  Mon Nov 28 16:35:16 2022 -0800
Allow users to invert Hi-C plots, refs #30330, #30343

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hicTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/hicTrack.c
index 322cc02..684482d 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hicTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hicTrack.c
@@ -1,486 +1,511 @@
 /* hic -- draw Hi-C maps */
 /* Copyright (C) 2018 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "bedCart.h"
 #include "bigWarn.h"
 #include "interact.h" // for interact structures
 #include "hicUi.h"
 #include "cStraw.h"
 #include "hic.h"
 #include "htmlColor.h"
 static double hicSqueezeFactor(enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Controls the height multiplier for various draw modes. */
 switch (vis)
     case tvDense:
         return 0.125;
     case tvSquish:
         return 0.25;
     case tvPack:
         return 0.5;
         return 1.0;
     return 1.0;
 static int hicTotalHeight(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Calculate height of the track across all windows.  For arc and triangle, this
  * depends on the actual interactions being drawn.  For square, it just depends
  * on the height of the highest square (yes, this currently means smaller
  * squares are stretched vertically in multi-region - it's not ideal). */
 int maxHeight = 0;
 struct track *trackScan = tg;
 while (trackScan != NULL) // Canvas max height for this and previous windows ...
     if ((int)trackScan->maxRange > maxHeight)
         maxHeight = (int)trackScan->maxRange;
     trackScan = trackScan->prevWindow;
 trackScan = tg->nextWindow;
 while (trackScan != NULL) // ... and look at following windows ...
     if ((int)trackScan->maxRange > maxHeight)
         maxHeight = (int)trackScan->maxRange;
     trackScan = trackScan->nextWindow;
 maxHeight *= hicSqueezeFactor(vis);
 if (maxHeight < tg->lineHeight)
     maxHeight = tg->lineHeight;
 return maxHeight;
 struct hicMeta *grabHeader(struct track *tg)
 /* Fetch a hicMeta structure that describes the Hi-C data associated with
  * the track. */
 char *filename = trackDbSettingOrDefault(tg->tdb, "bigDataUrl", NULL);
 struct hicMeta *metaResult = NULL;
 if (filename == NULL)
     warn("Missing bigDataUrl setting for track %s", tg->track);
     return NULL;
 char *errMsg = hicLoadHeader(filename, &metaResult, database);
 if (errMsg != NULL)
     tg->networkErrMsg = errMsg;
     return NULL;
 return metaResult;
 static void loadAndFilterItems(struct track *tg)
 /* Load all Hi-C items in the current region and identify the window height
  * and median value for this region. */
 if (tg->customPt == NULL)
     tg->customPt = grabHeader(tg);
 if (tg->customPt == NULL)
 struct hicMeta *hicFileInfo = (struct hicMeta*)tg->customPt;
 int binSize = hicUiFetchResolutionAsInt(cart, tg->tdb, hicFileInfo, winEnd-winStart);
 char *normalization = hicUiFetchNormalization(cart, tg->tdb, hicFileInfo);
 char abbrevBinSize[1024];
 sprintWithMetricBaseUnit(abbrevBinSize, sizeof(abbrevBinSize), binSize);
 int newStringLen = strlen(tg->longLabel) + strlen(abbrevBinSize) + strlen(normalization) + 10;
 char *newLabel = needMem(newStringLen);
 safef(newLabel, newStringLen, "%s (%s, %s)", tg->longLabel, abbrevBinSize, normalization);
 tg->longLabel = newLabel;  // leaks old cloneString() memory chunk
 // Later, it would be nice to validate that this file is for the current assembly (see the hicMeta
 // structure).  It would be hard - the assembly name in the file's "genome" field can't be relied on.
 // Maybe by comparing chromosome names and sizes?
 // Note: This is giving it a 0-based, full-closed window. Straw seems to use 1-based coordinates
 // by default, but accepts 0 as the start of a window without complaint.
 // Pad the start because we want to display partial interactions if the end of an interacting block is
 // in view but not the start.  Straw won't report interactions if the start of the block isn't in the
 // supplied position range.
 int strawStart = winStart - binSize + 1;
 if (strawStart < 0) strawStart = 0;
 struct interact *hicItems = NULL;
 tg->networkErrMsg = hicLoadData(hicFileInfo, binSize, normalization, chromName, strawStart, winEnd-1, chromName,
         strawStart, winEnd-1, &hicItems);
 // Using the interact structure because it has convenient fields, but this is not interact data and
 // shouldn't be passed to those functions.
 int numRecords = slCount(hicItems), filtNumRecords = 0;
 tg->maxRange = 0.0; // the max height of an interaction in this window
 double *countsCopy = NULL;
 if (numRecords > 0)
     AllocArray(countsCopy, numRecords);
 struct interact *thisHic = hicItems;
 char *drawMode = hicUiFetchDrawMode(cart, tg->tdb);
 struct interact* filteredOut = NULL;
 struct interact** prevNextPtr = &hicItems; // for removing items from the linked list
 double maxRange = hicUiMaxInteractionRange(cart, tg->tdb);
 double minRange = hicUiMinInteractionRange(cart, tg->tdb);
 while (thisHic != NULL)
     // Add filtering based on max interaction distance
     if (sameString(thisHic->sourceChrom, thisHic->targetChrom))
         unsigned leftEdge = thisHic->sourceStart < thisHic->targetStart ? thisHic->sourceStart : thisHic->targetStart;
         unsigned rightEdge = thisHic->sourceEnd > thisHic->targetEnd ? thisHic->sourceEnd : thisHic->targetEnd;
         if ((maxRange && maxRange < (double)(rightEdge - leftEdge) ) ||
             (minRange && minRange > (double)(rightEdge - leftEdge) ))
             // a bit of pointer play to avoid repeated calls to slRemoveEl
             *prevNextPtr = thisHic->next; // set prev element's next to the following element
             slAddHead(&filteredOut, thisHic);
             thisHic = *prevNextPtr; // restore thisHic to point to the next element
     if (sameString(drawMode, HIC_DRAW_MODE_ARC))
         // we omit self-interactions in arc mode (they'd just be weird vertical lines)
         if (sameString(thisHic->sourceChrom, thisHic->targetChrom) &&
                 (thisHic->sourceStart == thisHic->targetStart))
             thisHic = thisHic->next;
     countsCopy[filtNumRecords++] = thisHic->value;
     // Calculate the track draw height required to see this item
     int leftx = max(thisHic->chromStart, winStart);
     int rightx = min(thisHic->chromEnd, winEnd);
     double thisHeight = scaleForWindow(insideWidth, winStart, winEnd)*(rightx - leftx)/2.0; // triangle or arc
     if (sameString(drawMode,HIC_DRAW_MODE_SQUARE))
         thisHeight = scaleForWindow(insideWidth, winStart, winEnd)*(winEnd-winStart); // square - always draw the full square
     if (thisHeight > tg->maxRange)
         tg->maxRange = thisHeight;
     prevNextPtr = &thisHic->next;
     thisHic = thisHic->next;
 if (filteredOut != NULL)
 // Heuristic for auto-scaling the color gradient based on the scores in view - draw the max color value
 // at or above 2*median score.
 if (filtNumRecords > 0)
     tg->graphUpperLimit = 2.0*doubleMedian(filtNumRecords, countsCopy);
     tg->graphUpperLimit = 0.0;
 if (countsCopy != NULL)
 tg->items = hicItems;
 void hicLoadItems(struct track *tg)
 /* Load Hi-C items in (mostly) interact format */
 char *filename = trackDbSettingOrDefault(tg->tdb, "bigDataUrl", NULL);
 if (filename == NULL)
 if (tg->customPt == NULL)
     tg->customPt = grabHeader(tg);
     struct track *hicInNextWindow = tg->nextWindow;
     while (hicInNextWindow != NULL)
         // pre-cache the hic header info; no reason to re-fetch
         hicInNextWindow->customPt = tg->customPt;
         hicInNextWindow = hicInNextWindow->nextWindow;
 if (tg->customPt == NULL)
 Color *colorSetForHic(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg, int bucketCount)
 /* Create the gradient color array for drawing a Hi-C heatmap */
 struct rgbColor rgbLow;
 char *lowColorText = hicUiFetchBgColor(cart, tg->tdb); // This is an HTML color like #ffed02
 unsigned lowRgbVal = 0;
 if (!htmlColorForCode(lowColorText, &lowRgbVal))
     warn("Bad RGB background color value %s for track %s", lowColorText, tg->track);
     return NULL;
 int r, g, b;
 htmlColorToRGB(lowRgbVal, &r, &g, &b);
 rgbLow.r=(unsigned char)r;
 rgbLow.g=(unsigned char)g;
 rgbLow.b=(unsigned char)b;
 struct rgbColor rgbHigh;
 char *highColorText = hicUiFetchDrawColor(cart, tg->tdb); // This is an HTML color like #ffed02
 unsigned highRgbVal = 0;
 if (!htmlColorForCode(highColorText, &highRgbVal))
     warn("Bad RGB color value %s for track %s", highColorText, tg->track);
     return NULL;
 htmlColorToRGB(highRgbVal, &r, &g, &b);
 rgbHigh.r=(unsigned char)r;
 rgbHigh.g=(unsigned char)g;
 rgbHigh.b=(unsigned char)b;
 Color *colorIxs = NULL;
 AllocArray(colorIxs, bucketCount);
 hvGfxMakeColorGradient(hvg, &rgbLow, &rgbHigh, bucketCount, colorIxs);
 return colorIxs;
 double getHicMaxScore(struct track *tg)
 /* Return the score at which we should reach the maximum intensity color. */
 if (hicUiFetchAutoScale(cart, tg->tdb))
     return tg->graphUpperLimit;
     return hicUiFetchMaxValue(cart, tg->tdb);
 void calcItemLeftRightBoundaries(int *leftStart, int *leftEnd, int *rightStart, int *rightEnd,
         int binSize, struct interact *hicItem)
 *leftStart = hicItem->sourceStart - winStart;
 *leftEnd = *leftStart + binSize;
 *rightStart = hicItem->targetStart - winStart;
 *rightEnd = *rightStart + binSize;
 if (*leftStart < 0)
     *leftStart = 0;
 if (*leftEnd > winEnd-winStart)
     *leftEnd = winEnd-winStart;
 if (*rightStart < 0)
     *rightStart = 0;
 if (*rightEnd > winEnd-winStart)
     *rightEnd = winEnd-winStart;
 static void drawHicTriangle(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw a list of Hi-C interactions in a triangle */
 double xScale = scaleForWindow(width, seqStart, seqEnd);
 double yScale = xScale;
 int maxHeight = tg->height;
 struct interact *hicItem = NULL;
 struct hicMeta *hicFileInfo = (struct hicMeta*)tg->customPt;
 int binSize = hicUiFetchResolutionAsInt(cart, tg->tdb, hicFileInfo, winEnd-winStart);
+boolean invert = hicUiFetchInverted(cart, tg->tdb);
 yScale *= hicSqueezeFactor(vis);
 double maxScore = getHicMaxScore(tg);
 Color *colorIxs = colorSetForHic(hvg, tg, HIC_SCORE_BINS+1);
 if (colorIxs == NULL)
     return; // something went wrong with colors
 for (hicItem = (struct interact *)tg->items; hicItem; hicItem = hicItem->next)
     int leftStart, leftEnd, rightStart, rightEnd;
     calcItemLeftRightBoundaries(&leftStart, &leftEnd, &rightStart, &rightEnd, binSize, hicItem);
     int colorIx;
     if (hicItem->value > maxScore)
         colorIx = colorIxs[HIC_SCORE_BINS];
         colorIx = colorIxs[(int)(HIC_SCORE_BINS * hicItem->value/maxScore)];
     // adding four polygon points for a diamond, based on the starts and ends of the source and target coordinate ranges.
     struct gfxPoly *diamond = gfxPolyNew();
     // left point of the diamond
     double x = xScale * (leftStart+rightStart)/2.0;
     double y = yScale * (rightStart-leftStart)/2.0;
-    gfxPolyAddPoint(diamond, (int)x+xOff, maxHeight-(int)y+yOff);
+    if (!invert)
+        y = maxHeight-(int)y;
+    gfxPolyAddPoint(diamond, (int)x+xOff, (int)y+yOff);
     // top point of the diamond
     x = xScale * (leftStart+rightEnd)/2.0;
     y = yScale * (rightEnd-leftStart)/2.0;
-    gfxPolyAddPoint(diamond, (int)x+xOff, maxHeight-(int)y+yOff);
+    if (!invert)
+        y = maxHeight-(int)y;
+    gfxPolyAddPoint(diamond, (int)x+xOff, (int)y+yOff);
     // right point of the diamond
     x = xScale * ((leftEnd + rightEnd)/2.0);
     y = yScale * (rightEnd-leftEnd)/2.0;
-    gfxPolyAddPoint(diamond, (int)x+xOff, maxHeight-(int)y+yOff);
+    if (!invert)
+        y = maxHeight-(int)y;
+    gfxPolyAddPoint(diamond, (int)x+xOff, (int)y+yOff);
     // bottom point of the diamond
     x = xScale * (leftEnd+rightStart)/2.0;
     y = yScale * (rightStart-leftEnd)/2.0;
-    gfxPolyAddPoint(diamond, (int)x+xOff, maxHeight-(int)y+yOff);
+    if (!invert)
+        y = maxHeight-(int)y;
+    gfxPolyAddPoint(diamond, (int)x+xOff, (int)y+yOff);
     hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, diamond, colorIx, TRUE);
 static void drawHicSquare(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw a Hi-C heatmap as a square */
 double xScale = scaleForWindow(width, seqStart, seqEnd);
 double yScale = xScale;
 int maxHeight = tg->height;
 struct interact *hicItem = NULL;
 struct hicMeta *hicFileInfo = (struct hicMeta*)tg->customPt;
 int binSize = hicUiFetchResolutionAsInt(cart, tg->tdb, hicFileInfo, winEnd-winStart);
+boolean invert = hicUiFetchInverted(cart, tg->tdb);
 if (binSize == 0)
 yScale *= hicSqueezeFactor(vis);
 double maxScore = getHicMaxScore(tg);
 Color *colorIxs = colorSetForHic(hvg, tg, HIC_SCORE_BINS+1);
 if (colorIxs == NULL)
     return; // something went wrong with colors
 for (hicItem = (struct interact *)tg->items; hicItem; hicItem = hicItem->next)
     int leftStart, leftEnd, rightStart, rightEnd;
     calcItemLeftRightBoundaries(&leftStart, &leftEnd, &rightStart, &rightEnd, binSize, hicItem);
     int colorIx;
     if (hicItem->value > maxScore)
         colorIx = colorIxs[HIC_SCORE_BINS];
         colorIx = colorIxs[(int)(HIC_SCORE_BINS * hicItem->value/maxScore)];
     double x = xScale * leftStart;
     double y = yScale * ((winEnd-winStart)-rightStart);
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, (int)x+xOff, maxHeight-(int)y+yOff, (int)(xScale*(leftEnd-leftStart))+1, (int)(yScale*(rightEnd-rightStart))+1, colorIx);
+    y = maxHeight-(int)y;
+    if (invert)  // when inverted, the top left of the box corresponds to rightEnd instead of rightStart
+        y = yScale * ((winEnd-winStart)-rightEnd);
+    hvGfxBox(hvg, (int)x+xOff, (int)y+yOff, (int)(xScale*(leftEnd-leftStart))+1, (int)(yScale*(rightEnd-rightStart))+1, colorIx);
     if (leftStart != rightStart)
         x = xScale * rightStart;
         y = yScale * ((winEnd-winStart)-leftStart);
-        hvGfxBox(hvg, (int)x+xOff, maxHeight-(int)y+yOff, (int)(xScale*(rightEnd-rightStart))+1, (int)(yScale*(leftEnd-leftStart))+1, colorIx);
+        y = maxHeight-(int)y;
+        if (invert)
+            y = yScale * ((winEnd-winStart)-leftEnd);
+        hvGfxBox(hvg, (int)x+xOff, (int)y+yOff, (int)(xScale*(rightEnd-rightStart))+1, (int)(yScale*(leftEnd-leftStart))+1, colorIx);
     // Draw top-left to bottom-right diagonal axis line in black
     int colorIx = hvGfxFindColorIx(hvg, 0, 0, 0);
+    if (invert)  // Draw bottom-left to top-right instead
+        hvGfxLine(hvg, xOff, maxHeight+yOff, ((winEnd-winStart)*xScale)+xOff, yOff, colorIx);
+    else
         hvGfxLine(hvg, xOff, yOff, ((winEnd-winStart)*xScale)+xOff, maxHeight+yOff, colorIx);
 int cmpHicItems(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
 /* Comparison function for sorting Hi-C interactions by score */
 struct interact *item1 = *((struct interact**)elem1);
 struct interact *item2 = *((struct interact**)elem2);
 if (item1->value > item2->value)
     return 1;
 if (item1->value < item2->value)
     return -1;
 return 0;
 static void drawHicArc(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw Hi-C interactions in arc mode */
 double xScale = scaleForWindow(width, seqStart, seqEnd);
 double yScale = xScale;
 int maxHeight = tg->height;
 struct interact *hicItem = NULL;
 struct hicMeta *hicFileInfo = (struct hicMeta*)tg->customPt;
 int binSize = hicUiFetchResolutionAsInt(cart, tg->tdb, hicFileInfo, winEnd-winStart);
+boolean invert = hicUiFetchInverted(cart, tg->tdb);
 if (binSize == 0)
 yScale *= hicSqueezeFactor(vis);
 double maxScore = getHicMaxScore(tg);
 Color *colorIxs = colorSetForHic(hvg, tg, HIC_SCORE_BINS+1);
 if (colorIxs == NULL)
     return; // something went wrong with colors
 slSort(&tg->items, cmpHicItems); // So that the darkest arcs are drawn on top and not lost
 for (hicItem = (struct interact *)tg->items; hicItem; hicItem = hicItem->next)
     int leftStart = hicItem->sourceStart - winStart;
     int leftMidpoint = leftStart + binSize/2;
     int rightStart = hicItem->targetStart - winStart;
     int rightMidpoint = rightStart + binSize/2;
     if ((leftMidpoint < 0) || (leftMidpoint > winEnd-winStart))
         continue;  // skip this item - we'd be drawing to a point off the screen
     if ((rightMidpoint < 0) || (rightMidpoint > winEnd-winStart))
         continue;  // skip this item - we'd be drawing to a point off the screen
     int colorIx;
     if (hicItem->value > maxScore)
         colorIx = colorIxs[HIC_SCORE_BINS];
         colorIx = colorIxs[(int)(HIC_SCORE_BINS * hicItem->value/maxScore)];
     double leftx = xScale * leftMidpoint;
     double rightx = xScale * rightMidpoint;
     double midx = xScale * (rightMidpoint+leftMidpoint)/2.0;
     double midy = yScale * (rightMidpoint-leftMidpoint)/2.0;
+    if (!invert)
+        midy = maxHeight-(int)midy;
     midy *= 1.5; // Heuristic scaling for better use of vertical space
-    hvGfxCurve(hvg, (int)leftx+xOff, maxHeight+yOff, (int)midx+xOff, maxHeight-(int)midy+yOff,
-            (int)rightx+xOff, maxHeight+yOff, colorIx, FALSE);
+    int lefty = maxHeight, righty = maxHeight; // the height of the endpoints
+    if (invert)
+        lefty = righty = 0;
+    hvGfxCurve(hvg, (int)leftx+xOff, lefty+yOff, (int)midx+xOff, midy+yOff,
+            (int)rightx+xOff, righty+yOff, colorIx, FALSE);
 void hicDrawItems(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw a set of Hi-C interactions with the current user settings. */
 char *drawMode = hicUiFetchDrawMode(cart, tg->tdb);
 if (sameString(drawMode,HIC_DRAW_MODE_SQUARE))
     drawHicSquare(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis);
 else if (sameString(drawMode,HIC_DRAW_MODE_TRIANGLE))
     drawHicTriangle(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis);
 else if (sameString(drawMode,HIC_DRAW_MODE_ARC))
     drawHicArc(tg, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis);
     warn ("Unknown draw mode %s for track %s", drawMode, tg->track);
 void doLeftLabelsExceptNot(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd, struct hvGfx *hvg,
                                int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, boolean withCenterLabels,
                                MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* A no-op function. There are no left labels associated with this track type. */
 void hicMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Hi-C track type methods */
 tg->bedSize = 12;
 tg->loadItems = hicLoadItems;
 tg->drawItems = hicDrawItems;
 tg->totalHeight = hicTotalHeight;
 tg->drawLeftLabels = doLeftLabelsExceptNot; // If we don't pretend to do it ourselves, hgTracks tries and fails badly
 tg->mapsSelf = 1;
 void hicCtMethods(struct track *tg)
 /* Hi-C track methods for custom track */