  Tue Apr 26 11:12:02 2022 -0700
SQL INJECTION Prevention Version 2 - this improves our methods by making subclauses of SQL that get passed around be both easy and correct to use. The way that was achieved was by getting rid of the obscure and not well used functions sqlSafefFrag and sqlDyStringPrintfFrag and replacing them with the plain versions of those functions, since these are not needed anymore. The new version checks for NOSQLINJ in unquoted %-s which is used to include SQL clauses, and will give an error the NOSQLINJ clause is not present, and this will automatically require the correct behavior by developers. sqlDyStringPrint is a very useful function, however because it was not enforced, users could use various other dyString functions and they operated without any awareness or checking for SQL correct use. Now those dyString functions are prohibited and it will produce an error if you try to use a dyString function on a SQL string, which is simply detected by the presence of the NOSQLINJ prefix.

diff --git src/hg/mouseStuff/regionPicker/regionPicker.c src/hg/mouseStuff/regionPicker/regionPicker.c
index 5186bf3..847ef6a 100644
--- src/hg/mouseStuff/regionPicker/regionPicker.c
+++ src/hg/mouseStuff/regionPicker/regionPicker.c
@@ -1,731 +1,733 @@
 /* regionPicker - Code to pick regions to annotate deeply.. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "bits.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "featureBits.h"
 #include "axt.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 /* Command line overridable variables. */
 char *clRegion = "genome";
 int bigWinSize = 500000;
 int bigStepSize = 100000;
 int smallWinSize = 125;
 double threshold = 0.8;
 int picksPer = 5;
 char *htmlOutput = NULL;
 char *avoidFile = NULL;
 int randSeed = 12345;
 boolean printWin = FALSE;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "regionPicker - Code to pick regions to annotate deeply.\n"
   "Stratifies genome based on mouse non-transcribed homology\n"
   "and spliced EST density.\n"
   "   regionPicker database axtBestDir output\n"
   "   -html=output.html - where to write hyperlinks for region\n"
   "   -region=chrN - restrict to a single chromosome\n"
   "   -region=file - File has chrN:start-end on each line\n"
   "   -printWin - Print stats on each window\n"
   "   -avoid=file - File of regions to avoid\n"
   "   -randSeed=N - Seed for random number generator\n"
   "   -bigWinSize=N -default %d\n"
   "   -bigStepSize=N - default %d\n"
   "   -smallWinSize=N - default %d\n"
   "   -theshold=0.N - minimum base identity in small window. default %2.1f\n"
   "   -chromLimit=file - File that has limits for picks per chromosome\n"
   "   -picksPer=N - number of picks per strata, default %d\n",
        bigWinSize, bigStepSize, smallWinSize, threshold, picksPer
 struct region
 /* Part of the genome. */
     struct region *next;	/* Next item in list. */
     char *name;			/* Region name. */
     char *chrom;		/* Chromosome. */
     int start, end;		/* 0 based half open range */
 struct scoredWindow
 /* A scored region. */
     struct scoredWindow *next;
     char *chrom;	/* Not allocated here. */
     int start;		/* Start in genome. */
     double geneRatio;	/* Gene density. */
     double consRatio;   /* Conserved not transcribed density. */
 struct chromLimit
 /* Structure to help us limit number of picks per 
  * chromosome. */
     struct chromLimit *next;
     char *name;		/* Chromosome name - allocated in hash */
     int size;		/* Chromosome size. */
     int maxPicks;	/* Maximum number of picks. */
     int curPicks;	/* Current number of picks. */
 /* This is the ratio of genome on which we make cuts. */
 #define strataCount 3
 double genoCuts[strataCount] = {0.5, 0.8, 1.0};
 #define histSize 1000
 #define geneScale 5  /* Spread gene density from 0-20% instead of 0-100% */
 struct region *loadRegionFile(char *database, char *fileName)
 /* Load up list of regions from a file. */
 struct region *regionList = NULL, *region;
 char *row[2];
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     region->name = cloneString(row[0]);
     if (!hgParseChromRange(database, row[1], &region->chrom, 
     		&region->start, &region->end))
 	errAbort("Bad range %s\n", row[1]);
     slAddHead(&regionList, region);
 return regionList;
 struct stats
 /* Keep stats. */
     struct chromStats *next;
     int consCounts[histSize];
     int geneCounts[histSize];
     int bothCounts[histSize][histSize];
     int totalConsCount;
     int totalGeneCount;
     int totalBothCount;
 void sumStats(struct stats *a, struct stats *b)
 /* Add a to b and return result in a. */
 int i,j;
 for (i=0; i<histSize; ++i)
     a->consCounts[i] += b->consCounts[i];
     a->geneCounts[i] += b->geneCounts[i];
     for (j=0; j<histSize; ++j)
 	a->bothCounts[i][j] += b->bothCounts[i][j];
 a->totalConsCount += b->totalConsCount;
 a->totalGeneCount += b->totalGeneCount;
 a->totalBothCount += b->totalBothCount;
 void addToStats(struct stats *stats, Bits *aliBits, Bits *matchBits, 
 	Bits *geneBits, Bits *seqBits, struct region *r, FILE *f,
 	struct scoredWindow **pWinList)
 /* Step big window through region adding to stats. */
 char *chrom = r->chrom;
 int chromStart = r->start;
 int chromEnd = r->end;
 int bigStart, bigEnd, smallStart, smallEnd;  
 int aliCount, matchCount, geneCount, seqCount;
 int bigWeight;
 double consRatio = 0, geneRatio = 0;
 /* Do some sanity checking/error reporting */
 if (chromEnd < chromStart)
      errAbort("Out of range %s:%d-%d (%s)", 
      	chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, r->name);
 if (printWin)
     fprintf(f, "%s\n", r->name);
 for (bigStart = chromStart; bigStart < chromEnd;  bigStart += bigStepSize)
     int smallPassing = 0;  /* Count of small windows passing %ID threshold */
     int smallGotData = 0;  /* Count of small windows with alignment data */
     int consIx = -1; /* Index into conservation histogram */
     int geneIx = -1; /* Index into gene density histogram */
     int thisBigSize;
     /* Figure out boundaries of big window,  and based on
      * size how much to weigh it in histogram */
     bigEnd = bigStart + bigWinSize;
     if (bigEnd > chromEnd) bigEnd = chromEnd;
     thisBigSize = bigEnd - bigStart;
     bigWeight = round(10.0 * thisBigSize / bigWinSize);
     /* Figure out number of non-N bases, and skip this window
      * if they amount to less than half of it. */
     seqCount = bitCountRange(seqBits, bigStart, thisBigSize);
     if (seqCount < thisBigSize/2)
     /* Step through small windows inside big one to calculate
      * what percentage of small windows are conserved over
      * theshold. */
     for (smallStart = bigStart; smallStart < bigEnd; smallStart += smallWinSize)
 	smallEnd = smallStart + smallWinSize;
 	if (smallEnd > chromEnd) smallEnd = chromEnd;
 	aliCount = bitCountRange(aliBits, smallStart, smallEnd - smallStart);
 	matchCount = bitCountRange(matchBits, smallStart, smallEnd - smallStart);
 	/* See if enough of the small window aligns to
 	 * calculate percentage of bases aligning
 	 * accurately, and if so add small window to
 	 * data set. */
 	if (aliCount >= 0.75 * smallWinSize)
 	    double ratio = (double) matchCount/aliCount;
 	    smallGotData += 1;
 	    if (ratio >= threshold)
 		smallPassing += 1;
     /* If a reasonable number of small windows have
      * data,  add statistics to conservation histogram. */
     if (smallGotData >= 50)
 	consRatio = (double) smallPassing/smallGotData;
 	consIx = consRatio * histSize;
 	if (consIx > histSize) consIx = histSize;
 	stats->totalConsCount += bigWeight;
 	stats->consCounts[consIx] += bigWeight;
     /* Calculate gene density and save. */
     geneCount = bitCountRange(geneBits, bigStart, bigEnd - bigStart);
     geneRatio = (double)geneCount / seqCount;
     geneIx = geneRatio *  geneScale * histSize;
     if (geneIx > histSize) geneIx = histSize;
     stats->totalGeneCount += bigWeight;
     stats->geneCounts[geneIx] += bigWeight;
     /* If valid gene density and conservation data then
      * add it to two-dimensional histogram */
     if (geneIx >= 0 && consIx >= 0)
 	if (printWin)
 	    fprintf(f, "    %s:%d-%d ", chrom, bigStart+1, bigEnd);
 	    fprintf(f, "gene %4.1f%% consNotTx %4.1f%%\n", 
 	    	100*geneRatio, 100*consRatio);
 	stats->totalBothCount += bigWeight;
 	stats->bothCounts[consIx][geneIx] += bigWeight;
 	/* If no gaps add it to window list. */
 	if (seqCount == bigWinSize)
 	    struct scoredWindow *win;
 	    win->chrom = chrom;
 	    win->start = bigStart;
 	    win->geneRatio = geneRatio;
 	    win->consRatio = consRatio;
 	    slAddHead(pWinList, win);
 void maskFeatures(char *database, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *chrom, int chromSize, Bits *maskBits)
 /* Mask out bits we're not interested in for conservation. */
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "gap", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "refGene:exon:12", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "mrna:exon:12", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "ensGene:exon:12", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "softberryGene:exon:12", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "twinscan:exon:12", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "xenoMrna:exon:12", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "intronEst:exon:12", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "anyMrnaCov", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "rmsk", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 printf("%s: %d bits masked\n", chrom, bitCountRange(maskBits, 0, chromSize));
 void axtSetBits(struct axt *axt, int chromSize, Bits *aliBits, Bits *matchBits)
 /* Set bits where there are alignments and matches. */
 char q, t, *qSym = axt->qSym, *tSym = axt->tSym;
 int i, symCount = axt->symCount;
 int tPos = axt->tStart;
 assert(axt->tStrand == '+');
 for (i=0; i<symCount; ++i)
     assert(tPos < chromSize);
     q = qSym[i];
     t = tSym[i];
     if (q != '-' && t != '-')
 	bitSetOne(aliBits, tPos);
 	if (ntChars[(int)q] == ntChars[(int)t])
 	    bitSetOne(matchBits, tPos);
     if (t != '-')
 void setAliBits(char *axtBestDir, char *chrom, int chromSize,
 	Bits *aliBits, Bits *matchBits)
 /* Set bits where there are alignments and matches. */
 char axtFileName[512];
 struct axt *axt;
 struct lineFile *lf;
 sprintf(axtFileName, "%s/%s.axt", axtBestDir, chrom);
 if ((lf = lineFileMayOpen(axtFileName, TRUE)) == NULL)
     warn("Couldn't open %s", axtFileName);
 while ((axt = axtRead(lf)) != NULL)
     axtSetBits(axt, chromSize, aliBits, matchBits);
 void statsOnSpan(char *database, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *r,
 	char *axtBestDir, struct stats *stats, FILE *f, 
 	struct scoredWindow **pWinList)
 /* Gather region info on one chromosome/region. */
 char *chrom = r->chrom;
 int chromSize = hChromSize(database, chrom);
 Bits *maskBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
 Bits *aliBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
 Bits *matchBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
 Bits *geneBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
 /* Set up aliBits and matchBits for to be turned on
  * where bases align, and where bases align and match.
  * Zero both bitmaps in areas that are transcribed. */
 setAliBits(axtBestDir, chrom, chromSize, aliBits, matchBits);
 maskFeatures(database, conn, chrom, chromSize, maskBits);
 bitNot(maskBits, chromSize);
 bitAnd(aliBits, maskBits, chromSize);
 bitAnd(matchBits, maskBits, chromSize);
 /* Set up maskBits to have 0's on gaps in genome */
 bitClear(maskBits, chromSize);
 fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "gap", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 bitNot(maskBits, chromSize);
 /* Set up bitmap for Ensemble or mRNA. */
 fbOrTableBits(database, geneBits, "ensGene", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 fbOrTableBits(database, geneBits, "mrna", chrom, chromSize, conn);
 /* Calculate various stats on windows. */
 addToStats(stats, aliBits, matchBits, geneBits, maskBits, r, f, pWinList);
 /* Cleanup */
 void reportStats(struct stats *stats, FILE *f)
 /* Report statistics */
 int i, j;
 int total = stats->totalConsCount;
 fprintf(f, "Noncoding conservation:\n");
 for (i=0; i<histSize; ++i)
     fprintf(f, "%4.1f%%: %3d ( %5.3f%%)\n", 
     	100.0 * i/histSize, 
 	stats->consCounts[i], 100.0 * stats->consCounts[i]/total);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "Gene density:\n");
 total = stats->totalGeneCount;
 for (i=0; i<histSize; ++i)
     fprintf(f, "%5.1f%%: %3d ( %5.3f%%)\n", 
     	(double)100.0 * i/histSize/geneScale, 
 	stats->geneCounts[i], 100.0 * stats->geneCounts[i]/total);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "both density:\n");
 total = stats->totalBothCount;
 for (i=0; i<histSize; ++i)
     fprintf(f, "%4.1f%%: x", (double)i/geneScale);
     for (j=0; j<histSize; ++j)
 	fprintf(f, "%f ", (double)stats->bothCounts[j][i] / total);
     fprintf(f, "\n");
 void calcCuts(int *hist, int sizeHist, int total, double scale,
 	double *cuts, int cutCount)
 /* Figure out how to go from percent of genome covered to
  * thresholds. */
 int hIx = 0, cIx;
 int acc = 0;
 for (cIx = 0; cIx < cutCount;  ++cIx)
     int threshold = round(genoCuts[cIx] * total);
     for (; hIx < sizeHist; ++hIx)
 	acc += hist[hIx];
 	if (acc >= threshold)
     cuts[cIx] = hIx * scale / sizeHist;
 int cutIx(double *cuts, int cutCount, double val)
 /* Return index of cut this falls into. */
 int i, ix = cutCount-1;
 for (i=0; i<cutCount; ++i)
     if (val < cuts[i])
 	ix = i;
 return ix;
 boolean hitsRegions(char *chrom, int start, int end, struct region *regionList)
 /* Return TRUE if position intersects any region on list. */
 struct region *r;
 for (r = regionList; r != NULL; r = r->next)
     if (sameString(chrom, r->chrom) 
     	&& rangeIntersection(start, end, r->start, r->end) > 0)
 	return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 struct chromCounts
 /* Help count up things in a chromosome. */
     struct chromCounts *next;
     char *name;	/* Chromosome name - allocated in hash. */
     int chromSize;	/* Size of chromosome */
     int count;		/* Count for this chromosome. */
 void countChromWindows(char *database, struct scoredWindow *winList, FILE *f)
 /* Go through winList and count up how many hit each chromosome. */
 struct chromCounts *ccList = NULL, *cc;
 struct hash *hash = newHash(8);
 struct scoredWindow *win;
 for (win = winList; win != NULL; win = win->next)
     char *chrom = win->chrom;
     cc = hashFindVal(hash, chrom);
     if (cc == NULL)
 	slAddHead(&ccList, cc);
 	hashAddSaveName(hash, chrom, cc, &cc->name);
 	cc->chromSize = hChromSize(database, chrom);
     cc->count += 1;
 fprintf(f, "Finished window count per chromosome:\n");
 for (cc = ccList; cc != NULL; cc = cc->next)
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%5.2f%%\n", cc->name, cc->count,
     	100.0 * cc->count * bigStepSize / cc->chromSize);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 boolean withinChromLimits(struct hash *chromLimitHash, char *chrom)
 /* Return TRUE if this pick would not over-represent this
  * chromosome (and increment current pick count on that
  * chromosome). */
 struct chromLimit *cl = hashFindVal(chromLimitHash, chrom);
 if (cl->curPicks >= cl->maxPicks)
     return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 void outputPicks(struct scoredWindow *winList,  char *database,
 	struct hash *chromLimitHash, struct stats *stats, FILE *f)
 /* Output picked regions. */
 struct scoredWindow *strata[strataCount][strataCount];
 double geneCuts[strataCount], consCuts[strataCount];
 struct scoredWindow *win, *next;
 int geneIx, consIx, pickIx;
 FILE *html = NULL;
 struct region *avoidList = NULL, *avoid;
 /* Get list of regions to avoid */
 if (avoidFile != NULL)
     avoidList = loadRegionFile(database, avoidFile);
 if (htmlOutput != NULL)
     html = mustOpen(htmlOutput, "w");
     htmStart(html, "Random Regions for 1% Project");
 fprintf(f, "Cuts at:\n");
 calcCuts(stats->consCounts, histSize, 
 	stats->totalConsCount, 1.0, consCuts, strataCount);
 uglyf("cons %f %f %f\n", consCuts[0], consCuts[1], consCuts[2]);
 fprintf(f, "cons %f %f %f\n", consCuts[0], consCuts[1], consCuts[2]);
 calcCuts(stats->geneCounts, histSize, 
 	stats->totalGeneCount, 1.0/geneScale, geneCuts, strataCount);
 uglyf("gene %f %f %f\n", geneCuts[0], geneCuts[1], geneCuts[2]);
 uglyf("gene %f %f %f\n", geneCuts[0], geneCuts[1], geneCuts[2]);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 /* Move winList to strata. */
 zeroBytes(strata, sizeof(strata));
 for (win = winList; win != NULL; win = next)
     /* Calculate appropriate strata and move. */
     next = win->next;
     consIx = cutIx(consCuts, strataCount, win->consRatio);
     geneIx = cutIx(geneCuts, strataCount, win->geneRatio);
     slAddHead(&strata[consIx][geneIx], win);
 /* Shuffle strata and output first picks in each. */
 for (consIx=strataCount-1; consIx>=0; --consIx)
     for (geneIx=strataCount-1; geneIx>=0; --geneIx)
 	int cs=0, gs=0;
 	if (geneIx>0)
 	    gs = round(100*genoCuts[geneIx-1]);
 	if (consIx>0)
 	    cs = round(100*genoCuts[consIx-1]);
 	fprintf(f, "consNonTx %d%%-%d%%, gene %d%%-%d%%\n", 
 		cs, round(100*genoCuts[consIx]),
 		gs, round(100*genoCuts[geneIx]));
 	if (html)
 	    fprintf(html, "<H2>consNonTx %d%% - %d%%, gene %d%% - %d%%</H3>\n", 
 		cs, round(100*genoCuts[consIx]),
 		gs, round(100*genoCuts[geneIx]));
 	pickIx = 0;
 	for (win = strata[consIx][geneIx]; win != NULL; win = win->next)
 	    int end = win->start + bigWinSize;
 	    if (!hitsRegions(win->chrom, win->start, end, avoidList))
 		if (withinChromLimits(chromLimitHash, win->chrom))
 		    avoid->chrom = cloneString(win->chrom);
 		    avoid->start = win->start;
 		    avoid->end = end;
 		    slAddHead(&avoidList, avoid);
 		    fprintf(f, "%s:%d-%d\t", win->chrom, win->start+1, end);
 		    fprintf(f, "consNonTx %4.1f%%, gene %4.1f%%\n",
 			    100*win->consRatio, 100*win->geneRatio);
 		    if (html)
 			fprintf(html, "<A HREF=\"http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/");
 			fprintf(html, "hgTracks?db=%s&position=%s:%d-%d\">",
 				database, win->chrom, win->start+1, end);
 			fprintf(html, "%s:%d-%d</A>", win->chrom, win->start+1, end);
 			fprintf(html, "\tconsNonTx %4.1f%%, gene %4.1f%%<BR>\n",
 				100*win->consRatio, 100*win->geneRatio);
 		    if (++pickIx >= picksPer)
 	fprintf(f, "\n");
 if (html)
 struct hash *getChromLimits(char *database)
 /* Get hash full of chromosome limits. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 struct hash *hash = newHash(8);
 struct chromLimit *clList = NULL, *cl;
 double sum = 0;
 char *limitFile = optionVal("chromLimit", NULL);
 /* Read in chromosome info from database. */
-sr = sqlGetResult(conn, NOSQLINJ "select chrom,size from chromInfo");
+char query[1024];
+sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select chrom,size from chromInfo");
+sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     hashAddSaveName(hash, row[0], cl, &cl->name);
     cl->size = atoi(row[1]);
     sum += cl->size;
     slAddHead(&clList, cl);
 /* Calculate max picks. */
 for (cl = clList; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
     cl->maxPicks = round(60.0*cl->size/sum);
 /* Override max picks based on chromLimits file if any. */
 if (limitFile != NULL)
     struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(limitFile, TRUE);
     char *row[2];
     while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
 	cl = hashFindVal(hash, row[0]);
 	cl->maxPicks = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
 return hash;
 void regionPicker(char *database, char *axtBestDir, char *output)
 /* regionPicker - Code to pick regions to annotate deeply.. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL;
 struct slName *allChroms = NULL, *chrom = NULL;
 struct region *regionList = NULL, *region;
 FILE *f = mustOpen(output, "w");
 struct stats *stats;
 struct scoredWindow *winList = NULL;
 struct hash *chromLimitHash = NULL;
 chromLimitHash = getChromLimits(database);
 /* Figure out which regions to process from command line.
  * By default will do whole genome. */
 if (sameWord(clRegion, "genome"))
     allChroms = hAllChromNames(database);
     for (chrom = allChroms; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
 	if (!endsWith(chrom->name, "_random"))
 	    region->name = cloneString(chrom->name);
 	    region->chrom = cloneString(chrom->name);
 	    region->start = 0;
 	    region->end = hChromSize(database, chrom->name);
 	    slAddHead(&regionList, region);
 else if (startsWith("chr", clRegion) && strchr(clRegion, ':') == NULL)
     region->name = cloneString(clRegion);
     region->chrom = cloneString(clRegion);
     region->start = 0;
     region->end = hChromSize(database, clRegion);
     slAddHead(&regionList, region);
     regionList = loadRegionFile(database, clRegion);
 /* Gather statistics one region at a time and then
  * print them. */
 conn = hAllocConn(database);
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
      printf("Processing %s %s:%d-%d\n", region->name,
      	region->chrom, region->start, region->end);
      statsOnSpan(database, conn, region, axtBestDir, stats, f, &winList);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 reportStats(stats, f);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 uglyf("Got %d windows with no gaps\n", slCount(winList));
 countChromWindows(database, winList, f);
 outputPicks(winList, database, chromLimitHash, stats, f);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionHash(&argc, argv);
 clRegion = optionVal("region", clRegion);
 bigWinSize = optionInt("bigWinSize", bigWinSize);
 bigStepSize = optionInt("bigStepSize", bigStepSize);
 smallWinSize = optionInt("smallWinSize", smallWinSize);
 threshold = optionFloat("threshold", threshold);
 picksPer = optionInt("picksPer", picksPer);
 htmlOutput = optionVal("html", htmlOutput);
 avoidFile = optionVal("avoid", avoidFile);
 randSeed = optionInt("randSeed", randSeed);
 printWin = optionExists("printWin");
 if (argc != 4)
 regionPicker(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
 return 0;