73b05663e1f9a56f25cc58a8aab51ff8fa79152b max Thu Jun 16 08:18:44 2022 -0700 changes after code review, refs #29594 diff --git src/hg/js/hgHubConnect.js src/hg/js/hgHubConnect.js index f802688..39d5bb3 100644 --- src/hg/js/hgHubConnect.js +++ src/hg/js/hgHubConnect.js @@ -1,208 +1,208 @@ function makeIframe(ev) { /* It's unusual to show script output in an iframe. But this solution has a few advantages: * - We can show a "waiting" message while the data loads * - The user knows where the results will appear, it looks like a dialog box and covers the page */ ev.stopPropagation(); var validateText = document.getElementById('validateHubUrl'); validateText.value=$.trim(validateText.value); var hubUrl = $('#validateHubUrl').val(); if(!validateUrl(hubUrl)) { alert('Invalid hub URL'); return; } hgsid = document.querySelector("input[name='hgsid']").value; var myUrl = window.location.href.split("#")[0].split("?")[0]; // strip off hgsid and tab-name var waitUrl = myUrl + '?hgsid=' + hgsid + '&hgHub_do_hubCheck=1'; var node = document.createElement('iframe'); node.setAttribute('src', waitUrl); node.setAttribute('width', document.documentElement.clientWidth-100+'px'); node.setAttribute('height', document.documentElement.clientHeight-100+'px'); node.style.position = 'absolute'; node.style.top = '50px'; node.style.left = '50px'; node.style.border = '3px solid darkgrey'; node.id = 'checkerFrame'; // first show the loading page document.body.appendChild(node); // when the waiting page has finished loading, load the hub checker page var finalUrl = waitUrl + '&validateHubUrl='+hubUrl; var alreadyRun = false; node.addEventListener("load", function() { if (! alreadyRun) node.setAttribute('src', finalUrl); alreadyRun = true; // because 'load' fires again when finalUrl is loaded this.contentWindow.focus(); // activate keyboard event handlers of the iframe }); return false; } function closeIframe() { var theFrame = window.parent.document.getElementById('checkerFrame'); theFrame.parentNode.removeChild(theFrame); } function reloadIframe() { document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "Re-loading hub..."; window.parent.document.getElementById('checkerFrame').src += ''; } // hover effect to highlight table rows $(function() { $(".hubList tr").hover( function() { $(this).addClass("hoverRow"); }, function() { $(this).removeClass("hoverRow"); }); }); // initializes the tabs - with cookie option // cookie option requires jquery.cookie.js $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs({ cookie: { name: 'hubTab_cookie', expires: 30 } }); }); // creates keyup event; listening for return key press $(document).ready(function() { $('#loadSampleHub').bind('click', function(e) { $('#validateHubUrl').val("https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/hubDirectory/hub.txt"); }); $('#hubUrl').bind('keypress', function(e) { // binds listener to url field if (e.which === 13) { // listens for return key e.preventDefault(); // prevents return from also submitting whole form if (validateUrl($('#hubUrl').val())) $('input[name="hubAddButton"]').focus().click(); // clicks AddHub button } }); $('#validateHubUrl').bind('keypress', function(e) { // binds listener to url field if (e.which === 13) { // listens for return key e.preventDefault(); // prevents return from also submitting whole form if (validateUrl($('#validateHubUrl').val())) $('input[name="hubValidateButton"]').focus().click(); // clicks Validate Url button } }); $('#hubSearchTerms').bind('keypress', function(e) { // binds listener to text field if (e.which === 13) { // listens for return key e.preventDefault(); // prevents return from also submitting whole form $('input[name="hubSearchButton"]').focus().click(); // clicks search button } }); $('#hubDbFilter').bind('keypress', function(e) { // binds listener to text field if (e.which === 13) { // listens for return key e.preventDefault(); // prevents return from also submitting whole form $('input[name="hubSearchButton"]').focus().click(); // clicks db filter button } }); $('.pasteIcon').bind('click', function(e) { // the genome=hg19-part is stored in the element two elements before var link = e.target.parentElement.previousSibling.previousSibling; var href = link.href; var genomeArg = href.split("&")[1]; // the url is in the element just before the SVG var copyText = e.target.parentElement.previousSibling; var myBaseUrl = copyText.baseURI.split('?')[0]; var hgTracksUrl = myBaseUrl.replace("hgHubConnect", "hgTracks"); var oldVal = copyText.value; copyText.value = hgTracksUrl+"?hubUrl="+copyText.value+"&"+genomeArg; + copyText.style.display = 'none'; copyText.type = 'text'; copyText.select(); copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /* For mobile devices */ document.execCommand('copy'); + copyText.type = 'hidden'; alert("Copied the URL " + copyText.value + " to the clipboard"); copyText.value = oldVal; - copyText.type = 'hidden'; - //navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText.value); }); }); var hubSearchTree = (function() { var treeDiv; // Points to div we live in function hubSearchTreeContextMenuHandler (node, callback) { var nodeType = node.li_attr.nodetype; if (nodeType == 'track') { callback({ 'openConfig': { 'label' : 'Configure this track', 'action' : function () { window.open(node.li_attr.configlink, '_blank'); } } }); } else if (nodeType == 'assembly') { callback({ 'openConfig': { 'label' : 'Open this assembly', 'action' : function () { window.open(node.li_attr.assemblylink, '_blank'); } } }); } } function buildTracks(node, cb) { // called when jstree wants data to open a node for the tracks tree cb.call(this, trackData[node.id]); } function init(searching) { $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.icons = false; $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.dots = true; $.jstree.defaults.contextmenu.show_at_node = false; if (searching === true) { $.jstree.defaults.contextmenu.items = hubSearchTreeContextMenuHandler; $('div[id^="tracks"]').each(function(i, obj) { treeDiv = obj; var hubId = treeDiv.id.slice(6); arrId = '#_' + hubId; $(treeDiv).jstree({ 'plugins' : ['contextmenu'], 'core' : { 'data': function(node, cb) { if (node.id === '#') { cb([{"text" : "Search details ...", "id": arrId, "children": true}]); } else { cb(trackData[""+node.id]); } }, 'dbclick_toggle': false } }); $(treeDiv).on("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) { $(e.target).jstree("open_node", data.node); }); // jstree }); // each div } else { // validating hub, no contextmenu and easier tree building treeDiv = $('#validateHubResult'); treeDiv.jstree({ 'core' : { 'data' : buildTracks, 'dbclick_toggle': false } }); treeDiv.on('select_node.jstree', function(e, data) { $(e.target).jstree("open_node", data.node); }); } } // init return { init: init }; }());