afffac65ec2d51d24a2c0d779e3c44e41760f1ab galt Fri May 27 10:21:32 2022 -0700 minor fix for NOSQLINJv2. needed to use sql safe functions. diff --git src/hg/hgc/cgapSageClick.c src/hg/hgc/cgapSageClick.c index 6a33969..53f79f5 100644 --- src/hg/hgc/cgapSageClick.c +++ src/hg/hgc/cgapSageClick.c @@ -1,221 +1,221 @@ /* Handle details page for CGAP SAGE track. */ /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California * See kent/LICENSE or for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "cart.h" #include "hgc.h" #include "hCommon.h" #include "hgColors.h" #include "web.h" #include "cgapSage/cgapSage.h" #include "cgapSage/cgapSageLib.h" static struct cgapSage *cgapSageTagLoad(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb) /* Return the positional info (bed) with the list of libs/measurements. */ { struct cgapSage *tag = NULL; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char *chrom = cgiString("c"); int start = cgiInt("o"); int end = cgiUsualInt("t", 0); char *tagName = cgiString("i"); int rowOffset; char extraWhere[128]; if (tagName == NULL) errAbort("Missing tag sequence in click for cgapSage track."); -safef(extraWhere, sizeof(extraWhere), "name=\'%s\'", tagName); +sqlSafef(extraWhere, sizeof(extraWhere), "name=\'%s\'", tagName); sr = hOrderedRangeQuery(conn, tdb->table, chrom, start, end, extraWhere, &rowOffset); row = sqlNextRow(sr); if (row != NULL) tag = cgapSageLoad(row+rowOffset); sqlFreeResult(&sr); return tag; } static struct cgapSageLib *loadLibTable(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Just load up the whole cgapSageLib table. */ { struct cgapSageLib *libs = NULL; char query[256]; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cgapSageLib"); libs = cgapSageLibLoadByQuery(conn, query); return libs; } static struct hash *getLibHash(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Hash up a loaded cgapSageLib table. */ { struct hash *hash = newHash(9); struct cgapSageLib *libs = loadLibTable(conn); struct cgapSageLib *lib; for (lib = libs; lib != NULL; lib = lib->next) { char s[16]; safef(s, sizeof(s), "%d", lib->libId); hashAdd(hash, s, lib); } return hash; } static void printCgapSageHeader(struct cgapSage *tag) /* Print basic information about the tag at the top. */ { printf("<B>Tag sequence</B>: %s<BR>\n", tag->name); printf("<B>Position:</B> " "<A HREF=\"%s&db=%s&position=%s%%3A%d-%d\">%s:%d-%d</a><BR>\n", hgTracksPathAndSettings(), database, tag->chrom, tag->chromStart+1, tag->chromEnd, tag->chrom, tag->chromStart+1, tag->chromEnd); printf("<B>Strand:</B> %c<BR>\n", tag->strand[0]); if (tag->numSnps > 0) { int i; printf("<B>Number of SNPs associated with tag</B>: %d<BR>\n", tag->numSnps); printf("<B>SNPs associated with tag</B>: "); for (i = 0; i < tag->numSnps-1; i++) printf("%s, ", tag->snps[i]); printf("%s<BR>\n", tag->snps[i]); } } static void stringCellLabelVal(char *label, char *val, boolean newRow) /* print label and value as adjacent cells */ { if (val && !sameString(val, "")) { webPrintLabelCell(label); webPrintLinkCell(val); if (newRow) webPrintLinkTableNewRow(); } } static void intCellLabelVal(char *label, int val, boolean newRow) /* much like stringCellLabelVal, but allowing numbers. */ { char buf[32]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", val); stringCellLabelVal(label, buf, newRow); } static void printCgapLibSection(struct hash *libHash, char *libId) /* Print a section about a library. */ { struct cgapSageLib *lib = hashMustFindVal(libHash, libId); webNewSection("CGAP Library Information"); webPrintLinkTableStart(); stringCellLabelVal("Library Name", lib->newLibName, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Old Library Name", lib->oldLibName, TRUE); intCellLabelVal("Total tags in library", lib->totalTags, TRUE); intCellLabelVal("Unique tags in library", lib->uniqueTags, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Organ/tissue", lib->tissue, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Tissue preparation", lib->tissuePrep, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Cell type", lib->cellType, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Keywords", lib->keywords, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Age", lib->age, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Mutations", lib->mutations, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Other information", lib->otherInfo, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Tagging enzyme", lib->tagEnzyme, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Anchoring enzyme", lib->anchorEnzyme, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Tissue or cell line supplier", lib->cellSupplier, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Library producer", lib->libProducer, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("Laboratory", lib->laboratory, TRUE); stringCellLabelVal("References", lib->refs, FALSE); webPrintLinkTableEnd(); } static void tagTableRow(struct cgapSage *tag, unsigned libId, unsigned freq, double tagTpm, struct hash *libHash, char *clickedLibId, char *clickedTissue) /* Print one of the rows in the tag information section table. */ { struct cgapSageLib *lib; char s[256]; safef(s, sizeof(s), "%d", libId); lib = (struct cgapSageLib *)hashFindVal(libHash, s); if ((clickedLibId && sameString(s, clickedLibId)) || (clickedTissue && sameString(clickedTissue, lib->tissue))) { safef(s, sizeof(s), "<B>%d</B>", libId); webPrintLinkCell(s); safef(s, sizeof(s), "<A HREF=\"%s&o=%d&t=%d&c=%s&g=cgapSage&i=%s&lib=%d\"><B>%s</B></A>", hgcPathAndSettings(), tag->chromStart, tag->chromEnd, tag->chrom, tag->name, libId, lib->newLibName); webPrintLinkCell(s); safef(s, sizeof(s), "<B>%s</B>", lib->tissue); webPrintLinkCell(s); safef(s, sizeof(s), "<B>%d</B>", freq); webPrintLinkCell(s); safef(s, sizeof(s), "<B>%d</B>", lib->totalTags); webPrintLinkCell(s); safef(s, sizeof(s), "<B>%.3f</B>", tagTpm); webPrintLinkCell(s); } else { safef(s, sizeof(s), "%d", libId); webPrintLinkCell(s); safef(s, sizeof(s), "<A HREF=\"%s&o=%d&t=%d&c=%s&g=cgapSage&i=%s&lib=%d\">%s</A>", hgcPathAndSettings(), tag->chromStart, tag->chromEnd, tag->chrom, tag->name, libId, lib->newLibName); webPrintLinkCell(s); webPrintLinkCell(lib->tissue); safef(s, sizeof(s), "%d", freq); webPrintLinkCell(s); safef(s, sizeof(s), "%d", lib->totalTags); webPrintLinkCell(s); safef(s, sizeof(s), "%.3f", tagTpm); webPrintLinkCell(s); } } static void printCgapTagSection(struct cgapSage *tag, struct hash *libHash) /* Print section with frequency and TPM info for all the libs with the tag. */ { int i; int N = tag->numLibs; char *libId = cgiUsualString("lib", NULL); char *tissue = cgiUsualString("tiss", NULL); /* char *libSex = cgapSageLibSex(lib->sex); */ webNewSection("Libraries With Selected SAGE Tag"); webPrintLinkTableStart(); webPrintLabelCell("Library ID"); webPrintLabelCell("Library Name"); webPrintLabelCell("Tissue"); webPrintLabelCell("Tag Frequency"); webPrintLabelCell("Total Tags in Library"); webPrintLabelCell("Tags Per Million"); webPrintLinkTableNewRow(); for (i = 0; i < N-1; i++) { tagTableRow(tag, tag->libIds[i], tag->freqs[i], tag->tagTpms[i], libHash, libId, tissue); webPrintLinkTableNewRow(); } tagTableRow(tag, tag->libIds[N-1], tag->freqs[N-1], tag->tagTpms[N-1], libHash, libId, tissue); webPrintLinkTableEnd(); } void doCgapSage(struct trackDb *tdb, char *itemName) /* CGAP SAGE details. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database); struct cgapSage *tag = cgapSageTagLoad(conn, tdb); struct hash *libHash = getLibHash(conn); char *libId = cgiUsualString("lib", NULL); genericHeader(tdb, NULL); /* Print out tag information. */ printCgapSageHeader(tag); if (libId) { printCgapLibSection(libHash, libId); } printCgapTagSection(tag, libHash); webNewSection("Track Details"); printTrackHtml(tdb); cgapSageFree(&tag); hFreeConn(&conn); hashFreeWithVals(&libHash, cgapSageLibFree); }