  Mon May 30 06:36:56 2022 -0700
adding makedoc for REVEL tracks, refs #29475

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/revel/revelToWig.py src/hg/makeDb/revel/revelToWig.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c12949c..0000000
--- src/hg/makeDb/revel/revelToWig.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-import subprocess, sys
-from collections import defaultdict
-# based on caddToWig.py in kent/src/hg/makeDb/cadd
-# two arguments: input filename and db (one of: hg19, hg38)
-def inputLineChunk(fname, db):
-    " yield all values at consecutive positions as a tuple (chrom, pos, list of (nucl, phred value)) "
-    # chr,hg19_pos,grch38_pos,ref,alt,aaref,aaalt,REVEL
-    values = []
-    firstChrom = None
-    firstPos = None
-    lastChrom = None
-    lastPos = None
-    donePos = {}
-    assert (db in ["hg19", "hg38"])
-    doHg19 = (db=="hg19")
-    #fname = "revel_grch38_all_chromosomes.csv.gz"
-    if fname.endswith(".gz"):
-        ifh = subprocess.Popen(['zcat', fname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="ascii").stdout
-    else:
-        ifh = open(fname)
-    for line in ifh:
-        if line.startswith("chr"):
-            continue
-        row = line.rstrip("\n").split(",")[:8]
-        chrom, hg19Pos, hg38Pos, ref, alt, aaRef, aaAlt, revel = row
-        if doHg19:
-            pos = hg19Pos
-        else:
-            pos = hg38Pos
-        if not doHg19 and pos==".":
-            continue
-        pos = int(pos) # wiggle ascii is 1-based AAARRGH!!
-        # the file has duplicate values in the hg38 column, but for different hg19 positions!
-        if not doHg19:
-            if pos in donePos and hg19Pos!=donePos[pos]:
-                continue
-            hg19Pos = int(hg19Pos)
-            donePos[pos] = hg19Pos
-        chrom = "chr"+chrom
-        revel = float(revel)
-        if firstPos is None:
-            firstChrom = chrom
-            firstPos = pos
-        if chrom != lastChrom or pos-lastPos > 1:
-            yield firstChrom, firstPos, values
-            firstPos, firstChrom = pos, chrom
-            values = []
-            if chrom != lastChrom:
-                lastPos = None
-                donePos = {}
-        if lastPos is None or pos-lastPos > 0:
-            values.append([0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0])
-        nuclIdx = "ACGT".find(alt)
-        values[-1][nuclIdx] = revel
-        lastPos = pos
-        lastChrom = chrom
-    # last line of file
-    yield firstChrom, firstPos, values
-fname = sys.argv[1]
-db = sys.argv[2]
-outFhs = {
-        "A" : open("a.wig", "w"),
-        "C" : open("c.wig", "w"),
-        "T" : open("t.wig", "w"),
-        "G" : open("g.wig", "w")
-        }
-for chrom, pos, nuclValues in inputLineChunk(fname, db):
-    if len(nuclValues)==0:
-        continue
-    for ofh in outFhs.values():
-        ofh.write("fixedStep chrom=%s span=1 step=1 start=%d\n" % (chrom, pos))
-    for nuclVals in nuclValues:
-        for nucIdx in (0,1,2,3):
-            alt = "ACGT"[nucIdx]
-            ofh = outFhs[alt]
-            revel = nuclVals[nucIdx]
-            ofh.write(str(revel))
-            ofh.write("\n")