  Mon Jul 25 09:03:30 2022 -0700
adding trackDb for new revel overlaps track on hg19, using release alpha tdb tag, refs #29475

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/revel.ra src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/revel.ra
index 28f7fce..0d2478c 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/revel.ra
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/revel.ra
@@ -1,76 +1,90 @@
 track revel
 shortLabel REVEL Scores
 longLabel REVEL Pathogenicity Score for single-base coding mutations (zoom for exact score)
 type bigWig
 compositeTrack on
 visibility hide
 group phenDis
 color 150,80,200
 dataVersion /gbdb/$D/revel/version.txt
         track revelA
         shortLabel Mutation: A
         longLabel REVEL: Mutation is A
         type bigWig
         parent revel on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/revel/a.bw
         maxHeightPixels 128:20:8
         viewLimits 0:1.0
         viewLimitsMax 0:1.0
         maxWindowToDraw 10000000
         maxWindowToQuery 500000
         mouseOverFunction noAverage
         track revelC
         shortLabel Mutation: C
         longLabel REVEL: Mutation is C
         type bigWig
         parent revel on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/revel/c.bw
         maxHeightPixels 128:20:8
         viewLimits 0:1.0
         viewLimitsMax 0:1.0
         maxWindowToDraw 10000000
         maxWindowToQuery 500000
         mouseOverFunction noAverage
         track revelG
         shortLabel Mutation: G
         longLabel REVEL: Mutation is G
         type bigWig
         parent revel on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/revel/g.bw
         maxHeightPixels 128:20:8
         viewLimits 0:1.0
         viewLimitsMax 0:1.0
         maxWindowToDraw 10000000
         maxWindowToQuery 500000
         mouseOverFunction noAverage
         track revelT
         shortLabel Mutation: T
         longLabel REVEL: Mutation is T
         type bigWig
         parent revel on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/revel/t.bw
         maxHeightPixels 128:20:8
         viewLimits 0:1.0
         viewLimitsMax 0:1.0
         maxWindowToDraw 10000000
         maxWindowToQuery 500000
         mouseOverFunction noAverage
-        track overlaps
-        shortLabel Overlaps
+        track revelOverlaps
+        shortLabel REVEL overlaps
         longLabel REVEL: Positions with >1 score due to overlapping transcripts (mouseover for details)
-        type bigBed 8 +
+        type bigBed 9 +
         parent revel on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/revel/overlap.bb
         url https://www.ensembl.org/homo_sapiens/Transcript/Summary?t=$<transcriptId>&db=core
         urlLabel Link to Ensembl Transcript View
         mouseOver REVEL score=${revelScore} for transcript(s): ${transcriptId}
+        mouseOverField mouseOver
+        extraTableFields _jsonTable|Title
+        release beta,public
+        track revelOverlaps
+        shortLabel REVEL overlaps
+        longLabel REVEL: Positions with >1 score due to overlapping transcripts (mouseover for details)
+        type bigBed 9 +
+        parent revel on
+        visibility dense
+        bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/revel/overlap.bb
+        mouseOverField mouseOver
+        extraTableFields _jsonTable|Title
+        release alpha