  Fri Aug 26 12:04:40 2022 -0700
Many accumulated tweaks, corrections, for ongoing Omicron lineages & sequencing/assembly errors.

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/maskDelta.sh src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/maskDelta.sh
index 93ab192..9ff1ce8 100755
--- src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/maskDelta.sh
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/maskDelta.sh
@@ -1,128 +1,152 @@
 set -beEu -x -o pipefail
 #	Do not modify this script, modify the source tree copy:
 #	kent/src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/maskDelta.sh
 usage() {
     echo "usage: $0 treeIn.pb treeOut.pb"
 if [ $# != 2 ]; then
   exit 1
 # I wish there were a less hacky method to identify the node for Delta, but since mutation
 # paths can change as new samples are added, this is the most stable method I have at the moment:
 # make sample-paths, grep for basal sample IND/GBRC714b/2021 (USA/WI-CDC-FG-038252/2021 would also
 # work in case that one goes away for any reason), use the final node in path.
 $matUtils extract -i $treeInPb -S $samplePaths
 deltaNode=$(grep IND/GBRC714b/2021 $samplePaths | awk '{print $NF;}' | sed -re 's/:.*//;')
 # Delta has deletions at S:157-158 (22029-22034), ORF8:119-120 (28248-28253) and 28271.
 # Mask those locations and some adjacent bases where we get a ton of spurious "mutations".
 maskFile=$(basename $treeInPb .pb).branchSpecificMask.tsv
 set +x
 for ((i=22027;  $i <= 22034;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$deltaNode"
 done > $maskFile
 for ((i=28246;  $i <= 28253;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$deltaNode"
 done >> $maskFile
 echo -e "N28271N\t$deltaNode" >> $maskFile
 set -x
 # S:95 (21846) is also very unreliably detected in Delta.  Mask it off to avoid tree trouble,
 # like split AY.100.
 echo -e "N21846N\t$deltaNode" >> $maskFile
 # These three sites are recommended for caution in the Problematic Sites set, and seem to have
 # create a false lineage (AY.89) from samples that probably should be AY.4.  AY.89 is being
 # withdrawn (https://github.com/cov-lineages/pango-designation/issues/398); mask sites in Delta.
 echo -e "N21302N\t$deltaNode" >> $maskFile
 echo -e "N21304N\t$deltaNode" >> $maskFile
 echo -e "N21305N\t$deltaNode" >> $maskFile
 # Mask flaky positions 28254 (ORF8:121) and 28461 (N:63) so that AY.96 is merged into AY.46
 # https://github.com/cov-lineages/pango-designation/issues/435
 echo -e "N28254N\t$deltaNode" >> $maskFile
 echo -e "N28461N\t$deltaNode" >> $maskFile
 # OK, not just Delta -- Alpha, Beta, Gamma and BA.2 have a deletion that causes spurious "mutations",
 # especially at 11296 and 11291, somewhat also at 11288.
 alphaNode=$(grep Italy/TAA-1900553896/2021 $samplePaths \
             | awk '{print $(NF-1);}' | sed -re 's/:.*//;')
 betaNode=$(grep SouthAfrica/CERI-KRISP-K012031/2021 $samplePaths \
            | awk '{print $NF;}' | sed -re 's/:.*//;')
-gammaNode=$(grep France/PAC-IHU-5193-N1/2021 $samplePaths | awk '{print $NF;}' | sed -re 's/:.*//;')
-BA2Node=$(grep Germany/RP-RKI-I-517345/2022 $samplePaths \
+gammaNode=$(grep FRA/IHUCOVID-005193-N1/2021 $samplePaths | awk '{print $NF;}' | sed -re 's/:.*//;')
+BA2Node=$(grep India/KA-CBR-1402HAV021/2022 $samplePaths \
           | awk '{print $(NF-1);}' | sed -re 's/:.*//;')
 set +x
 for node in $alphaNode $betaNode $gammaNode $BA2Node; do
     for ((i=11288;  $i <= 11296;  i++)); do
         echo -e "N${i}N\t$node"
 done >> $maskFile
 set -x
 # BA.1 has almost the same deletion but it aligns 5 bases to the left, probably because it was
 # combined with an SNV (https://github.com/cov-lineages/pango-designation/issues/361).
 BA1Node=$(grep England/DHSC-CYBJ4Y8/2022 $samplePaths \
           | awk '{print $(NF-1);}' | sed -re 's/:.*//;')
 set +x
 for ((i=11283;  $i <= 11291;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
 done >> $maskFile
 # BA.1 has several other deletions that cause the same problem.
 for ((i=6513;  $i <= 6515;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
 done >> $maskFile
 for ((i=21765;  $i <= 21770;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
 done >> $maskFile
-# There's a deletion 21987-21995 and then an insertion after 22204 and more messy bases after that.
-for ((i=21988;  $i <= 22217;  i++)); do
+for ((i=21988;  $i <= 21995;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
 done >> $maskFile
-for ((i=22194;  $i <= 22198;  i++)); do
+# There's a deletion at 22194-22196 and then an insertion after 22204.  The entire region
+# between the deletion & insertion is riddled with noisy bases, and the noise continues
+# well after the insertion point.  So mask from 22194 to 22217.
+for ((i=22194;  $i <= 22217;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
 done >> $maskFile
 for ((i=28362;  $i <= 28370;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
 done >> $maskFile
 # BA.1 has a lot of amplicon dropout / Delta contam noise at these sites, but so far they
 # don't affect the Delta/Omicron recombinants identified to date which all have Omicron spike,
 # so mask these out in BA.1:
-for i in 22813 22898 22882 22917 23854; do
+for i in 22813 22898 22882 23854; do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
 done >> $maskFile
 # BA.2 has some additional deletions.
 for ((i=21633;  $i <= 21641;  i++)); do
     echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA2Node"
 done >> $maskFile
 for ((i=28362;  $i <= 28370;  i++)); do
-    echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
+    echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA2Node"
 done >> $maskFile
 for ((i=29734;  $i <= 29759;  i++)); do
-    echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA1Node"
+    echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA2Node"
+done >> $maskFile
+# BA.2 also has some amplicon dropout problematic sites *** that hopefully won't mess up recombinants but I had better check ***
+for i in 22786 22882 23854; do
+    echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA2Node"
 done >> $maskFile
+# BA.2 has a lot of noise in these sites (some sites also noisy in Delta & BA.1 but no time for those)
+# I would include 210 but that's important for Delta/BA.2 recombinants.  I would include 212 too,
+# but will leave it in as a red flag that 210 may be bogus.
+# 29766 seems to be found exclusively by Luxembourg and makes a mini-BA.2.
+for i in 197 198 199 200 201 203 204 206 207 214 216 217 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 228 230 231 232 233 239 241 242 243 245 246 29766 ; do
+    echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA2Node"
+done >> $maskFile
+# BA.5 has this deletion like BA.1:
+BA5Node=$(grep England/PHEP-YYFJPAM/2022 $samplePaths \
+          | awk '{print $NF;}' | sed -re 's/:.*//;')
+for ((i=21765;  $i <= 21770;  i++)); do
+    echo -e "N${i}N\t$BA5Node"
+done >> $maskFile
 set -x
 time $matUtils mask -i $treeInPb \
     -m $maskFile \
     -o $treeOutPb
 rm $samplePaths