  Mon May 2 10:16:21 2022 -0700
clean up loose ends no redmine

diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/doXenoRefGene.pl src/hg/utils/automation/doXenoRefGene.pl
index ca80d0e..ac82f68 100755
--- src/hg/utils/automation/doXenoRefGene.pl
+++ src/hg/utils/automation/doXenoRefGene.pl
@@ -1,430 +1,430 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 # DO NOT EDIT the /cluster/bin/scripts copy of this file --
 # edit ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doXenoRefGene.pl instead.
 use Getopt::Long;
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
 use lib "$Bin";
 use HgAutomate;
 use HgRemoteScript;
 use HgStepManager;
 # Option variable names, both common and peculiar to this script:
 use vars @HgAutomate::commonOptionVars;
 use vars @HgStepManager::optionVars;
 use vars qw/
 # Specify the steps supported with -continue / -stop:
 my $stepper = new HgStepManager(
     [ { name => 'splitTarget',   func => \&doSplitTarget },
       { name => 'blatRun', func => \&doBlatRun },
       { name => 'filterPsl', func => \&doFilterPsl },
       { name => 'makeGp', func => \&doMakeGp },
       { name => 'cleanup', func => \&doCleanup },
 # Option defaults:
 my $bigClusterHub = 'ku';
 my $workhorse = 'hgwdev';
 my $dbHost = 'hgwdev';
 my $defaultWorkhorse = 'hgwdev';
 my $maskedSeq = "$HgAutomate::clusterData/\$db/\$db.2bit";
 my $mrnas = "/hive/data/genomes/asmHubs/xenoRefSeq";
 my $noDbGenePredCheck = 1;    # default yes, use -db for genePredCheck
 my $base = $0;
 $base =~ s/^(.*\/)?//;
 sub usage {
   # Usage / help / self-documentation:
   my ($status, $detailed) = @_;
   # Basic help (for incorrect usage):
   print STDERR "
 usage: $base db
   print STDERR $stepper->getOptionHelp();
   print STDERR <<_EOF_
     -buildDir dir         Use dir instead of default
                           (necessary when continuing at a later date).
     -maskedSeq seq.2bit   Use seq.2bit as the masked input sequence instead
                           of default ($maskedSeq).
     -mrnas </path/to/xenoRefSeqMrna> - location of xenoRefMrna.fa.gz
                 expanded directory of mrnas/ and xenoRefMrna.sizes, default
     -noDbGenePredCheck    do not use -db= on genePredCheck, there is no real db
   print STDERR &HgAutomate::getCommonOptionHelp('dbHost' => $dbHost,
                                 'bigClusterHub' => $bigClusterHub,
                                 'workhorse' => $defaultWorkhorse);
   print STDERR "
 Automates construction of a xeno RefSeq gene track from RefSeq mRNAs.  Steps:
     splitTarget split the masked target sequence into individual fasta sequences
     blatRun:    Run blat with the xenoRefSeq mRNAs query to target sequence
     filterPsl:  Run pslCDnaFilter on the blat psl results
     makeGp:     Transform the filtered PSL into a genePred file and create
                 bigGenePred from the genePred file
     cleanup:    Removes hard-masked fastas and output from gsBig.
 All operations are performed in the build directory which is
 $HgAutomate::clusterData/\$db/$HgAutomate::trackBuild/xenoRefGene unless -buildDir is given.
   # Detailed help (-help):
   print STDERR "
 1. $HgAutomate::clusterData/\$db/\$db.2bit contains RepeatMasked sequence for
    database/assembly \$db.
 " if ($detailed);
   print "\n";
   exit $status;
 # Globals:
 # Command line args: db
 my ($db);
 # Other:
 my ($buildDir, $secondsStart, $secondsEnd);
 sub checkOptions {
   # Make sure command line options are valid/supported.
   my $ok = GetOptions(@HgStepManager::optionSpec,
   &usage(1) if (!$ok);
   &usage(0, 1) if ($opt_help);
   my $err = $stepper->processOptions();
   usage(1) if ($err);
   $workhorse = $opt_workhorse if ($opt_workhorse);
   $bigClusterHub = $opt_bigClusterHub if ($opt_bigClusterHub);
   $dbHost = $opt_dbHost if ($opt_dbHost);
 # * step: splitTarget [workhorse]
 sub doSplitTarget {
   # run faSplit on the masked 2bit target sequence and prepare the target.list
   my $runDir = "$buildDir";
   # First, make sure we're starting clean.
   if (-d "$runDir/target") {
     die "doXenoRefGene splitTarget step already done, remove directory 'target' to rerun,\n" .
       "or '-continue blatRun' to run next step.\n";
   my $whatItDoes="split the masked 2bit file into fasta files for blat alignment processing.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/doSplitTarget.bash", $workhorse,
 				      $runDir, $whatItDoes);
 export asmId="$db"
 export maskedSeq="$maskedSeq"
 export queryCount=`cat "$mrnas/query.list" | wc -l`
 # aim for about 100,000 cluster job batch size, could end up less than this
 export targetPartCount=`echo \$queryCount | awk '{printf "%d", 1 + (100000 / \$1)}'`
 twoBitInfo \$maskedSeq stdout | sort -k2,2nr > \$asmId.chrom.sizes
 export targetParts=`cat \$asmId.chrom.sizes | wc -l`
 export maxChunk=`head -1 \$asmId.chrom.sizes | awk '{printf "%d", 1.1*\$(NF)}'`
 if [ \$maxChunk -lt 10000000 ]; then
 export seqLimit=`echo \$targetParts \$targetPartCount | awk '{printf "%d", 1 + (\$1 / \$2)}'`
 if [ \$seqLimit -lt 1000 ]; then
 export totalJobs=`echo \$queryCount \$targetPartCount | awk '{printf "%d", \$1 * \$2}'`
 printf "# batch job count will be approximately: \%d or even less than that.\\n", \$totalJobs
 rm -fr targetList
 ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/partitionSequence.pl -concise \\
    -lstDir=targetList \$maxChunk 0 \$maskedSeq \$asmId.chrom.sizes \$seqLimit
 rm -fr target
 mkdir target
 ls targetList/*.lst | while read partSpec
   export part=`basename \$partSpec | sed -e 's/.lst//;'`
   export faFile="target/\$part.fa"
   export seqList="target/\$part.lst"
   rm -f \$faFile
   cat \$partSpec | sed -e 's#.*2bit:##;' > \$seqList
   twoBitToFa -seqList=\$seqList \$maskedSeq \$faFile
   rm -f \$seqList
 gzip target/*.fa
 ls target | sed -e 's/.fa.gz//;' > target.list
 } # doSplitTarget
 # * step: blatRun [bigClusterHub]
 sub doBlatRun {
   # Set up and perform the cluster run to run the blat alignment of RefSeq
   #     mrnas to the split target fasta sequences.
   my $paraHub = $bigClusterHub;
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/blatRun";
   # First, make sure previous step has completed,
   #       and starting clean without this step result present:
   if (! -d "$buildDir/target" || ! -s "$buildDir/target.list") {
     die "doXenoRefGene the previous step 'splitTarget' did not complete \n" .
       "successfully (target.list or target/*.fa.gz does not exists).\nPlease " .
       "complete the previous step: -continue=-splitTarget\n";
   } elsif (-e "$runDir/run.time") {
     die "doXenoRefGene looks like this step was run successfully already " .
       "(run.time exists).\nEither run with -continue filterPsl or some later " .
 	"stage,\nor move aside/remove $runDir/ and run again.\n";
   } elsif ((-e "$runDir/jobList") && ! $opt_debug) {
     die "doXenoRefGene looks like we are not starting with a clean " .
       "slate.\n\tclean\n  $runDir/\n\tand run again.\n";
   my $templateCmd = ("blatOne " . '$(root1) ' . '$(root2) '
                 . "{check out exists result/" . '$(root1)/$(root2).psl}');
   &HgAutomate::makeGsub($runDir, $templateCmd);
  `touch "$runDir/para_hub_$paraHub"`;
   my $whatItDoes = "runs blat mRNAs query sequence bundle to one target sequence";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/blatOne", $paraHub,
 				      $runDir, $whatItDoes);
 export queryDir="$mrnas/mrnas";
 export target=\$1
 export query=\$2
 export result=\$3
 mkdir -p `dirname \$result`
 blat -noHead -q=rnax -t=dnax -mask=lower ../target/\$target.fa.gz \$queryDir/\$query.fa.gz \$result
   $whatItDoes = "Operate the blat run of the mRNAs query sequence to the target split sequence.";
   $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/runBlat.bash", $paraHub,
 				      $runDir, $whatItDoes);
   my $paraRun = &HgAutomate::paraRun();
 chmod +x blatOne
 gensub2 ../target.list $mrnas/query.list gsub jobList
 } # doBlatRun
 # * step: filterPsl [workhorse]
 sub doFilterPsl {
   my $runDir = $buildDir;
   # First, make sure we're starting clean.
   if (! -e "$runDir/blatRun/run.time") {
     die "doFilterPsl the previous step blatRun did not complete \n" .
       "successfully ($buildDir/blatRun/run.time does not exist).\nPlease " .
       "complete the previous step: -continue=blatRun\n";
   } elsif (-e "$runDir/$db.xenoRefGene.psl" ) {
     die "doFilterPsl looks like this was run successfully already\n" .
       "($db.xenoRefGene.psl exists).  Either run with -continue makeGp or cleanup\n" .
 	"or move aside/remove $runDir/$db.xenoRefGene.psl\nand run again.\n";
   my $whatItDoes = "Filters the raw psl results from the blatRun.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/filterPsl.bash", $workhorse,
 				      $runDir, $whatItDoes);
 export db="$db"
 find ./blatRun/result -type f | xargs cat \\
     | gnusort -S100G --parallel=32 -k10,10 > \$db.all.psl
 pslCDnaFilter -minId=0.35 -minCover=0.25  -globalNearBest=0.0100 -minQSize=20 \\
   -ignoreIntrons -repsAsMatch -ignoreNs -bestOverlap \\
     \$db.all.psl \$db.xenoRefGene.psl
 pslCheck -targetSizes=\$db.chrom.sizes \\
   -querySizes=$mrnas/xenoRefMrna.sizes \\
 } # doFilterPsl
-# * step: make gp [workhorse]
+# * step: make gp [dbHost]
 sub doMakeGp {
   my $runDir = $buildDir;
   # First, make sure we're starting clean.
   if (! -e "$runDir/$db.xenoRefGene.psl") {
     die "doMakeGp: the previous step filterPsl did not complete \n" .
       "successfully ($buildDir/$db.xenoRefGene.psl does not exist).\nPlease " .
       "complete the previous step: -continue=filterPsl\n";
   } elsif (-e "$runDir/$db.xenoRefGene.bb" ) {
     die "doMakeGp: looks like this was run successfully already\n" .
       "($db.xenoRefGene.bb exists).  Either run with -continue cleanup\n" .
 	"or move aside/remove $runDir/$db.xenoRefGene.bb\nand run again.\n";
   my $whatItDoes = "Makes bigGenePred.bb file from filterPsl output.";
-  my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/makeGp.bash", $workhorse,
+  my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/makeGp.bash", $dbHost,
 				      $runDir, $whatItDoes);
 export db="$db"
 export buildDir="$buildDir"
 if [ -s "\$db.xenoRefGene.psl" ]; then
   grep NR_ \$db.xenoRefGene.psl > NR.psl
   grep NM_ \$db.xenoRefGene.psl > NM.psl
   mrnaToGene -cdsDb=hgFixed NM.psl NM.gp
   mrnaToGene -noCds NR.psl NR.gp
   cat NM.gp NR.gp | genePredSingleCover stdin \$db.xenoRefGene.gp
   genePredCheck -db=\$db -chromSizes=\$db.chrom.sizes \$db.xenoRefGene.gp
   genePredToBed \$db.xenoRefGene.gp stdout \\
     | bedToExons stdin stdout | bedSingleCover.pl stdin > \$db.exons.bed
   export baseCount=`awk '{sum+=\$3-\$2}END{printf "%d", sum}' \$db.exons.bed`
   export asmSizeNoGaps=`grep sequences ../../\$db.faSize.txt | awk '{print \$5}'`
   export perCent=`echo \$baseCount \$asmSizeNoGaps | awk '{printf "%.3f", 100.0*\$1/\$2}'`
   printf "%d bases of %d (%s%%) in intersection\\n" "\$baseCount" "\$asmSizeNoGaps" "\$perCent" > fb.\$db.xenoRefGene.txt
   rm -f \$db.exons.bed
   genePredToBigGenePred -geneNames=$mrnas/geneOrgXref.txt \$db.xenoRefGene.gp \\
      stdout | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > \$db.bgpInput
   sed -e 's#Alternative/human readable gene name#species of origin of the mRNA#; s#Name or ID of item, ideally both human readable and unique#RefSeq accession id#; s#Primary identifier for gene#gene name#;' \\
     \$HOME/kent/src/hg/lib/bigGenePred.as > xenoRefGene.as
   bedToBigBed -extraIndex=name,geneName -type=bed12+8 -tab -as=xenoRefGene.as \\
      \$db.bgpInput \$db.chrom.sizes \$db.xenoRefGene.bb
   \$HOME/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/xenoRefGeneIx.pl \$db.bgpInput | sort -u > \$db.ix.txt
   ixIxx \$db.ix.txt \$db.xenoRefGene.ix \$db.xenoRefGene.ixx
   mkdir -p /dev/shm/\$db
   cp -p \$db.xenoRefGene.gp /dev/shm/\$db/xenoRefGene.\$db
   cd /dev/shm/\$db
   genePredToGtf -utr file xenoRefGene.\$db stdout | gzip -c \\
     > \$buildDir/\$db.xenoRefGene.gtf.gz
   cd \$buildDir
   rm -f /dev/shm/\$db/xenoRefGene.\$db
   rmdir /dev/shm/\$db
 } # doMakeGp
 # * step: cleanup [workhorse]
 sub doCleanup {
   my $runDir = $buildDir;
   if (-e "$runDir/$db.xenoRefGene.gp.gz" ) {
     die "doCleanup: looks like this was run successfully already\n" .
       "($db.xenoRefGene.gp.gz exists).  Investigate the run directory:\n" .
 	" $runDir/\n";
   my $whatItDoes = "It cleans up or compresses intermediate files.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/cleanup.bash", $workhorse,
 				      $runDir, $whatItDoes);
 export db="$db"
 export buildDir="$buildDir"
 rm -fr \$buildDir/target/
 rm -fr \$buildDir/blatRun/err/
 rm -fr \$buildDir/blatRun/result/
 rm -f \$buildDir/blatRun/batch.bak
 rm -f \$buildDir/NM.gp
 rm -f \$buildDir/NR.gp
 rm -f \$buildDir/NM.psl
 rm -f \$buildDir/NR.psl
 if [ -s "\$buildDir/\$db.bgpInput" ]; then
   gzip \$buildDir/\$db.bgpInput &
 if [ -s "\$buildDir/\$db.ix.txt" ]; then
   gzip \$buildDir/\$db.ix.txt &
 if [ -s "\$buildDir/\$db.all.psl" ]; then
   gzip \$buildDir/\$db.all.psl &
   rm -f \$buildDir/\$db.all.psl
 if [ -s "\$buildDir/\$db.xenoRefGene.psl" ]; then
   gzip \$buildDir/\$db.xenoRefGene.psl &
   rm -f \$buildDir/\$db.xenoRefGene.psl
 if [ -s "\$buildDir/\$db.xenoRefGene.gp" ]; then
 gzip \$buildDir/\$db.xenoRefGene.gp
 } # doCleanup
 # main
 # Prevent "Suspended (tty input)" hanging:
 # Make sure we have valid options and exactly 1 argument:
 &usage(1) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1);
 $secondsStart = `date "+%s"`;
 chomp $secondsStart;
 ($db) = @ARGV;
 # Force debug and verbose until this is looking pretty solid:
 #$opt_debug = 1;
 #$opt_verbose = 3 if ($opt_verbose < 3);
 $noDbGenePredCheck = $opt_noDbGenePredCheck ? 0 : $noDbGenePredCheck;
 # Establish what directory we will work in.
 $buildDir = $opt_buildDir ? $opt_buildDir :
 $maskedSeq = $opt_maskedSeq ? $opt_maskedSeq :
 $mrnas = $opt_mrnas ? $opt_mrnas : $mrnas;
 # Do everything.
 # Tell the user anything they should know.
 my $stopStep = $stepper->getStopStep();
 my $upThrough = ($stopStep eq 'cleanup') ? "" :
   "  (through the '$stopStep' step)";
 $secondsEnd = `date "+%s"`;
 chomp $secondsEnd;
 my $elapsedSeconds = $secondsEnd - $secondsStart;
 my $elapsedMinutes = int($elapsedSeconds/60);
 $elapsedSeconds -= $elapsedMinutes * 60;
 	"\n *** All done !  Elapsed time: ${elapsedMinutes}m${elapsedSeconds}s\n");
 	"\n *** All done!$upThrough\n");
 	" *** Steps were performed in $buildDir\n");
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "\n");