  Fri Aug 26 10:51:31 2022 -0700
Support Auspice JSON output for monkeypox: url settings not just files, Nextclade_lineage, non-hardcoded Auspice config header, correct amino acid changes on - strand genes.

diff --git src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c
index c7ebb67..07fbf0f 100644
--- src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c
+++ src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c
@@ -112,36 +112,42 @@
 if (!sameOk(dbBase, configDb))
     char configFile[1024];
     safef(configFile, sizeof configFile, PHYLOPLACE_DATA_DIR "/%s/config.ra", dbBase);
     if (fileExists(configFile))
         configHash = raReadSingle(configFile);
         configDb = cloneString(dbBase);
 if (sameOk(dbBase, configDb))
     return cloneString(hashFindVal(configHash, settingName));
 return NULL;
+// TODO: libify
+INLINE boolean isUrl(char *url)
+return (startsWith("http://", url) || startsWith("https://", url) || startsWith("ftp://", url));
 char *phyloPlaceDbSettingPath(char *db, char *settingName)
 /* Return path to a file named by a setting from hgPhyloPlaceData/<db>/config.ra,
  * or NULL if not found.  (Append hgPhyloPlaceData/<db>/ to the beginning of relative path) */
 char *fileName = phyloPlaceDbSetting(db, settingName);
-if (isNotEmpty(fileName) && fileName[0] != '/' && !fileExists(fileName))
+if (isNotEmpty(fileName) && fileName[0] != '/' && !isUrl(fileName) && !fileExists(fileName))
     struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate(PHYLOPLACE_DATA_DIR "/%s/%s",
                                          trackHubSkipHubName(db), fileName);
     if (fileExists(dy->string))
         return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
         return NULL;
 return fileName;
 char *getUsherPath(boolean abortIfNotFound)
 /* Return hgPhyloPlaceData/usher if it exists, else NULL.  Do not free the returned value. */
 char *usherPath = PHYLOPLACE_DATA_DIR "/usher";