6b7b5c359f41944103a1209a09b076cdade0044b angie Fri Dec 2 11:25:11 2022 -0800 Add check for unannotated lineages. diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/updatePublic.sh src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/updatePublic.sh index 7a3e9df..e74c4e7 100755 --- src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/updatePublic.sh +++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/updatePublic.sh @@ -1,58 +1,78 @@ #!/bin/bash source ~/.bashrc set -beEu -x -o pipefail # Do not modify this script, modify the source tree copy: # kent/src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/updatePublic.sh usage() { echo "usage: $0 problematicSitesVcf" } if [ $# != 1 ]; then usage exit 1 fi problematicSitesVcf=$1 ottoDir=/hive/data/outside/otto/sarscov2phylo gisaidDir=/hive/users/angie/gisaid today=$(date +%F) scriptDir=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") $scriptDir/gisaidFromChunks.sh & cogUkDir=$ottoDir/cogUk.$today mkdir -p $cogUkDir cd $cogUkDir && time $scriptDir/getCogUk.sh >& getCogUk.log & ncbiDir=$ottoDir/ncbi.$today mkdir -p $ncbiDir cd $ncbiDir && time $scriptDir/getNcbi.sh >& getNcbi.log & wait time $scriptDir/updateIdMapping.sh \ $gisaidDir/{metadata_batch_$today.tsv.gz,sequences_batch_$today.fa.xz} buildDir=$ottoDir/$today mkdir -p $buildDir cd $buildDir prevDate=$(date -d yesterday +%F) time $scriptDir/updateCombinedTree.sh $prevDate $today $problematicSitesVcf \ >& updateCombinedTree.log echo "" cat hgPhyloPlace.description.txt cat hgPhyloPlace.plusGisaid.description.txt set +o pipefail grep skip annotate.pango annotate.nextclade | cat grep 'Could not' annotate.pango annotate.nextclade | cat + +# Check for newly lineages that are missing from pango.clade-mutations.tsv +set +x +lineages=~angie/github/pango-designation/lineages.csv +tail -n+2 $lineages | cut -d, -f 2 | uniq | grep -E '^(AY|[B-Z][A-Z])' | sort -u \ + > $TMPDIR/designatedDoubleLetters +cut -f 1 $scriptDir/pango.clade-mutations.tsv \ +| grep -E '^(AY|[B-Z][A-Z])' | grep -v _ | sort -u \ + > $TMPDIR/cladeMutDoubleLetters +missingLineages=$(comm -23 $TMPDIR/designatedDoubleLetters $TMPDIR/cladeMutDoubleLetters) +if [[ "$missingLineages" != "" ]]; then + echo "LINEAGES MISSING FROM lineages.csv:" + echo $missingLineages +fi +extraLineages=$(comm -13 $TMPDIR/designatedDoubleLetters $TMPDIR/cladeMutDoubleLetters) +if [[ "$extraLineages" != "" ]]; then + echo "EXTRA LINEAGES (withdrawn?) in pango.clade-mutations.tsv:" + echo $extraLineages +fi set -o pipefail +set -x # Clean up nice xz -f new*fa &