  Fri Nov 4 13:45:26 2022 -0700
Adding alphafold links to hgGene for model organisms, refs #29817

diff --git src/hg/hgGene/hgGeneData/links.ra src/hg/hgGene/hgGeneData/links.ra
index 96dd66d..0d0b023 100644
--- src/hg/hgGene/hgGeneData/links.ra
+++ src/hg/hgGene/hgGeneData/links.ra
@@ -1,179 +1,186 @@
 # This contains info to construct the quick links. 
 name genome
 shortLabel Genome Browser
 tables knownGene 
 idSql select chrom,txStart+1,txEnd from knownGene where name = '%s'
 url ../cgi-bin/hgTracks?position=%s:%s-%s
 nameFormat %s:%s-%s
 hgsid on
 dbInUrl on
 priority 1
 name family
 shortLabel Gene Sorter
 tables kgXref
 idSql select kgID from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 url ../cgi-bin/hgNear?near_search=%s
 hgsid on
 dbInUrl on
 priority 1
 name visiGene
 shortLabel VisiGene
 tables knownToVisiGene
 idSql select value from knownToVisiGene where name = '%s'
 url ../cgi-bin/hgVisiGene?hgp_doId=%s
 hgsid on
 dbInUrl on
 priority 1
 name sgdPalTrack
 shortLabel Other Species FASTA
 tables sgdGene 
 idSql select chrom,txStart+1,txEnd,name from sgdGene where name = '%s'
 url ../cgi-bin/hgPal?g=sgdGene&c=%s&l=%s&r=%s&i=%s
 hgsid on
 dbInUrl on
 priority 1
 name palTrack
 shortLabel Other Species FASTA
 tables knownGene 
 idSql select chrom,txStart+1,txEnd,name from knownGene where name = '%s'
 url ../cgi-bin/hgPal?g=KNOWNDB.knownGene&c=%s&l=%s&r=%s&i=%s
 hgsid on
 dbInUrl on
 priority 1
 name tbSchema
 shortLabel Table Schema
 tables knownGene
 idSql select 'this is a necessary placeholder %s'
 url ../cgi-bin/hgTables?hgta_group=%s&hgta_track=%s&hgta_table=%s&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
 hgsid on
 dbInUrl on
 priority 5
 name uniProt
 shortLabel UniProtKB
 tables kgXref
 idSql select spId from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 nameSql select spDisplayId from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 priority 10
 #name refSeq
 #shortLabel RefSeq
 #tables kgXref
 #idSql select refseq from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 #priority 10
 name entrezGene
 shortLabel Entrez Gene
 tables kgXref hgFixed.refLink
 idSql select hgFixed.refLink.locusLinkId from kgXref,hgFixed.refLink where kgID = '%s' and kgXref.refseq = hgFixed.refLink.mrnaAcc
 priority 10
 #name genBank
 #shortLabel GenBank
 #tables kgXref
 #idSql select kgID from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 #priority 10
 #name moped
 #shortLabel MOPED
 #tables kgXref
 #idSql select spId from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 #priority 10
 name pubMed
 shortLabel PubMed
 tables kgXref
 idSql select geneSymbol from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 priority 10
 #name gepis
 #shortLabel Gepis Tissue
 #tables kgXref
 #idSql select geneSymbol from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 #priority 10
 name treeFam
 shortLabel Treefam
 tables knownToTreefam
 idSql select value from knownToTreefam where name = '%s';
 priority 10
 name cgap
 shortLabel CGAP
 tables cgapAlias kgXref
 idSql select cgapID from cgapAlias,kgXref where kgID = '%s' and geneSymbol = alias;
 priority 10
 name ensembl
 shortLabel Ensembl
 tables knownToEnsembl
 idSql select value from knownToEnsembl where name = '%s'
 priority 10
 #name modBase
 #shortLabel ModBase
 #tables hgFixed.modBaseLsSnp, kgXref
 #idSql select uniProtId from hgFixed.modBaseLsSnp where uniProtId = '%s'
 #nameSql select spDisplayId from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 #url http://
 #priority 10
 #name lsSnpFunc
 #shortLabel LS-SNP Function
 #tables hgFixed.modBaseLsSnp, kgXref
 #idSql select uniProtId from hgFixed.modBaseLsSnp where uniProtId = '%s'
 #nameSql select spDisplayId from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 #priority 10
 #name lsSnpStruct
 #shortLabel LS-SNP Structure
 #tables hgFixed.modBaseLsSnp, kgXref
 #idSql select uniProtId from hgFixed.modBaseLsSnp where uniProtId = '%s'
 #nameSql select spDisplayId from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 #priority 10
 name allenBrain
 shortLabel Allen Brain Atlas
 tables knownToAllenBrain allenBrainUrl
 idSql select allenBrainUrl.url from knownToAllenBrain,allenBrainUrl where = '%s' and knownToAllenBrain.value =
 url %s
 priority 10
 # enforce read-only 2012-06-22
 # name wikiTrack
 # shortLabel User annotations
 # tables kgXref
 # idSql select kgID from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
 # url ../cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_gene=%s&hgg_chrom=none&hgg_do_wikiTrack=1
 # dbInUrl on
 # priority 10
 name wikipedia
 shortLabel Wikipedia
 tables knownToWikipedia
 idSql select value from knownToWikipedia where name = '%s';
 priority 11
 name biogps
 shortLabel BioGPS
 tables knownToLocusLink
 idSql select value from knownToLocusLink where name = '%s';
 priority 10
+name alphafold
+shortLabel AlphaFold
+tables kgXref
+idSql select spID from kgXref where kgID = '%s'
+priority 10