4951a3f2ca22c980a415c231e59958197baec741 hiram Wed Oct 5 10:41:05 2022 -0700 correct Gene model labels on the ncbiGene (not really NCBI gene) track no redmine diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubTrackDb.sh src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubTrackDb.sh index a313a6c..c051b5c 100755 --- src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubTrackDb.sh +++ src/hg/utils/automation/asmHubTrackDb.sh @@ -5,42 +5,51 @@ if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then printf "usage: trackDb.sh <asmId> <ncbiAsmId> <pathTo/assembly hub build directory> > trackDb.txt\n" 1>&2 printf "expecting to find *.ucsc.2bit and bbi/ files at given path\n" 1>&2 printf "asmId may be equal to ncbiAsmId if it is a GenArk build\n" 1>&2 printf "or asmId might be a default dbName if it is a UCSC style\n" 1>&2 printf "browser build.\n" 1>&2 exit 255 fi export asmId=$1 export ncbiAsmId=$2 export buildDir=$3 export scriptDir="$HOME/kent/src/hg/utils/automation" +export asmType="n/a" + # technique to set variables based on the name in another variable: if [ -s "$buildDir/dropTracks.list" ]; then printf "# reading dropTracks.list\n" 1>&2 for dropTrack in `cat "$buildDir/dropTracks.list"` do notTrack="not_${dropTrack}" # printf "# %s\n" "${notTrack}" 1>&2 eval $notTrack="1" done fi +case "${asmId}" in + GCA_*) asmType="genbank" + ;; + GCF_*) asmType="refseq" + ;; +esac + mkdir -p $buildDir/bbi mkdir -p $buildDir/ixIxx # may or may not have a searchTrix for assembly, assume none export searchTrix="" # check to see if there is a searchTrix assembly index if [ -s ${buildDir}/trackData/assemblyGap/${asmId}.assembly.ix ]; then rm -f $buildDir/ixIxx/${asmId}.assembly.ix* ln -s ../trackData/assemblyGap/${asmId}.assembly.ix $buildDir/ixIxx ln -s ../trackData/assemblyGap/${asmId}.assembly.ixx $buildDir/ixIxx searchTrix=" searchTrix ixIxx/${asmId}.assembly.ix" fi if [ -s ${buildDir}/trackData/assemblyGap/${asmId}.assembly.bb ]; then @@ -579,36 +588,42 @@ if [ "${haveNcbiRefSeq}" = "no" ]; then # may or may not have a searchTrix for ncbiGene, assume none searchTrix="" # check to see if there is a index for ncbiGene if [ -s ${buildDir}/trackData/ncbiGene/$asmId.ncbiGene.ix ]; then searchTrix=" searchTrix ixIxx/$asmId.ncbiGene.ix" fi if [ -s ${buildDir}/trackData/ncbiGene/$asmId.ncbiGene.bb ]; then rm -f $buildDir/bbi/${asmId}.ncbiGene.bb rm -f $buildDir/ixIxx/${asmId}.ncbiGene.ix rm -f $buildDir/ixIxx/${asmId}.ncbiGene.ixx +export longLabel="Gene models submitted to NCBI" +export shortLabel="Gene models" +if [ "$asmType" = "refseq" ]; then + longLabel="NCBI gene predictions" + shortLabel="NCBI Genes" +fi ln -s ../trackData/ncbiGene/$asmId.ncbiGene.bb $buildDir/bbi/${asmId}.ncbiGene.bb ln -s ../trackData/ncbiGene/$asmId.ncbiGene.ix $buildDir/ixIxx/${asmId}.ncbiGene.ix ln -s ../trackData/ncbiGene/$asmId.ncbiGene.ixx $buildDir/ixIxx/${asmId}.ncbiGene.ixx printf "track ncbiGene -longLabel NCBI gene predictions -shortLabel NCBI Genes +longLabel $longLabel +shortLabel $shortLabel visibility pack color 0,80,150 altColor 150,80,0 colorByStrand 0,80,150 150,80,0 bigDataUrl bbi/%s.ncbiGene.bb type bigGenePred html html/%s.ncbiGene searchIndex name%s url https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/?term=\$\$ urlLabel Entrez gene labelFields geneName,geneName2 group genes\n\n" "${asmId}" "${asmId}" "${searchTrix}" $scriptDir/asmHubNcbiGene.pl $asmId $ncbiAsmId $buildDir/html/$asmId.names.tab $buildDir/trackData > $buildDir/html/$asmId.ncbiGene.html