  Fri May 6 13:39:49 2022 -0700
Adding link to blog on sharing URLs to new FAQlink.html#trackHubLoading entry refs #24314

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/FAQ/FAQlink.html src/hg/htdocs/FAQ/FAQlink.html
index 2cfcb69..77ca6c4 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/FAQ/FAQlink.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/FAQ/FAQlink.html
@@ -279,30 +279,38 @@
 assembly hub itself via the <code>hubUrl=</code> URL parameter. GenArk hubs will automatically
 attach themselves if the track hub mentions the GCA_ or GCF_ name identifier of the assembly hub.
 Simply load the track hub on the Genome Browser, and the assembly hub will automatically appear. For
 example, the following <a href="https://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~jairo/trackHubs/genArkTrackHub/hub.txt"
 target="_blank">example track hub</a> will load an additional track for the pig (GCA_002844635.1)
 GenArk assembly.
 To create a link to the track hub that references a GenArk assembly, the
 <code>genome=GCA_002844635.1</code> and <code>hubUrl=</code> URL parameters can be used like in the
 following example:
 <a href="/cgi-bin/hgTracks?genome=GCA_002844635.1&hubUrl=https://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~jairo/trackHubs/genArkTrackHub/hub.txt" target="_blank">https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?genome=GCA_002844635.1&hubUrl=https://genome-test.gi.ucsc.edu/~jairo/trackHubs/genArkTrackHub/hub.txt</a>
+You can also read a blog post,
+<a href="https://genome-blog.soe.ucsc.edu/blog/2021/08/13/sharing-data-with-sessions-and-urls"
+target="_blank">Sharing Data with Sessions and URLs</a> about how to
+<a href="https://genome-blog.soe.ucsc.edu/blog/2021/08/13/sharing-data-with-sessions-and-urls/#assemblyHubs"
+target="_blank">build URLS to track hubs on assembly hubs</a> or see further examples of
+<a href="https://genome-blog.soe.ucsc.edu/blog/2021/08/13/sharing-data-with-sessions-and-urls/#GenArk"
+target="_blank">GenArk hubs</a> loaded with custom data.</p>
 <a name="genes"></a>
 <a name="link3"></a>
 <h2>Linking to gene-specific information</h2>
 <h6>How do I link to a specific gene or specific gene description page?</h6>
 To jump directly to a gene's position on the Genome Browser, set the position parameter in the
 URL to a gene symbol (e.g., TP53, MTOR, KRAS) and add the parameter
 <code>singleSearch=knownCanonical</code>. For example, the following link will open the
 Genome Browser for the hg19 human assembly at the position of TP53 on the knownCanonical dataset
 <p><code><a href="../cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg19&singleSearch=knownCanonical&position=TP53" target="_blank">http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg19&singleSearch=knownCanonical&position=TP53</a></code></p>
 <a name="gene"></a>
 You can also link directly to gene description pages from the URL. Instead of a position search,