  Mon Jan 9 16:47:40 2023 -0800
add support for curated hubs to hubApi

diff --git src/hg/lib/hubConnect.c src/hg/lib/hubConnect.c
index c7383fa..b3d5891 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hubConnect.c
+++ src/hg/lib/hubConnect.c
@@ -973,46 +973,74 @@
                 genome->name = cloneString(buffer);
                 // if our new database is an undecorated db, decorate it
                 if (*newDatabase && sameString(*newDatabase, name))
                     *newDatabase = cloneString(buffer);
 return added;
+static char *getCuratedHubPrefix()
+/* figure out what sandbox we're in. */
+char *curatedHubPrefix = cfgOption("curatedHubPrefix");
+if (isEmpty(curatedHubPrefix))
+    curatedHubPrefix = "public";
-boolean hubConnectIsCurated(char *db)
-/* Look in the dbDb table to see if this hub is curated. */
+return curatedHubPrefix;
+boolean hubConnectGetCuratedUrl(char *db, char **hubUrl)
+/* Check to see if this db is a curated hub and if so return its hubUrl */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 char query[4096];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "SELECT nibPath from %s where name = '%s' AND nibPath like '%s%%'",
           dbDbTable(), db, hubCuratedPrefix);
 char *dir = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
 boolean ret = !isEmpty(dir);
+if (hubUrl != NULL) // if user passed in hubUrl, calculate what it should be
+    {
+    *hubUrl = NULL;
+    if (!isEmpty(dir))   // this is a curated hub
+        {
+        char *path = dir + sizeof(hubCuratedPrefix) - 1;
+        char url[4096];
+        safef(url, sizeof url, "%s/%s/hub.txt", path, getCuratedHubPrefix());
+        *hubUrl = cloneString(url);
+        }
+    }
 return ret;
+boolean hubConnectIsCurated(char *db)
+/* Look in the dbDb table to see if this hub is curated. */
+return hubConnectGetCuratedUrl(db, NULL);
 char *dbOveride;  // communicate with the web front end if we load a hub to support db cgivar. */
 static int lookForCuratedHubs(struct cart *cart, char *db,  char *curatedHubPrefix)
 /* Check to see if db is a curated hub which will require the hub to be attached. 
  * The variable curatedHubPrefix has the release to use (alpha, beta, public, or a user name ) */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 char query[4096];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "SELECT nibPath from %s where name = '%s' AND nibPath like '%s%%'",
           dbDbTable(), db, hubCuratedPrefix);
 char *dir = cloneString(sqlQuickString(conn, query));
 if (!isEmpty(dir))
@@ -1037,33 +1065,31 @@
             errAbort("Hub error: url %s: error  %s.", url, status->errorMessage);
             errAbort("Cannot open hub %s.", url);
 return 0;
 char *hubConnectLoadHubs(struct cart *cart)
 /* load the track data hubs.  Set a static global to remember them */
 int newCuratedHubId = 0;
 char *dbSpec = cartOptionalString(cart, "db");
-char *curatedHubPrefix = cfgOption("curatedHubPrefix");
-if (isEmpty(curatedHubPrefix))
-    curatedHubPrefix = "public";
+char *curatedHubPrefix = getCuratedHubPrefix();
 if (dbSpec != NULL)
     newCuratedHubId = lookForCuratedHubs(cart, trackHubSkipHubName(dbSpec), curatedHubPrefix);
 char *newDatabase = checkForNew( cart);
 newDatabase = asmAliasFind(newDatabase);
 if (newCuratedHubId)
     newDatabase = dbOveride;
 cartSetString(cart, hgHubConnectRemakeTrackHub, "on");
 struct hubConnectStatus  *hubList =  hubConnectStatusListFromCart(cart);
 char *genarkPrefix = cfgOption("genarkHubPrefix");
 if (genarkPrefix && lookForLonelyHubs(cart, hubList, &newDatabase, genarkPrefix))
     hubList = hubConnectStatusListFromCart(cart);
 globalHubList = hubList;