  Fri Jul 22 15:24:08 2022 -0700
Make gene selections on hgGateway automatically go to hgTracks

diff --git src/hg/js/model/lib/cart.js src/hg/js/model/lib/cart.js
index 963dd23..c02668e 100644
--- src/hg/js/model/lib/cart.js
+++ src/hg/js/model/lib/cart.js
@@ -190,45 +190,50 @@
             _.assign(ajaxParams, {
                 data: reqObj,
                 // Using 'iframe json' here activates jquery.bifrost:
                 dataType: 'iframe json',
                 fileInputs: jqFileInput
             debugLog('cart.flush: using jquery.bifrost plugin for input ' + fileInputName +
                      ', data =', reqObj, ', params = ' + paramString);
         return ajaxParams;
     // Return cart object with public methods.
     return {
+        defaultErrorCallback: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
+            defaultErrorCallback(jqXHR, textStatus);
+        },
         setCgi: function(newCgi) {
             // Sets the name of the CGI (e.g. hgIntegrator, hgChooseDb etc).
             // This must be called before cart.send.
             cgiUrl = cgiBinUrl + newCgi;
         send: function(commandObj, successCallback, errorCallback) {
             // Queue up commandObj and callbacks, merging cgiVars with those of othere queued reqs.
             // successCallback and the optional errorCallback are functions(jqXHR, textStatus)
             // Throws [message, badValue] if something is not as expected.
             var cmdObjNoCgiVar = processCommandObj(commandObj);
             // If this request contained only cgiVars (empty cmdObjNoCgiVar) then let those
             // go out with other requests.  Below, flush will make sure that at least one request
             // is sent out if there are cgiVars.
-            if (! _.isEmpty(cmdObjNoCgiVar)) {
+            if (! _.isEmpty(cmdObjNoCgiVar) || successCallback || errorCallback) {
                 requestQueue.push({ commandObj: cmdObjNoCgiVar,
                                     successCallback: successCallback,
                                     errorCallback: errorCallback });
         uploadFile: function(commandObj, jqFileInput, successCallback, errorCallback) {
             // Queue up commandObj, jqFileInput and callbacks, merging cgiVars with those
             // of othere queued reqs.
             // successCallback and the optional errorCallback are functions(jqXHR, textStatus)
             // Throws [message, badValue] if something is not as expected.
             var cmdObjNoCgiVar = processCommandObj(commandObj);
             requestQueue.push({ commandObj: cmdObjNoCgiVar,
                                 jqFileInput: jqFileInput,
                                 successCallback: successCallback,