  Fri Sep 30 08:40:43 2022 -0700
panelApp otto job, refs #25568

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/panelApp/test.py src/hg/utils/otto/panelApp/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9162a0
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/panelApp/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import requests
+import json 
+import pandas as pd 
+import sys 
+import argparse
+import re
+from datetime import date
+download panelApp data via its API (somewhat slow) and convert to two bigBed files into the byDay/ directory.
+Then create symlinks to them.
+# originally from /cluster/home/bnguy/trackhub/panel/bigBedConversion/final_version/panel_app.py
+# Written by a project student, Beagan, in 2020/2021
+def getGenesLocations():
+    page_count = 1
+    Error = True
+    hg19_dict = dict()
+    hg38_dict = dict()
+    repeat19 = list()
+    repeat38 = list()
+    continuous_count = 0
+    genes_missing_info = list()
+    while Error: 
+        url = "https://panelapp.genomicsengland.co.uk/api/v1/genes/?format=json&page={}".format(page_count)
+        myResponse = requests.get(url)
+        if (myResponse.ok):
+            jsonData = myResponse.content.decode()
+            jData = json.loads(jsonData)
+            if "error" in jData.keys():
+                raise Exception("{} page count is missing.".format(page_count))
+            res = jData['results']
+            num_gene_variant = len(res)
+            count = 0
+            while count != num_gene_variant:
+                temp_attribute_dictionary = dict()
+                string_dict_key = 'gene_{}'.format(continuous_count)
+                try:
+                    ensembl_genes_GRch37_82_location = res[count]['gene_data']['ensembl_genes']['GRch37']['82']['location']
+                except:
+                    print(count)
+                    genes_missing_info.append(res[count]['gene_data']['gene_symbol']+"/hg19")
+                    count = count + 1
+                try:
+                    ensembl_genes_GRch38_90_location = res[count]['gene_data']['ensembl_genes']['GRch38']['90']['location']
+                except:
+                    print(count)
+                    genes_missing_info.append(res[count]['gene_data']['gene_symbol']+"/hg38")
+                    count = count + 1
+                location_37 = ensembl_genes_GRch37_82_location.split(':')
+                chromo_37 = 'chr'+location_37[0]
+                gene_range_37 = location_37[1].split('-')
+                location_38 = ensembl_genes_GRch38_90_location.split(':')
+                # Change mitochondrial chromosomal suffix from MT -> M, fetchrom recognize only chrM
+                chr_num = location_38[0]
+                if chr_num == "MT":
+                    chr_num = "M"
+                chromo_38 = 'chr'+chr_num
+                gene_range_38 = location_38[1].split('-')
+                score = '0'
+                strand = '.'
+                blockCount = '1'
+                blockSizes = int(gene_range_37[1]) - int(gene_range_37[0])
+                blockStarts = '0'
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                gene_data_list = ['gene_name', 'hgnc_symbol', 'hgnc_id']
+                for attribute in gene_data_list:
+                    try:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = res[count]['gene_data'][attribute]
+                    except:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ''
+                try:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['omim_gene'] = ' '.join(res[count]['gene_data']['omim_gene'])
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['omim_gene'] = ''
+                try: 
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_symbol'] = res[count]['gene_data']['gene_symbol']
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_symbol'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # Need to split HGNC ID
+                try:
+                    hgnc = res[count]['gene_data']['hgnc_id']
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['hgnc_id'] = hgnc.split(':')[1]
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['hgnc_id'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # Capitalize(title) gene name
+                try:
+                    gene_name = res[count]['gene_data']['gene_name'].title()
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_name'] = gene_name
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_name'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # Biotype change protein_coding to Protein Coding
+                try:
+                    biotype = res[count]['gene_data']['biotype']
+                    if biotype == 'protein_coding':
+                        biotype = 'Protein Coding'
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['biotype'] = biotype
+                    if biotype == None:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['biotype'] = ''
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['biotype'] = ''
+                    print(res[count])
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
+                try:
+                    ensembl_genes_GRch37_82_ensembl_id = res[count]['gene_data']['ensembl_genes']['GRch37']['82']['ensembl_id']
+                    ensembl_genes_GRch38_90_ensembl_id = res[count]['gene_data']['ensembl_genes']['GRch38']['90']['ensembl_id']
+                except:
+                    ensembl_genes_GRch37_82_ensembl_id = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                gene_type_list = ['confidence_level', 'phenotypes', 'mode_of_inheritance', 'tags']
+                for attribute in gene_type_list:
+                    try:
+                        x = res[count][attribute]
+                        if not x:
+                            temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ''    
+                        else:
+                            pre = ' '.join(res[count][attribute])
+                            temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = pre.replace('\t', ' ')
+                    except:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # Cannot exceed 255 characters
+                # Cannot have tabs
+                try:
+                    x = res[count]['phenotypes']
+                    y = ' '.join(res[count]['phenotypes'])
+                    if not x:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['phenotypes'] = ''
+                    else:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['phenotypes'] = y.replace("\t", " ")
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['phenotypes'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # Evidence cannot exceed 255 characters
+                try:
+                    x = res[count]['evidence']
+                    y = ' '.join(res[count]['evidence'])
+                    if not x:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['evidence'] = ''
+                    else:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['evidence'] = y
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['evidence'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                tags = ' '.join(res[count]['tags']).title()
+                try:
+                    if not tags:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['tags'] = ''
+                    else:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['tags'] = tags
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['tags'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # Mode of Inheritance (fix format)
+                MOI = ' '.join(res[count]['mode_of_inheritance']).replace("  ", "???").replace(" ", "").replace("???", " ")
+                try:
+                    if not MOI:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['mode_of_inheritance'] = ''
+                    else:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['mode_of_inheritance'] = MOI
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['mode_of_inheritance'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # For values with spaces 
+                gene_type_list = ['entity_name', 'penetrance']
+                for attribute in gene_type_list:
+                    try:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ' '.join(res[count][attribute]).replace(" ", "")
+                    except:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # For values with spaces and need to be capitalized
+                attribute = 'entity_type'
+                try:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ' '.join(res[count][attribute]).replace(" ", "").capitalize()
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                attribute = 'mode_of_pathogenicity'
+                try:
+                    mode = ' '.join(res[count][attribute]).replace("  ", "???").replace(" ", "").replace("???", " ")
+                    if mode[0] == 'L' or mode[0] == 'l':
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = 'Loss-of-function variants'
+                    elif mode[0] == 'G' or mode[0] == 'g':
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = 'Gain-of-function'
+                    elif mode[0] == 'O' or mode[0] == 'o':
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = 'Other'
+                    else:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = mode
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                panel_list = ['id','name', 'disease_group', 'disease_sub_group', 'status', 'version_created']
+                for attribute in panel_list:
+                    try:
+                        x = res[count]['panel'][attribute]
+                        if not x:
+                            temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ''
+                        else:
+                            temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = res[count]['panel'][attribute]
+                    except:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary[attribute] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                version_num = 0.0
+                try:
+                    version_num = float(res[count]['panel']['version'])
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['version'] = version_num
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['version'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                try:
+                    x = res[count]['panel']['relevant_disorders']
+                    y = ' '.join(res[count]['panel']['relevant_disorders'])
+                    if not x:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['relevant_disorders'] = ''
+                    else:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['relevant_disorders'] = y
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['relevant_disorders'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # Add comma separated to list of pub id
+                publications = ' '.join(res[count]['publications'])
+                if not publications:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'] = ''
+                else:
+                    if re.match("^[0-9 ]+$", publications):
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'] = publications.replace(' ', ', ')
+                    else:
+                        temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'] = publications
+                # Remove new lines
+                temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'] = temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'].replace("\n", "")
+                # make everything a URL, as we have not only PMIDs in here
+                # convert numbers to Pubmed URLs
+                pubs = temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'].split(", ")
+                pubUrls = []
+                for pub in pubs:
+                    if re.match("^[0-9 ]+$", pub):
+                        pubUrls.append("https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/"+pub)
+                    else:
+                        pubUrls.append(pub)
+                temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'] = ", ".join(pubUrls)
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # MouseOverField
+                try:
+                    mof = 'Gene: ' +  temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_symbol'] + ';' + ' Panel: ' + temp_attribute_dictionary['name'] + ';' + ' MOI: ' + MOI + ';' + ' Phenotypes: ' + temp_attribute_dictionary['phenotypes'] + ';' + ' Confidence: ' + temp_attribute_dictionary['confidence_level'] + ';'
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['mouseOverField'] = mof
+                except:
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['mouseOverField'] = ''
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                # Column 4
+                temp_attribute_dictionary['label'] = temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_symbol'] + ' (' + temp_attribute_dictionary['name'] + ')'
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                rgb_dict = {'3': '0,255,0', '2': '255,191,0', '1':'255,0,0'}
+                # If the confidence level is set to 0, set to 1
+                if temp_attribute_dictionary['confidence_level'] == '0':
+                    temp_attribute_dictionary['confidence_level'] = '1'
+                rgb = rgb_dict[temp_attribute_dictionary['confidence_level']]
+                rgb = rgb.strip('"')
+                '''
+                Replace all tab in value with spaces and removes new lines
+                '''
+                for key, item in temp_attribute_dictionary.items():
+                    try:
+                        if isinstance(item, int):
+                            pass
+                        elif isinstance(item, float):
+                            pass
+                        else:
+                            temp_attribute_dictionary[key] = item.replace('\t', ' ').strip().strip("\n").strip("\r")
+                    except:
+                        pass
+                # Version Threshold = 0.99
+                max_num = float(0.99)
+                if version_num > max_num: 
+                    if temp_attribute_dictionary['label'] not in repeat19:    # Removes Repeats
+                        repeat19.append(temp_attribute_dictionary['label'])
+                        hg19_dict[string_dict_key] = [chromo_37, int(gene_range_37[0]), gene_range_37[1], temp_attribute_dictionary['label'], 
+                                                score, strand, gene_range_37[0], gene_range_37[1], rgb, blockCount, blockSizes, blockStarts, 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_symbol'], temp_attribute_dictionary['biotype'], temp_attribute_dictionary['hgnc_id'], 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_name'], temp_attribute_dictionary['omim_gene'], ensembl_genes_GRch38_90_ensembl_id,
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['entity_type'], temp_attribute_dictionary['entity_name'], temp_attribute_dictionary['confidence_level'],    
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['penetrance'], temp_attribute_dictionary['mode_of_pathogenicity'], temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'], 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['evidence'], temp_attribute_dictionary['phenotypes'], temp_attribute_dictionary['mode_of_inheritance'], 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['tags'], temp_attribute_dictionary['id'], temp_attribute_dictionary['name'],
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['disease_group'], temp_attribute_dictionary['disease_sub_group'], temp_attribute_dictionary['status'], 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['version'], temp_attribute_dictionary['version_created'], temp_attribute_dictionary['relevant_disorders'], temp_attribute_dictionary['mouseOverField']]
+                    if temp_attribute_dictionary['label'] not in repeat38:    # Remove Repeats
+                        repeat38.append(temp_attribute_dictionary['label'])
+                        hg38_dict[string_dict_key] = [chromo_38, int(gene_range_38[0]), gene_range_38[1], temp_attribute_dictionary['label'], 
+                                                score, strand, gene_range_38[0], gene_range_38[1], rgb, blockCount, blockSizes, blockStarts, 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_symbol'], temp_attribute_dictionary['biotype'], temp_attribute_dictionary['hgnc_id'], 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['gene_name'], temp_attribute_dictionary['omim_gene'], ensembl_genes_GRch38_90_ensembl_id,
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['entity_type'], temp_attribute_dictionary['entity_name'], temp_attribute_dictionary['confidence_level'],    
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['penetrance'], temp_attribute_dictionary['mode_of_pathogenicity'], temp_attribute_dictionary['publications'], 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['evidence'], temp_attribute_dictionary['phenotypes'], temp_attribute_dictionary['mode_of_inheritance'], 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['tags'], temp_attribute_dictionary['id'], temp_attribute_dictionary['name'],
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['disease_group'], temp_attribute_dictionary['disease_sub_group'], temp_attribute_dictionary['status'], 
+                                                temp_attribute_dictionary['version'], temp_attribute_dictionary['version_created'], temp_attribute_dictionary['relevant_disorders'], temp_attribute_dictionary['mouseOverField']]
+                count = count + 1
+                continuous_count = continuous_count + 1
+        else:
+            Error = False        # End of all pages
+        page_count = page_count + 1
+        print(page_count)
+    print('Genes with missing coordinates (written to missing_genes.txt):')
+    print(genes_missing_info)
+    open("missing_genes.txt", "w").write("\n".join(genes_missing_info))
+    return(hg19_dict, hg38_dict)
+def main():
+    hg19_dict, hg38_dict = getGenesLocations()
+    pd_19_table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hg19_dict)
+    pd_38_table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hg38_dict)
+    pd_19_table = pd_19_table.T
+    pd_38_table = pd_38_table.T
+    pd_19_table.columns = ["chrom", "chromStart", 
+        "chromEnd", "name", "score", "strand", "thickStart", "thickEnd", "itemRgb",
+        "blockCount", "blockSizes", "blockStarts", "Gene Symbol", "Biotype", "HGNC ID",
+        "Gene Name", "OMIM Gene", "Ensembl Genes", "Entity Type", "Entity Name", "Confidence Level",
+        "Penetranace", "Mode of Pathogenicity", "Publications", "Evidence", "Phenotypes", 
+        "Mode of Inheritance", "Tags", "Panel ID", "Panel Name", "Disease Group", "Disease Subgroup", 
+        "Status", "Panel Version", "Version Created", "Relevant Disorders", "MouseOverField"]
+    pd_38_table.columns = ["chrom", "chromStart", 
+        "chromEnd", "name", "score", "strand", "thickStart", "thickEnd", "itemRgb",
+        "blockCount", "blockSizes", "blockStarts", "Gene Symbol", "Biotype", "HGNC ID",
+        "Gene Name", "OMIM Gene", "Ensembl Genes", "Entity Type", "Entity Name", "Confidence Level",
+        "Penetranace", "Mode of Pathogenicity", "Publications", "Evidence", "Phenotypes", 
+        "Mode of Inheritance", "Tags", "Panel ID", "Panel Name", "Disease Group", "Disease Subgroup", 
+        "Status", "Panel Version", "Version Created", "Relevant Disorders", "MouseOverField"]
+    #pd_19_table.to_csv('hg19_header.tsv', sep='\t', index=False)
+    #pd_38_table.to_csv('hg38_header.tsv', sep='\t', index=False)
+    #pd_19_table.to_csv('hg19_noheadertem.tsv', sep='\t', index=False, header=None) 
+    #pd_38_table.to_csv('hg38_noheader.tsv', sep='\t', index=False, header=None) 
+    outDir = date.today().strftime("byDay/%Y-%m-%d")
+    os.makedirs(outDir)
+    outFnames = {}
+    outFnames["19"] = outDir+'/hg19_sorted_noheader.tsv'
+    outFnames["38"] = outDir+'/hg38_sorted_noheader.tsv'
+    outBbs = {}
+    outBbs["19"] = outDir+"/panelapp_hg19.bb"
+    outBbs["38"] = outDir+"/panelapp_hg38.bb"
+    ''' Sort '''
+    pd_19_table = pd_19_table.sort_values(by=['chrom','chromStart'], ascending = (True, True))
+    pd_19_table.to_csv(outFnames["19"], sep='\t', index=False, header=None) 
+    pd_38_table = pd_38_table.sort_values(by=['chrom','chromStart'], ascending = (True, True))
+    pd_38_table.to_csv(outFnames["38"], sep='\t', index=False, header=None) 
+    for db in ["19", "38"]:
+        cmd = "bedToBigBed -tab -as=panelapp.as -type=bed9+26 -extraIndex=geneName %s /hive/data/genomes/hg%s/chrom.sizes %s" % (outFnames[db], db, outBbs[db])
+        assert(os.system(cmd)==0)
+    # make sure that we never end up with a only one updated bb file
+    #for db in ["19", "38"]:
+        #os.rename("%s.tmp" % outBbs[db], outBbs[db])
+    # update the symlinks
+    for db in ["19", "38"]:
+        cmd = "ln -s %s /gbdb/hg%s/panelApp/genesPanel.bb" % (outBbs[db], db)
+        assert(os.system(cmd)==0)
+    print("PanelApp otto update: OP")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()