  Tue Apr 26 11:12:02 2022 -0700
SQL INJECTION Prevention Version 2 - this improves our methods by making subclauses of SQL that get passed around be both easy and correct to use. The way that was achieved was by getting rid of the obscure and not well used functions sqlSafefFrag and sqlDyStringPrintfFrag and replacing them with the plain versions of those functions, since these are not needed anymore. The new version checks for NOSQLINJ in unquoted %-s which is used to include SQL clauses, and will give an error the NOSQLINJ clause is not present, and this will automatically require the correct behavior by developers. sqlDyStringPrint is a very useful function, however because it was not enforced, users could use various other dyString functions and they operated without any awareness or checking for SQL correct use. Now those dyString functions are prohibited and it will produce an error if you try to use a dyString function on a SQL string, which is simply detected by the presence of the NOSQLINJ prefix.

diff --git src/hg/lib/liftOver.c src/hg/lib/liftOver.c
index 843fcd6..839056c 100644
--- src/hg/lib/liftOver.c
+++ src/hg/lib/liftOver.c
@@ -1,1882 +1,1883 @@
 /* liftOver - Move annotations from one assembly to another. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "binRange.h"
 #include "chain.h"
 #include "chainNetDbLoad.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "sample.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "liftOverChain.h"
 #include "liftOver.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "net.h"
 struct chromMap
 /* Remapping information for one (old) chromosome */
     char *name;                 /* Chromosome name. */
     struct binKeeper *bk;       /* Keyed by old position, values are chains. */
 static char otherStrand(char c)
 /* Swap +/- */
 if (c == '-')
     return '+';
 else if (c == '+')
     return '-';
     return c;
 // The maximum number of words per line that can be lifted:
 #define LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS 2048
 void readLiftOverMap(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash)
 /* Read map file into hashes. */
 struct lineFile *lf;
 if (udcIsLocal(fileName))
     lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
     lf = netLineFileOpen(fileName);
 struct chain *chain;
 struct chromMap *map;
 int chainCount = 0;
 while ((chain = chainRead(lf)) != NULL)
     if ((map = hashFindVal(chainHash, chain->tName)) == NULL)
 	map->bk = binKeeperNew(0, chain->tSize);
 	hashAddSaveName(chainHash, chain->tName, map, &map->name);
     binKeeperAdd(map->bk, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd, chain);
 static struct binElement *findRange(struct hash *chainHash, 
                                 char *chrom, int start, int end)
 /* Find elements that intersect range. */
 struct chromMap *map = hashFindVal(chainHash, chrom);
 if (map == NULL)
     return NULL;
 return binKeeperFind(map->bk, start, (end == start) ? end + 1 : end);
 static int chainAliSize(struct chain *chain)
 /* Return size of all blocks in chain. */
 struct cBlock *b;
 int total = 0;
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     total += b->qEnd - b->qStart;
 return total;
 static int aliIntersectSize(struct chain *chain, int tStart, int tEnd)
 /* How many bases in chain intersect region from tStart to tEnd */
 int total = 0, one;
 struct cBlock *b;
 for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
     one = rangeIntersection(tStart, tEnd, b->tStart, b->tEnd);
     if (one > 0)
 	total += one;
 return total;
 static boolean mapThroughChain(struct chain *chain, double minRatio, 
 	int *pStart, int *pEnd, struct chain **retSubChain,
 	struct chain **retChainToFree)
 /* Map interval from start to end from target to query side of chain.
  * Return FALSE if not possible, otherwise update *pStart, *pEnd. */
 struct chain *subChain = NULL;
 struct chain *freeChain = NULL;
 int s = *pStart, e = *pEnd;
 int oldSize = e - s;
 int newCover = 0;
 int ok = TRUE;
 chainSubsetOnT(chain, s, e, &subChain, &freeChain);
 if (subChain == NULL)
     *retSubChain = NULL;
     *retChainToFree = NULL;
     return FALSE;
 newCover = chainAliSize(subChain);
 if (newCover < oldSize * minRatio)
     ok = FALSE;
 else if (chain->qStrand == '+')
     *pStart = subChain->qStart;
     *pEnd = subChain->qEnd;
     *pStart = subChain->qSize - subChain->qEnd;
     *pEnd = subChain->qSize - subChain->qStart;
 *retSubChain = subChain;
 *retChainToFree = freeChain;
 return ok;
 static char *remapRange(struct hash *chainHash, double minRatio, 
                         int minSizeT, int minSizeQ, 
                         int minChainSizeT, int minChainSizeQ, 
                         char *chrom, int s, int e, char qStrand,
 			int thickStart, int thickEnd, bool useThick,
 			double minMatch,
                         char *regionName, char *db, char *chainTableName,
                         struct bed **bedRet, struct bed **unmappedBedRet)
 /* Remap a range through chain hash.  If all is well return NULL
  * and results in a BED (or a list of BED's, if regionName is set (-multiple).
  * Otherwise return a string describing the problem. 
  * note: minSizeT is currently NOT implemented. feel free to add it.
  *       (its not e-s, its the boundaries of what maps of chrom:s-e to Q)
 struct binElement *list = findRange(chainHash, chrom, s, e), *el;
 struct chain *chainsHit = NULL, 
                 *chainsPartial = NULL, 
                 *chainsMissed = NULL, *chain;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *unmappedBedList = NULL;
 struct bed *bed = NULL;
 char strand = qStrand;
 /* initialize for single region case */
 int start = s, end = e;
 // for chain intersection we need a non-zero range because we need to 
 // distinquish a zero width query from a gap in the chain (i.e. minMatchSize needs to be 
 // non-zero).
 if (start == end) end++;
 double minMatchSize = minMatch * (end - start);
 int intersectSize;
 int tStart;
 bool multiple = (regionName != NULL);
 verbose(2, "%s:%d-%d", chrom, s, e);
 if (multiple) verbose(2, "\t%s", regionName);
 verbose(2, "\n");
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     if (multiple)
         if (chain->qEnd - chain->qStart < minChainSizeQ ||
             chain->tEnd - chain->tStart < minChainSizeT)
         /* limit required match to chain range on target */
         end = min(e, chain->tEnd);
         start = max(s, chain->tStart);
         // see above
         if (start == end) end++;
         minMatchSize = minMatch *  (end - start);
     intersectSize = aliIntersectSize(chain, start, end);
     if (intersectSize >= minMatchSize)
 	slAddHead(&chainsHit, chain);
     else if (intersectSize > 0)
 	slAddHead(&chainsPartial, chain);
         /* shouldn't happen ? */
 	slAddHead(&chainsMissed, chain);
 if (chainsHit == NULL)
     if (chainsPartial == NULL)
 	return "Deleted in new";
     else if (chainsPartial->next == NULL)
 	return "Partially deleted in new";
 	return "Split in new";
 else if (chainsHit->next != NULL && !multiple)
     return "Duplicated in new";
 /* sort chains by position in target to order subregions by orthology */
 slSort(&chainsHit, chainCmpTarget);
 tStart = s;
 struct chain *next = chainsHit->next;
 for (chain = chainsHit; chain != NULL; chain = next)
     struct chain *subChain = NULL;
     struct chain *toFree = NULL;
     int start=s, end=e;
     boolean expanded = FALSE;
     // see above.  Add fudge factor and remember that we did so.
     if (start == end)
         expanded = TRUE;
     next = chain->next;
     verbose(3,"hit chain %s:%d %s:%d-%d %c (%d)\n",
         chain->tName, chain->tStart,  chain->qName, chain->qStart, chain->qEnd,
         chain->qStrand, chain->id);
     if (multiple)
         /* no real need to verify ratio again (it would require
          * adjusting coords again). */
         minRatio = 0;
         if (db)
             /* use full chain, not the possibly truncated chain
              * from the net */
             struct chain *next = chain->next;
             chain = chainLoadIdRange(db, chainTableName,
                                         chrom, s, e, chain->id);
             chain->next = next;
             verbose(3,"chain from db %s:%d %s:%d-%d %c (%d)\n",
                 chain->tName, chain->tStart,  chain->qName, 
                 chain->qStart, chain->qEnd, chain->qStrand, chain->id);
     if (!mapThroughChain(chain, minRatio, &start, &end, &subChain, &toFree))
         errAbort("Chain mapping error: %s:%d-%d\n", chain->qName, start, end);
     if (expanded) // correct if we made a zero width item into a 1bp item
         end = start;
     if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	strand = otherStrand(qStrand);
        	strand = qStrand;
     int mappedThickStart = thickStart, mappedThickEnd = thickEnd;
     if (useThick)
 	struct chain *subChain2 = NULL;
 	struct chain *toFree2 = NULL;
 	if (!mapThroughChain(chain, minRatio, &mappedThickStart, &mappedThickEnd,
 		&subChain2, &toFree2))
 	    mappedThickStart = mappedThickEnd = start;
     verbose(3, "mapped %s:%d-%d\n", chain->qName, start, end);
     verbose(4, "Mapped! Target:\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%c\tQuery:\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%c\n",
 	    chain->tName, subChain->tStart, subChain->tEnd, strand, 
 	    chain->qName, subChain->qStart, subChain->qEnd, chain->qStrand);
     if (multiple && end - start < minSizeQ)
         verbose(2,"dropping %s:%d-%d size %d (too small)\n", 
                        chain->qName, start, end, end - start);
     bed->chrom = cloneString(chain->qName);
     bed->chromStart = start;
     bed->chromEnd = end;
     if (regionName)
         bed->name = cloneString(regionName);
     bed->strand[0] = strand;
     bed->strand[1] = 0;
     if (useThick)
 	bed->thickStart = mappedThickStart;
 	bed->thickEnd = mappedThickEnd;
     slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
     if (tStart < subChain->tStart)
         /* unmapped portion of target */
         bed->chrom = cloneString(chain->tName);
         bed->chromStart = tStart;
         bed->chromEnd = subChain->tStart;
         if (regionName)
             bed->name = cloneString(regionName);
         slAddHead(&unmappedBedList, bed);
     tStart = subChain->tEnd;
 *bedRet = bedList;
 if (unmappedBedRet)
     *unmappedBedRet = unmappedBedList;
 if (bedList==NULL)
     return "Deleted in new";
 return NULL;
 char *liftOverRemapRange(struct hash *chainHash, double minRatio,
                             char *chrom, int s, int e, char strand, 
                             double minMatch, char **retChrom, int *retStart, 
                             int *retEnd, char *retStrand)
 /* Remap a range through chain hash.  If all is well return NULL
  * and results in retChrom, retStart, retEnd.  Otherwise
  * return a string describing the problem. */
 struct bed *bed;
 char *error;
 error = remapRange(chainHash, minRatio, 0, 0, 0, 0, chrom, s, e, strand, 0, 0,
 		   FALSE, minMatch, NULL, NULL, NULL, &bed, NULL);
 if (error != NULL)
     return error;
 if (retChrom)
     *retChrom = cloneString(bed->chrom);
 if (retStart)
     *retStart = bed->chromStart;
 if (retEnd)
     *retEnd = bed->chromEnd;
 if (retStrand)
     *retStrand = bed->strand[0];
 return NULL;
 int chopLineBin(char *line, char *words[], int maxWord, 
                 bool hasBin, bool tabSep)
 /* Chop line by white space, leaving out bin value, if present */
 int i;
 int wordCount;
 if (tabSep)
     wordCount = chopByChar(line, '\t', words, maxWord);
     wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, maxWord);
 if (hasBin)
     for (i = 1; i <= wordCount; i++)
         words[i-1] = words[i];
 if (wordCount <= 0)
     return 0;
 return wordCount;
 int lineFileChopBin(struct lineFile *lf, char *words[], int maxWord, 
                         bool hasBin, bool tabSep)
 /* Return next non-blank line that doesn't start with '#' chopped into words,
    leaving out the bin value, if present. */
 int wordCount;
 if (tabSep)
     wordCount = lineFileChopCharNext(lf, '\t', words, maxWord);
     wordCount = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, maxWord);
 if (hasBin)
     int i;
     for (i = 1; i <= wordCount; i++)
         words[i-1] = words[i];
 if (wordCount <= 0)
     return 0;
 return wordCount;
 static int bedOverSmallEnds(struct lineFile *lf, int refCount,
                         struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch, int minSizeT, 
                         int minSizeQ, int minChainT, int minChainQ, 
                         FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, bool multiple, bool noSerial,
                         char *chainTable, int bedPlus, bool hasBin, 
 			bool tabSep, int ends, int *errCt)
 /* Do a bed without a block-list.
  * NOTE: it would be preferable to have all of the lift
  * functions work at the line level, rather than the file level.
  * Multiple option can be used with bed3 -- it will write a list of
  * regions as a bed4, where score is the "part #". This is used for
  * ENCODE region mapping */  
 int i, wordCount, s, e;
 char *words[LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS+1];   // +1 to detect overflow
 char *chrom;
 char strand = '.', strandString[2];
 char *error, *error2 = NULL;
 int ct = 0;
 int errs = 0;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *unmappedBedList = NULL;
 /* result lists for -ends option */
 struct bed *bedList2 = NULL, *unmappedBedList2 = NULL;
 int totalUnmapped = 0;
 double unmappedRatio;
 int totalUnmappedAll = 0;
 int totalBases = 0;
 double mappedRatio;
 char *region = NULL;   /* region name from BED file-- used with  -multiple */
 char regionBuf[2048];
 char *db = NULL, *chainTableName = NULL;
 if (chainTable)
     chainTableName = chopPrefix(chainTable);
     db = chainTable;
 while ((wordCount = 
             lineFileChopBin(lf, words, ArraySize(words), hasBin, tabSep)) != 0)
     if (wordCount < 3)
 	"ERROR: At least 3 fields are required, chrom, start, end on line %d of bed file %s\n", 
 	    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     if (wordCount != refCount)
 	"ERROR: Has %s%d fields, should have %d fields on line %d of bed file %s\n", 
 	    (wordCount > LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS) ? "at least ":"", wordCount, refCount, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     FILE *f = mapped;
     chrom = words[0];
     s = lineFileNeedFullNum(lf, words, 1);
     e = lineFileNeedFullNum(lf, words, 2);
     bool useThick = FALSE;
     int thickStart = 0, thickEnd = 0;
     int afterS = s + ends;
     int beforeE = e - ends;
     bool doEnds = ((ends > 0) && (beforeE > afterS));
     if (s > e)
 	"ERROR: start coordinate is after end coordinate (chromStart > chromEnd) on line %d of bed file %s\nERROR: %s %d %d", 
 	    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName, chrom, s, e);
     if (multiple)
         if (wordCount > 3)
             region = words[3];
             safef(regionBuf, sizeof(regionBuf), "%s:%d-%d", words[0], s+1, e);
             region = regionBuf;
     if (wordCount >= 6 && (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus >= 6))
 	strand = words[5][0];
     if (wordCount >= 8 && (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus >= 8))
 	useThick = TRUE;
 	thickStart = lineFileNeedFullNum(lf, words, 6);
 	thickEnd = lineFileNeedFullNum(lf, words, 7);
     if (doEnds)
 	if (useThick)
 	    errAbort("Can only lift BED6 or lower with -ends option");
 	if (multiple)
 	    errAbort("Cannot use -multiple with -ends");
 	error = remapRange(chainHash, minMatch, minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, 
 		       minChainQ, chrom, s, afterS, strand,
 		       thickStart, thickEnd, useThick, minMatch, 
 		       region, db, chainTableName, &bedList, &unmappedBedList);	
 	error2 = remapRange(chainHash, minMatch, minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, 
 		       minChainQ, chrom, beforeE, e, strand,
 		       thickStart, thickEnd, useThick, minMatch, 
 		       region, db, chainTableName, &bedList2, &unmappedBedList2);	
 	error = remapRange(chainHash, minMatch, minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, 
 		       minChainQ, chrom, s, e, strand,
 		       thickStart, thickEnd, useThick, minMatch, 
 		       region, db, chainTableName, &bedList, &unmappedBedList);
     if (doEnds && !error && !error2 && bedList && bedList2 && (slCount(bedList) == 1) && (slCount(bedList2) == 1)
 	&& sameString(bedList->chrom, bedList2->chrom) && (bedList->chromStart < bedList2->chromEnd)
 	&& (((wordCount >= 6) && ((bedPlus == 0) || (bedPlus >= 6)) && (bedList->strand[0] == bedList2->strand[0])) || (wordCount < 6) || (bedPlus < 6)))
 	/* really the most restrictive in terms of mapping */
 	if (hasBin)
 	    fprintf(f, "%d\t", binFromRange(bedList->chromStart, bedList2->chromEnd));
 	fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d", bedList->chrom, bedList->chromStart, bedList2->chromEnd);
 	for (i=3; i<wordCount; ++i)
 	    if (i == 5 && (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus >= 6))
 		/* get strand from remap */
 		fprintf(f, "\t%c", bedList->strand[0]);
 		/* everything else just passed through */
 		fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[i]);
 	fprintf(f, "\n");
     else if (doEnds)
 	/* error like below */
 	f = unmapped;
         strandString[0] = strand;
         strandString[1] = 0;
         words[5] = strandString;
 	if (error || error2)
 	    fprintf(f, "#%s on one or both ends\n", (error) ? error : error2);
 	else if (!bedList || !bedList2 || (slCount(bedList) > 1) || (slCount(bedList2) > 1)
 		 || !sameString(bedList->chrom, bedList2->chrom) || (bedList->chromStart >= bedList2->chromEnd)
 		 || (((wordCount >= 6) && ((bedPlus == 0) || (bedPlus >= 6))) && (bedList->strand[0] != bedList2->strand[0])))
 	    fprintf(f, "#ends mapped differently or incompletely\n");
         fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d", chrom, s, e);
         for (i=3; i<wordCount; ++i)
             fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[i]);
         fprintf(f, "\n");
     else if (error == NULL)
         /* successfully mapped */
         int ix = 1;
         struct bed *bed, *next = bedList->next;
         for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = next)
             if (hasBin)
                 fprintf(f, "%d\t", 
                         binFromRange(bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd));
             fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d", bed->chrom, 
                                     bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
             if (wordCount < 4 && multiple)
                 fprintf(f, "\t%s", region);
                 if (!noSerial)
                     fprintf(f, "\t%d", ix++);
             for (i=3; i<wordCount; ++i)
                 if (i == 5 && (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus >= 6))
                     /* get strand from remap */
                     fprintf(f, "\t%c", bed->strand[0]);
                 else if (i == 6 && useThick)
                     /* get thickStart from remap */
                     fprintf(f, "\t%d", bed->thickStart);
                 else if (i == 7 && useThick)
                     /* get thickEnd from remap */
                     fprintf(f, "\t%d", bed->thickEnd);
                 else if (i == 3 && multiple && !noSerial)
                     fprintf(f, "\t%s\t%d", region, ix++);
                     // Skip the score field if there is one
                     if (bedPlus == 0 || bedPlus > 4)
                     /* everything else just passed through */
                     fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[i]);
             fprintf(f, "\n");
             next = bed->next;
         /* track how many successfully mapped */
         totalUnmapped = 0;
         for (bed = unmappedBedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
             int size = bed->chromEnd - bed->chromStart;
             totalUnmapped += size;
             verbose(2, "Unmapped: %s:%d-%d (size %d) %s\n",
                         bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd,
                         size, bed->name);
         unmappedRatio = (double)(totalUnmapped * 100) / (e - s);
         verbose(2, "Unmapped total: %s\t%5.1f%%\t%7d\n", 
                             region, unmappedRatio, totalUnmapped);
         totalUnmappedAll += totalUnmapped;
         totalBases += (e - s);
         /* couldn't map */
 	f = unmapped;
         strandString[0] = strand;
         strandString[1] = 0;
         words[5] = strandString;
 	fprintf(f, "#%s\n", error);
         fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d", chrom, s, e);
         for (i=3; i<wordCount; ++i)
             fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[i]);
         fprintf(f, "\n");
 if (errCt)
     *errCt = errs;
 mappedRatio = (totalBases - totalUnmappedAll)*100.0 / totalBases;
 verbose(2, "Mapped bases: \t%5.0f%%\n", mappedRatio);
 return ct;
 static void shortGffLine(struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Complain about short line in GFF and abort. */
 errAbort("Expecting at least 8 words line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 static int gffNeedNum(struct lineFile *lf, char *s)
 /* Convert s to an integer or die trying. */
 char c = *s;
 if (isdigit(c) || c == '-')
     return atoi(s);
     errAbort("Expecting number line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
 return 0;
 void liftOverGff(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                                 double minMatch, double minBlocks, 
                                 FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Lift over GFF file */
 char *error = NULL;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char c, *s, *line, *word;
 char *seq, *source, *feature;
 int start, end;
 char *score, *strand;
 FILE *f;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     /* Pass through blank lines and those that start with a sharp. */
     s = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
     c = *s;
     if (c == '#' || c == 0)
 	fprintf(mapped, "%s\n", line);
     if ((seq = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     if ((source = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     if ((feature = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     if ((word = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     start = gffNeedNum(lf, word) - 1;
     if ((word = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     end = gffNeedNum(lf, word);
     if ((score = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     if ((strand = nextWord(&s)) == NULL)
     s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
     /* Convert seq/start/end/strand. */
     error = liftOverRemapRange(chainHash, minMatch, seq, start, end, *strand,
 	                minMatch, &seq, &start, &end, strand);
     f = mapped;
     if (error != NULL)
 	f = unmapped;
 	fprintf(f, "# %s\n", error);
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
 	seq, source, feature, start+1, end, score, strand, s);
 struct liftRange
 /* A start/stop pair. */
      struct liftRange *next;
      int start;		/* Start 0 based */
      int end;		/* End, non-inclusive. */
      int val;		/* Some value (optional). */
 static struct liftRange *bedToRangeList(struct bed *bed)
 /* Convert blocks in bed to a range list. */
 struct liftRange *range, *rangeList = NULL;
 int bedStart = bed->chromStart;
 int i, count = bed->blockCount, start;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     start = bedStart + bed->chromStarts[i];
     range->start = start;
     range->end = start + bed->blockSizes[i];
     slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 static struct liftRange *tPslToRangeList(struct psl *psl)
 /* Convert target blocks in psl to a range list. */
 struct liftRange *range, *rangeList = NULL;
 int i, count = psl->blockCount, start;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     start = psl->tStarts[i];
     range->start = start;
     range->end = start + psl->blockSizes[i];
     slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 #if 0 /* not used */
 static struct liftRange *qPslToRangeList(struct psl *psl)
 /* Convert query blocks in psl to a range list. */
 struct liftRange *range, *rangeList = NULL;
 int pslStart = psl->qStart;
 int i, count = psl->blockCount, start;
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     start = pslStart + psl->qStarts[i];
     range->start = start;
     range->end = start + psl->blockSizes[i];
     slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 static int chainRangeIntersection(struct chain *chain, struct liftRange *rangeList)
 /* Return chain/rangeList intersection size. */
 struct cBlock *b = chain->blockList;
 struct liftRange *r = rangeList;
 int one, total = 0;
 if (b == NULL || r == NULL)
     return 0;
 for (;;)
     while (b->tEnd < r->start)
 	b = b->next;
 	if (b == NULL)
 	    return total;
     while (r->end < b->tStart)
 	r = r->next;
 	if (r == NULL)
 	    return total;
     one = rangeIntersection(b->tStart, b->tEnd, r->start, r->end);
     if (one > 0)
 	total += one;
     if (b->tEnd <= r->end)
 	b = b->next;
 	if (b == NULL)
 	    return total;
 	r = r->next;
 	if (r == NULL)
 	    return total;
 static void remapRangeList(struct chain *chain, struct liftRange **pRangeList,
             int *pThickStart, int *pThickEnd, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
             struct liftRange **retGood, struct liftRange **retBad, char **retError)
 /* Remap range list through chain.  Return error message on failure,
  * NULL on success. */
 struct cBlock *b = chain->blockList;
 struct liftRange *r = *pRangeList, *nextR, *goodList = NULL, *badList = NULL;
 int bDiff, rStart = 0;
 bool gotStart = FALSE;
 int rCount = slCount(r), goodCount = 0;
 int thickStart = *pThickStart, thickEnd = *pThickEnd;
 int fudgeThickStart = 0, fudgeThickEnd = 0;
 bool gotThickStart = FALSE, gotThickEnd = FALSE;
 bool gotFudgeThickStart = FALSE;
 bool needThick = (thickStart != thickEnd);
 static char bErr[512];
 char *err = NULL;
 *pRangeList = NULL;
 if (r == NULL)
     *retGood = *retBad = NULL;
     *retError = NULL;
 if (b == NULL)
     *retGood = NULL;
     *retBad = r;
     *retError = "Empty block list in intersecting chain";
 nextR = r->next;
 for (;;)
     /* Skip over chain blocks that end before range starts. */
     if (b->tEnd <= r->start)
 	b = b->next;
 	if (b == NULL)
     /* Put any range blocks that end before block starts on badList */
     if (r->end <= b->tStart)
 	slAddHead(&badList, r);
 	r = nextR;
 	if (r == NULL)
 	nextR = r->next;
 	gotStart = FALSE;
     /* Map start and end of 'thick area' in a slightly picky fashion. */
     if (needThick)
 	if (b->tStart <= thickStart && thickStart < b->tEnd)
 	    *pThickStart = thickStart + b->qStart - b->tStart;
 	    gotThickStart = TRUE;
 	    fudgeThickStart = *pThickStart;
 	    gotFudgeThickStart = TRUE;
 	if (b->tStart <= thickEnd && thickEnd <= b->tEnd)
 	    *pThickEnd = thickEnd + b->qStart - b->tStart;
 	    gotThickEnd = TRUE;
 	    fudgeThickEnd = *pThickEnd;
 	if (!gotFudgeThickStart && thickStart < b->tEnd)
 	    fudgeThickStart = b->qStart;
 	    gotFudgeThickStart = TRUE;
 	if (b->tEnd <= thickEnd)
 	    fudgeThickEnd = b->qEnd;
     if (b->tStart <= r->start && r->start < b->tEnd && !gotStart)
 	gotStart = TRUE;
 	bDiff = b->qStart - b->tStart;
 	rStart = r->start + bDiff;
     if (b->tStart < r->end && r->end <= b->tEnd)
 	bDiff = b->qStart - b->tStart;
 	if (gotStart)
 	    r->start = rStart;
 	    r->end += bDiff;
 	    slAddHead(&goodList, r);
 	    slAddHead(&badList, r);
 	r = nextR;
 	if (r == NULL)
 	nextR = r->next;
 	gotStart = FALSE;
     if (b->tEnd < r->end)
 	b = b->next;
 	if (b == NULL)
 if (needThick)
     if (goodList != NULL && !gotFudgeThickStart)
 	fudgeThickStart = fudgeThickEnd = goodList->start;
     if (!gotThickStart)
 	if (fudgeThick)
 	    if (goodList != NULL)
 		*pThickStart = fudgeThickStart;
 	    err = "Can't find thickStart/thickEnd";
     if (!gotThickEnd)
 	if (fudgeThick)
 	    if (goodList != NULL)
 		*pThickEnd = fudgeThickEnd;
 	    err = "Can't find thickStart/thickEnd";
     if (goodList != NULL)
         *pThickStart = *pThickEnd = goodList->start;
 if (goodCount != rCount)
     double goodRatio = (double)goodCount / rCount;
     if (goodRatio < minBlocks)
 	safef(bErr, sizeof(bErr),
 	      "Boundary problem: need %d, got %d, diff %d, mapped %.1f",
 	      rCount, goodCount, rCount - goodCount, goodRatio);
 	err = bErr;
 *retGood = goodList;
 *retBad = badList;
 *retError = err;
 #ifdef DEBUG
 static void dumpRangeList(struct liftRange *rangeList, FILE *f)
 /* Write out range list to file. */
 struct liftRange *range;
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     fprintf(f, "%d,", range->end - range->start);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     fprintf(f, "%d,", range->start);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 #endif /* DEBUG */
 static int sumBedBlocks(struct bed *bed)
 /* Calculate sum of all block sizes in bed. */
 int i, total = 0;
 for (i=0; i<bed->blockCount; ++i)
     total += bed->blockSizes[i];
 return total;
 static int sumPslBlocks(struct psl *psl)
 /* Calculate sum of all block sizes in psl. */
 int i, total = 0;
 for (i=0; i<psl->blockCount; ++i)
     total += psl->blockSizes[i];
 return total;
 static struct liftRange *reverseRangeList(struct liftRange *rangeList, int chromSize)
 /* Return reverse-complemented rangeList. */
 struct liftRange *range;
 for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     reverseIntRange(&range->start, &range->end, chromSize);
 return rangeList;
 static void remapOneBlockedBed(struct chain *chain, struct bed *bed, int bedSize,
                                double minMatch, double minBlocks, boolean fudgeThick,
                                struct liftRange **pRangeList, char **retError)
 /* If there is an error, set retError; otherwise, modify bed to contain coordinates mapped
  * through chain.  This nulls out *pRangelist after modifying and freeing the contents. */
 *retError = NULL;
 /* See if best one is good enough. */
 if (chain->score  < minMatch * bedSize)
     *retError = "Partially deleted in new";
 struct liftRange *rangeList = *pRangeList, *badRanges = NULL, *range;
 int thickStart = bed->thickStart;
 int thickEnd = bed->thickEnd;
 if (*retError == NULL)
     remapRangeList(chain, &rangeList, &thickStart, &thickEnd, minBlocks, fudgeThick,
                    &rangeList, &badRanges, retError);
 /* Convert rangeList back to bed blocks.  Also calculate start and end. */
 if (*retError == NULL)
     int i, start, end = 0;
     if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	rangeList = reverseRangeList(rangeList, chain->qSize);
 	reverseIntRange(&thickStart, &thickEnd, chain->qSize);
 	bed->strand[0] = otherStrand(bed->strand[0]);
     bed->chromStart = start = rangeList->start;
     bed->blockCount = slCount(rangeList);
     for (i=0, range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next, ++i)
 	end = range->end;
 	bed->blockSizes[i] = end - range->start;
 	bed->chromStarts[i] = range->start - start;
     if (!sameString(chain->qName, chain->tName))
 	bed->chrom = cloneString(chain->qName);
     bed->chromEnd = end;
     bed->thickStart = thickStart;
     bed->thickEnd = thickEnd;
 *pRangeList = NULL;
 static char *remapBlockedBed(struct hash *chainHash, struct bed *bed, 
                              double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                              bool multiple, char *db, char *chainTable)
 /* Remap blocks in bed, and also chromStart/chromEnd.  If multiple, then bed->next may be
  * changed to point to additional newly allocated mapped beds, and bed's pointer members may
  * be free'd so be sure to pass in a properly allocated bed.
  * Return NULL on success, an error string on failure. */
 char *error = NULL;
 struct binElement *binList = findRange(chainHash, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
 if (binList == NULL)
     return "Deleted in new";
 /* Convert bed blocks to range list. */
 struct liftRange *rangeList = bedToRangeList(bed);
 /* Evaluate all intersecting chains and sort so best is on top. */
 struct chain *chainList = NULL, *chain;
 struct binElement *el;
 for (el = binList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     chain->score = chainRangeIntersection(chain, rangeList);
     slAddHead(&chainList, chain);
 slSort(&chainList, chainCmpScore);
 /* See if duplicated. */
 chain = chainList->next;
 if (chain != NULL && chain->score == chainList->score && !multiple)
     error = "Duplicated in new";
 chain = chainList;
 if (db)
     /* use full chain, not the possibly truncated chain from the net */
     chain = chainLoadIdRange(db, chainTable, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, chain->id);
 // bed will be overwritten, so if we're mapping through multiple chains we need to save a backup:
 struct bed *bedCopy = multiple ? cloneBed(bed) : NULL;
 int bedSize = sumBedBlocks(bed);
 remapOneBlockedBed(chain, bed, bedSize, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick, &rangeList, &error);
 if (multiple)
     struct bed *bedList = NULL;
     // Repeat for other chains
     for (chain = chainList->next;  chain != NULL;  chain = chain->next)
         // Make a new bed to be mapped from the original coordinates
         struct bed *newBed = cloneBed(bedCopy);
         rangeList = bedToRangeList(newBed);
         char *newError = NULL;
         remapOneBlockedBed(chain, newBed, bedSize, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick, &rangeList,
         if (newError)
             slAddHead(&bedList, newBed);
     if (bedList != NULL)
         bed->next = bedList;
     if (error && bed->next)
         // The first chain gave an error; replace the first bed with the first successfully
         // mapped bed.
         struct bed *splicedBed = bed->next;
         memcpy(bed, splicedBed, sizeof(struct bed));
         error = NULL;
 return error;
 static int bedOverBig(struct lineFile *lf, int refCount, 
                     struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch, double minBlocks,
                     bool fudgeThick, FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, bool multiple, char *chainTable,
                     int bedPlus, bool hasBin, bool tabSep, int *errCt)
 /* Do a bed with block-list. */
 int wordCount, bedCount;
 char *line, *words[LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS+1];  // plus one so it can detect overflow past the end.
 char *whyNot = NULL;
 int ct = 0;
 int errs = 0;
 int i;
 char *db = NULL, *chainTableName = NULL;
 if (chainTable)
     chainTableName = chopPrefix(chainTable);
     db = chainTable;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     struct bed *bed;
     wordCount = chopLineBin(line, words, ArraySize(words), hasBin, tabSep);
     if (wordCount < 3)
         "ERROR: At least 3 fields are required, chrom, start, end on line %d of bed file %s\n",
             lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     if (refCount != wordCount)
 	lineFileExpectWords(lf, refCount, wordCount);
     if (wordCount == bedPlus)
         bedPlus = 0;    /* no extra fields */
     bedCount = (bedPlus ? bedPlus : wordCount);
     bed = bedLoadN(words, bedCount);
     whyNot = remapBlockedBed(chainHash, bed, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick,
                              multiple, db, chainTableName);
     if (whyNot == NULL)
         struct bed *bedList = bed;
         for (;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
             if (hasBin)
                 fprintf(mapped, "%d\t", 
                         binFromRange(bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd));
             bedOutputN(bed, bedCount, mapped, '\t', 
                        (bedCount != wordCount) ? '\t':'\n');
             /* print extra "non-bed" fields in line */
             for (i = bedCount; i < wordCount; i++)
                 fprintf(mapped, "%s%c", words[i], (i == wordCount-1) ? '\n':'\t');
 	fprintf(unmapped, "#%s\n", whyNot);
 	bedOutputN(bed, bedCount, unmapped, '\t', 
                 (bedCount != wordCount) ? '\t':'\n');
         /* print extra "non-bed" fields in line */
         for (i = bedCount; i < wordCount; i++)
             fprintf(unmapped, "%s%c", words[i], 
                                 (i == wordCount-1) ? '\n':'\t');
 if (errCt)
     *errCt = errs;
 return ct;
 int liftOverBedPlusEnds(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch,  
                     double minBlocks, int minSizeT, int minSizeQ, int minChainT,
                     int minChainQ, bool fudgeThick, FILE *f, FILE *unmapped, 
                     bool multiple, bool noSerial, char *chainTable, int bedPlus, bool hasBin,
                     bool tabSep, int ends, int *errCt)
 /* Lift bed N+ file.
  * Return the number of records successfully converted */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 int wordCount;
 int bedFieldCount = bedPlus;
 char *line;
 int ct = 0;
 if (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     line = cloneString(line);
     if (tabSep)
         wordCount = chopByChar(line, '\t', NULL, LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS);
         wordCount = chopLine(line, NULL);
     if (wordCount > LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS)
 	errAbort("Too many fields. Fieldcount %d > maximum fields %d in file %s", wordCount, LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS, fileName);
     if (hasBin)
     if (wordCount < 3)
 	 errAbort("Data format error: expecting at least 3 fields in BED file (%s)", fileName);
     if (bedFieldCount == 0)
         bedFieldCount = wordCount;
     if (bedFieldCount <= 10)
         ct = bedOverSmallEnds(lf, wordCount, chainHash, minMatch,
                               minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, f, unmapped, 
                               multiple, noSerial, chainTable, bedPlus, hasBin, tabSep, ends, errCt);
     else if (ends)
 	errAbort("Cannot use -ends with blocked BED\n");
 	 ct = bedOverBig(lf, wordCount, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, 
                          fudgeThick, f, unmapped, multiple, chainTable,
                          bedPlus, hasBin, tabSep, errCt);
 return ct;
 int liftOverBedPlus(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, double minMatch,  
                     double minBlocks, int minSizeT, int minSizeQ, int minChainT,
                     int minChainQ, bool fudgeThick, FILE *f, FILE *unmapped, 
                     bool multiple, bool noSerial, char *chainTable, int bedPlus, bool hasBin,
                     bool tabSep, int *errCt)
 /* Lift bed N+ file.
  * Return the number of records successfully converted */
 return liftOverBedPlusEnds(fileName, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks,
                         minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ,
                         fudgeThick, f, unmapped, multiple, noSerial, chainTable,
 			bedPlus, hasBin, tabSep, 0, errCt);
 int liftOverBed(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch,  double minBlocks, 
                         int minSizeT, int minSizeQ,
                         int minChainT, int minChainQ,
                         bool fudgeThick, FILE *f, FILE *unmapped, 
                         bool multiple, bool noSerial, char *chainTable, int *errCt)
 /* Open up file, decide what type of bed it is, and lift it. 
  * Return the number of records successfully converted */
 return liftOverBedPlus(fileName, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks,
                         minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ,
                         fudgeThick, f, unmapped, multiple, noSerial, chainTable,
                         0, FALSE, FALSE, errCt);
 #define LIFTOVER_FILE_PREFIX    "liftOver"
 #define BEDSTART_TO_POSITION(coord)     (coord+1)
 int liftOverPositions(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch,  double minBlocks, 
                         int minSizeT, int minSizeQ,
                         int minChainT, int minChainQ,
 		        bool fudgeThick, FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, 
 		        bool multiple, char *chainTable, int *errCt)
 /* Create bed file from positions (chrom:start-end) and lift.
  * Then convert back to positions.  (TODO: line-by-line instead of by file)
  * Return the number of records successfully converted */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *line;
 char *words[LIFTOVER_MAX_WORDS];
 int wordCount;
 int ct = 0;
 struct tempName bedTn, mappedBedTn, unmappedBedTn;
 FILE *bedFile;
 char *chrom;
 int start, end;
 FILE *mappedBed, *unmappedBed;
 /* OK to use forCgi here ?? What if used from command-line ? */
 makeTempName(&bedTn, LIFTOVER_FILE_PREFIX, ".bed");
 bedFile = mustOpen(bedTn.forCgi, "w");
 /* Convert input to bed file */
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     line = stripCommas(line);
     if (hgParseChromRange(NULL, line, &chrom, &start, &end))
         fprintf(bedFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\n", chrom, start, end);
         /* let the bed parser worry about it */
         // line = trimSpaces(line);
         fprintf(bedFile, "%s\n", line);
 chmod(bedTn.forCgi, 0666);
 /* Set up temp bed files for output, and lift to those */
 makeTempName(&mappedBedTn, LIFTOVER_FILE_PREFIX, ".bedmapped");
 makeTempName(&unmappedBedTn, LIFTOVER_FILE_PREFIX, ".bedunmapped");
 mappedBed = mustOpen(mappedBedTn.forCgi, "w");
 unmappedBed = mustOpen(unmappedBedTn.forCgi, "w");
 ct = liftOverBed(bedTn.forCgi, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks,
                  minSizeT, minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, fudgeThick,
                  mappedBed, unmappedBed, multiple, TRUE, chainTable, errCt);
 chmod(mappedBedTn.forCgi, 0666);
 chmod(unmappedBedTn.forCgi, 0666);
 /* Convert output files back to positions */
 lf = lineFileOpen(mappedBedTn.forCgi, TRUE);
 while ((wordCount = lineFileChop(lf, words)) != 0)
     chrom = words[0];
     start = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 1);
     end = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 2);
     fprintf(mapped, "%s:%d-%d\n", chrom, BEDSTART_TO_POSITION(start), end);
 lf = lineFileOpen(unmappedBedTn.forCgi, TRUE);
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     if (line[0] == '#')
         fprintf(unmapped, "%s\n", line);
         wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
         chrom = words[0];
         start = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 1);
         end = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 2);
         fprintf(unmapped, "%s:%d-%d\n", chrom, 
                         BEDSTART_TO_POSITION(start), end);
 return ct;
 enum liftOverFileType liftOverSniff(char *fileName)
 /* the file-sniffing bit used to distinguish bed from positions files */
 /* returns enum concerning the file type */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *line = NULL;
 char *chrom, *start, *end;
 boolean isPosition = FALSE;
 lineFileNextReal(lf, &line);
 if (!line)
     return 0;
 chrom = line;
 start = strchr(chrom, ':');
 if (start)
     *start++ = 0;
     end = strchr(start, '-');
     if (end)
 	*end++ = 0;
 	isPosition = TRUE;
 	return 0;
     char *words[3];
     int numWords = chopLine(line, words);
     if (numWords < 3)
 	return 0;
     start = words[1];
     end = words[2];
 if (!isdigit(start[0]) || !isdigit(end[0]))
     return none;
 if (isPosition)
     return positions;
 return bed;
 int liftOverBedOrPositions(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch,  double minBlocks, 
                         int minSizeT, int minSizeQ,
                         int minChainT, int minChainQ,
 		        bool fudgeThick, FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, 
                         bool multiple, bool noSerial, char *chainTable, int *errCt)
 /* Sniff the first line of the file, and determine whether it's a */
 /* bed, a positions file, or neither. */
 enum liftOverFileType lft = liftOverSniff(fileName);
 if (lft == positions)
     return liftOverPositions(fileName, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, minSizeT, 
 			     minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, fudgeThick, mapped, unmapped,
 			     multiple, chainTable, errCt);
 if (lft == bed)
     return liftOverBed(fileName, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, minSizeT, 
 			     minSizeQ, minChainT, minChainQ, fudgeThick, mapped, unmapped,
                              multiple, noSerial, chainTable, errCt);
 return -1;
 static char *remapBlockedPsl(struct hash *chainHash, struct psl *psl, 
                             double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick)
 /* Remap blocks in psl, and also chromStart/chromEnd.  
  * Return NULL on success, an error string on failure. */
 struct chain *chainList = NULL,  *chain;
 int pslSize = sumPslBlocks(psl);
 struct binElement *binList;
 struct binElement *el;
 struct liftRange *rangeList, *badRanges = NULL, *range;
 char *error = NULL;
 int i, start, end = 0;
 //int pslStart = psl->tStart;
 //int pslEnd = psl->tEnd;
 int thick = 0;
 binList = findRange(chainHash, psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd);
 if (binList == NULL)
     return "Deleted in new";
 /* Convert psl target  blocks to range list. */
 rangeList = tPslToRangeList(psl);
 /* Evaluate all intersecting chains and sort so best is on top. */
 for (el = binList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     chain->score = chainRangeIntersection(chain, rangeList);
     slAddHead(&chainList, chain);
 slSort(&chainList, chainCmpScore);
 /* See if duplicated. */
 chain = chainList->next;
 if (chain != NULL && chain->score == chainList->score)
     error = "Duplicated in new";
 chain = chainList;
 /* See if best one is good enough. */
 if (chain->score  < minMatch * pslSize)
     error = "Partially deleted in new";
 /* Call subroutine to remap range list. */
 if (error == NULL)
     remapRangeList(chain, &rangeList, &thick, &thick, minBlocks, fudgeThick,
     	                &rangeList, &badRanges, &error);
 /* Convert rangeList back to psl blocks.  Also calculate start and end. */
 if (error == NULL)
     if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	rangeList = reverseRangeList(rangeList, chain->qSize);
 //	reverseIntRange(&pslStart, &pslEnd, chain->qSize);
 	psl->strand[0] = otherStrand(psl->strand[0]);
     psl->tStart = start = rangeList->start;
     psl->blockCount = slCount(rangeList);
     for (i=0, range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next, ++i)
 	end = range->end;
 	psl->blockSizes[i] = end - range->start;
 	psl->tStarts[i] = range->start;
     if (!sameString(chain->qName, chain->tName))
 	psl->tName = cloneString(chain->qName);
     psl->tSize = chain->qSize;
     psl->tEnd = end;
 //    psl->tStart = pslStart;
 //    psl->tEnd = pslEnd;
 return error;
 static void pslOver(struct lineFile *lf, struct hash *chainHash, 
                     double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                     FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Do a psl with block-list. */
 char *whyNot = NULL;
 struct psl *psl;
 while ((psl = pslNext(lf)) != NULL)
     whyNot = remapBlockedPsl(chainHash, psl, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick);
     if (whyNot == NULL)
 	pslTabOut(psl, mapped);
 	fprintf(unmapped, "#%s\n", whyNot);
 	pslTabOut(psl, unmapped);
 void liftOverPsl(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                                 double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                                 FILE *f, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Open up file, and lift it. */
 struct lineFile *lf = pslFileOpen(fileName);
 pslOver(lf, chainHash, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick, f, unmapped);
 struct bed *genePredToBed(struct genePred *gp)
 /* Convert genePred to bed.  */
 struct bed *bed;
 int count, i, start;
 bed->chrom = cloneString(gp->chrom);
 bed->chromStart = start = gp->txStart;
 bed->chromEnd = gp->txEnd;
 bed->name = cloneString(gp->name);
 bed->strand[0] = gp->strand[0];
 bed->thickStart = gp->cdsStart;
 bed->thickEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
 bed->blockCount = count = gp->exonCount;
 AllocArray(bed->blockSizes, count);
 AllocArray(bed->chromStarts, count);
 for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
     int s = gp->exonStarts[i];
     int e = gp->exonEnds[i];
     bed->blockSizes[i] = e - s;
     bed->chromStarts[i] = s - start;
 return bed;
 void liftOverGenePred(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                       FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped, boolean multiple)
 /* Lift over file in genePred format. */
 char *db = NULL, *chainTable = NULL;
 struct bed *bed;
 struct genePred *gp = NULL;
 char *error;
 struct genePred *gpList = genePredExtLoadAll(fileName);
 for (gp = gpList ; gp != NULL ; gp = gp->next)
     // uglyf("%s %s %d %d %s\n", gp->name, gp->chrom, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd, gp->strand);
     bed = genePredToBed(gp);
     error = remapBlockedBed(chainHash, bed, minMatch, minBlocks, fudgeThick,
                             multiple, db, chainTable);
     if (error)
 	fprintf(unmapped, "# %s\n", error);
         genePredTabOut(gp, unmapped);
         int exonCount = gp->exonCount;
         struct bed *bedList = bed;
         for (;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
             if (bed->blockCount > exonCount)
                 errAbort("program error: need to allocate extra blocks for bed.");
             gp->chrom = cloneString(bed->chrom);
             int start = gp->txStart = bed->chromStart;
             gp->txEnd = bed->chromEnd;
             gp->strand[0] = bed->strand[0];
             gp->cdsStart = bed->thickStart;
             gp->cdsEnd = bed->thickEnd;
             int count = gp->exonCount = bed->blockCount;
             int i;
             for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
                 int s = start + bed->chromStarts[i];
                 int e = s + bed->blockSizes[i];
                 gp->exonStarts[i] = s;
                 gp->exonEnds[i] = e;
             genePredTabOut(gp, mapped);
 //    genePredFree(&gp);
 static struct liftRange *sampleToRangeList(struct sample *sample, int sizeOne)
 /* Make a range list corresponding to sample. */
 int i;
 struct liftRange *rangeList = NULL, *range;
 for (i=0; i<sample->sampleCount; ++i)
     range->start = range->end = sample->chromStart + sample->samplePosition[i];
     range->end += sizeOne;
     range->val = sample->sampleHeight[i];
     slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
 return rangeList;
 static struct sample *rangeListToSample(struct liftRange *rangeList, 
                                                 char *chrom, char *name,
 	unsigned score, char strand[3])
 /* Make sample based on range list and other parameters. */
 struct liftRange *range;
 struct sample *sample;
 int sampleCount = slCount(rangeList);
 int  i, chromStart, chromEnd;
 if (sampleCount == 0)
     return NULL;
 chromStart = rangeList->start;
 chromEnd = rangeList->end;
 for (range = rangeList->next; range != NULL; range = range->next)
     chromEnd = range->end;
 sample->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 sample->chromStart = chromStart;
 sample->chromEnd = chromEnd;
 sample->name = cloneString(name);
 sample->score = score;
 strncpy(sample->strand, strand, sizeof(sample->strand));
 sample->sampleCount = sampleCount;
 AllocArray(sample->samplePosition, sampleCount);
 AllocArray(sample->sampleHeight, sampleCount);
 sample->sampleCount = sampleCount;
 for (range = rangeList, i=0; range != NULL; range = range->next, ++i)
     sample->samplePosition[i] = range->start - chromStart;
     sample->sampleHeight[i] = range->val;
 return sample;
 static void remapSample(struct hash *chainHash, struct sample *sample, 
                 double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick, FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Remap a single sample and output it. */
 struct binElement *binList, *el;
 struct liftRange *rangeList, *goodList = NULL;
 struct chain *chain;
 struct sample *ns;
 char *error = NULL;
 int thick = 0;
 binList = findRange(chainHash, sample->chrom, sample->chromStart, sample->chromEnd);
 rangeList = sampleToRangeList(sample, 1);
 for (el = binList; el != NULL && rangeList != NULL; el = el->next)
     chain = el->val;
     remapRangeList(chain, &rangeList, &thick, &thick, minBlocks, fudgeThick,
     	                &goodList, &rangeList, &error);
     if (goodList != NULL)
 	if (chain->qStrand == '-')
 	     goodList = reverseRangeList(goodList, chain->qSize);
 	ns = rangeListToSample(goodList, chain->qName, sample->name, 
 		sample->score, sample->strand);
 	sampleTabOut(ns, mapped);
 if (rangeList != NULL)
     ns = rangeListToSample(rangeList, sample->chrom, sample->name,
     	sample->score, sample->strand);
     fprintf(unmapped, "# Leftover %d of %d\n", ns->sampleCount, sample->sampleCount);
     sampleTabOut(ns, unmapped);
 void liftOverSample(char *fileName, struct hash *chainHash, 
                         double minMatch, double minBlocks, bool fudgeThick,
                         FILE *mapped, FILE *unmapped)
 /* Open up file, decide what type of bed it is, and lift it. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 char *row[9];
 struct sample *sample;
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     sample = sampleLoad(row);
     remapSample(chainHash, sample, minBlocks, fudgeThick, mapped, unmapped);
 struct liftOverChain *liftOverChainList()
 /* Get list of all liftOver chains in the central database */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct liftOverChain *list = NULL;
-list = liftOverChainLoadByQuery(conn, NOSQLINJ "select * from liftOverChain");
+char query[1024];
+sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select * from liftOverChain");
+list = liftOverChainLoadByQuery(conn, query);
 return list;
 void filterOutMissingChains(struct liftOverChain **pChainList) 
 /* Filter out chains that don't exist.  Helps partially mirrored sites. */
     char *newPath = hReplaceGbdb((*pChainList)->path);
     if (!udcExists(newPath))
 	struct liftOverChain *temp = *pChainList;
 	*pChainList = (*pChainList)->next;
 	pChainList = &((*pChainList)->next);
 struct liftOverChain *liftOverChainListFiltered()
 /* Get list of all liftOver chains in the central database
  * filtered to include only those chains whose liftover files exist.
  * This helps partially mirrored sites */
 struct liftOverChain *list = liftOverChainList();
 return list;
 struct liftOverChain *liftOverChainListForDbFiltered(char *fromDb)
 /* Get list of all liftOver chains in the central database for fromDb,
  * filtered to include only those chains whose liftover files exist. */
 struct liftOverChain *list = liftOverChainForDb(fromDb);
 return list;
 struct liftOverChain *liftOverChainForDb(char *fromDb)
 /* Return list of liftOverChains for this database. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct liftOverChain *list = NULL;
 char query[512];
 if (isNotEmpty(fromDb))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from liftOverChain where fromDb='%s'",
-    safecpy(query, sizeof(query), NOSQLINJ "select * from liftOverChain");
+    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from liftOverChain");
 list = liftOverChainLoadByQuery(conn, query);
 return list;
 char *liftOverChainFile(char *fromDb, char *toDb)
 /* Get filename of liftOver chain */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct liftOverChain *chain = NULL;
 char query[1024];
 char *path = NULL;
 if (conn)
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
             "select * from liftOverChain where fromDb='%s' and toDb='%s'",
                         fromDb, toDb);
     chain = liftOverChainLoadByQuery(conn, query);
     if (chain != NULL)
         path = hReplaceGbdbMustDownload(chain->path);
 return path;
 char *liftOverErrHelp()
 /* Help message explaining liftOver failures */
     "Deleted in new:\n"
     "    Sequence intersects no chains\n"
     "Partially deleted in new:\n"
     "    Sequence insufficiently intersects one chain\n"
     "Split in new:\n"
     "    Sequence insufficiently intersects multiple chains\n"
     "Duplicated in new:\n"
     "    Sequence sufficiently intersects multiple chains\n"
     "Boundary problem:\n"
     "    Missing start or end base in an exon\n";