int daysAgoFirstUse = toDaysAgo(firstUse, ids[m]); 
             //verbose(1, "DEBUG: %d %d %s %d\n", m, ids[m], firstUse, daysAgoFirstUse);  // DEBUG REMOVE
 	    if (daysAgoFirstUse > daysAgo)
 		a = m + 1;
 		b = m - 1;
 	else // rare event: record not found, was it deleted?
 	    errAbort("hgcentralTidy: unexpected error in binaryIdSearch() id %d not found in table %s", ids[m], table);
 boolean cleanTable(char *table)
 /* clean a specific table */
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char query[256];
 int *ids;
 int totalRows = 0;
 boolean squealed = FALSE;
 time_t cleanStart = time(NULL);
 verbose(1, "-------------------\n");
 verbose(1, "Cleaning table %s\n", table);
 verbose(1, "%s\n", ctime(&cleanStart));
 totalRows = sqlTableSize(conn, table);
 verbose(1,"totalRows=%d\n", totalRows);
 if (totalRows==0)
     verbose(1,"table %s is empty!", table);
     return FALSE;
 AllocArray(ids, totalRows);
 // This is a super-fast query because it only needs to read the index which is cached in memory.
 sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query), "select id from %s" , table);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 int i = 0;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     ids[i++] = sqlUnsigned(row[0]);
     if (i >= totalRows)
 totalRows = i;  // in case they differed.
 int purgeRangeStart = -1;
 int purgeRangeEnd = -1;
 if (optionExists("purgeStart"))   // manual purge range specified
     purgeStart = optionInt("purgeStart", -1);
     purgeEnd = optionInt("purgeEnd", -1);
     if (purgeStart < 1 || purgeStart > 720)
 	errAbort("Invalid purgeStart");
     if (purgeEnd < 0)
 	purgeEnd = 0;
     if (purgeStart < purgeEnd)
 	errAbort("purgeStart should be greater than purgeEnd (in days ago)");
     purgeRangeStart = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, purgeStart);
     purgeRangeEnd   = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, purgeEnd);
     verbose(1, "manual purge range: purgeStart %d purgeEnd %d rangeStart %d rangeEnd %d rangeSize=%d ids[rs]=%d\n", 
                                     purgeStart,   purgeEnd, purgeRangeStart, purgeRangeEnd, purgeRangeEnd-purgeRangeStart, ids[purgeRangeStart]);
     if (!optionExists("dryRun"))
 	cleanTableSection(table, ids[purgeRangeStart], ids[purgeRangeEnd]);
 else  // figure out purge-ranges automatically
     int firstUseAge = 0;
     if (sameString(table, sessionDbTableName))
 	firstUseAge = 14;
     if (sameString(table, userDbTableName))
 	firstUseAge = 365;
-    int day = sqlQuickNum(conn, NOSQLINJ "select dayofweek(now())");
+    sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query), "select dayofweek(now())");
+    int day = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
     // These old records take a long time to go through, 5k sessionDb to 55k userDb old recs to look at,
     //  and typically produce only a few hundred deletions.
     //  they are growing slowly and expire rarely, so we don't need to scan them
     //  frequently and aggressively.  So ONLY scan them once per week by doing 1/7 per day.
     // Also don't need to worry much about the 
     //  borders of the split-over-7-days divisions shifting much because the set is so nearly static.  YAWN.
     int firstUseIndex = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, firstUseAge);
     int oldRangeSize = (firstUseIndex - 0) / 7;
     int oldRangeStart = oldRangeSize * (day-1);
     int oldRangeEnd = oldRangeStart + oldRangeSize;
     verbose(1, "old cleaner: firstUseAge=%d firstUseIndex = %d day %d: rangeStart %d rangeEnd %d rangeSize=%d ids[oldRangeStart]=%d\n", 
         firstUseAge, firstUseIndex, day, oldRangeStart, oldRangeEnd, oldRangeEnd-oldRangeStart, ids[oldRangeStart]);
     //int oldRangeStart = 0;
     //int oldRangeEnd = firstUseIndex;
     //verbose(1, "old cleaner: firstUseAge=%d firstUseIndex = %d rangeStart %d rangeEnd %d rangeSize=%d ids[firstUseIndex]=%d\n", 
 	//firstUseAge, firstUseIndex, oldRangeStart, oldRangeEnd, oldRangeEnd-oldRangeStart, ids[firstUseIndex]);
     // newly old can be expected to have some delete action
     //  these records have newly crossed the threshold into being old enough to have possibly expired.
     int newOldRangeStart = firstUseIndex;
     int newOldRangeEnd = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, firstUseAge - 1);
     verbose(1, "newOld cleaner: firstUseAge=%d rangeStart %d rangeEnd %d rangeSize=%d ids[newOldRangeStart]=%d\n", 
 	firstUseAge, newOldRangeStart, newOldRangeEnd, newOldRangeEnd-newOldRangeStart, ids[newOldRangeStart]);
     // this is the main delete action of cleaning out new robots (20k to 50k or more)
     int robo1RangeStart = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, 2);
     int robo1RangeEnd   = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, 1);
     verbose(1, "robot cleaner1: twoDayIndex = %d oneDayIndex %d rangeSize=%d ids[rs]=%d\n", 
       robo1RangeStart, robo1RangeEnd, robo1RangeEnd-robo1RangeStart, ids[robo1RangeStart]);
     int robo2RangeStart = -1;
     int robo2RangeEnd = -1;
     if (sameString(table, userDbTableName))
 	{  // secondary robot cleaning only for userDb., produces a somewhat lesser, perhaps 3 to 5k deletions
 	robo2RangeStart = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, 7);
 	robo2RangeEnd   = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, 6);
 	verbose(1, "robot cleaner2: sevenDayIndex = %d sixDayIndex %d rangeSize=%d ids[rs]=%d\n", 
 	  robo2RangeStart, robo2RangeEnd, robo2RangeEnd-robo2RangeStart, ids[robo2RangeStart]);
     /* cannot clean until we have all the ranges determined since deleting messes up binSearch */
     if (!optionExists("dryRun"))
 	verbose(1, "old cleaner:\n");
 	cleanTableSection(table, ids[oldRangeStart], ids[oldRangeEnd]);
     if (!optionExists("dryRun"))
 	verbose(1, "newOld cleaner:\n");
 	cleanTableSection(table, ids[newOldRangeStart], ids[newOldRangeEnd]);
     if (!optionExists("dryRun"))
 	verbose(1, "robot cleaner1:\n");
 	cleanTableSection(table, ids[robo1RangeStart], ids[robo1RangeEnd]);
     if (sameString(table, userDbTableName))
 	if (!optionExists("dryRun"))
 	    verbose(1, "robot cleaner2:\n");
 	    cleanTableSection(table, ids[robo2RangeStart], ids[robo2RangeEnd]);
 int found = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, 1);
 if ((found >= 0) && (found < totalRows))
     verbose(1, "1 days ago found = %d, id == ids[found] = %d \n", found, ids[found]);
 found = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, 2);
 if ((found >= 0) && (found < totalRows))
     verbose(1, "2 days ago found = %d, id == ids[found] = %d \n", found, ids[found]);
 found = binaryIdSearch(ids, totalRows, table, 30);
 if ((found >= 0) && (found < totalRows))
     verbose(1, "30 days ago found = %d, id == ids[found] = %d \n", found, ids[found]);
 	    if (daysAgoFirstUse < 14)
 		hitEnd = TRUE;
 	    if (daysAgoFirstUse < 365)
 		hitEnd = TRUE;
 // may need to pass back this data from the cleanTableSection call TODO
 //verbose(1, "%s: #rows count=%d  delCount=%d\n\n", table, count, delCount);
 time_t cleanEnd = time(NULL);
 int minutes = difftime(cleanEnd, cleanStart) / 60; 
 verbose(1, "%s\n", ctime(&cleanEnd));
 verbose(1, "%d minutes total\n\n", minutes);
 squealed = checkMaxTableSizeExceeded(table);
 return squealed;
 boolean hgcentralTidy(char *config)
 /* hgcentralTidy - Clean out old carts. */
 boolean squealed = FALSE;
 /* get connection info */
 database = getCfgOption(config, "db"      );
 host     = getCfgOption(config, "host"    );
 user     = getCfgOption(config, "user"    );
 password = getCfgOption(config, "password");
 conn = sqlConnectRemote(host, user, password, database);
 verbose(1, "Cleaning database %s.%s\n", host, database);
 verbose(1, "chunkWait=%d chunkSize=%d\n", chunkWait, chunkSize);
 //sessionDbTableName = "sessionDbGalt";
 //userDbTableName = "userDbGalt";
 if (!purgeTable || sameString(purgeTable,sessionDbTableName))
     if (cleanTable(sessionDbTableName))
       squealed = TRUE;
 if (!purgeTable || sameString(purgeTable,userDbTableName))
     if (cleanTable(userDbTableName))
       squealed = TRUE;
 return squealed;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 chunkSize = optionInt("chunkSize", chunkSize);
 chunkWait = optionInt("chunkWait", chunkWait);
 squealSize = optionInt("squealSize", squealSize);
 if (optionExists("purgeTable"))
     purgeTable = optionVal("purgeTable", NULL);
     if (!sameString(purgeTable,"sessionDb") && !sameString(purgeTable,"userDb"))
 	errAbort("Invalid value for purgeTable option, must be userDb or sessionDb or leave option off for both.");
 if (argc != 2)
 return hgcentralTidy(argv[1]);