  Fri Jun 17 15:05:28 2022 -0700
Ran the dbsnp pipeline designed by Angie for dbsnp v155. It produces huge bigBed output and I found and fixed a problem encountered on the bedToBigBed. I also tweaked dbSnpJsonToTab to deal with some dbsnp data having multiple study subversions, by ignoring the old datasets and just using the latest one. Added a track description page that has lots of content and counts to update. dbsnp155 is ready for QA on hgwdev. refs #rm27751

diff --git src/lib/bbiWrite.c src/lib/bbiWrite.c
index fc31ab1..26fd66b 100644
--- src/lib/bbiWrite.c
+++ src/lib/bbiWrite.c
@@ -1,804 +1,804 @@
 /* bbiWrite.c - Routines to help write bigWig and bigBed files. See also bbiFile.h */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "limits.h"
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "sqlNum.h"
 #include "zlibFace.h"
 #include "cirTree.h"
 #include "bPlusTree.h"
 #include "bbiFile.h"
 #include "bbiAlias.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 void bbiWriteDummyHeader(FILE *f)
 /* Write out all-zero header, just to reserve space for it. */
 repeatCharOut(f, 0, 64);
 void bbiWriteDummyZooms(FILE *f)
 /* Write out zeroes to reserve space for ten zoom levels. */
 repeatCharOut(f, 0, bbiMaxZoomLevels * 24);
 void bbiSummaryElementWrite(FILE *f, struct bbiSummaryElement *sum)
 /* Write out summary element to file. */
 writeOne(f, sum->validCount);
 writeOne(f, sum->minVal);
 writeOne(f, sum->maxVal);
 writeOne(f, sum->sumData);
 writeOne(f, sum->sumSquares);
 static int bbiChromInfoCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Sort bbiChromInfo.  Unlike most of our sorts this is single rather
  * than double indirect. */
 const struct bbiChromInfo *a = (const struct bbiChromInfo *)va;
 const struct bbiChromInfo *b = (const struct bbiChromInfo *)vb;
 return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
 void bbiWriteChromInfo(struct bbiChromUsage *usageList, int blockSize, FILE *f)
 /* Write out information on chromosomes to file. */
 int chromCount = slCount(usageList);
 struct bbiChromUsage *usage;
 /* Allocate and fill in array from list. */
 struct bbiChromInfo *chromInfoArray = NULL;
 int maxChromNameSize = 0;
 if (chromCount > 0)
     AllocArray(chromInfoArray, chromCount);
     int i;
     for (i=0, usage = usageList; i<chromCount; ++i, usage = usage->next)
 	char *chromName = usage->name;
 	int len = strlen(chromName);
 	if (len > maxChromNameSize)
 	    maxChromNameSize = len;
 	chromInfoArray[i].name = chromName;
 	chromInfoArray[i].id = usage->id;
 	chromInfoArray[i].size = usage->size;
     /* Sort so the b-Tree actually works. */
     qsort(chromInfoArray, chromCount, sizeof(chromInfoArray[0]), bbiChromInfoCmp);
 /* Write chromosome bPlusTree */
 int chromBlockSize = min(blockSize, chromCount);
 bptFileBulkIndexToOpenFile(chromInfoArray, sizeof(chromInfoArray[0]), chromCount, chromBlockSize,
     bbiChromInfoKey, maxChromNameSize, bbiChromInfoVal, 
     sizeof(chromInfoArray[0].id) + sizeof(chromInfoArray[0].size), 
 void bbiWriteFloat(FILE *f, float val)
 /* Write out floating point val to file.  Mostly to convert from double... */
 writeOne(f, val);
 struct hash *bbiChromSizesFromFile(char *fileName)
 /* Read two column file into hash keyed by chrom. */
 struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
 struct lineFile *lf = netLineFileOpen(fileName);
 char *row[2];
 while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
     hashAddInt(hash, row[0], sqlUnsigned(row[1]));
 return hash;
 void bbiChromInfoKey(const void *va, char *keyBuf)
 /* Get key field out of bbiChromInfo. */
 const struct bbiChromInfo *a = ((struct bbiChromInfo *)va);
 strcpy(keyBuf, a->name);
 void *bbiChromInfoVal(const void *va)
 /* Get val field out of bbiChromInfo. */
 const struct bbiChromInfo *a = ((struct bbiChromInfo *)va);
 return (void*)(&a->id);
 void bbiChromUsageFree(struct bbiChromUsage **pUsage)
 /* free a single bbiChromUsage structure */
 struct bbiChromUsage *usage = *pUsage;
 if (usage != NULL)
 void bbiChromUsageFreeList(struct bbiChromUsage **pList)
 /* free a list of bbiChromUsage structures */
 struct bbiChromUsage *el, *next;
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 int bbExIndexMakerMaxIndexField(struct bbExIndexMaker *eim)
 /* Return the maximum field we have to index. */
 int maxIx = 0;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<eim->indexCount; ++i)
     int ix = eim->indexFields[i];
     if (ix > maxIx)
         maxIx = ix;
 return maxIx;
 void bbExIndexMakerUpdateMaxFieldSize(struct bbExIndexMaker *eim, char **row)
 /* Fold in information about row into bbExIndexMaker into eim->maxFieldSize */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<eim->indexCount; ++i)
     int rowIx = eim->indexFields[i];
     int size = strlen(row[rowIx]);
     if (size > eim->maxFieldSize[i])
         eim->maxFieldSize[i] = size;
 struct bbiChromUsage *bbiChromUsageFromBedFileInternal(struct lineFile *lf, 
         bbiChromSizeFunc chromSizeFunc,  void *chromSizeClosure,
 	struct bbExIndexMaker *eim, int *retMinDiff, double *retAveSize, bits64 *retBedCount, boolean tabSep)
 /* Go through bed file and collect chromosomes and statistics.  If eim parameter is non-NULL
  * collect max field sizes there too. */
 int maxRowSize = (eim == NULL ? 3 : bbExIndexMakerMaxIndexField(eim) + 1);
 char *row[maxRowSize];
 struct bbiChromUsage *usage = NULL, *usageList = NULL;
 int lastStart = -1;
 bits32 id = 0;
 bits64 totalBases = 0, bedCount = 0;
 int minDiff = BIGNUM;
 for (;;)
     int rowSize = 0;
     if (tabSep)
         rowSize = lineFileChopCharNext(lf, '\t', row, maxRowSize);
         rowSize = lineFileChopNext(lf, row, maxRowSize);
     if (rowSize == 0)
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, maxRowSize, rowSize);
     char *chrom = row[0];
     int start = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
     int end = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 2);
     if (eim != NULL)
 	bbExIndexMakerUpdateMaxFieldSize(eim, row);
     if (start > end)
 	    errAbort("end (%d) before start (%d) line %d of %s",
 	    	end, start, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     totalBases += (end - start);
     if (usage == NULL || differentString(usage->name, chrom))
 	/* make sure chrom names are sorted in ASCII order */
 	if ((usage != NULL) && strcmp(usage->name, chrom) > 0)
 	    errAbort("%s is not case-sensitive sorted at line %d.  Please use \"sort -k1,1 -k2,2n\" with LC_COLLATE=C,  or bedSort and try again.",
 	    	lf->fileName, lf->lineIx);
 	int chromSize = (*chromSizeFunc)(chromSizeClosure, chrom, lf->lineIx);
         if (chromSize == 0)
             errAbort("%s is not found in chromosome sizes file", chrom);
 	usage->name = cloneString(chrom);
 	usage->id = id++;
 	usage->size = chromSize;
 	slAddHead(&usageList, usage);
 	lastStart = -1;
     if (end > usage->size)
         errAbort("End coordinate %d bigger than %s size of %d line %d of %s", end, usage->name, usage->size, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     usage->itemCount += 1;
     if (lastStart >= 0)
 	int diff = start - lastStart;
 	if (diff < minDiff)
 	    if (diff < 0)
 		errAbort("%s is not sorted at line %d.  Please use \"sort -k1,1 -k2,2n\" or bedSort and try again.",
 		    lf->fileName, lf->lineIx);
 	    minDiff = diff;
     lastStart = start;
 double aveSize = 0;
 if (bedCount > 0)
     aveSize = (double)totalBases/bedCount;
 *retMinDiff = minDiff;
 *retAveSize = aveSize;
 *retBedCount = bedCount;
 return usageList;
 struct chromSizeClosure  // a structure that contains the data we need to get a chromosome size from a bigBed
     struct bbiFile *bbi;
     struct bptIndex *bptIndex;
     struct lm *lm;
     struct hash *usedAlias;
 static int bbChromSizeFunc(void *closure, char *chrom, int lineIx)
 /* A function to return the size of a given sequence. */
 struct chromSizeClosure *bbChromSizeClosure = (struct chromSizeClosure *)closure;
 return bbiAliasChromSizeExt(bbChromSizeClosure->bbi, bbChromSizeClosure->bptIndex, bbChromSizeClosure->lm, chrom, bbChromSizeClosure->usedAlias, lineIx);
 struct bbiChromUsage *bbiChromUsageFromBedFileAlias(struct lineFile *lf, char *chromAliasBb,
 	struct bbExIndexMaker *eim, int *retMinDiff, double *retAveSize, bits64 *retBedCount, boolean tabSep)
 /* A wrapper for bbiChromUsageFromBedFile that uses a bigBed to find chromosome sizes. */
 struct chromSizeClosure *bbChromSizeClosure = NULL;
 bbChromSizeClosure->bbi = bigBedFileOpen(chromAliasBb);
 bbChromSizeClosure->bptIndex = bbiAliasOpenExtra(bbChromSizeClosure->bbi);
 bbChromSizeClosure->lm = lmInit(0);
 bbChromSizeClosure->usedAlias = hashNew(0);
 struct bbiChromUsage *usageList = bbiChromUsageFromBedFileInternal(lf, bbChromSizeFunc, bbChromSizeClosure, eim, retMinDiff, retAveSize, retBedCount, tabSep);
 struct bptIndex *next, *bptIndex = bbChromSizeClosure->bptIndex;
 for(; bptIndex; bptIndex = next)
     next = bptIndex->next;
 return usageList;
 static int chromHashSizeFunc(void *closure, char *chrom, int lineIx)
 /* Function to find the size of sequence using a hash passed in as a closure. */
 struct hash *chromSizesHash = (struct hash *)closure;
 struct hashEl *chromHashEl = hashLookup(chromSizesHash, chrom);
 if (chromHashEl == NULL)
     errAbort("%s is not found in chromosome sizes file", chrom);
 return ptToInt(chromHashEl->val);
 struct bbiChromUsage *bbiChromUsageFromBedFile(struct lineFile *lf, struct hash *chromSizesHash, 
 	struct bbExIndexMaker *eim, int *retMinDiff, double *retAveSize, bits64 *retBedCount, boolean tabSep)
 /* A wrapper for bbiChromUsageFromBedFile that uses a hash to find chromosome sizes. */
 return bbiChromUsageFromBedFileInternal(lf, chromHashSizeFunc, chromSizesHash,
 	eim, retMinDiff, retAveSize, retBedCount, tabSep);
 int bbiCalcResScalesAndSizes(int aveSize, 
     int resScales[bbiMaxZoomLevels], int resSizes[bbiMaxZoomLevels])
 /* Fill in resScales with amount to zoom at each level, and zero out resSizes based
  * on average span. Returns the number of zoom levels we actually will use. */
 int resTryCount = bbiMaxZoomLevels, resTry;
 int resIncrement = bbiResIncrement;
 int minZoom = 10;
 int res = aveSize;
 if (res < minZoom)
     res = minZoom;
 for (resTry = 0; resTry < resTryCount; ++resTry)
     resSizes[resTry] = 0;
     resScales[resTry] = res;
     // if aveSize is large, then the initial value of res is large, and we
     // and we cannot do all 10 levels without overflowing res* integers and other related variables.
     if (res > INT_MAX/bbiResIncrement) 
 	resTryCount = resTry + 1;  
 	verbose(2, "resTryCount reduced from 10 to %d\n", resTryCount);
     res *= resIncrement;
 return resTryCount;
 int bbiWriteZoomLevels(
     struct lineFile *lf,    /* Input file. */
     FILE *f,		    /* Output. */
     int blockSize,	    /* Size of index block */
     int itemsPerSlot,	    /* Number of data points bundled at lowest level. */
     bbiWriteReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice writeReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice,   /* callback */
     int fieldCount,	    /* Number of fields in bed (4 for bedGraph) */
     boolean doCompress,	    /* Do we compress.  Answer really should be yes! */
     bits64 dataSize,	    /* Size of data on disk (after compression if any). */
     struct bbiChromUsage *usageList, /* Result from bbiChromUsageFromBedFile */
     int resTryCount, int resScales[], int resSizes[],   /* How much to zoom at each level */
     bits32 zoomAmounts[bbiMaxZoomLevels],      /* Fills in amount zoomed at each level. */
     bits64 zoomDataOffsets[bbiMaxZoomLevels],  /* Fills in where data starts for each zoom level. */
     bits64 zoomIndexOffsets[bbiMaxZoomLevels], /* Fills in where index starts for each level. */
     struct bbiSummaryElement *totalSum)
 /* Write out all the zoom levels and return the number of levels written.  Writes 
  * actual zoom amount and the offsets of the zoomed data and index in the last three
  * parameters.  Sorry for all the parameters - it was this or duplicate a big chunk of
  * code between bedToBigBed and bedGraphToBigWig. */
 /* Write out first zoomed section while storing in memory next zoom level. */
 assert(resTryCount > 0);
-int maxReducedSize = dataSize/2;
+bits64 maxReducedSize = dataSize/2;
 int initialReduction = 0, initialReducedCount = 0;
 /* Figure out initialReduction for zoom - one that is maxReducedSize or less. */
 int resTry;
 for (resTry = 0; resTry < resTryCount; ++resTry)
     bits64 reducedSize = resSizes[resTry] * sizeof(struct bbiSummaryOnDisk);
     if (doCompress)
 	reducedSize /= 2;	// Estimate!
     if (reducedSize <= maxReducedSize)
 	initialReduction = resScales[resTry];
 	initialReducedCount = resSizes[resTry];
 verbose(2, "initialReduction %d, initialReducedCount = %d\n", 
     initialReduction, initialReducedCount);
 /* Force there to always be at least one zoom.  It may waste a little space on small
  * files, but it makes files more uniform, and avoids special case code for calculating
  * overall file summary. */
 if (initialReduction == 0)
     initialReduction = resScales[0];
     initialReducedCount = resSizes[0];
 /* Call routine to make the initial zoom level and also a bit of work towards further levels. */
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 int zoomIncrement = bbiResIncrement;
 struct bbiSummary *rezoomedList = writeReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice(usageList, fieldCount,
 	lf, initialReduction, initialReducedCount,
 	zoomIncrement, blockSize, itemsPerSlot, doCompress, lm, 
 	f, &zoomDataOffsets[0], &zoomIndexOffsets[0], totalSum);
 verboseTime(2, "writeReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice");
 zoomAmounts[0] = initialReduction;
 int zoomLevels = 1;
 /* Loop around to do any additional levels of zoom. */
 int zoomCount = initialReducedCount;
 int reduction = initialReduction * zoomIncrement;
 while (zoomLevels < bbiMaxZoomLevels)
     int rezoomCount = slCount(rezoomedList);
     if (rezoomCount >= zoomCount)
     zoomCount = rezoomCount;
     zoomDataOffsets[zoomLevels] = ftell(f);
     zoomIndexOffsets[zoomLevels] = bbiWriteSummaryAndIndex(rezoomedList, 
 	blockSize, itemsPerSlot, doCompress, f);
     zoomAmounts[zoomLevels] = reduction;
     reduction *= zoomIncrement;
     rezoomedList = bbiSummarySimpleReduce(rezoomedList, reduction, lm);
 verboseTime(2, "further reductions");
 return zoomLevels;
 int bbiCountSectionsNeeded(struct bbiChromUsage *usageList, int itemsPerSlot)
 /* Count up number of sections needed for data. */
 struct bbiChromUsage *usage;
 int count = 0;
 for (usage = usageList; usage != NULL; usage = usage->next)
     int countOne = (usage->itemCount + itemsPerSlot - 1)/itemsPerSlot;
     count += countOne;
     verbose(2, "%s %d, %d blocks of %d\n", usage->name, usage->itemCount, countOne, itemsPerSlot);
 return count;
 void bbiAddToSummary(bits32 chromId, bits32 chromSize, bits32 start, bits32 end, 
 	bits32 validCount, double minVal, double maxVal, double sumData, double sumSquares,  
 	int reduction, struct bbiSummary **pOutList)
 /* Add data range to summary - putting it onto top of list if possible, otherwise
  * expanding list. */
 struct bbiSummary *sum = *pOutList;
 if (end > chromSize)	// Avoid pathological clipping situation on bad input
     end = chromSize;
 while (start < end)
     /* See if need to allocate a new summary. */
     if (sum == NULL || sum->chromId != chromId || sum->end <= start)
 	struct bbiSummary *newSum;
 	newSum->chromId = chromId;
 	if (sum == NULL || sum->chromId != chromId || sum->end + reduction <= start)
 	    newSum->start = start;
 	    newSum->start = sum->end;
 	newSum->end = newSum->start + reduction;
 	if (newSum->end > chromSize)
 	    newSum->end = chromSize;
 	newSum->minVal = minVal;
 	newSum->maxVal = maxVal;
 	sum = newSum;
 	slAddHead(pOutList, sum);
     /* Figure out amount of overlap between current summary and item */
     int overlap = rangeIntersection(start, end, sum->start, sum->end);
     if (overlap <= 0) 
         warn("%u %u doesn't intersect %u %u, chromId %u chromSize %u", start, end, sum->start, sum->end, chromId, chromSize);
     int itemSize = end - start;
     double overlapFactor = (double)overlap/itemSize;
     /* Fold overlapping bits into output. */
     sum->validCount += overlapFactor * validCount;
     if (sum->minVal > minVal)
         sum->minVal = minVal;
     if (sum->maxVal < maxVal)
         sum->maxVal = maxVal;
     sum->sumData += overlapFactor * sumData;
     sum->sumSquares += overlapFactor * sumSquares;
     /* Advance over overlapping bits. */
     start += overlap;
 void bbiAddRangeToSummary(bits32 chromId, bits32 chromSize, bits32 start, bits32 end, 
 	double val, int reduction, struct bbiSummary **pOutList)
 /* Add chromosome range to summary - putting it onto top of list if possible, otherwise
  * expanding list. */
 int size = end-start;
 double sum = size*val;
 double sumSquares = sum*val;
 bbiAddToSummary(chromId, chromSize, start, end, size, val, val, sum, sumSquares, reduction, pOutList);
 struct bbiSummary *bbiReduceSummaryList(struct bbiSummary *inList, 
 	struct bbiChromInfo *chromInfoArray, int reduction)
 /* Reduce summary list to another summary list. */
 struct bbiSummary *outList = NULL;
 struct bbiSummary *sum;
 for (sum = inList; sum != NULL; sum = sum->next)
     bbiAddToSummary(sum->chromId, chromInfoArray[sum->chromId].size, sum->start, sum->end, sum->validCount, sum->minVal,
     	sum->maxVal, sum->sumData, sum->sumSquares, reduction, &outList);
 return outList;
 bits64 bbiTotalSummarySize(struct bbiSummary *list)
 /* Return size on disk of all summaries. */
 struct bbiSummary *el;
 bits64 total = 0;
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     total += sizeof(struct bbiSummaryOnDisk);
 return total;
 static bits64 bbiSummaryFetchOffset(const void *va, void *context)
 /* Fetch bbiSummary file offset for r-tree */
 const struct bbiSummary *a = *((struct bbiSummary **)va);
 return a->fileOffset;
 static struct cirTreeRange bbiSummaryFetchKey(const void *va, void *context)
 /* Fetch bbiSummary key for r-tree */
 struct cirTreeRange res;
 const struct bbiSummary *a = *((struct bbiSummary **)va);
 res.chromIx = a->chromId;
 res.start = a->start;
 res.end = a->end;
 return res;
 static bits64 bbiWriteSummaryAndIndexComp(struct bbiSummary *summaryList, 
 	int blockSize, int itemsPerSlot, FILE *f)
 /* Write out summary and index to summary uncompressed, returning start position of
  * summary index. */
 bits32 i, count = slCount(summaryList);
 struct bbiSummary **summaryArray;
 AllocArray(summaryArray, count);
 writeOne(f, count);
 struct bbiSummary *summary = summaryList;
 /* Figure out max size of uncompressed and compressed blocks. */
 bits32 itemSize = sizeof(summary->chromId) + sizeof(summary->start) + sizeof(summary->end) + sizeof(summary->validCount) + 4*sizeof(float);
 int uncBufSize = itemSize * itemsPerSlot;
 char uncBuf[uncBufSize];
 int compBufSize = zCompBufSize(uncBufSize);
 char compBuf[compBufSize];
 /* Loop through compressing and writing one slot at a time. */
 bits32 itemsLeft = count;
 int sumIx = 0;
 while (itemsLeft > 0)
     bits32 itemsInSlot = itemsLeft;
     if (itemsInSlot > itemsPerSlot)
          itemsInSlot = itemsPerSlot;
     char *writePt = uncBuf;
     bits64 filePos = ftell(f);
     for (i=0; i<itemsInSlot; ++i)
 	summaryArray[sumIx++] = summary;
 	memWriteOne(&writePt, summary->chromId);
 	memWriteOne(&writePt, summary->start);
 	memWriteOne(&writePt, summary->end);
 	memWriteOne(&writePt, summary->validCount);
 	memWriteFloat(&writePt, summary->minVal);
 	memWriteFloat(&writePt, summary->maxVal);
 	memWriteFloat(&writePt, summary->sumData);
 	memWriteFloat(&writePt, summary->sumSquares);
 	summary->fileOffset = filePos;
 	summary = summary->next;
 	if (summary == NULL)
     bits32 uncSize = writePt - uncBuf;
     int compSize = zCompress(uncBuf, uncSize, compBuf, compBufSize);
     mustWrite(f, compBuf, compSize);
     itemsLeft -= itemsInSlot;
 bits64 indexOffset = ftell(f);
 cirTreeFileBulkIndexToOpenFile(summaryArray, sizeof(summaryArray[0]), count,
     blockSize, itemsPerSlot, NULL, bbiSummaryFetchKey, bbiSummaryFetchOffset, 
     indexOffset, f);
 return indexOffset;
 static bits64 bbiWriteSummaryAndIndexUnc(struct bbiSummary *summaryList, 
 	int blockSize, int itemsPerSlot, FILE *f)
 /* Write out summary and index to summary compressed, returning start position of
  * summary index. */
 bits32 i, count = slCount(summaryList);
 struct bbiSummary **summaryArray;
 AllocArray(summaryArray, count);
 writeOne(f, count);
 struct bbiSummary *summary;
 for (summary = summaryList, i=0; summary != NULL; summary = summary->next, ++i)
     summaryArray[i] = summary;
     summary->fileOffset = ftell(f);
     writeOne(f, summary->chromId);
     writeOne(f, summary->start);
     writeOne(f, summary->end);
     writeOne(f, summary->validCount);
     bbiWriteFloat(f, summary->minVal);
     bbiWriteFloat(f, summary->maxVal);
     bbiWriteFloat(f, summary->sumData);
     bbiWriteFloat(f, summary->sumSquares);
 bits64 indexOffset = ftell(f);
 cirTreeFileBulkIndexToOpenFile(summaryArray, sizeof(summaryArray[0]), count,
     blockSize, itemsPerSlot, NULL, bbiSummaryFetchKey, bbiSummaryFetchOffset, 
     indexOffset, f);
 return indexOffset;
 bits64 bbiWriteSummaryAndIndex(struct bbiSummary *summaryList, 
 	int blockSize, int itemsPerSlot, boolean doCompress, FILE *f)
 /* Write out summary and index to summary, returning start position of
  * summary index. */
 if (doCompress)
     return bbiWriteSummaryAndIndexComp(summaryList, blockSize, itemsPerSlot, f);
     return bbiWriteSummaryAndIndexUnc(summaryList, blockSize, itemsPerSlot, f);
 struct cirTreeRange bbiBoundsArrayFetchKey(const void *va, void *context)
 /* Fetch bbiBoundsArray key for r-tree */
 const struct bbiBoundsArray *a = ((struct bbiBoundsArray *)va);
 return a->range;
 bits64 bbiBoundsArrayFetchOffset(const void *va, void *context)
 /* Fetch bbiBoundsArray file offset for r-tree */
 const struct bbiBoundsArray *a = ((struct bbiBoundsArray *)va);
 return a->offset;
 struct bbiSumOutStream *bbiSumOutStreamOpen(int allocCount, FILE *f, boolean doCompress)
 /* Allocate new bbiSumOutStream. */
 struct bbiSumOutStream *stream;
 AllocArray(stream->array, allocCount);
 stream->allocCount = allocCount;
 stream->f = f;
 stream->doCompress = doCompress;
 return stream;
 void bbiSumOutStreamFlush(struct bbiSumOutStream *stream)
 /* Flush out any pending input. */
 if (stream->elCount != 0)
     int uncSize = stream->elCount * sizeof(stream->array[0]);
     if (stream->doCompress)
 	int compBufSize = zCompBufSize(uncSize);
 	char compBuf[compBufSize];
 	int compSize = zCompress(stream->array, uncSize, compBuf, compBufSize);
 	mustWrite(stream->f, compBuf, compSize);
 	mustWrite(stream->f, stream->array, uncSize);
     stream->elCount = 0;
 void bbiSumOutStreamClose(struct bbiSumOutStream **pStream)
 /* Free up bbiSumOutStream */
 struct bbiSumOutStream *stream = *pStream;
 if (stream != NULL)
 void bbiSumOutStreamWrite(struct bbiSumOutStream *stream, struct bbiSummary *sum)
 /* Write out next one to stream. */
 int elCount = stream->elCount;
 struct bbiSummaryOnDisk *a = &stream->array[elCount];
 a->chromId = sum->chromId;
 a->start = sum->start;
 a->end = sum->end;
 a->validCount = sum->validCount;
 a->minVal = sum->minVal;
 a->maxVal = sum->maxVal;
 a->sumData = sum->sumData;
 a->sumSquares = sum->sumSquares;
 elCount += 1;
 stream->elCount = elCount;
 if (elCount >= stream->allocCount)
 void bbiOutputOneSummaryFurtherReduce(struct bbiSummary *sum, 
 	struct bbiSummary **pTwiceReducedList, 
 	int doubleReductionSize, struct bbiBoundsArray **pBoundsPt, 
 	struct bbiBoundsArray *boundsEnd, struct lm *lm, 
 	struct bbiSumOutStream *stream)
 /* Write out sum to file, keeping track of minimal info on it in *pBoundsPt, and also adding
  * it to second level summary. */
 /* Get place to store file offset etc and make sure we have not gone off end. */
 struct bbiBoundsArray *bounds = *pBoundsPt;
 assert(bounds < boundsEnd);
 *pBoundsPt += 1;
 /* Fill in bounds info. */
 bounds->offset = ftell(stream->f);
 bounds->range.chromIx = sum->chromId;
 bounds->range.start = sum->start;
 bounds->range.end = sum->end;
 /* Write out summary info. */
 bbiSumOutStreamWrite(stream, sum);
 /* Fold summary info into pTwiceReducedList. */
 struct bbiSummary *twiceReduced = *pTwiceReducedList;
 if (twiceReduced == NULL || twiceReduced->chromId != sum->chromId 
 	|| twiceReduced->start + doubleReductionSize < sum->end)
     lmAllocVar(lm, twiceReduced);
     *twiceReduced = *sum;
     slAddHead(pTwiceReducedList, twiceReduced);
     twiceReduced->end = sum->end;
     twiceReduced->validCount += sum->validCount;
     if (sum->minVal < twiceReduced->minVal) twiceReduced->minVal = sum->minVal;
     if (sum->maxVal > twiceReduced->maxVal) twiceReduced->maxVal = sum->maxVal;
     twiceReduced->sumData += sum->sumData;
     twiceReduced->sumSquares += sum->sumSquares;
 struct bbiSummary *bbiSummarySimpleReduce(struct bbiSummary *list, int reduction, struct lm *lm)
 /* Do a simple reduction - where among other things the reduction level is an integral
  * multiple of the previous reduction level, and the list is sorted. Allocate result out of lm. */
 struct bbiSummary *newList = NULL, *sum, *newSum = NULL;
 for (sum = list; sum != NULL; sum = sum->next)
     if (newSum == NULL || newSum->chromId != sum->chromId || sum->end > newSum->start + reduction)
 	lmAllocVar(lm, newSum);
 	*newSum = *sum;
 	slAddHead(&newList, newSum);
 	assert(newSum->end < sum->end);	// check sorted input assumption
 	newSum->end = sum->end;
 	newSum->validCount += sum->validCount;
 	if (newSum->minVal > sum->minVal) newSum->minVal = sum->minVal;
 	if (newSum->maxVal < sum->maxVal) newSum->maxVal = sum->maxVal;
 	newSum->sumData += sum->sumData;
 	newSum->sumSquares += sum->sumSquares;
 return newList;