  Fri Dec 9 04:37:27 2022 -0800
adding return to current position button, refs #30306

diff --git src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c
index 8a6da85..e22d85e 100644
--- src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c
+++ src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c
@@ -715,31 +715,33 @@
 /* Make a form for navigating to other CGIs. */
 struct slPair *valsAndLabels = makeOtherCgiValsAndLabels();
 // Default to the first CGI in the menu.
 char *defaultCgi = valsAndLabels->name;
 char *selected = cartUsualString(cart, hgCtNavDest, defaultCgi);
 printf("<FORM STYLE=\"margin-bottom:0;\" METHOD=\"GET\" NAME=\"navForm\" ID=\"navForm\""
        " ACTION=\"%s\">\n", selected);
 if (pos)
     cgiMakeHiddenVar("position", pos);
 printf("view in ");
 // Construct a menu of destination CGIs
 puts(cgiMakeSingleSelectDropList(hgCtNavDest, valsAndLabels, selected, NULL, NULL,
  "change", "var newVal = $('#navSelect').val(); $('#navForm').attr('action', newVal);", NULL, "navSelect"));
-cgiMakeButton("submit", "go");
+cgiMakeButton("submit", "go to first annotation");
+puts("&nbsp;<input type='submit' name='submit' id='submitGoBack' value='return to current position'>");
+jsOnEventByIdF("click", "submitGoBack", "$('#navForm > [name=position]').remove()");
 static void manageCustomForm(char *warnMsg)
 /* list custom tracks and display checkboxes so user can select for delete */
 struct dbDb *dbList = getCustomTrackDatabases();
 struct dbDb *dbDb = NULL;
 /* add this database to the list, as it may have no custom
  * tracks, but we still want to see it in the menu */
 slAddTail(&dbList, hDbDb(database));
 /* remove duplicate entry for this database, if any */
 for (dbDb = dbList->next; dbDb != NULL; dbDb = dbDb->next)