  Wed Aug 24 16:59:30 2022 -0700
vcfToHgvs: Exclude XM_ and XR_ transcripts -- they're not 'real' HGVS and also very unstable from one version to the next.

diff --git src/hg/utils/vcfToHgvs/vcfToHgvs.c src/hg/utils/vcfToHgvs/vcfToHgvs.c
index f1abe22..b2a4f0c 100644
--- src/hg/utils/vcfToHgvs/vcfToHgvs.c
+++ src/hg/utils/vcfToHgvs/vcfToHgvs.c
@@ -1,328 +1,332 @@
 /* vcfToHgvs - Transform VCF variant calls into HGVS terms. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2017 The Regents of the University of California
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "genbank.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgHgvs.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "knetUdc.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 #include "variantProjector.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "vcfToHgvs - Transform VCF variant calls into HGVS terms\n"
   "   vcfToHgvs db in.vcf out.tab\n"
   "   -udcDir=/dir/to/cache - place to put cache for remote VCF files.\n"
   "                           Will create this directory if it does not exist\n"
 static boolean breakDelIns = FALSE;
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"udcDir", OPTION_STRING},
    {NULL, 0},
 struct dnaSeq *hGetNmAccAndSeq(char *db, char *nmAccIn)
 /* Return a cached sequence with ->name set to the versioned NM accession,
  * given a possibly unversioned NM accession, or NULL if not found.
  * db must never change.  Do not modify or free the returned sequence. */
 static struct hash *hash = NULL;
 static char *firstDb = NULL;
 static boolean useNcbi = FALSE;
 if (hash == NULL)
     hash = hashNew(0);
     firstDb = cloneString(db);
     useNcbi = hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db);
 if (!sameString(db, firstDb))
     errAbort("hGetNmAccAndSeq: only works for one db.  %s was passed in earlier, now %s.",
              firstDb, db);
 struct dnaSeq *accSeq = hashFindVal(hash, nmAccIn);
 if (accSeq == NULL)
     if (useNcbi)
         // nmAccIn is already versioned.
         accSeq = hDnaSeqGet(db, nmAccIn, "seqNcbiRefSeq", "extNcbiRefSeq");
         accSeq = hGenBankGetMrna(db, nmAccIn, NULL);
         if (accSeq)
             // Query to get versioned nmAcc and replace accSeq->name with it.
             char query[1024];
             struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
             sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
                      "select concat(s.acc, concat('.', s.version)) "
                      "from %s s where s.acc = '%s';", gbSeqTable, nmAccIn);
             char nmAcc[1024];
             if (sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, nmAcc, sizeof(nmAcc)))
                 accSeq->name = cloneString(nmAcc);
     if (accSeq == NULL)
         // Store a dnaSeq with NULL name and seq so we don't waste time sql querying this again.
         accSeq = newDnaSeq(NULL, 0, NULL);
     hashAdd(hash, nmAccIn, accSeq);
 return (accSeq->name == NULL) ? NULL : accSeq;
 struct dnaSeq *hGetNpAccAndSeq(char *db, char *nmAcc)
 /* Return a cached protein sequence with ->name set to the versioned NP accession,
  * given a possibly unversioned NM accession, or NULL if not found.
  * db must never change.  Do not modify or free the returned sequence. */
 static struct hash *hash = NULL;
 static char *firstDb = NULL;
 static boolean useNcbi = FALSE;
 if (hash == NULL)
     hash = hashNew(0);
     firstDb = cloneString(db);
     useNcbi = hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db);
 if (!sameString(db, firstDb))
     errAbort("hGetNpAccAndSeq: only works for one db.  %s was passed in earlier, now %s.",
              firstDb, db);
 struct dnaSeq *accSeq = hashFindVal(hash, nmAcc);
 if (accSeq == NULL)
     char query[1024];
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
     if (useNcbi)
         // One handy query will get both already-versioned NP accession and sequence:
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
                  "select p.name, p.seq from ncbiRefSeqLink l, ncbiRefSeqPepTable p "
                  "where l.mrnaAcc = '%s' and l.protAcc = p.name", nmAcc);
         struct slPair *accRawSeq = sqlQuickPairList(conn, query);
         if (accRawSeq)
             char *seq = accRawSeq->val;
             accSeq = newDnaSeq(seq, strlen(seq), accRawSeq->name);
         // First get both unversioned and versioned NP acc:
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
                  "select l.protAcc, concat(l.protAcc, concat('.', s.version)) "
                  "from %s l, %s s where l.mrnaAcc = '%s' and l.protAcc = s.acc;",
                  refLinkTable, gbSeqTable, nmAcc);
         struct slPair *accAndVersionedAcc = sqlQuickPairList(conn, query);
         if (accAndVersionedAcc)
             char *npAccNoVersion = accAndVersionedAcc->name;
             char *npAcc = accAndVersionedAcc->val;
             // Use unversioned acc to get pep sequence from gbSeq/gbExtfile/filesystem:
             accSeq = hGenBankGetPep(db, npAccNoVersion, NULL);
             if (accSeq)
                 // Replace unversioned acc
                 accSeq->name = npAcc;
     if (accSeq == NULL)
         // Store a dnaSeq with NULL name and seq so we don't waste time sql querying this again.
         accSeq = newDnaSeq(NULL, 0, NULL);
     hashAdd(hash, nmAcc, accSeq);
 return (accSeq->name == NULL) ? NULL : accSeq;
 void singleAlleleToHgvsOut(char *db, struct bed3 *gBed3, char *ref, char *alt, char *name,
                            char *vcfChrom, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct psl *psl,
                            struct genbankCds *cds, struct dnaSeq *txSeq, FILE *f)
 /* Output first 5 VCF columns to identify the input and allele,
  * followed by tab sep columns of **hgvsG, hgvsN, hgvsC and **hgvsP. */
 if (sameString(alt, "."))
     alt = ref;
 else if (!isAllNt(alt, strlen(alt)))
     fprintf(f, "# %s:%d:%s/%s: alt is non-[AGCTN] '%s', skipping.\n",
             gBed3->chrom, gBed3->chromStart+1, ref, alt, alt);
 char *chromAcc = hRefSeqAccForChrom(db, gBed3->chrom);
 char *hgvsG = hgvsGFromVariant(gSeqWin, gBed3, alt, chromAcc, breakDelIns);
 vpExpandIndelGaps(psl, gSeqWin, txSeq);
 struct vpTx *vpTx = vpGenomicToTranscript(gSeqWin, gBed3, alt, psl, txSeq);
 char *hgvsN = hgvsNFromVpTx(vpTx, gSeqWin, psl, txSeq, breakDelIns);
 char *hgvsC = NULL;
 char *hgvsP = NULL;
 if (cds && cds->start != cds->end && cds->start >= 0)
     hgvsC = hgvsCFromVpTx(vpTx, gSeqWin, psl, cds, txSeq, breakDelIns);
     struct dnaSeq *protSeq = hGetNpAccAndSeq(db, psl->qName);
     struct vpPep *vpPep = vpTranscriptToProtein(vpTx, cds, txSeq, protSeq);
     boolean addParensToP = FALSE;  // could be option
     hgvsP = hgvsPFromVpPep(vpPep, protSeq, addParensToP);
     // do not free protSeq
 int pos = gBed3->chromStart + 1;
 fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t"
         vcfChrom, pos, name, ref, alt, psl->qName,
         hgvsG, hgvsN, emptyForNull(hgvsC), emptyForNull(hgvsP));
 void singleVcfToHgvsOut(char *db, struct vcfRecord *rec, struct seqWindow *gSeqWin,
                         struct psl *psl, struct genbankCds *cds, struct dnaSeq *txSeq,
                         FILE *f)
 /* For each alternate allele in rec, output first 5 VCF columns to identify the input and allele,
  * followed by tab sep columns of hgvsG, hgvsN, hgvsC and hgvsP. */
 //#*** TODO: watch out for VCF symbolic alleles like <DEL>
 struct bed3 gBed3 = { NULL, psl->tName, rec->chromStart, rec->chromEnd };
 char *ref = rec->alleles[0];
 // If there is no alt, show consequence for genomic ref allele
 if (rec->alleleCount == 1)
     singleAlleleToHgvsOut(db, &gBed3, ref, ref, rec->name, rec->chrom, gSeqWin,
                           psl, cds, txSeq, f);
 // Show consequence of each alternate allele
 int ix;
 for (ix = 1; ix < rec->alleleCount;  ix++)
     singleAlleleToHgvsOut(db, &gBed3, ref, rec->alleles[ix], rec->name, rec->chrom, gSeqWin,
                           psl, cds, txSeq, f);
 #define UPDOWN_FUDGE 5000
 struct psl *pslsInRange(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd)
 /* No caching even though this may return the same answer for many little regions.
  * Free returned list when done. */
 struct psl *pslList = NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
 int binOffset = 0;
 int start = max(0, chromStart - UPDOWN_FUDGE);
 int end = chromEnd + UPDOWN_FUDGE;
 struct sqlResult *sr = hRangeQuery(conn, table, chrom, start, end, NULL, &binOffset);
 char **row;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
+    {
+    // Exclude XM_ and XR_ transcripts if any
+    if (!startsWith("X", row[binOffset+9]))
         slAddHead(&pslList, pslLoad(row+binOffset));
+    }
 return pslList;
 void getCds(struct hash *txCdsHash, char *db, boolean hasNcbiRefSeq, char *acc,
             struct genbankCds *retCds)
 /* Put a possibly cached cds's values into cds */
 struct genbankCds *cds = hashFindVal(txCdsHash, acc);
 if (cds == NULL)
     char query[2048];
     if (hasNcbiRefSeq)
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select cds from ncbiRefSeqCds where id = '%s'", acc);
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
                  "select c.name from %s as c, %s as g "
                  "where (g.acc = '%s') and (g.cds != 0) and (g.cds = c.id)"
                  , cdsTable, gbCdnaInfoTable, acc);
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
     char cdsBuf[2048];
     char *cdsStr = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, cdsBuf, sizeof(cdsBuf));
     if (isNotEmpty(cdsStr))
         genbankCdsParse(cdsStr, cds);
     hashAdd(txCdsHash, acc, cds);
 memcpy(retCds, cds, sizeof(*retCds));
 char *getChrom(char *db, char *vcfChrom)
 char *chrom = hgOfficialChromName(db, vcfChrom);
 if (chrom == NULL && !startsWith("chr", vcfChrom))
     char chrChrom[2048];
     safef(chrChrom, sizeof(chrChrom), "chr%s", vcfChrom);
     chrom = hgOfficialChromName(db, chrChrom);
 return chrom;
 void vcfToHgvs(char *db, char *vcfIn, char *hgvsOut)
 /* vcfToHgvs - Transform VCF variant calls into HGVS terms. */
 // UDC cache dir: first check for hg.conf setting, then override with command line option if given.
 udcSetDefaultDir(optionVal("udcDir", udcDefaultDir()));
 struct vcfFile *vcff = vcfFileMayOpen(vcfIn, NULL, 0, 0, -1, -1, TRUE);
 if (! vcff)
     errAbort("Sorry, can't open VCF file %s", vcfIn);
 FILE *f = mustOpen(hgvsOut, "w");
 boolean hasNcbiRefSeq = hDbHasNcbiRefSeq(db);
 char *pslTable = hasNcbiRefSeq ? "ncbiRefSeqPsl" : "refSeqAli";
 struct vcfRecord *rec;
 struct hash *txCdsHash = hashNew(0);
 struct seqWindow *gSeqWin = chromSeqWindowNew(db, NULL, 0, 0);
 for (rec = vcff->records;  rec != NULL;  rec = rec->next)
     // If repetitive SQL queries are too slow then rewrite this to use annoGrator.
     char *chrom = getChrom(db, rec->chrom);
     if (isEmpty(chrom))
         errAbort("vcfToHgvs: Can't find UCSC %s name for VCF chrom/contig '%s'", db, rec->chrom);
     struct psl *txList = pslsInRange(db, pslTable, chrom, rec->chromStart, rec->chromEnd);
     struct psl *psl;
     for (psl = txList;  psl != NULL;  psl = psl->next)
         struct dnaSeq *txSeq = hGetNmAccAndSeq(db, psl->qName);
         if (txSeq)
             struct genbankCds cds;
             getCds(txCdsHash, db, hasNcbiRefSeq, psl->qName, &cds);
             singleVcfToHgvsOut(db, rec, gSeqWin, psl, &cds, txSeq, f);
             fprintf(f, "# *** NO SEQUENCE FOR %s ***\n", psl->qName);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 4)
 vcfToHgvs(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
 return 0;