  Tue Apr 26 11:12:02 2022 -0700
SQL INJECTION Prevention Version 2 - this improves our methods by making subclauses of SQL that get passed around be both easy and correct to use. The way that was achieved was by getting rid of the obscure and not well used functions sqlSafefFrag and sqlDyStringPrintfFrag and replacing them with the plain versions of those functions, since these are not needed anymore. The new version checks for NOSQLINJ in unquoted %-s which is used to include SQL clauses, and will give an error the NOSQLINJ clause is not present, and this will automatically require the correct behavior by developers. sqlDyStringPrint is a very useful function, however because it was not enforced, users could use various other dyString functions and they operated without any awareness or checking for SQL correct use. Now those dyString functions are prohibited and it will produce an error if you try to use a dyString function on a SQL string, which is simply detected by the presence of the NOSQLINJ prefix.

diff --git src/hg/near/hgNear/userSettings.c src/hg/near/hgNear/userSettings.c
index ce0516c..4011dd7 100644
--- src/hg/near/hgNear/userSettings.c
+++ src/hg/near/hgNear/userSettings.c
@@ -1,301 +1,301 @@
 /* userSettings - pages and control sets for loading/saving
  * user settings. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2012 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hgNear.h"
 static char *catAndClone(char *a, char *b)
 /* Return concatenation of a and b in dynamic memory. */
 int aLen = strlen(a);
 int bLen = strlen(b);
 char *buf = needMem(aLen + bLen + 1);
 memcpy(buf, a, aLen);
 memcpy(buf+aLen, b, bLen);
 return buf;
 static char *settingsVarName(char *prefix, char *label)
 /* Given user readable label construct var name */
 char *symName = cloneString(label);
 char *varName;
 varName = catAndClone(prefix, label);
 return varName;
 static char *settingsLabel(struct userSettings *us, char *varName)
 /* Given varName return corresponding label. */
 char *spacedString = cloneString(varName + strlen(us->savePrefix));
 subChar(spacedString, '_', ' ');
 return spacedString;
 struct userSettings *userSettingsNew(
 	struct cart *cart,	/* Persistent variable cart. */
 	char *formTitle,	/* Heading of settings save form. */
 	char *formVar,		/* Name of button variable on save form. */
 	char *localVarPrefix)   /* Prefix to use for internal cart variables. 
 		                 * No periods allowed because of javascript. */
 /* Make new object to help manage sets of user settings. */
 struct userSettings *us;
 us->cart = cart;
 us->formTitle = cloneString(formTitle);
 us->formVar = cloneString(formVar);
 us->savePrefix = catAndClone(localVarPrefix, "named_");
 us->nameVar = catAndClone(localVarPrefix, "name");
 us->listDisplayVar = catAndClone(localVarPrefix, "displayList");
 return us;
 void userSettingsCaptureVar(struct userSettings *us, char *varName)
 /* Add a single variable to list of variables to capture. */
 struct slName *n = slNameNew(varName);
 slAddHead(&us->saveList, n);
 void userSettingsCapturePrefix(struct userSettings *us, char *prefix)
 /* Capture all variables that start with prefix. */
 struct hashEl *el, *list = cartFindPrefix(us->cart, prefix);
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     struct slName *n = slNameNew(el->name);
     slAddHead(&us->saveList, n);
 boolean userSettingsAnySaved(struct userSettings *us)
 /* Return TRUE if any user settings are saved. */
 struct hashEl *list = cartFindPrefix(us->cart, us->savePrefix);
 boolean any = (list != NULL);
 return any;
 void userSettingsUseNamed(struct userSettings *us, char *setName)
 /* Use named collection of settings. */
 struct cart *cart = us->cart;
 char *varName = settingsVarName(us->savePrefix, setName);
 char *settings = cartOptionalString(cart, varName);
 if (settings != NULL)
     struct hash *hash = hashVarLine(settings, 1);
     struct hashEl *list = hashElListHash(hash);
     struct hashEl *el;
     for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
 	cartSetString(cart, el->name, el->val);
 void userSettingsUseSelected(struct userSettings *us)
 /* Use currently selected user settings. */
 char *setName = cartOptionalString(us->cart, us->nameVar);
 if (setName != NULL)
     userSettingsUseNamed(us, setName);
 static void printLabelList(struct userSettings *us, struct hashEl *list)
 /* Print list of available settings as options. */
 struct hashEl *el;
 char *curSetting = cartUsualString(us->cart, us->nameVar, "");
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     char *label = settingsLabel(us, el->name);
     hPrintf("<OPTION%s VALUE=\"%s\">%s</OPTION>\n", 
 	    (sameString(curSetting, label) ? " SELECTED" : ""),
 	    label, label);
 void userSettingsSaveForm(struct userSettings *us)
 /* Put up controls that let user name and save the current
  * set. */
 char buf[1024];
 struct hashEl *list = cartFindPrefix(us->cart, us->savePrefix);
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "Save %s", us->formTitle);
 makeTitle(buf, NULL);
 /* Start form/save session/print title. */
 hPrintf("<FORM ACTION=\"../cgi-bin/hgNear\" NAME=\"usForm\" METHOD=GET>\n");
 /* Put up controls that are always there. */
 hPrintf("Please name this setup:\n");
 cartMakeTextVar(us->cart, us->nameVar, "", 16);
 hPrintf(" ");
 cgiMakeButton(us->formVar, "save");
 hPrintf(" ");
 cgiMakeButton(us->formVar, "cancel");
 /* Put up additional controls if have saved settings already. */
 if (list != NULL)
-    struct dyString *js = newDyString(0);
+    struct dyString *js = dyStringNew(0);
     slSort(&list, hashElCmp);
     hPrintf("Existing Setups:");
     dyStringPrintf(js, "document.usForm.%s.value=", us->nameVar);
     dyStringPrintf(js, "document.usForm.%s.options", us->listDisplayVar);
     dyStringPrintf(js, "[document.usForm.%s.selectedIndex].value;", us->listDisplayVar);
     hPrintf("<SELECT id='%s' NAME=\"%s\" SIZE=%d>",
     	us->listDisplayVar, us->listDisplayVar, slCount(list));  // TODO XSS Filter GALT
     jsOnEventById("change", us->listDisplayVar, js->string);
     printLabelList(us, list);
     cgiMakeButton(us->formVar, "delete existing setup");
 /* Cleanup. */
 void userSettingsLoadForm(struct userSettings *us)
 /* Put up controls that let user name and save the current
  * set. */
 char buf[1024];
 struct hashEl *list = cartFindPrefix(us->cart, us->savePrefix);
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "Load %s", us->formTitle);
 makeTitle(buf, NULL);
 /* Start form/save session/print title. */
 hPrintf("<FORM ACTION=\"../cgi-bin/hgNear\" NAME=\"usForm\" METHOD=GET>\n");
 hPrintf("<SELECT NAME=\"%s\" SIZE=%d>",
     us->nameVar, slCount(list));
 printLabelList(us, list);
 cgiMakeButton(us->formVar, "load");
 hPrintf(" ");
 cgiMakeButton(us->formVar, "cancel");
 /* Cleanup. */
 static void dyStringAppendQuoted(struct dyString *dy, char *s)
 /* Append s to dyString, surrounding with quotes and escaping
  * internal quotes. */
 char c;
 dyStringAppendC(dy, '"');
 while ((c = *s++) != 0)
     if (c == '"')
        dyStringAppendC(dy, '\\');
     dyStringAppendC(dy, c);
 dyStringAppendC(dy, '"');
 dyStringAppendC(dy, ' ');
 static void saveSettings(struct userSettings *us, char *varName)
 /* Save captured settings to varName. */
 struct cart *cart = us->cart;
 struct slName *capture;
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(4*1024);
 for (capture = us->saveList; capture != NULL; capture = capture->next)
     char *name = capture->name;
     char *val = cartOptionalString(cart, name);
     if (val != NULL)
 	dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s=", name);
 	dyStringAppendQuoted(dy, val);
 cartSetString(cart, varName, dy->string);
 boolean userSettingsProcessForm(struct userSettings *us)
 /* Handle button press in userSettings form. 
  * If this returns TRUE then form is finished processing 
  * and you can call something to make the next page. */
 struct cart *cart = us->cart;
 char *command = cartString(cart, us->formVar);
 boolean retVal = TRUE;
 char *name = cartNonemptyString(cart, us->nameVar);
 command = trimSpaces(command);
 if (sameWord(command, "save") && name != NULL)
     char *varName = settingsVarName(us->savePrefix, name);
     saveSettings(us, varName);
 else if (startsWith(command, "load") && name != NULL)
 else if (startsWith("delete", command))
     char *which = cartOptionalString(cart, us->listDisplayVar);
     if (which != NULL)
 	char *varName = settingsVarName(us->savePrefix, which);
 	cartRemove(cart, varName);
 	retVal = FALSE;
 cartRemove(cart, us->formVar);
 return retVal;
 void userSettingsDropDown(struct userSettings *us)
 /* Display list of available saved settings . */
 struct hashEl *list = cartFindPrefix(us->cart, us->savePrefix);
 if (list != NULL)
     hPrintf("<SELECT NAME=\"%s\">\n", us->nameVar);
     slSort(&list, hashElCmp);
     printLabelList(us, list);